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李冰 《学海》2002,(1):161-164
萨特的自由观是存在主义自由观的一个重要组成部分。根据其“存在先于本质”的著名论断 ,萨特得出了人的真实存在是绝对自由的结论 ,这构成了他整个伦理学的基石。寻求个人的绝对自由成为萨特伦理学的出发点和归宿。本文对萨特的个人绝对自由进行分析阐述 ,并围绕由此引发出的人的自由选择、责任以及绝对自由的界限等问题进行探讨  相似文献   

在当代自由主义思潮内部,资本主义经济自由是否属于基本自由,已经成为众说纷纭的棘手问题。高级自由主义的代表人物约翰·罗尔斯持有单薄的经济自由观,他只将择业自由和个人财产权视作基本经济自由,认为古典自由主义者所珍视的契约自由和生产资料私人所有权这两种资本主义经济自由实际上并非基本自由。然而,罗尔斯对单薄的经济自由观的辩护并没有说服力。新古典自由主义的代表人物约翰·托马西认为,罗尔斯本应支持厚重的经济自由观,应将资本主义经济自由列入他的基本自由清单。但是,托马西证明罗尔斯应该支持厚重的经济自由观的决定性善观念论证和不合理的例外论论证都是失败的,因此未能借助罗尔斯的理论证成资本主义经济自由是基本自由。  相似文献   

现代健康观是文明进步的产物。让公众走近现代健康观,是追寻人类理想,建设和谐社会,管好国家核心资源,全面提高人民群众健康水平的需要。按照现代健康观的基本精神开展健康教育,是当今社会的重要课题。  相似文献   

与萨特自由观相比,马克思自由观具有更为重要的现代价值.这种现代价值根源于马克思对人的本体论定位的合理性,即人的本质在于其社会性,人在其现实性上是一切社会关系的总和,以及建立在“类自由”基点上的个人自由和群体自由的现实实现.在与以萨特代表的强调“自我”的绝对自由,并由此导致我与“他者”的绝对对立的自由观的对比中,马克思的自由观不仅能达到理论上的“主体交互性”的实现,而且能够在现实境遇中达到实践上的自由.  相似文献   

自由的有意识的活动是人的类特性、人的类本质同人相异化、个人的自由只有在共同体中才是可能的,乃是马克思关于自由的三个核心命题。这三个命题构成了马克思自由观的基本内容和内在逻辑:自由是人的类本质,但异化劳动使人的类本质同人相分离,只有真正的共同体中才能消除异化劳动,从而实现个人自由。  相似文献   

现代健康观是文明进步的产物.让公众走近现代健康观,是追寻人类理想,建设和谐社会,管好国家核心资源,全面提高人民群众健康水平的需要.按照现代健康观的基本精神开展健康教育,是当今社会的重要课题.  相似文献   

西方自由论史从一开始就具有其社会性内涵,但是这种社会性内涵往往只是作为理论背景隐含在理性哲学的幕后。霍耐特秉持法兰克福学派社会批判的大旗,主张从社会性入手,将自由从传统形而上学玄思中解放出来。霍耐特自由观的理论基础可以从其对黑格尔《法哲学原理》"承认"理论的继承与批判中得到揭示,其自由观的理论特质可以通过其民主公众性的规范性重构得到揭示,其自由观的理论意义可以通过阐释其主张自由从心灵向社会的回归得到揭示。  相似文献   

严宾 《学海》2013,(1):165-171
密尔是19世纪自由主义最坚定的捍卫者,他清醒地认识到,当广大民众获得广泛的政治权利之后,另一种压制力量——“多数人的暴政”——正在隐秘地侵袭个人自由.密尔试图以“自我保护”为原则给个人自由划定一条不受公共权力干涉的边界.伯林面对20世纪人类自己造成的巨大灾难,认为“理性一元论”所形成的“观念的压迫”是其根本原因.他把自由区分为“消极自由”和“积极自由”,以“消极自由”对抗“观念的压迫”,提醒人们警惕“积极自由”的变异.伯林的自由观是在继承、批判和发展密尔自由观基础之上形成的.  相似文献   

