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走入战场的医生与正在进行与军事有关的医学研究的人员应具有的独特伦理准则,是军事医学伦理学研究的核心.但是军事医学伦理的准则始终受到战争的挑战.在新的反恐战争中,西方的军事医学伦理困惑聚增,使这一学科迅速发展并经历激烈争论.我们应关注西方的医学伦理在军事领域的延伸.  相似文献   

战争伦理:一种世界观念   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
战争伦理主要论及战争如何受到道德强制,或者说,它涉及道德的进步如何影响到战争。同时,与人类其他活动相比,战争行为更具国际性,因此,战争伦理作为抑制战争的一种道义力量,也更易成为一种世界观念。可以将战争伦理分为军事伦理、军备伦理、军人伦理三个层面,分别代表基于人、武器以及人与武器相结合而采取的行动———作战之上的伦理规范,它们都是随着时代的发展而发展的。  相似文献   

张峰 《哲学动态》2006,(1):70-71
2005年9月24~25日,来自国内外的著名专家、学者60余人,会聚在北京香山,举行了“高科技时代的伦理困境与对策”国际学术研讨会。会议由北京理工大学人文学院主办。来自中、韩、美等国的学者围绕高科技给当代人类造成的伦理困境与道德冲击等问题进行了深入的探讨和交流。一、军事与国际关系伦理军事与国际关系伦理问题的研讨是本次会议的一个亮点。与会代表对战争伦理是否可能,对超限战的道德评价、高科技战争对战争伦理和国际伦理的冲击、和平利用核能的权利以及人类暴力和攻击性等问题的探讨,都不乏创见。韩国延宕大学的孙兴?(Son Heung-C…  相似文献   

西方国际政治伦理主义是国际关系理论的重要学理价值取向。西方国际政治伦理主义在一战后、冷战时期、冷战后经历了不断的历史演进过程,围绕人性与道德、战争与伦理、人权与正义、生态变迁与伦理法则等国际性问题,展示了独特的伦理关怀精神,极大地丰富了国际关系理论。  相似文献   

网络日益成为国家间军事博弈的新维度。网络空间军事化对经典战争伦理体系造成冲击。当前围绕网络战争的正义性研究,主要聚焦发动网络战争的正当理由、网络反击的相称性问题、网络反击的"归因困境"以及网络武器伦理设计四个方面。随着研究不断深入,未来可能聚焦确立"网络主权"的伦理依据、对网络攻击"可恢复性"的伦理辨析、传统伦理流派与技术设计流派的融合以及实现网络战争的战后正义等研究方向。  相似文献   

“战争的精华 ,却不是在胜利 ,而是在于文化命运的展现”。 (斯宾格勒 ,第 110页。)斯宾格勒评价拿破仑战争的偶心一语 ,把我们对战争、军事活动的理解推向了一个新境界 :当代战争的文化内涵越来越深 ,文化在当代军事活动中的作用愈益重大。而作为文化的核心 ,伦理从来都不是可  相似文献   

科学技术在军事领域的广泛应用,使战争样式发生根本变化的同时,也引发了诸多伦理冲突,深入分析这些冲突,是我们正确面对伦理挑战的前提。本文首先揭示了武器装备伦理的特征,即约束对象的特定性、约束规范的累积递进性和约束效力的软弱性,进而剖析了武器装备伦理的限制、调节与认知功能。  相似文献   

正义的战争与战争的正义——关于战争伦理的反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
战争可以定义为两个或两个以上的国家间的有组织的政治暴力。根据战争的目的、过程和结果,战争伦理大致包括“战争权利伦理”、“战争行为伦理”和“战争责任伦理”三个方面。在战争伦理中最重要的是所谓“正义”问题。“正义”与“非正义”这对概念并非规定战争的客观性质,而是一种煽动人们拥战或反战热情的主观态度和伦理立场的表达。  相似文献   

军事伦理学的提出及其发展,是同军事伦理学本身能否成立的问题直接联系在一起的。尽管迄今为止仍有人认为军事伦理学的存在是不合理的,但客观的研究对象决定了这一学科存在的合理性。 关于军事伦理学是否成立并是否值得研究的问题,是由战争的道德性质引起的。其核心就是战争的正义性及非正义性问题,西方军事伦理学界称之为“正义战争论“(just war theory)的讨论。  相似文献   

军事伦理学在美国已经成为一门比较成熟的学科。综观美国军事伦理研究 ,对我国军事伦理研究有以下启示 :一是研究观念上的启示——确立对西方军事文化的开放心态 ;二是研究范围上的启示——拓展一些新的研究领域 ;三是研究目的上的启示——坚持双重目的的有机统一 ;四是研究机制上的启示——创造良好的研究环境。正确把握在研究上具有启示性的东西 ,对于加强我军道德建设 ,丰富和发展我国军事伦理思想具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Medical ethics prohibits caregivers from discriminating and providing preferential care to their compatriots and comrades. In military medicine, particularly during war and when resources may be scarce, ethical principles may dictate priority care for compatriot soldiers. The principle of nondiscrimination is central to utilitarian and deontological theories of justice, but communitarianism and the ethics of care and friendship stipulate a different set of duties for community members, friends, and family. Similar duties exist among the small cohesive groups that typify many military units. When members of these groups require medical care, there are sometimes moral grounds to treat compatriot soldiers ahead of enemy or allied soldiers regardless of the severity of their respective wounds.  相似文献   

