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In two experiments coupling between dorsal attentional selection for action and ventral attentional selection for perception during preparation of prehension movements was examined. In a dual-task paradigm subjects had to grasp an X-shaped object with either the left or the right hand's thumb and index finger. Simultaneously a discrimination task was used to measure visual attention prior to the execution of the prehension movements: Mask items transiently changed into distractors or discrimination targets. There was exactly one discrimination target per trial, which appeared at one of the four branch ends of the object. In Experiment 1 target position varied randomly while in Experiment 2 it was constant and known to subjects in each block of trials. In both experiments discrimination performance was significantly better for discrimination target positions at to-be-grasped branch ends than for not-to-be-grasped branch ends. We conclude that during preparation of prehension movements visual attention is largely confined to those parts of an object that will be grasped.  相似文献   

According to theories of emotion and attention, we are predisposed to orient rapidly toward threat. However, previous examination of attentional cueing by threat showed no enhanced capture at brief durations, a finding that may be related to the sensitivity of the manual response measure used. Here we investigated the time course of orienting attention toward fearful faces in the exogenous cueing task. Cue duration (20 ms or 100 ms) and response mode (saccadic or manual) were manipulated. In the saccade mode, both enhanced attentional capture and impaired disengagement from fearful faces were evident and limited to 20 ms, suggesting that saccadic cueing effects emerge rapidly and are short lived. In the manual mode, fearful faces impacted only upon the disengagement component of attention at 100 ms, suggesting that manual cueing effects emerge over longer periods of time. Importantly, saccades could reveal threat biases at brief cue durations consistent with current theories of emotion and attention.  相似文献   

孙俊才  石荣 《心理学报》2017,(2):155-163
研究采用双选择Oddball范式和线索-靶子范式,并结合眼动技术,以微笑、哭泣和中性表情面孔为刺激材料,综合考察哭泣表情面孔在识别和解离过程中的注意偏向。研究发现:在识别阶段,哭泣表情面孔的识别正确率和反应速度都显著优于微笑表情面孔,进一步的兴趣区注视偏向分析发现,哭泣和微笑表情面孔的注视模式既具有一致的规律,又存在细微的差异;在解离阶段,返回抑制受线索表情类型的影响,在有效线索条件下,哭泣表情线索呈现后个体对目标刺激的平均注视时间和眼跳潜伏期都显著短于其它表情线索。表明哭泣表情面孔在识别和解离过程中具有不同的注意偏向表现,在识别阶段表现为反应输出优势和注视模式上的一致性与差异性;在解离阶段表现为有效线索条件下,对目标刺激定位和视觉加工的促进作用。  相似文献   

Exposure duration and sequential redundancy are major determinants of report accuracy for textual displays. Increased emission of left-to-right saccades to both word strings and letter strings are associated with sequential redundancy. Such saccades are more frequent when words rather than pseudowords are viewed. The pattern of scanning is not simply left to right, and certain patterns of eye movements are associated positively with accuracy of report. These are a function of the sequential constraints of the display and are stronger for word strings than for letter strings. Presence of a word elicits more left-to-right saccades than does a pseudoword, even at exposures too short for a second fixation to be useful. In that case, there is no difference between redundant and nonredundant pseudowords. There is no redundancy effect at short exposures of pseudosentences.  相似文献   

Saccadic eye movements are made at least 100,000 times each day. It is well known that sensitivity to visual input is suppressed during saccades; recent evidence suggests that some kinds of information processing are suppressed as well. Suppression during saccades implies that processing occurs discretely (during eye fixations only), rather than continuously (during both fixations and saccades). We examined this issue in the context of the Posner and Snyder (1975) primed letter-matching task. We found that a prime viewed in one fixation had a larger influence on targets viewed in a second fixation when a long rather than a short saccade separated the two fixations. This result demonstrates that at least some information processing occurs during saccades.  相似文献   

Figure-ground, that is the segmentation of visual information into objects and their surrounding backgrounds, provides structure for visual attention. Recent evidence shows a novel role of vergence eye movements in visual attention. In the present work, vergence responses during figure-ground segregation tasks are psychophysically investigated. We show that during a figure-ground detection task, subjects convergence their eyes. Vergence eye movements are larger in figure trials than in ground trials. In detected figures trials, vergence are stronger than in trials where the figure went unnoticed. Moreover in figure trials, vergence responses are stronger to low-contrast figures than to high-contrast figures. We argue that these discriminative vergence responses have a role in figure-ground.  相似文献   

