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从中国古代医者的行医事迹、著作来探寻中国的医者是否在行医过程当中勤守医者的本份,也即类似原则思维的表现.虽然中国古代并没有"医学伦理"这个名词,但从历代具有代表性之医者身上发现,其实在中国古代医者的行医事迹当中,就表现出类似的医学伦理情操.因之,医学伦理原则是俱普世价值的,也即世界上有所谓的共同道德存在.  相似文献   

医乃仁术:中国医学职业伦理的基本原则   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
中国古代医学道德具有悠久的传统和独特的价值体系。中国医学史上著名的“医乃仁术”的命题,充分体现了医疗实践的伦理价值。它不仅反映了医学技术是“生生之具、活人之术”,而且也表达了中国古代医生的道德信念,即通过行医施药来实现仁爱爱人。济世救人的理想。中国传统医学十分重视医学的伦理价值,“医乃仁术”被普遍信奉为职业伦理原则。然而,尽管历代医家也提出过一些医学伦理准则和规范,但并未形成一个类似于西方医学史上“希波克拉底誓词”那样具有普遍约束力的、公认的誓言和准则。“医乃仁术”的普遍原则更多的是体现在强调医…  相似文献   

关注了在医疗实践中医者的不良伦理反应,分析了主要原因,提出了从医者的伦理选择:医者要深刻认识到医德是和谐医惠的保障;重温医学伦理经典,重建医学中技术与人文的平衡;以人性化管理医院;注重他律等.最终要建立一支具有"人的温度"的医疗队伍.  相似文献   

践行《希波克拉底誓言》与"医家五戒十要"的终极目标是医学应当,医学伦理根基是将病人的利益置于首位。两者应当传承的内涵是,把"病人的利益放在首位"的医学理性精神和人道、善良行医的本色和排除杂念的纯洁的行医风格。两者殊途同归,恪守善良行医、医者仁心,守护医学人道主义。  相似文献   

"果报观"与中国传统医学伦理道德   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
选取因果报应观念促进中国古代医者道德行为做为考察对象,细致展示其在医学领域中所进行地一系列文本建构.透过这些历史文献的解读,观察"果报观"如何嵌入到中国传统医学伦理道德体系之中.结合古代社会情境,透析其思想来源,探究其在古代医学伦理道德体系中得以凸显的原因,从而汲取出有益于中国医学伦理道德提升的历史经验.  相似文献   

践行《希波克拉底誓言》与“医家五戒十要”的终极目标是医学应当,医学伦理根基是将病人的利益置于首位.两者应当传承的内涵是,把“病人的利益放在首位”的医学理性精神和人道、善良行医的本色和排除杂念的纯洁的行医风格.两者殊途同归,恪守善良行医、医者仁心,守护医学人道主义.  相似文献   

"孝"是中国传统社会的伦理觉悟,也是中国社会发生最早的伦理启蒙,从孝慈伦理,到"孝"治天下,再到老吾老以及人之老的大同理想,其文明精髓是追求人的终极关怀。当代中国社会的重大难题之一是"超载老龄化",它使原有的家庭-社会-国家伦理实体的有机体系面临解构,老龄人难以透过"孝"的自然伦理安全系统达到伦理上的终极回归,因而难以完成伦理型文化背景下对生命的终极关怀,即终极伦理关怀。老龄化社会期待孝道伦理的新启蒙,在孝道传统的回归和创新性发展中学会对生命的终极关怀,学会伦理地思考。  相似文献   

针对当代城市设计理论对"什么是一个好的城市设计"缺乏深入反思,忽视对城市设计价值基础进行较为系统的研究,以及我国城市设计实践中存在的价值失序现象,探讨了城市设计的伦理之维。分析作为一种伦理行为的城市设计,反映的是城市设计蕴含的伦理因素及其与伦理学的内在相关性。总结城市设计学者提出的好的城市设计标准,提出具有伦理特质的价值目标主要表现在三个方面,即城市形态人性化、城市环境宜居性和公共空间公平性。在此基础上,提出并阐明了城市设计伦理的基本原则,即公共性原则、以人为本原则和可持续性原则。  相似文献   

本文通过对丧服制度内"父子"关系的分析,指出了中国社会差序格局核心层的一个重要特征,即"慈孝一体"的特征。父对子之"慈",即是对己父之"孝"的体现,这表现为中国人在家庭关系中的行动伦理,也构成了费孝通先生所提出的"反馈模式"的重要基础。此行动伦理以亲亲、尊尊为基本要素,以"仁至义尽"为行动原则,既是中国传统社会人际关系的核心纽带,也在当代社会中发挥着重要作用。  相似文献   

《人体器官移植条例》已经颁布实施,人体器官移植是一种公认的涉及敏感伦理问题的外科手术。通过分析《条例》是否充分体现了国际通行的生命/医学伦理原则,研究了人体器官移植进行进一步伦理规范的必要性,提出了人体器官移植应遵循的具体医学伦理原则。特别强调了其中的"公正"实体原则和"伦理审查"程序原则。  相似文献   

在全球化、多元化背景下,彼彻姆和查瑞斯通过寻找普世原则来容纳道德多元主义和避免道德相对主义,进而为医学伦理学提供一系列清晰、明确、有效的道德规范的努力无疑是可贵的,但其原则主义存在的突出问题是反思平衡方法在实践中不能有效解决根本性的道德冲突。针对这一不足,我们尝试提出解决道德冲突的更有希望的思路。  相似文献   


