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The effects of electromyographic (EMG) biofeedback on reaction time (RT) and movement time (MT) were investigated utilizing 42 right-handed, male subjects from a university population. Subjects were randomly divided into three groups, a control group and two experimental groups. Both experimental groups were exposed to their EMG signals from their triceps brachii during the task, one experimental group received written information explaining the purpose of the EMG was to improve performance through biofeedback. Reaction times of the first block of 25 trials were significantly faster than those on the subsequent three blocks of trials for all groups. This provided evidence of learning. No other significant effects for reaction times were observed. Mean movement time for the EMG-only group was significantly slower than the means of either the Control group or EMG-Biofeedback group, with no difference between the latter two. The differences between experimental groups may have been related to alteration of strategy, anxiety, motivation.  相似文献   

The relationship between the rate of force development and components of fractionated reaction time were investigated in the present study. Subjects (N=9) were administered extensive practice before being required to produce 98N of isometric force on a hand dynamometer at a maximal rate, at 20% slower than maximal, and at 40% slower than maximal. Repeated measures analysis of variance followed by non-orthogonal Dunn planned comparisons demonstrated that pre-motor time and reaction time increased as similar peak forces were produced over longer durations. No significant differences in motor times were revealed. These data suggested that the manner in which force is expressed relates to the complexity of motor programming. The increased requirement of coordinating alpha-gamma coactivation, as well as the increased need for rate coding as a process underlying force development at slower contraction rates, are discussed in relation to programming complexity.  相似文献   

To resolve certain empirical and theoretical difficulties concerning, primarily, the significance of phasic heart-rate deceleration prior to reaction signals, 48 children were employed to perform in simple reaction-time tasks while speed, heart rate, head movement, gross movement, and blink activity were recorded. The indeory intervals and level of incentives. Reaction time varied with incentive, with preparatory interval and mode of presentation. Phasic heart-rate deceleration varied with the intervals but not incentive or mode of presentation. There was little relation between deceleration and RT. Heart rate and somatic movement measures (especially of blinking) were roughly concordant at a group level but did not correlate.  相似文献   

Effects of alcohol and practice on choice reaction time   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Surface EMG enabled fractionation of a simple hand grip total reaction time into peripheral and central processing components (motor time and premotor time respectively). Changes in reaction time components were investigated in 12 female intercollegiate swimmers (bilateral athletes) and 12 female intercollegiate tennis players (unilateral athletes) following a 48% strength decrement induced by serial maximal voluntary isometric contractions (5 sec in duration). Despite significantly greater strength in the dominant arm than in the nondominant arm, there was no difference in fatigue effects between arms. Fatigue increased the premotor component of reaction time significantly, and indirectly the total reaction time, but the motor time remained essentially constant regardless of the type of previous athletic training. This indicated that fatigue impaired central nervous system or myoneural-junction operations rather than the intramuscular ability to initiate force.  相似文献   

Abstract: An experiment was conducted to examine the effects of time uncertainty and instructed muscle tension on the reaction time of elbow flexion. Twenty-two right-handed subjects were asked to respond to an audio stimulus by flexing their right elbow under four conditions (2 time uncertainty × 2 instructed muscle tension). Electromyograms (EMGs) were recorded from the biceps and triceps on the subject's right side. Reaction time was divided into premotor time and motor time, based on the difference between the EMG and elbow flexion response. Analysis of reaction time showed that the effects of time uncertainty and instructed muscle tension were additive. Time uncertainty affected premotor time only, and instructed muscle tension affected motor time only. These results are discussed in terms of the assumption that premotor time is a reflection of the central nervous system and motor time is a reflection to the peripheral muscle system.  相似文献   

This study assessed the effects of variations in signal rise-decay time on response latencies to the onset and cessation of a 1,000-Hz tone. Onset and offset reactions were combined factorially with five rates of signal rise-decay (0.5, 5, 25, 100, and 250 msec) to produce a total of 10 experimental conditions. Offset RTs were significantly longer than onset RTs when the rise-decay time of the tone was 250 msec. Disparities in speed of reaction to tone onset and cessation were negligible at the remaining rates of signal rise-decay.  相似文献   