Shlomo Cohen 《Philosophia》2016,44(4):1305-1318
It is widely agreed that deception of the enemy can be morally permissible in war. However, the question of the morally acceptable limits to deception in war has barely been explored in contemporary ethics. This paper defends the thesis that there are no moral limits on military deception per se, that is, no limits based on the ethics of truthfulness. Rather, all moral restriction against deception in war is based on another moral principle: military deception is morally unacceptable only when it violates the principle of not harming those who do not intend to harm us.  相似文献   

This paper explores the question of whether the United Nations should engage in preventive military actions. Correlatively, it asks whether UN preventive military actions could satisfy just war principles. Rather than from the standpoint of the individual nation state, the ethics of preventive war is discussed from the standpoint of the UN. For the sake of brevity, only the legitimate authority, just cause, last resort, and proportionality principles are considered. Since there has been disagreement about the specific content of these principles, a third question also is explored: How should they be formulated? Moreover, these questions are addressed in the context of a particular issue: the goals of the non-proliferation and the abolition of weapons of mass destruction.  相似文献   

医学生之医学伦理素养教育剖辨   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
对医学生加强医学伦理素养教育是当前国内外医学教育的共识,但在教育的内容、方式和方法上却是各具特色.相对而言,我国医学院校对医学生的医学伦理素养教育尚处于不成熟的阶段,其表现就是教育过程中存在着诸多的问题、教学效果不甚理想.从医学伦理素养教育的现状入手,尝试分析我国医学伦理素养教育中的重点和难点问题.  相似文献   

The idea of “just war” is not alien to Chinese thought. The term “yi zhan” (usually translated as “just war” or “righteous war” in English) is used in Mencius, was renewed by Mao Zedong, and is still being used in China today (zhengyi zhanzheng). The best place to start exploring this Chinese idea is in the enormous Art of War corpus in premodern China, of which the Seven Military Classics is the best representative. This set of treatises served as the military bible in imperial China from 1078 CE. Ideas analogous to ius ad bellum and ius in bello can be found in these texts. These norms are present in these military texts, elaborated in subsequent commentaries, understood as a matter of fact in Chinese political history, and recently and briefly acknowledged by a few Chinese military scholars in the mainland and in Taiwan. This Chinese just war ethics has its distinctiveness vis‐à‐vis James Turner Johnson's articulation of the Western classic view. It differs from Johnson's claims that military lethal violence is intrinsically morally neutral and that last resort is not a primary consideration in deciding for war. Contemporary Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) military publications show that the PLA understands the general idea of just war, but they acknowledge only the ad bellum part, not the in bello components.  相似文献   

Abstract: The U.S. government is trying to secure continuing American military and economic supremacy on a global scale over the long term. The U.S. invasion and occupation of Iraq is part of this imperial project, which is now being pursued under the mantle of the war on terrorism. This essay examines these developments in the context of U.S. military spending and foreign policy since the end of the cold war, and it argues that there is reason to be concerned about the continuing viability of democratic government in the United States.  相似文献   

完善医学生职业道德培养教育途径   总被引:21,自引:3,他引:18  
为了提高我国医学生职业道德教育的有效性和实效性,需不断完善和健全现有职业道德培养渠道,并拓展新渠道。在探讨研究国外医学生道德培养途径基础上,博采众家之长,形成以职业道德教育贯穿于专业教育全过程为特征,以职业道德教育与临床医疗实践相结合,以提高医学生自我道德教育能力为目的,适合我国特点的医学生职业道德培养途径。  相似文献   

Confidentiality is a core value in medicine and public health yet, like other core values, it is not absolute. Medical ethics has typically allowed for breaches of confidentiality when there is a credible threat of significant harm to an identifiable third party. Medical ethics has been less explicit in spelling out criteria for allowing breaches of confidentiality to protect populations, instead tending to defer these decisions to the law. But recently, issues in military detention settings have raised the profile of decisions to breach medical confidentiality in efforts to protect the broader population. National and international ethics documents say little about the confidentiality of detainee medical records. But initial decisions to use detainee medical records to help craft coercive interrogations led to widespread condemnation, and might have contributed to detainee health problems, such as a large number of suicide attempts several of which have been successful. More recent military guidance seems to reflect lessons learned from these problems and does more to protect detainee records. For the public health system, this experience is a reminder of the importance of confidentiality in creating trustworthy, and effective, means to protect the public's health.  相似文献   

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