Nancy Sherman’s book Stoic Warriors provides an interesting reflection on how a modified version of the ancient teachings of stoicism may be applicable to the concerns and needs of the modern military. In the course of her book, she explains different aspects of the Stoic teachings, such as the importance of outward comportment and control of the emotions, and discusses how they might be relevant to the modern military. In this paper I will focus on her discussion of Abu Ghraib and other atrocities such as the My Lai massacre in the Vietnam War. I argue that her analysis of the contributing factors that lead to those abuses demonstrates a lack of understanding of how systematic atrocities come to occur and how military torturers are trained. In this paper I show that systematic torture arises not only out of unrestrained rage and hatred, but through a training process that builds on many of the features of basic military training and, ironically, incorporates many of the techniques of self-control and detachment that are characteristic of stoicism.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to explore whether and, if so, how Jewish teachings influence strictly orthodox Jewish beliefs about depression. The rabbinic literature was searched for Jewish teachings relevant to depression. Ten consenting strictly orthodox Jews were purposively selected and interviewed using a semi-structured interview schedule focussing on their beliefs about causes of and treatments for depression. Thematic analysis was used to analyse transcribed interviews and explore relationships between community beliefs and the Jewish teachings identified in the review. The key themes in both the rabbinic literature and the community included the overriding importance in Judaism of preserving life, using appropriate, acceptable means to do so, and obligations to help others. Contrasts between rabbinic teachings and community beliefs included community concerns about stigma, generally lacking in the rabbinic literature, and greater rabbinic emphasis on spiritual exertion in dealing with depression. Findings could prove useful to those managing depressed, orthodox Jews.  相似文献   

Three studies are reported that explore the impact of Jin‐Shang teachings (a specialized Confucius teaching of trust on business practices) on mainland Chinese people's trust. In Study 1 , we primed Confucius and Jin‐Shang teachings on trust, and compared their effects on trusting tendency to a control prime. We found that these teachings made mainland Chinese participants score higher on three different trusting scales. In Study 2 , we found that the Jin‐Shang prime made mainland Chinese participants invest more money in a trust game than those in the control prime. In Study 3 , we compared the Jin‐Shang prime to Protestant teachings and contemporary writings on reciprocity, and found that only the Jin‐Shang prime induced a significantly higher trusting tendency from Chinese participants than the control condition.  相似文献   

John Teehan 《Zygon》2006,41(3):747-774
Abstract. I propose that religious ethical traditions can be understood as cultural expressions of underlying evolutionary processes. I begin with a discussion of evolutionary theories of morality, specifically kin selection and reciprocal altruism, and then discuss some recent work on the evolution of religion, setting out those features of religion that prepare it to take on a moral function in society. Having established the theoretical framework for the thesis, I turn to a close reading of early Jewish and Christian ethical teachings, as found in the Bible, in order to set out preliminary support for the proposal. My goal is to argue for the plausibility of the thesis and to indicate how, if correct, it provides new insight into Judeo‐Christian moral traditions and into the phenomenon of religious violence. Such an approach to religious ethics has important metaethical implications. In the last section I consider issues such as the foundation of ethics and the possibilities and limitations of a secular ethics.  相似文献   

The fifth edition of Beauchamp and Childress's Principles of Biomedical Ethics is distinguished by its emphatic embrace of common morality as the ultimate source of moral norms. This essay critically evaluates the fifth edition's discussion of common morality and, to a lesser extent, its treatment of coherence (both the model of ethical justification and the associated concept). It is argued that the book is overly accommodating of existing moral beliefs. The paper concludes with three suggestions for improving this leading text.  相似文献   

The Texas Advance Directive Act allows physicians and hospitals to overrule patient or family requests for futile care. Purposefully not defining futility, the law leaves its determination in specific cases to an institutional process. While the law has received several criticisms, it does seem to work constructively in the cases that come to the review process. We introduce a new criticism: While the law has been justified by an appeal to professional values such as avoiding harm to patients, avoiding the provision of unseemly care, and good stewardship of medical resources, it is applied incompletely. It allows physicians and institutional committees to refuse “futile” treatments desired by patients and families while at the same time providing no way of regulating physicians who recommend or even push “futile” treatments in similar cases. In this sense, the TADA is incomplete on its own terms.  相似文献   

Michael J. Reiss 《Zygon》2019,54(3):793-807
How do we and should we decide what is morally right and what is morally wrong? For much of human history, the teachings of religion were presumed to provide either the answer, or much of the answer. Over time, two developments challenged this. The first was the establishment of the discipline of moral philosophy. Foundational texts, such as Immanuel Kant's Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals, and the growth of coherent, nonreligious approaches to ethics, notably utilitarianism, served to marginalize the role of religion. And then, second, the twentieth century saw the rapid growth of evolutionary biology with an enthusiastic presumption that biology was the source of ethics. Here, I begin by discussing these developments and then examine the extent to which religion is still needed for a coherent account of ethics.  相似文献   



This study presents an empirical investigation of the ethical reasoning and ethical issues at stake in the daily work of physicians and molecular biologists in Denmark. The aim of this study was to test empirically whether there is a difference in ethical considerations and principles between Danish physicians and Danish molecular biologists, and whether the bioethical principles of the American bioethicists Tom L. Beauchamp and James F. Childress are applicable to these groups.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the relationship between religious coping style and anxiety related to breast cancer and the use of mammography in a sample of African American women. We also assessed the relationship of breast cancer anxiety to related variables such as church affiliation and attendance, church teachings on health, and acceptance of those teachings.  相似文献   

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