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从历届罗马国际运动心理学会大会报告的主要研究课题看研究动向。第一届(罗马1965年)主要课题是运动员的心理准备、体育心理疗法的价值,运动的动机,运动员的个性等。第二届(华盛顿1968年)与第一届基本相同。有运动员的心理准备,运动员的竞赛动机,运动员的个性等,还对什么是运动心理学等问题进行了讨论。第三届(马德里1973年)四个主要课题:1、运动心理学的一般目的;2、比赛的心理;3、运动学习和比赛能力;4、身体活动和体育运动的煤介作用;5、其它。第四届(布拉格1977年)包括了前三届的研究内容,学校体育、社会体育也列入了  相似文献   

现代运动心理学研究综述   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
张力为  任未多 《心理学报》1995,28(4):386-394
从宏观的角度描述了现代运动心理学的研究领域,分析了运动员个性、唤醒水平与运动成绩、焦虑与运动成绩、心理技能训练和运动动机等五个方面的研究倾向,指出:认知运动心理学仍是研究的主流,各类研究都在尽量追求更明确的理论导向和更好的生态学效度,试图综合性地探讨运动行为,并且更加注重在描述和预测的基础上解释和控制运动行为。  相似文献   

过去二十年内,体育科学的一个新领域已得到大家的承认,这个新领域叫做运动心理学,它研究:影响运动和训练的心理因素,也研究运动和训练的心理效应。运动心理学家对运动员的动机、人格、攻击和捣乱行为、领导行为、体育锻炼与心理健康、思想与情感,以及在体育活动中产生的其他问题感兴趣。他们在大学里教运动心理学课,搞研究,或者在运动队与运动员、教练员合作,以提高他们的技能与运动成绩。在运动心理学这门科学出现之前,教练们已经对运动竞赛的心理问题感兴趣了。例如,本世纪二十年代,好斗的爱尔兰圣母马利亚队教练奴特·陆克纳(Knute Rockne)就将鼓气讲话作为他的教  相似文献   

在国际大赛上,每当运动员取得好成绩或是遭遇惨败时,教练员就会提到运动员的心理问题。事实上,高水平的竞技比赛,对运动员的战术意识、应变能力、动态对抗性以及抗干扰等能力,都提出了很高的要求,这就决定了优秀运动员,除了必须具备世界一流的竞技技术外,还必须具备优秀的心理品质。可是,优秀的心理品质包括了哪些内容呢?2002年,国家体育总局在备战雅典奥运会中,启动了《优秀运动员专项心理水平诊断与监测研究》的课题,对优秀运动员应具备的心理品质和诊断手段进行了深入研究,旨在探索不同专项运动优秀运动员的心理特点,提高运动员的心理素…  相似文献   

刘文浩 《心理学报》1991,24(1):64-70
本文运用了安菲莫夫矫正法和棒框测验两项心理测验方法,对中国81名现役男子跳高运动员(二级25人,一级33人,健将23人)进行了神经类型和场依存性一独立性等征两项心理素质的测定。数据处理结果发现:1.健将级运动员的神经类型分布差异达显著水平,其中安静型占47.83%,兴奋型占43.47%,而在其他两个等级的跳高运动员中,神经类型的分布差异都未达显著水平;2.健将级运动员的场独立性最强,与一、二级跳高运动员相比,其差异这显著水平。本文从理论上初步揭示了这两项心理素质与高水平跳高运动的内在联系,阐明了安静型与兴奋神经类型和较强的场独立性在跳高比赛中的优势。以上两个发现对男子跳高运动员的心理选材和训练都有参考价值。  相似文献   

运动技能学习对视觉表象操作能力的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
刘鸣 《心理学报》1997,30(2):121-129
以视觉表象的操作速度和准确性为反应变量,对210名不同运动技能学习水平者进行了测试。结果表明:(1)运动学习者的技能水平对其视觉表象操作能力的发展具有重要影响,前者高后者也高,反之亦然;(2)运动学习者的视觉表象操作能力与所从事的运动专项有关。在田径、球类、游泳、武术和体操五大类项目的学习者之间,以体操运动员的操作速度和武术运动员的操作准确性发展水平较高,而其他运动员之间未表现出有关的显著性差别;(3)从事运动技能的学习者在视觉表象的操作速度和准确性方面具有优于一般文化知识学习者的倾向;(4)视觉表象操作能力的发展水平与人的年龄、性别和文化水平没有必然的联系。  相似文献   