When 2 targets for pursuit eye movements move in different directions, the eye velocity follows the vector average (S. G. Lisberger & V. P. Ferrera, 1997). The present study investigates the mechanisms of target selection when observers are instructed to follow a predefined horizontal target and to ignore a moving distractor stimulus. Results show that at 140 ms after distractor onset, horizontal eye velocity is decreased by about 25%. Vertical eye velocity increases or decreases by 1 degrees /s in the direction opposite from the distractor. This deviation varies in size with distractor direction, velocity, and contrast. The effect was present during the initiation and steady-state tracking phase of pursuit but only when the observer had prior information about target motion. Neither vector averaging nor winner-take-all models could predict the response to a moving to-be-ignored distractor during steady-state tracking of a predefined target. The contributions of perceptual mislocalization and spatial attention to the vertical deviation in pursuit are discussed.  相似文献   

Eye movements were monitored during the reading of spatially transformed text in order to examine covert attentional processes in reading. In some conditions, the sequence of letters within a word was congruent with (i.e. in the same direction as) the sequence of words in the sentence; in other conditions the direction of letters within words and the direction of words in the sentence were incongruent. In addition, the window of visible text was varied so that in some conditions only the fixated word (and all preceding words) were visible, whereas in other conditions the fixated word and the succeeding word were both visible. Readers were able to extract more parafoveal information from text when the words themselves were normal than when the letters within the words were transformed. However, with practice, readers were able to use some parafoveal information even when the words were transformed. The most important finding was that the congruity of the word and letter order had no reliable effect on the ability to extract parafoveal information and influenced reading performance only when the words themselves were normal. We conclude that covert attention in reading is not a letter-by-letter scan that sweeps across the page, but either an asymmetric spotlight held constant on each fixation or a shifting of an attentional spotlight extending across multiletter units (possibly words) with the direction of shifts of attention closely coupled to the direction of eye movements.  相似文献   

In two experiments, we explored how readers encode information that is linguistically focused. Subjects read sentences in which a word or phrase was focused by a syntactic manipulation (Experiment 1) or by a preceding context (Experiment 2) while their eye movements were monitored. Readers had longer reading times while reading a region of the sentence that was focused than when the same region was not focused. The results suggest that readers encode focused information more carefully, either upon first encountering it or during a second-pass reading of it. We conclude that the enhanced memory representations for focused information found in previous studies may be due in part to differences in reading patterns for focused information.  相似文献   

In this paper we reconsider the question of vision during eye movements using a novel display procedure which guarantees that the eye was not stopped at any time during the eye movement. The results of our experiment lead us to conclude that true “saccadic suppression,” is a most elusive phenomenon. Furthermore, a brief analysis of the optics of the eye movement suggests that a substantial amount the elevation of visual threshold during eye movements can be attributed to simple retinal smear if one acknowledges the dominating importance of edge effects in visual threshold measurements.  相似文献   

The question of whether an afterimage viewed in a dark field appears to move during eye movement was studied by comparing recordings of eye movements with recordings of reports of perceived movement. The correlation was found to be quite good even under conditions where the eye movements were spontaneous rather than specifically directed. The results were taken to support the hypothesis that the behavior of the retinal image is “interpreted” by taking into account information concerning what the eyes are doing.  相似文献   

The gaze movements accompanying target localization were examined via human observers and a computational model (target acquisition model [TAM]). Search contexts ranged from fully realistic scenes to toys in a crib to Os and Qs, and manipulations included set size, target eccentricity, and target-distractor similarity. Observers and the model always previewed the same targets and searched identical displays. Behavioral and simulated eye movements were analyzed for acquisition accuracy, efficiency, and target guidance. TAM's behavior generally fell within the behavioral mean's 95% confidence interval for all measures in each experiment/condition. This agreement suggests that a fixed-parameter model using spatiochromatic filters and a simulated retina, when driven by the correct visual routines, can be a good general-purpose predictor of human target acquisition behavior.  相似文献   

The perception of motion during colinear eye movements   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

