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麻醉科本科实习生在实习期间必然面对众多的手术患者,我院欲将这些学生培养成合格的、德才兼备的医生,除了在实习期间指导他们掌握专业理论和实践技能外,更要加强他们对临床手术患者人文关怀意识的培养.手术患者的焦虑情绪往往影响麻醉管理质量,甚至预后;加强实习生对手术患者围术期心理支持疗法的培养意义深远.  相似文献   

目前我国全科医生培养质量不高,尚不能满足社区卫生居民的健康需求.从全科医生的概念、培养现状、培养目标、培养模式等方面着手分析,发现全科医生培养存在医学院校教育基础不牢、培训效果欠佳、继续医学教育重视度不够等问题,并提出严格确定高等医学院校培养方案、重视毕业后与继续医学教育、加强外部评估与自我监督、建立全科医生反馈系统等建议,从而构建全科医生培养质量保障体系,以期保证全科医生培养质量.  相似文献   

我国著名的回族学者、突厥学家、中央民族大学博士生导师胡振华教授,在他所热爱的教育园地已经辛勤地耕耘了55个春秋。作为园丁,他早已桃李满天下。他培养的学生有的已成为博士生导师、硕士生导师、研  相似文献   

倡导良好的科研风尚并建立有效的研究生培养管理体制,对增强医学院校科研能力,提高研究生培养质量至关重要,也是当前高等医学教育工作者共同关心的问题.对医学院校科研现状及现行研究生培养管理模式中存在的问题进行分析,并提出若干思考及建议.  相似文献   

四川大学宗教研究所于1983年率先在国内高校中招收宗教学硕士研究生,1990年获全国高校中第一个宗教学博士学位授权点。到目前为止,本所已招收中国道教、道教与中国古代科技、西南少数民族宗教研究、宗教理论与当代宗教、中国佛教研究等方向的15届硕士生56名和中国道教、中国佛教、道教与中国文化方向的9届41名博士生。现已有M名硕士生和17名博士生毕业,均分别获得硕士和博士学位,有的已成长为教授和博士生导师。所内现有在读硕士12名和博士生.24名。四川大学宗教研究所在宗教学高级专门人才培养方面成绩突出@中言…  相似文献   

临床医学硕士专业学位研究生培养与住院医师规范化培训"并轨"是临床医学人才培养改革的一项重要举措。笔者通过对重庆某大学2017届临床医学硕士专业学位毕业生网上问卷和召开座谈会进行调查,掌握目前学生临床能力培养中存在的问题,为进一步提高临床专硕生培养质量提供建议。结果显示某大学临床专硕生培养中存在轮转方案不合理、培养过程不规范、考核机制不健全、待遇过低等问题。建议调整培养方案,加强培养过程的管理和监督,采用多种培养方式加强临床能力训练,完善考核机制,提高待遇水平。  相似文献   

2004年10月18日~20日,由国务院学位委员会办公室、教育部学位管理与研究生教育司主办,武汉大学承办的"全国首届哲学博士生学术论坛"在珞珈山隆重举行.论坛主题是"全球化视野下的哲学创新".来自全国各高校和有关研究机构的博士生75人与会.  相似文献   

正李德顺,男,1945年生,现任中国政法大学终身教授、博士生导师。1992年获评国家有特殊贡献的专家。曾任中国社会科学院哲学研究所副所长、文化研究中心主任、研究生院哲学系主任等;现担任中国辩证唯物主义研究会副会长、价值学会会长。近年来,在中国政法大学首倡建立了新兴交叉(二级)学科"法治文化",已招收培养数届博士生和博士后人员。长期致力于马克思主义哲学的研究和教学。在创建当代中国的马克思主义价值和价值观念理论、当  相似文献   

调查乳腺癌患者术后自我效能、应对方式与生活质量,探讨三者间的相互关系.应用一般自我效能感量表、医学应对问卷和生活质量测定量表对116例乳腺癌术后患者的自我效能、应对方式和生活质量状况进行测评,并分析三者间的相互关系.乳腺癌术后患者自我效能处于较低水平,应对方式趋向于采取屈服方式,生活质量处于较高水平,自我效能、应对方式和生活质量三者之间存在一定程度的关联,可以通过提高患者的自我效能,指导患者采用积极的应对方式改善其生活质量.  相似文献   

随着我国医学研究生教育规模的扩大,研究生的培养质量问题备受关注.在研究生培养体系中,导师制度及导师队伍建设发挥着举足轻重的作用.比利时的医学研究生教育使用"导师小组负责制",导师队伍结构科学合理,学术水平高,并具有管理自主性强、国际化和企业化的特点.这些特色可为我国医学研究生教育改革提供借鉴和参考.  相似文献   

王滨 《心理学探新》2006,26(1):62-65
采用互动式心理训练方法对学生进行心理素质训练,实验结果显示:实验组在多个心理指标上都有显著的变化。因此,得出结论:互动式心理训练的方法对提高大学生心理素质水平有效。不仅可以促进大学生的人格向积极方向发展,而且可以缓解和改善其消极情绪。  相似文献   