2015年,"健康中国"被写入"十三五"规划,大健康上升到国家战略。"健康中国"建设过程中需要能够统摄国家、社会和个人三个层面的价值观来引领大健康事业之实践,这一价值观即大健康观。探讨了什么是大健康,并尝试对大健康观做出定义。论述了构建大健康观需兼顾的几个层次,即健康议题领域的全球化与本土化的互动、文化自觉性、健康在社会公共生活中具有的价值优先性和系统性。论述了大健康观的构建过程中,健康议题所处的社会实际是健康普遍性原则的基础和保障,并从社会、国家、民族、时代几个层面,论述了构建大健康观的重要作用。  相似文献   

政府权能的道德基础和道德限度为西方无数思想家所关注 ,由此形成了流派各异的思想理论 ,主要有政府建立基于更大的善业的理性权能观、政府使命在于实现公平与正义的正义权能观、政府权力源于公民权利让渡的契约权能观和政府边界止于个人自由和权利的功利权能观。这些政府权能道德理论在今天仍有十分重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

Continued public support for the design, implementation, and dissemination of preventive interventions depends on achievement of four major criteria: (a) Reductions in the incidence or prevalence rates of diagnosable emotional and behavioral disorders, (b) reductions in the need for mental health services through effective primary and secondary interventions, (c) enhancement of the effectiveness of obtained services as screening and early detection efforts are implemented, and (d) reductions in the nation's health care costs associated with emotional and behavioral dysfunctions. Strategies including risk reduction, risk avoidance, health promotion, empowerment, and resource development are preventive insofar as they contribute to achievement of the aforementioned outcomes.  相似文献   

Social action theory for a public health psychology   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Many illnesses can be prevented or limited by altering personal behavior, and public health planners have turned to psychology for guidance in fostering self-protective activity. A social theory of personal action provides an integrative framework for applying psychology to public health, disclosing gaps in our current understanding of self-regulation, and generating guidelines for improving health promotion at the population level. A social action view emphasizes social interdependence and interaction in personal control of health-endangering behavior and proposes mechanisms by which environmental structures influence cognitive action schemas, self-goals, and problem-solving activities critical to sustained behavioral change. Social action theory clarifies relationships between social and personal empowerment and helps explain stages of self-change.  相似文献   

Participant empowerment is a foundational goal of self‐organised homeless care. We aim to understand how a self‐organised setting contributes to participants' empowerment. The data we analysed (56 interviews, both open and semi‐structured) were generated in a longitudinal participatory case study into Je Eigen Stek (Your own place, JES), a low‐cost shelter for people experiencing homelessness in the Netherlands. JES participants experienced the freedom of choice and influence on their living environment. JES' fluid structure allowed participants to adapt the program to their desires and needs, though participants were sometimes negative about having to live together. Most participants preferred JES over regular shelters. Unlike empowerment literature, participants mostly emphasised freedom of choice over capacity development. JES offered opportunities for social and organisational engagement, through which participants developed roles, skills and self‐image. However, a limited number of participants developed leadership roles through self‐management. Literature suggests setting aspects to be either enabling or entrapping. We found some aspects (e.g., size, freedom of choice) could be entrapping or enabling, depending on personal factors. Our analysis revealed individual freedom of choice, balancing freedom of choice with support, offering opportunities for engagement and maintaining fluidity in program management as core aspects of how JES contributed to participants' empowerment.  相似文献   

In the 1980s extra‐parliamentary social movements and critical theories of race, class, and gender added a new sociocultural understanding of justicerecognitionto the much older socioeconomic one. The best‐known form of the struggle for recognition is the identity politics of disadvantaged groups. I argue that there is still another option to conceptualize their predicament, neglected in recent political philosophy, which understands exclusion not in terms of injustice, more particularly a lack of sociocultural recognition, but in terms of a lack of freedom. I draw my inspiration from Hannah Arendt's model of political action. Arendt diagnoses exclusion not solely as a mode of injustice, but as a lack of participation and public freedom. Consequently, she advocates a struggle for participation, political equality, and freedom as a strategy for emancipation or empowerment. Arendt could help feminists see that collective empowerment is made possible not by a shared identity (the target of poststructuralist critics) but by common action in the service of a particular worldly issue or common end. In other words, feminists would do well to appreciate the revolutionary quality and heritage of the feminist movement better, that is, its character as a set of practices of freedom.  相似文献   