Auditory redundancy gains were assessed in two experiments in which a simple reaction time task was used. In each trial, an auditory stimulus was presented to the left ear, to the right ear, or simultaneously to both ears. The physical difference between auditory stimuli presented to the two ears was systematically increased across experiments. No redundancy gains were observed when the stimuli were identical pure tones or pure tones of different frequencies (Experiment 1). A clear redundancy gain and evidence of coactivation were obtained, however, when one stimulus was a pure tone and the other was white noise (Experiment 2). Experiment 3 employed a two-alternative forced choice localization task and provided evidence that dichotically presented pure tones of different frequencies are apparently integrated into a single percept, whereas a pure tone and white noise are not fused. The results extend previous findings of redundancy gains and coactivation with visual and bimodal stimuli to the auditory modality. Furthermore, at least within this modality, the results indicate that redundancy gains do not emerge when redundant stimuli are integrated into a single percept.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted in an attempt to assess the effectiveness of a warning signal in reducing reaction time when (1) the signal to respond (danger signal) follows the warning signal with a probability less than 1.0, and (2) the interval between warning and danger signals (W-D interval) is variable. The required response was the depression of a foot pedal, as in automobile braking. It was determined that probabilistic warning information could be effective if observers made use of the W-D interval to prepare to make the response required by the danger signal. It was noted, however, that observers differed considerably in their tendency to do this. A model was proposed for describing different response strategies.  相似文献   

Pigeons pecked at one of two black forms, “+” or “O,” either of which could appear alone on a white computer monitor screen. In baseline series of sessions, each form appeared equally often, and two pecks at it produced food reinforcement on 10% of trials. Test series varied the relative probability or duration of reinforcement or frequency of appearance of the targets. Peck reaction times, measured from target onset to the first peck, were found to vary as a function of reinforcement probability but not as a function of relative target frequency or of reinforcement duration. Reaction times to the two targets remained approximately equal as long as the probability of reinforcement, per trial, was equal for the targets, even if the relative frequency of the targets differed by as much as 19 to 1. The results address issues raised in visual search experiments and indicate that attentional priming is unimportant when targets are easy to detect. The results also suggest that equalizing reinforcement probability per trial for all targets removes differential reinforcement as an important variable. That reaction time was sensitive to the probability but not the duration of reinforcement raises interesting questions about the processes reflected in reaction time compared with rate as a response measure.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined the effect of altering the moment of inertia within an anatomical unit on simple reaction time (SRT), premotor time (PMT), and motor time (MOT) during the initiation of a discrete rapid movement. In Experiment 1 (N = 14), moment of inertia of the forearm was increased with the addition of a weighted cuff fastened around the wrist. In Experiment 2 (N = 7), moment of inertia was altered by the addition of a weighted sleeve to the index finger prior to rapid extension of the digit. Results from both experiments were unequivocal. An increase in the moment of inertia resulted in a significant increase in SRT and MOT but had no significant effect on PMT. Within selected anatomical unites (forearm and index finger), an increase in the moment of inertia does not appear to require additional neuromotor programming time but does influence the overall duration of response initiation.  相似文献   

Both mean reaction time (RT) and detection rate (DR) are important measures for assessing the amount of multisensory interaction occurring in crossmodal experiments, but they are often applied separately. Here we demonstrate that measuring multisensory performance using either RT or DR alone misses out on important information. We suggest an integration of RT and DR into a single measure of multisensory performance: the first index (MRE*) is based on an arithmetic combination of RT and DR, the second (MPE) is constructed from parameters derived from fitting a sequential sampling model to RT and DR data simultaneously. Our approach is illustrated by data from two audio–visual experiments. In the first, a redundant targets detection experiment using stimuli of different intensity, both measures yield similar pattern of results supporting the “principle of inverse effectiveness”. The second experiment, introducing stimulus onset asynchrony and differing instructions (focused attention vs. redundant targets task) further supports the usefulness of both indices. Statistical properties of both measures are investigated via bootstrapping procedures.  相似文献   

Vertical letter pairs were presented randomly in the left and right visual hemifields in a physical identity match and name identity match condition. The reaction times showed a right visual field superiority for name matches, and a left visual field superiority for physical matches. Event-related potentials to letter pairs showed a sequence of three waves: a negative wave (N2, around 270 msec), a positive wave (P3, around 500 msec), and a broad positive slow wave (SW, around 600-700 msec), respectively. P3 and SW amplitudes were consistently larger at the left hemisphere than at the right hemisphere, regardless of the field of stimulation. At both hemispheres, N2 waves were always larger to stimuli presented in the visual field contralateral to a hemisphere than stimuli presented in the visual field ipsilateral to a hemisphere. The positive waves (P3, SW) showed the opposite pattern: smaller amplitudes to stimuli that were presented contralaterally than stimuli that were presented ipsilaterally to a given hemisphere. These results were attributed to a shift in sustained negativity on the directly stimulated hemisphere, relative to the indirectly stimulated hemisphere, reflecting either sensory at attentional processes in the posterior cerebral hemispheres.  相似文献   

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