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正一个人,活到了一定的岁数,还喜欢与人争锋,活过的那些年月也就白活了。毕竟,血气方刚是年轻人的事。你的心里可以住着一个孩子,但是你的心理年龄不应该始终是个孩子。当然了,生活是不会让一个刺儿头孤独的。你有针尖,会为你匹配麦芒。你要论剑,就会在暗处,在前方,埋伏下敌意和寒光。有朝一日,等你回看,争来争去,不过是一场虚妄。哪有那么多胜利和荣耀可言,这一辈子,  相似文献   

正几乎每个人都在微信中强调自己与世无争,可是,一旦有涉具体利益的时候,又总是寸利不让,也许,这就是人性。庄子在《则阳》篇曾讲到这样一个故事:两个国家,一个叫触氏,一个叫蛮氏,为了争夺土地而战。打得旷日持久,伤亡惨重,血流漂橹、民不聊生。最后庄子告诉我们,这两个国家争的是多大的土地呢?触氏跟蛮氏,一个住在蜗牛的左犄角里,一个住在蜗牛的  相似文献   

翁溯利 《天风》2017,(11):52-52
竞争是今日真实世界的互动模式,而且是世人不可或缺的生活形态。求学时的名次排比,运动会中的冠军之争,企业的营业额排名……竞争如果是良性的、理性的、有共识与一定规则的,那么,竞争就不失为促进社会进步的一种动力。  相似文献   

该争的一定要争。 如果因为“枪打出头鸟”就放弃了,那么,你可能失去了一片辽阔的天空;如果因为“木秀于林,风必摧之”就放弃了,那么你可能永远生活在别人的阴影里……很多情况下,争才有出路。  相似文献   

正他来的时候一无所有,现在也一无所求。围龙屋东、西两边对称,前低后高,主次分明,里面有厅堂、天井、水井,从前住有10多户人家。哑叔十多年前因家乡水灾流浪到这个地方时,围龙屋已经空了。家家户户都在旁边盖起了新的房子,围龙屋只放柴草、杂物。村里人可怜哑叔孤苦伶仃、无依无靠,就叫他随便在围龙屋挑个房间住下。这里靠山吃山、靠水吃水,饿不了。哑叔对村里的人无限感激,从此便在村子里住下了。  相似文献   

建国不久,齐白石精心制作了两方印章,用宣纸包好后托人送给毛主席。毛主席很高兴,特意在中南海设宴答谢齐白石,并邀请郭沫若作陪。  相似文献   

该争的一定要争。如果因为枪打出头鸟就放弃了,那么,你可能失去了一片辽阔的天空;如果因为木秀于林,风必摧之就放弃了,那么你可能永远生活在别人的阴影里……很多情况下,争才有出路。到底要争什么呢?司马迁说:天下熙熙,皆为利来;天下攘攘,皆为利往。古今中外,多少人为了一个利字,忙着争钱财,争职位,争权势,争地盘……争得貌合神离,争得勾心斗角,争得反目为仇,争得乌烟瘴气……这样的争好像一把把利刃,给人们留下了数不尽的伤痕。  相似文献   

1946年5月,远东国际军事法庭审判以东条英机为首的28名日本甲级战犯,为了排定法庭座次,11个参与国的法官们展开了一场激烈的争论.中国法官理应排在庭长左手的第二把交椅,可是由于中国国力不强而被各强权国否定.在这种情况下,唯一出庭的中国法官梅汝璈面对列强展开了一场机智的舌战.梅法官认为,中国法官应坐在庭长左手第二把交椅.为此,他首先阐明排定法庭座次所应坚持的唯一正确的原则立场,那就是按日本投降时各受降国的签字顺序.  相似文献   

我们所知的一个简单的道理是:我们不愿意去和一个很弱的或过强的人“争”,前者无趣味,后者无胜算。总之,无聊。所以,我们通常说的人与人之“争”,都是能耐、地位彼此相差不大的人。  相似文献   

正~~  相似文献   

很多家庭常用冰箱贮存水果、蔬菜,虽很方便,但在贮存过程中,由于对贮温的要求不一样,有的水果和蔬菜就会变质、变味。尤其是黄瓜和青椒,在冰箱里贮存过久,就会出现冻“伤”,变黑、变软、变味。黄瓜还会长毛发黏。因为冰箱里菜盒的温度一般为4℃~6℃左右。而黄瓜贮存适宜温度  相似文献   

In the current study, we examined the developmental course of the perception of non‐native tonal contrast. We tested 4, 6 and 12‐month‐old Dutch infants on their discrimination of Chinese low‐rising tone and low‐dipping tone using the visual fixation paradigm. The infants were tested in two conditions that differed in terms of degree of variability. The 4‐month‐olds did not show discrimination effect in either condition. The 6‐ and 12‐month‐old infants, however, discriminated the tones in both conditions. The improvement of perception might be the result of cognitive development carried over from learning the native phonology. Infants can become better listeners in general in the first year of life, as well as get cognitively better equipped in dealing with the variable input in speech in general. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