The minimum professional training requirements of 32 state certifying bodies for substance abuse counselors were analyzed. Only 14 of the certifying boards included any of the Council for the Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs core knowledge areas in their training components for Certified Addictions Counselors. Specific training in counseling and drug and alcohol treatment issues also appeared to be minimal. The lack of specific drug and alcohol training brings the quality of preparation for substance abuse counselors into question.  相似文献   

通过对巴林特小组培训模式的认识和理解,并将之运用于临床护理研究,使护理人员在处理护患关系中形成新的视角和更具分析性的思考方式,从而能够更深刻地意识到自身对于患者的影响,提高换位思考的敏感性,以便更好地理解和帮助患者;同时还能促进护理人员的心理健康和减少其工作中存在的护患矛盾。这不仅可以提高患者的治疗效果和生活质量,而且还可以提升护理人员自身的职业素养。因此,巴林特小组培训模式对于实现临床护理优质服务具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

Self-assessment research has concentrated on validity and psychometric issues in selection and appraisal contexts. Little is known about factors that affect self-assessment of training needs. The present study examines the influence of managerial position (level, function) and managerial attitudes toward training utility on self-reported training needs. A training-needs survey consisting of items related to basic managerial, interpersonal, administrative, and quality control skills was completed by 506 lower and middle level managers across four functional areas. Correlational and regression analyses indicated that managerial level and function had some effect on reported administrative training needs, while function and attitudes towards training utility had some impact on self-reported training needs for quality control. Level, function, and attitude were not related to reported basic managerial and interpersonal training needs. The implications and limitations of the results are discussed, and future research directions are presented.  相似文献   

Methodological and empirical issues in research on action information feedback (AIF) are discussed, with particular reference to the procedures and results of Annett (1970). Positioning responses practiced under conditions of AIF training are learned, though generally less well than under terminal IF conditions. Effects obtained as a result of AIF training may be subject to variations in movement extent required, gain and other transformations, frequency, temporal locus, and mode of augmentation, many aspects of which remain to be systematically studied.  相似文献   

Conventional approaches to evaluating cognitive outcomes of training typically use paper-and-pencil tests that emphasize gains or differences in declarative knowledge. Yet a key factor in differentiating expert and novice performance is the way individuals organize their knowledge. Accordingly, the acquisition of meaningful knowledge structures and methods of assessing structural knowledge are potentially important issues for designing and evaluating training programs. Two studies were conducted to examine the validity and utility of one structural assessment technique called Pathfinder (Schvaneveldt, Durso, & Dearholt, 1989). Results from academic and organizational samples indicated that Pathfinder measures of structural knowledge quality predicted individual differences in performance self-efficacy. After controlling for differences in declarative knowledge, measures of structural knowledge quality added to the prediction of performance self-efficacy in the student sample, but not in the organizational sample. The unique features and potential advantages of structural assessment for training evaluation are discussed.  相似文献   

Role stress among apprentices are a key element in defining the quality of dual vocational education and training. However, few studies have examined the perceptions and importance of role tensions in this particular context. Accordingly, this contribution focuses on the role stress perceived by dual apprentices through a questionnaire survey. Latent profile analyses allowed to distinguish four apprentices’ profiles in terms of perceptions of role stress, ranging from minimal to prominent role stress. Differences in socio-demographic characteristics, motivation for choosing the training, professional identification, and intention to terminate the apprenticeship contract were also identified. The study provides information on the importance of considering apprentices as a heterogeneous population in terms of role stress, but also on the different motivational and identity issues associated with the profiles. Discussing such issues would also improve the learning experience.  相似文献   

The introduction of the German Society for Psychiatry Psychotherapy and Mental Health (DGPPN) certificate for forensic psychiatry significantly contributed to improving the quality of forensic psychiatric expertises. The corresponding designations of state medical boards were created in 2004 and have now become established. Currently two methods of certification of forensic psychiatric training are possible which opens up the opportunity to further develop the certificate and to set standards for quality assurance. This article discusses in particular quality control measures, ways to respond to serious quality issues and the development process in terms of a continuing medical education. By establishing and enforcing such standards the DGPPN will achieve a key position.  相似文献   

The evidence-based practice (EBP) movement has the potential to significantly advance the quality of psychological and educational services provided by psychologists working in schools. Training psychologists in EBP has challenged the profession and caused faculty in graduate programs to reevaluate and retool professional training curricula and instructional practices. Four domains of challenges in graduate training are identified: (a) integrating the EBP knowledge base into the curriculum, (b) expanding models of research training, (c) expanding training in prevention science, and (d) expanding training in problem-solving consultation and school contextual issues. For each of these, the author discusses the range and scope of the challenge and possible solutions for advancing graduate training in psychology relevant to school practice.  相似文献   

This review is based upon an appraisal of training research in psychotherapy showing that many questions are still unanswered. By means of a schema for the organization of research results that differentiates input, process and output variables, unselected results are summarized relating to issues such as the choice of the psychotherapeutic profession, pre-experiences of candidates, the selection of an orientation, personality factors, characteristics of training institutes, quality standards, as well as the organisation and structure of training programs. Process oriented studies mainly focus on the operationalisation and development of skills, the significance, the effects of and the satisfaction with training components. Finally, the output category comprises results related to graduation, to professional development during and following training and to the development of competence and its prediction.  相似文献   

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