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Huberthrinin 《Synthese》1946,5(3-4):116-116
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Bellugi has proposed a stage of language acquisition in which children invert subject NP and Aux in yes-no but notwh questions. It was proposed that this stage would be found in a sampling of questions from young children. Cross-sectional samples of questions were collected from young children between 20 and 311. The results did not bear out this expectation. Based on percentages of inversion, none showed this stage. The results are discussed in terms of the importance of frequency in determining stages of acquisition and the use of children's data as psychological evidence for linguistic rules.  相似文献   

This article aims to show how the alternating trainings have been treated by researchers using social psychology approaches. It identifies the theoretical models used, the main researches and some of their results. It comes to the idea that psychology appears as an essential discipline to understand the evolutions of the individuals in these work and training situations but it not sufficiently used. Then, some topics for future researches are designed. The alternating training appears as a very rich situation which allows to understand the individual as well as organizational transformations and the different levels of interrelations of the individual with his/her environment.  相似文献   

Conclusions L'étude des faits, dont nous n'avons pu donner que quelques échantillons, ne laisse pas de doute sur la découverte tardive de la notion de hasard et la formation progressive du raisonnement probabiliste. On aurait pu s'attendre à trouver une intuition de la probabilité: la realité quotidienne offre le spectacle d'un mélange inextricable de faits et de séquences causales. Ce n'est qu'en théorie ou encore dans une certaine mesure en laboratoire que les faits et relations causales sont simplifiés et dissociés au point de nous permettre des déductions certaines. Dans la vie courante on est plus souvent réduit à deviner et à baser ses prévisions sur des fréquences empiriques que sur des lois et équations simples et rigoureuses. Et pourtant l'expérimentation psychologique prouve que l'attitude probabiliste, quoique suggérée et entretenue par les faits, n'est pas primitive; bien au contraire, elle ne se construit qu'à partir d'un certain niveau de raisonnement et en interdépendance étroite avec celui-ci. La notion de hasard est étrangère à toute mentalité primitive, aussi bien celle du jeune enfant que celle dite du primitif et de l'obsédé en état de régression pathologique, qui chargent volontiers les événements fortuits de significations subjectives et miraculeuses. La notion de hasard et le raisonnement probabiliste en général ne sont accessibles qu'à une mentalité objective et rationnelle, capable de discerner, grâce à des mécanismes opératoires, le domaine du déductible de celui du fortuit et à structurer ce dernier par la méthode combinatoire en un système de probabilités, dont la méthode génétique permet d'analyser le processus et l'évolution.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the Swiss dual system of vocational education and training (VET), on the basis of the results of a study on VET dropouts. The adopted theoretical framework and method of analysis is the psychodynamic of work, which makes it possible to stress the specific constraints of a system that is closely related to the world of work. The various forms of suffering evoked by apprentices, as well as the strategies implemented to cope with it, are highlighted. The analyses also stress the pleasure young people can experience in VET. Between pleasure and suffering, these elements make it possible to consider both the assets and the shortcomings of this education system.  相似文献   

Several studies show that playing a dangerous sport has a direct influence on the emotional state of athletes. Engaging in such behaviour would not only reduce negative affect but also produce a positive affect that does not equate only relief but an “extraordinary experienced”. Notwithstanding the unique qualities of these sports, it is likely that some subclinical individual characteristics such as sensation seeking, emotional–behavioural deregulation can promote a self-reinforcement of these practices or even facilitated the installation of an addictive tendency. Risk and intense sensation are also at the heart of dangerous games. Four points seem to motivate these practices: risk-taking, intensity, loss of consciousness, and the “wake survival”. In addition, practitioners are characterized by a more severe depressive symptomatology than non-practitioners. Some of these depressive elements are probably anterior to the game, but it is also possible that others are the consequence; this has the effect of strengthening the emotional–behavioural addiction. Through these extreme sports and games of non-oxygenation, the level of danger appears to be a real source of excitement. Playing with death is going to give inner magnitude to the experience. Without the sense of risk, the practice of the activity would not make sense. Psychological functioning of these sports and these “players” is based on the need to be stimulated, to be excited by the risk or even the fear in order to be appeased. Also, treat the danger, but also and mainly deal with emotions. The danger as a means of activation may fill in a toxic function of emotional and behavioural self-regulation including a risk that this excitation will self-sustained. Indeed, some of these athletes and these “players” increase their practice and push the safety threshold by adopting behaviours more and more risky in order to experiment higher sensations. When some semiological clues characterize the practice of risky activities like the repetition of a dangerous situation, loss of control, the invasion of the psychic life, time spent at the expense of social, family and school activities… they may reflect a real addiction to danger. It therefore becomes necessary for the clinician and the researcher to identify all these prodromal symptoms and signs of addiction. Criteria for the diagnosis of Addictive Disorder to Danger are proposed and discussed.  相似文献   

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