一段时间以来.鲁迅先生颇含贬义的所谓“名言”——“中国根柢全在道教”,被某些道教学者误读为是“用极其简洁的语言,肯定了道教在中国传统文化中的地位和作用”, “是一个科学的论断”,“纠正了长期以来在国内外都流行着的一种学术偏见”。这种做法虽然遭到一些学者的反对,却没有得到应有的纠正,反而愈演愈烈,成为道教学界的主流性观点。不但给我们的学术研究带来一定混乱,而且还以讹传讹,在社会上产生了非常不良的影响。事实上,如何理解鲁迅先生这一“名言”,已经成为一桩必须认真对待的学术公案。  相似文献   

It is argued here that the development of attentional abilities during infancy does not rely exclusively on individual, stable characteristics of the child, but that interactions between infants and their social and physical environment play an important role in this development. In a longitudinal study at home, dyadic interactions and attentional behaviours were recorded at 5 and 8 months in 30 dyads. Two questions were relevant: How is focused attention part of infants' activities in their usual environment? How is the mother involved in this focused attention, and do maternal behaviours have effects on the infant? At around 5 months of age, a coherent set of results show that the mother plays a crucial role in the control of the infant's attention, which is still detectable three months later. The notion of attention scaffolding, which foreshadows subsequent scaffolding during problem solving, is discussed, as well as the indices evaluating attentional abilities.  相似文献   

First year MFT students engaged in a journaling project, selecting one event daily which captured something about being a student, including the process of therapy, consultation, and supervision, that struck them as important in terms of their professional development. On reflection, the students saw therapeutic success and professional confidence as systemic products of a variety of contextual factors: transient and enduring aspects of the self and the client, faculty, peer, and family influences, and treatment setting and program factors. Students and faculty experienced this formative self study as valuable and believe that it should be done at the beginning, middle, and end of an educational program and the results shared with both faculty and students.  相似文献   

Infants’ innate joyful sexuality in the 1st year, as well as parental sexuality, are relatively neglected in models of clinical work with infants. We offer a developmental perspective that pays close attention to the body of the infant, in contrast to some psychoanalytic theories that view infantile sexuality as phantasy. With greater awareness of the infant’s body as sexual, therapists could develop a more resonant countertransference and become more aware of the experiences of the infant as subject. Some symptomatic difficulties are described, and the relevance for psychotherapeutic intervention with adults is indicated.  相似文献   

Sex Roles - The present research investigated whether evaluations of female and male job candidates rely on different dimensions. Going beyond previous studies on the role of gender stereotypes, we...  相似文献   

In studies of postural control, a control task is often used to understand significant effects obtained with experimental manipulations. This task should be the easiest task and (therefore) engage the lowest behavioral variability and cognitive workload. Since 1983, the stationary-gaze task is considered as the most relevant control task. Instead, the authors expected that free looking at small targets (white paper or images; visual angle: 12°) could be an easier task. To verify this assumption, 16 young individuals performed stationary-gaze, white-panel, and free-viewing 12° tasks in steady and relaxed stances. The stationary-gaze task led to significantly higher cognitive workload (mean score in the National Aeronotics and Space Administration Task Load Index questionnaire), higher interindividual body (head, neck, and lower back) linear variability, and higher interindividual body angular variability—not systematically yet—than both other tasks. There was more cognitive workload in steady than relaxed stances. The authors also tested if a free-viewing 24° task could lead to greater angular displacement, and hence greater body sway, than could the other tasks in relaxed stance. Unexpectedly, the participants mostly moved their eyes and not their body in this task. In the discussion, the authors explain why the stationary-gaze task may not be an ideal control task and how to choose this neutral task.  相似文献   

Nine principal personality psychology journals—Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (JPSP), Journal of Personality (JP), Journal of Research in Personality (JRP), European Journal of Personality (EJP), Personality and Individual Differences (PAID), Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin (PSPB), Personality and Social Psychology Review (PSPR), Journal of Personality Assessment (JPA), and Journal of Personality Disorders (JPD)—have published 8510 research papers from 2001 to 2010. These papers have been cited 149 108 times (September 2011) by papers published in journals indexed in the Web of Science. Although personality psychologists from the US published the largest number of papers (4924, 57.9%) and had the largest number of citations (101 875, 68.3%), their relative contribution to personality literature has slightly diminished during the first decade of the new millennium. Unlike other countries, personality psychologists residing in the US demonstrated a strong country self‐citation bias: They were about 14% more likely to cite papers which were written by their compatriots rather than non‐US authors in three leading journals JPSP, PSPB, and PSPR. The intensity and pattern of citations indicate that personality psychology indeed occupies one of the core positions at the heart of psychological knowledge. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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