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利益相关者理论产生于20世纪80年代,国外进行了大量的相关研究,而国内的研究则刚刚起步,主要应用范围也仅限于工商管理界.在综合国外相关研究的基础上,系统地介绍了利益相关者方法的产生、发展以及在卫生领域的应用情况,以期为国内相关研究的进一步开展提供借鉴.  相似文献   

王铮 《学海》2004,(4):132-135
企业为投资者的利益服务在新古典经济学传统中是无需讨论的“金科玉律”。但随着人力资本价值的提升 ,以及对其他利益相关者关注程度的提高 ,人们提出了利益相关者企业的概念和政策主张。通过对经理激励和控制权分享的研究表明 ,利益相关者企业的治理结构存在难以克服的内在缺陷。我们在承认利益相关者利益的基础上 ,认为企业的控制权应该集中于单一团体 ,对利益相关考可以通过合约和法律等途径加以保护 ,以实现一种次优结果  相似文献   

在经济全球化与企业管理国际化的今天,企业履行其对其利益相关者的社会责任已不再是企业的被动责任,而更多的是企业寻求可持续发展的主观意愿。本文从企业的社会责任入手,基于企业的利益相关者理论,将二者结合起来进行研究,在分别介绍企业社会责任和利益相关者理论的内涵基础上,分析了现阶段企业对利益相关者各方(股东、员工、消费者、商业伙伴、环境、政府等)所应承担的责任,为企业的发展提供指导。  相似文献   

从国内双向转诊领域的基础上,从关键词词频分布角度对双向转诊有关研究文献进行分析,在内容分析的挖掘近年来"双向转诊"研究的重点和热点.分析显示,未来研究热点为:单病种转诊指征确立、转诊体系中利益相关者的约束、转诊科学流程的建立、转诊需求影响因素的寻找、对区域卫生规划的影响的定位、相关法律法规的完善.  相似文献   

利益相关者分析作为一种新的方法,已经广泛应用于西方国家的企业管理与卫生政策改革研究和实践中,并取得初步成效,但在我国尚未得到应有的重视.在介绍该方法的基础上,结合我国卫生改革的实际,对利益相关者分析方法在我国卫生政策改革中的应用问题进行了初步的探讨,力图为正处于转型时期的我国卫生改革政策的制定与实施提供新的视角.  相似文献   

企业伦理的观念让企业重新思考其与利益相关者之间的伦理关系。企业伦理的建设要求制定一套具体的行为规范作为企业遵行的标准 ,从而促成了企业伦理规范的产生。企业伦理规范的建立是一项依据企业伦理价值四原理的系统工程 ,其内容可以从企业利益相关者、规范指示程度和指示类型等层面进行构建。  相似文献   

建设科研诚信、遏制科研不端需要我们树立合理的科研诚信观。在反思科学契约论和委托代理理论的科研诚信观基础上,从利益相关者视角出发,科研诚信建设既不能单纯依靠科研共同体及其成员的自律,也不能单纯依靠公共机构的监督,而是应当将公众也纳入科研诚信建设的主体。科研共同体、公共机构和公众三者是利益相关者关系,科研诚信建设实质上是要正确处理科研诚信利益相关者各方的利益关系,需要利益相关者各方的共同参与。  相似文献   

论企业道德化决策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了开放系统中企业利益相关者及其伦理关系 ,指出企业决策应该是关注企业利益相关者的道德化决策 ,并对如何实现企业道德化决策进行了理论探索。  相似文献   

利益相关者理论视野下的金融企业社会责任   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2008年全面爆发的美国金融危机影响波及全球。从企业伦理或经济伦理的角度来看,此次金融危机的根源在于传统的股东利益至上理念的内在缺陷。本文提出用利益相关者理论替代股东利益至上理论。利益相关者理论强调企业应该考虑股东、员工、客户、合作伙伴、社区、政府、环境、经济共同体等各方利益相关者的权益。金融企业必须转变传统的经营理念,积极引进利益相关者理论,履行其所应承担的企业社会责任,此乃克服金融危机的一种可能的和有效的路径。  相似文献   

本研究采用“你藏我找”范式,将自我受益作为基线条件,通过两个实验分别考察不同自我相关性受益者和不同群体受益者对5~6岁幼儿说谎行为的影响。结果发现:(1)相比于高自我相关者和低自我相关者受益条件,幼儿更可能为自己的利益而说谎;而相比于低自我相关者受益条件,幼儿更可能为高自我相关者的利益而说谎(实验1);(2)相比于内群体和外群体受益条件,幼儿更可能为自己的利益而说谎;而相比于外群体受益条件,幼儿更可能为内群体的利益而说谎(实验2)。以上结果表明,5~6岁幼儿的说谎行为存在强烈的利己倾向,为自己获得利益而说谎的可能性最大;而5~6岁幼儿的亲社会说谎行为在个体层面存在自我相关性偏好,在群体层面存在内群体偏好。  相似文献   