目的:本研究旨在揭示冬季两项运动员赛前情绪、心理唤醒与流畅状态的特征及其相互关系,以期为我国冬季两项运动员的心理训练和干预提供实证依据。方法:采用问卷法对我国30名冬季两项运动员进行调查。结果:(1)冬季两项运动员自我意识丧失得分较低,男运动员挑战—技能平衡、自我意识丧失、身体/情绪状况和流畅状态总分得分显著高于女运动员,高龄组运动员身体/情绪状况得分显著高于低龄组运动员,国家队运动员正性心理唤醒得分显著高于非国家队运动员,非国家队运动员的个体失败焦虑得分显著高于国家队运动员;(2)自信心、正性唤醒与流畅状态显著相关,正性唤醒在自信心和流畅状态中起部分中介作用。结论:自信心和正性唤醒是冬季两项运动员流畅状态的重要影响因素。  相似文献   

我国运动员退役意识与心理状态的定量分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王进 《心理学报》2008,40(4):496-506
基于运动员退役过程理论,对我国运动员的退役意识和生活心理状态进行定量分析,旨在探索运动员在退役过程中的意识与心理状态变化。通过对789名运动员(现役运动员540人,退役运动员249人)的退役意识和生活心理状态调查,结果发现运动员的退役意识主要反映在运动员角色和退役准备的认知方面,当运动员角色的认知下降时,退役准备的认知会上升;在生活心理状态的评估方面,有退役想法的运动员要比无退役想法的运动员差;现役运动员的心理状态与退役运动员的心理状态在表现形式上不一样,主要表现为现役运动员反映了较高的生活焦虑,而退役运动员反映了较高的孤独感;分析进一步发现,运动员在退役过程中普遍感到缺乏社会支持。基于以上这些发现,研究从社会心理学角度,讨论了我国运动员退役的意识与心理现状  相似文献   

面临着高考,一个考生不产生一丝焦虑几乎是不可能的,它是一种正常的心理反应。只是过度的焦虑所引发的忧虑、烦躁、思维的迟钝僵化,记忆力的衰退,以及由此产生的自信心的动摇和对高考的恐惧感.对自己的焦虑所产生的焦虑——也就是焦虑的二次反应更要引起考生的注意,其实焦虑如果适度的话,也有它有益的一面.那就是它会导致意识缩窄,注意力集中,不容易受外界干扰,就好像运动员比赛前的适度紧张那样,既正常又必须,对此不可反应过度。  相似文献   

一、引言近些年来,心理训练在国内外的运动训练中日益发展起来,并引起广大教练员、运动员和体育科学工作者的极大注意.如今心理准备训练已经和身体训练、技术训练、战术训练、恢复训练、智能训练,以及思想教育共同组成完整的训练体系.一些专家认为,心理训练在整个运动训练中的比重应占30%左右.从国内一些重大比赛的情况来看,在双方实力相当的情况下,心理因素往往起着重要作用.据有关调查表明:中国体操运动员,在比赛失常的各种原因中,80%以上是心理因素(如过度紧张、过度兴奋、缺乏信心、注  相似文献   

This study compared use of imagery in elite male and female athletes in open and closed and individual or team sports. A total of 151 elite Turkish athletes ages 15 to 29 years old (males' M age=20.7 yr., SD=3.3; females' M age=20.0 yr., SD=3.5) from open-team sports (n=66), open-individual sports (n=26), and closed-individual sports (n=59) completed the sport imagery questionnaire. A significant multivariate effect of sport type was found. Univariate analyses indicated that male and female athletes in team open-skill sports and individual closed-skill sports used more motivational general-mastery imagery than did athletes in individual open-skill sports.  相似文献   