The promotion of breastfeeding is an important focus of intervention for professionals working to improve infant health outcomes. Literature in this area focuses largely on 'choices' and 'barriers to breastfeeding'. It is our argument, however, that women's cultural context plays a key role in infant feeding 'choices'. In this article, we explore contested representations of infant feeding and infant feeding choices in public debates conducted on a large British parenting website. To sample dominant representations of infant feeding circulating in UK culture, two threads were chosen from the debating board of a busy online parenting community (105 and 99 individual posts, respectively). Participants on the threads were largely women. A feminist informed Foucauldian discourse analysis was used to deconstruct the intersecting constructions of gender, childhood and motherhood implicit in public discussions about infant feeding choices. We identify dominant constructions of women who breastfeed or bottle feed, social representations of both forms of infant feeding, and explore the relationship between constructions of infant feeding choices and constructions of 'good' or 'bad' motherhood. This analysis functions to trouble the individualist assumptions underpinning the notion of infant feeding 'choices', considering the cultural context within which British mothers 'choose' how to feed their babies.  相似文献   

Community-based participatory research is a noted approach for improving community health and reducing health disparities. Community partnerships can serve as a catalyst for change in public health efforts. This article will apply empowerment theory and sustainability principles to an existing faith-based partnership. BRANCH Out is a partnership among 13 African American churches, the City of Milwaukee Health Department—Community Nutrition, and the Medical College of Wisconsin. The partnership goal was to change inaccurate perceptions, knowledge and negative attitudes, and behaviors about chronic disease and promote healthy youth leadership. Faith-based empowerment can occur at the individual, organizational, and community level. BRANCH Out demonstrates how partnerships can be sustained in multiple ways. The partnership also highlights the unique contributions of churches to community health outcomes.  相似文献   

Utilitarian philosophy holds that public policy should aim at greater happiness for a greater number of people. This moral tenet meets many objections, on pragmatic grounds it is denounced as unfeasible and on ideological grounds as undesirable. As a result the principle is marginal in policy making. In this paper I consider these classic philosophical qualms in the light of recent empirical research on life-satisfaction. The data show first of all that the principle is feasible; happiness of a great number is possible in contemporary conditions and it is also possible to create more of it. The data also show that the promotion of happiness fits well with other ideals; happiness requires conditions that we value, such as freedom, and happiness fosters matters that we value, such as good health and civil behaviour. Though happiness can conflict with these values in theory, it appears to match them in practice.  相似文献   

We normally think that public health policy is an important political activity. In turn, we normally understand the value of public health policy in terms of the promotion of health or some health-related good (such as opportunity for health), on the basis of the assumption that health is an important constituent or determinant of wellbeing. In this paper, I argue that the assumption that the value of public health policy should be understood in terms of health leads us to overlook important benefits generated by such policy. To capture these benefits we need to understand the ends of public health policy in terms of the promotion of 'physical safety'. I then go on to argue that the idea that 'health' is an important category for evaluating or estimating individuals' wellbeing in the normative context of social policy is confused. I then clarify the relationship between my arguments and QALY-based accounts of health assessment. In the final section of the paper, I defend this surprising conclusion against various attacks.  相似文献   

刘甜芳  杨莉萍 《心理科学》2012,35(6):1513-1518
继Caplan的“公共卫生预防模型”之后,Gordon提出另一个综合性预防模型;美国国家科学院医学研究所绘制了“心理健康干预光谱”; 美国国家研究所和国家科学院医学院则进一步将“心理健康促进”正式纳入心理预防概念。“心理健康促进”是针对消极被动的传统预防而提出的积极主动的预防。心理预防概念的发展与更新,特别是将“心理健康促进”纳入心理预防体系,要求树立预防的全局观念,提高预防的针对性,将消极心理预防与积极心理健康促进结合起来。  相似文献   


This article examines health promotion and disease prevention from the perspective of social cognitive theory. The areas of overlap with some of the most widely applied psychosocial models of health are identified. The models of health promotion and disease prevention have undergone several generational changes. We have shifted from trying to scare people into health, to rewarding them into health, to equipping them with self-regulatory skills to manage their health habits, to shoring up their habit changes with dependable social supports. These transformations have evolved a multifaceted approach that addresses the reciprocal interplay between self-regulatory and environmental determinants of health behavior. Social cognitive theory addresses the socio structural determinants of health as well as the personal determinants. A comprehensive approach to health promotion requires changing the practices of social systems that have widespread detrimental effects on health rather than solely changing the habits of individuals. Further progress in this field requires building new structures for health promotion, new systems for risk reduction and greater emphasis on health policy initiatives. People's beliefs in their collective efficacy to accomplish social change, therefore, play a key role in the policy and public health approach to health promotion and disease prevention.  相似文献   

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