The past few years have witnessed a proliferation of articles on spirituality and its relevance for business. A growing trend in spirituality research is an emphasis on spirituality in the workplace. Theoretical and empirical support is emerging on how workplace spirituality infl uences both employee and organizational outcomes. However, the sales literature has not yet integrated the dimensions of workplace spirituality into its frameworks. Therefore, drawing on existing theoretical foundations, we propose a conceptual framework that illustrates the role of workplace spirituality in selling organizations. We present relevant testable research propositions, guidelines for future research, and implications for practice.  相似文献   

巴斯德研究所面面观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
巴斯德研究所由法国化学家和微生物学家、现代微生物学和免疫学奠基人之一——巴斯德创建于1887年,是一所公益型私人研究机构。通过相关文献的记载,比较系统地探讨该所的历史沿革,着重介绍该所在医疗、科研和教学等方面所做的工作,认为巴斯德研究所是现代科研机构的一个成功典范,对中国科研机构的发展有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Over the course of his career, Guilford produced a remarkable body of research on creative thought. Today, this research is remembered primarily for its articulation of the notion that divergent thinking plays a key role in creative thought. However, a number of other capacities relevant to understanding creative thought were identified in the course of this research effort. In this article, I review this research program as a whole with special reference to those capacities that warrant more attention in current studies of creativity. Implications for current research are discussed.  相似文献   

提取诱发遗忘强调对相关项目的提取会造成对其竞争项目的抑制,从而导致对这些竞争项目的暂时遗忘。文章阐释了提取诱发遗忘的概念界定与实验范式、有关理论以及实证研究,并重点介绍了提取诱发遗忘的机制研究,对抑制说与非抑制说的争论及实验研究进行了全面的综述,最后指出未来的研究应更侧重于抑制的具体过程、抑制在哪个水平上执行、激活扩展如何被限制及提取诱发遗忘的情境化研究  相似文献   

Common arguments from the abortion debate have set the stage for the debate on stem cell research. Unfortunately, those arguments demonstrate flawed reasoning—jumping to unfounded conclusions, using value laden language rather than careful argument, and ignoring morally relevant aspects of the situation. The influence of flawed abortion arguments on the stem cell debate results in failures of moral reasoning and in lack of attention to important morally relevant differences between abortion and human embryonic stem cells. Among those differences are whose interests are at stake and the difference between an embryo in and out of the womb. Stem cell research differs from abortion in morally relevant ways and should be freed from the abortion debate and its flawed reasoning.  相似文献   

A strategy involving five distinct phases is proposed as a means of obtaining the most informative evidence about group differences in a particular aspect of cognitive functioning. Perhaps because the phases require different types of analytical methods, most prior research has focused on only a few of the proposed phases. This is unfortunate because each phase provides valuable information about the nature of the relevant construct, and its role in group differences in cognition. The strategy is illustrated with research on adult age differences in executive processes.  相似文献   

Four separate lines of thought relevant to a theory of early memories (EMs) have appeared in the literature--Freud's, Adler's, an ego psychology view and one adapted from memory theory, Each view was presented in turn and discussed in terms of its implications for assessment and treatment. It was pointed out that none of these four theories addresses several issues relevant to the individual who plans to do research with EMs.  相似文献   

Positive psychological principles have become increasingly prevalent in the workplace in recent years. However, the field still lacks a comprehensive and practice-based overview of this important trend. The present article focuses on reviewing recent research in positive psychology as it relates to the workplace, including research regarding constructs such as resilience, appreciative inquiry, empowerment, gratitude, psychological capital, work engagement, supervisor and organizational support, positive teamwork and co-worker relations, and positive leadership. For each, we synthesize research examining the nature of the construct itself, its nomological network, individual- and organizational-level outcomes, and how organizations can enhance each within their employees for increased organizational success and enhanced employee experience. Finally, we discuss gaps in the relevant literature and make specific recommendations regarding how to ameliorate such oversights in order to enhance the rigor of positive workplace research as well as the frequency and efficacy of relevant organizational interventions.  相似文献   

Reassurance seeking (RS) has emerged as an important transdiagnostic psychological construct. However, RS has been conceptualized inconsistently and applied to functionally disparate behaviors within research and practice. In order to clarify the construct, the presently proposed Integrative Functional Model of Reassurance Seeking (IFM-RS) operationalizes and categorizes RS behaviors according to their functions. The following three categories comprise the model: Avoidant (negatively reinforced) RS, Evocative (positively reinforced) RS, and Bifunctional (simultaneously reinforced) RS. To evidence the validity and utility of this model, a review of relevant research is presented. The IFM-RS is then applied in conceptualizing the deleterious effects of RS on mental health and relevant treatment implications are subsequently discussed. We contend that adoption of the IFM-RS and its terminology by clinicians and researchers would facilitate accurate communication about the construct, improve the validity and applicability of RS research, and guide clinicians to effectively identify and target RS behaviors in the context of psychopathology.  相似文献   

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