Many sports require fine spatiotemporal resolution for optimal performance. Previous studies have compared anticipatory skills and the decision-making process in athletes; however, there is little information on visual skills of elite athletes, particularly hockey players. To assess visual skills of Olympic hockey players and analyze differences by playing position, and to analyze improvement of visual skills after training, 21 Olympic field hockey players were pre- and post-tested on 11 visual tasks following a 10-wk. visual training program consisting of computer-based visual exercises. There were no mean differences at pre-test between players of different positions, suggesting that performance on these visual skills was independent of playing position. However, after training, an improvement was seen in all players (when scores were averaged across all 11 visual tasks) with goalkeepers improving significantly more than any other position. This suggests the possibility of improving visual skills even in an elite population.  相似文献   

值得运动心理学家探索的6个问题   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
张力为 《心理学报》2004,36(1):116-126
长期以来,运动心理学在竞技运动领域面对的6个问题包括:1)哪些心理学指标可以标志和预测训练型和比赛型运动员?2)如何界定、监测和控制长时期大运动量训练和比赛中的心理疲劳?3)达到最佳竞技状态的必要心理条件是什么?4)运动员最佳竞技状态时大脑的工作情况有哪些特征? 5)运动员精英与其他领域精英的自我发展有何异同?6)有运动智力吗?从理论和实践两个方面对这6个问题进行了分析,提出了解决这些问题的思路。同时指出,对这些问题的探索将有助于运动心理学为母科学心理学的发展做出贡献。  相似文献   

Previous research documented differences in executive functions between elite athletes in different sports. It was argued that athletes in sport disciplines with higher cognitive demands (i.e., open-skill) show better executive functions than athletes in less cognitively challenging sport disciplines (i.e., closed-skill). In the current study, we aimed at detecting differences in executive functions between elite athletes in open-skill versus closed-skill sports and questioned the role of their total involvement in these sports until the age of 18 on executive functions.Seventy-five elite athletes (45 males and 30 females; Mage = 23.03 ± 4.41 years) from various sports were classified as open- or closed-skill athletes based on the sport they currently competed in. The athletes conducted a series of neuro-psychological tests measuring working memory, inhibition, and cognitive flexibility (Design Fluency test, Trail Making test, Flanker task, and a 2-back task). Retrospective interviews assessed athletes' sport involvement in open-skill and closed-skill sports until the age of 18.MANCOVAs revealed that athletes in open-skill sports performed better on measures of working memory and cognitive flexibility. Generalized Linear Models displayed that elite athletes in closed-skill sports, with greater involvement in open-skill sports until the age of 18, performed better during working memory and cognitive flexibility tasks.The results indicate that extensive time spent in open- and closed-skill sports can affect executive functions in elite athletes. A high involvement in open-skill sports proved to be beneficial for executive functions, in particular for elite athletes in closed-skill sports. These findings suggest that experiences in cognitively demanding sports may cause benefits for the development of executive functions.  相似文献   

This qualitative study was focused on two objectives: to explore (a) Chinese elite athletes' perceptions of their rehabilitation experiences after severe acute injuries, and (b) support strategies facilitating their return to competition. We interviewed 10 Chinese elite athletes through a semi-structured interview guide consisting of open questions and requests for information about the participants’ injury and rehabilitation experiences. We utilized a reflexive thematic analysis to interpret participants’ accounts. Two themes are presented to reveal the Chinese elite athletes’ perceptions: (a) psychological injury rehabilitation lags behind physical rehabilitation and (b) post-injury psychological support within the CWNS.This study contributes to athlete rehabilitation scholarship by providing a unique Eastern, collective perspective embedded with the Chinese Whole Nation System (CWNS).  相似文献   

ObjectivesThe primary objective of this study is to identify the personal characteristics that predict dropout versus continuation among dual career athletes from different sports who attend sports schools. These schools provide an optimal environment for combining an academic education with a sports career.MethodsAt the end of the school year, all 10th graders (52 girls, 73 boys) from five out of six sports schools in Saxony, Germany, completed a standardised questionnaire that measured personal characteristics deemed important for a successful career – personality traits (Freiburger Persönlichkeitsinventar – FPI), goal orientation (Sport Orientation Questionnaire – SOQ), and volitional skills (Volitional Components in Sport – VKS). In addition, demographic and sport-related data were collected. One year later, at the end of 11th grade, all participants again completed the questionnaire.ResultsAt Time 2, 37 athletes (29.6%) had dropped out of their sport career, and 88 athletes were still pursuing their sport career. A majority of the dropouts were from individual sports (n = 31) and were females (n = 23). A logistic regression analysis of physical complaints (higher for dropouts), win motivation and self-optimisation (each lower for dropouts) as significant covariates correctly classified 65% of the dropouts and 92% of the non-dropouts.ConclusionsPersonal characteristics, motivation and volition in particular, played important roles for those adolescent athletes who remained active in their sport. Accordingly, it is suggested that young athletes receive psychological training focused on these specific personal characteristics.  相似文献   