People are unable to perform some, but not all, cognitive tasks while moving their eyes. A possible common denominator among disrupted processes is the use of attention. The present research proposes and tests an attentional suppression hypothesis to evaluate this claim. This hypothesis states that because attention is obligatorily allocated to a to-be-fixated location prior to the onset of a saccade, during saccadic events attentional resources are unavailable to direct processing associated with higher order cognitive tasks. Subjects were engaged in a task that combined saccades and shifts of attention across global and local levels of hierarchical figures. When the eyes did not move, this shift took place between stimulus presentations. When saccades intervened between the stimuli, the global-local shifts of attention were interrupted, suggesting that saccades suppress cognitive processes requiring attention.  相似文献   

Summary 1. The persistence of visual perception was investigated under conditions of visual fixation as well as eye movement. The Ss' task was to discriminate brief double light impulses; their responses were recorded as a function of the duration of the interstimulus interval. Based on these data the critical interstimulus interval was calculated, which yielded equal response frequencies for the perception of one or two stimuli upon presentation of double light pulses.2. In the condition of visual fixation the two stimuli could not be discriminated until the mean value of interstimulus interval exceeded 73 msec. In the condition with eye movements, when the first stimulus was presented in the parafoveal region of the retina before the beginning of the saccade and the second stimulus in the foveal region just after termination of the eye movement, this duration was shown to be statistically of the same magnitude (76 msec).3. Possible alternative interpretations of this latter result, e.g., that it could be explained in terms of masking or saccadic suppression rather than visual persistence was discussed; it was attempted to invalidate such explanations by means of three control experiments.4. The main result, the persistence of visual perception during voluntary eye movements, was discussed in relation to the problem of spatial and temporal stability of visual perception.I thank Prof. Dr. H.W. Wendt for support in correcting the English translation.  相似文献   

We examined whether mental rotation is suppressed during saccadic eye movements. Subjects judged whether a character was normal or mirror-reversed while making no, short, or long saccades. Reaction time was longer under saccade than under no-saccade conditions and was longer when a long saccade rather than a short saccade was made, but only when the characters varied in orientation. These results indicate that mental rotation is suppressed during saccadic eye movements. The implications for theories of cognitive suppression during saccades are discussed.  相似文献   

Visual short-term memory (VSTM) was probed while observers performed smooth pursuit eye movements. Smooth pursuit keeps a moving object stabilized in the fovea. VSTM capacity for position was reduced during smooth pursuit compared with a condition with eye fixation. There was no difference between a condition in which the items were approximately stabilized on the retina because they moved with the pursuit target and a condition in which the items moved across the retina because they were stationary in space. The reduction of capacity for position was eliminated when miniature items were presented on the pursuit target. Similarly, VSTM capacity for color did not differ between smooth pursuit and fixation. The results suggest that visuospatial attention is tied to the target during smooth pursuit, which impairs VSTM for the position of peripheral objects. Sensory memory during smooth pursuit was only slightly impaired.  相似文献   

Three experiments explored whether patterns of eye movements during reading might help explain syntactic prominence effects that are typically observed using reaction time tasks. Participants read sentences in which target words were in syntactically prominent or syntactically less prominent positions. Across all three experiments, using three types of syntactic prominence manipulations, there were fewer fixations and shorter reading times for words in more prominent positions, indicating that enhanced accessibility of syntactically prominent words is not caused by increased processing time. Rather, syntactic prominence appears to facilitate early encoding/lexical access and sentence integration processes while also, as shown previously, increasing activation of concepts in a comprehender’s sentence or discourse representation. We propose that enhanced encoding and sentence integration processes can be attributed to an increase in attentional resources for more prominent concepts, and that this increase derives from readers’ immediate sensitivity to informational prominence contours that are signaled by syntax.  相似文献   

We report an eye movement experiment investigating whether prior processing of a word’s orthographic neighbor in a sentence influences subsequent word processing during reading. There was greater difficulty in early word processing when a target word’s neighbor rather than a control word appeared earlier in a sentence; this effect was uninfluenced by the relative lexical frequency of the word and its neighbor. We discuss this inhibitory neighbor priming effect in terms of competitive network models of word recognition and the process of lexical identification in the E-Z Reader model of oculomotor control (e.g., Reichle, Pollatsek, Fisher, & Rayner, 1998).  相似文献   

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