An extraordinary physiological capacity combined with remarkable motor control, perception, and cognitive functioning is crucial for high performance in sports. Tests that assess the physical abilities are already well established. Moreover, a growing area of research evolved in the recent past that is particularly concerned with the basic cognitive functions by means of neurocognitive tests in experts and elite athletes. The aim of this meta‐analysis (k = 19) is to quantify differences among experts and nonexperts as well as elite athletes and non‐elite athletes. In addition, it aims to assemble and compare previous research and analyze possible differences in cognitive functions depending on age, skill level, and used cognitive tasks. Overall, the mean effect size was small to medium (r = 0.22), indicating superior cognitive functions in experts and elite athletes. The factor of skill definition significantly differentiates the cognition–expertise relationship. In contrast, differences in age groups and cognitive areas appeared but were not significant. Future research should prefer the elite rather than the expert definition and distinguish between high‐performance and amateur athletes. Furthermore, the findings suggest that it can be beneficial for coaches and sport clubs to integrate cognitive tests as an additional tool for scouting and for optimizing the athletic development of their players.  相似文献   


Achieving superior sport performance is often the result of well developed psychological skills (Morris &; Thomas, 1995). However, little is known about psychological skill development in athletes with disabilities (Hanrahan, 1998). The purpose of the present paper is to help sport psychologists in their work with athletes with physical disabilities. Although there are many similarities among athletes with and without disabilities, sport psychologists would benefit from an awareness of information unique to athletes with disabilities (Asken, 1991). I use a broad interpretation of psychological skills based on a holistic perspective and a personal development model (Vealey, 1988). Information is presented in the three areas of foundation, psychological, and facilitative skills, methods, and factors.  相似文献   

Informed by athletes’ psychological needs, the current qualitative study developed, implemented, and evaluated a 15-month mental skills training (MST) program for elite youth athletes. The MST was divided into 3 phases that included a 9-month preintervention, a 2-month intervention, and a 4-month evaluation phase. The intervention consisted of 3 interactive workshops that were delivered to 11 competitive British youth tennis players (8–15?years of age) and their coach (age 34). The intervention was informed by data that were collected throughout a 9-month preintervention phase including longitudinal observations, field notes, and semistructured interviews. The intervention was evaluated over 4 months through observations, field notes, athlete-workshop data, and a semistructured interview with the coach. Results reinforced the value of the longitudinal preintervention phase by highlighting that the establishment of rapport between the researcher and athletes enhanced the meaningfulness and content of the MST program. In addition, an increase in athletes’ use and regulation of psychological skills and characteristics (PSCs) was identified as a result of athletes’ improved understanding of psychological skills (i.e., self-talk, imagery, performance routines) and characteristics (i.e., focus, emotional control, PSCs). Finally, the MST program fostered a shared subject-specific language between athletes and their coach, enhancing the openness and frequency with which PSCs were talked about. Practical guidelines for future sport psychology interventions with youth athletes and their coaches are provided.

Lay Summary: A 15-month mental skills training program was conducted with youth tennis players to enhance their ability to regulate their focus and emotional control. Practical guidelines for future interventions with youth athletes and their coaches are provided.  相似文献   

中国运动心理学的发展:历史、现状与未来   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
张力为  丁雪琴 《心理学报》1994,27(3):324-330
简要回顾了中国运动心理学发展的历史,指出,作为一门应用科学,它的主要实践是在竞技领域对优秀运动员进行心理特征的评定和对青少年运动员进行心理选材,针对训练和竞赛中的问题开展心理训练和心理咨询,以及对教练员进行培训。今后,中国运动心理学需要扩展自己的研究领域,发展适合中国体育运动特点的测量工具和测量方法,并注意汲取其它学科如认知心理学发展的新成果。  相似文献   

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