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Type A behavior and hardiness were examined as predictors of cardiovascular responses to stress in 68 male undergraduates. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure (SBP and DBP) and heart rate were monitored while subjects performed a difficult mirror-tracing task. Type A assessments based on the Structured Interview, but not those based on the Jenkins Activity Survey, were associated with significantly enhanced SBP and DBP elevations. Hardiness was associated with significantly reduced DBP responsiveness. In addition, a significant interaction indicated that the Type B-high hardiness group showed the least DBP reactivity. A near-significant interaction (p = .06) suggested that Type B-high hardiness subjects also reported the least anger. Further exploration of the data indicated that the challenge component of hardiness accounted for its relationship to DBP reactivity. These results have implications both for the psychophysiologic study of Type A behavior and for understanding the health-promoting effects of hardiness.  相似文献   

Past research pertaining to personality and mood has been concerned with the relationship between specific personality traits and specific mood states. The present examines the relationship between self-report measures of personality and mood. University students (82 males, 118 females), completed a personality questionnaire consisting of 20 personality bipolar adjectives and a mood inventory measuring six mood dimensions. Factor analysis of the personality adjectives revealed four factors, which were then correlated with the mood scales. Results of this analysis revealed significant correlations between the personality factors and mood dimensions suggesting that personality is related to some aspects of mood.  相似文献   

Type A personality, self-control, and vulnerability to stress   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Type A behavior (hard-driving, competitive, time-urgent, hostile-irritable) has been linked to high stress levels and the risk of eventual cardiovascular problems (i.e., coronary heart disease, CHD). However, this pattern of behavior closely resembles the traditional masculine instrumental (goal-oriented) orientation, and, if kept within limits, may be viewed as adaptive in success-oriented, middle-class college students. Hypothetically then, Type A behavior may be displayed by a broad group of individuals, and only in those cases when it is allowed to reach extreme proportions is stress sufficient enough to confer risk. This article considers two lines of reasoning. Is greater self-control required for college women to be Type As, because it involves crossing into traditional male role behavior? Type A women displayed significantly better self-control then Type B women; the opposite result was disclosed for college men with Type As displaying poorer self-control than Type Bs. The question of whether risk-conferring Type A behavior would result from poorer self-control was answered in the affirmative. Self-control assumed moderator status; poorer self-control in both male and female Type As was associated with high levels of day-to-day stress relative to Type As with better self-control. Self-control did not influence stress level in Type Bs. This moderator effect suggests that only Type As who cannot contain their behavior within adaptive limits will be vulnerable to excessive stress and at risk for CHD.  相似文献   

Antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) is associated with suicide, violence, and risk-taking behavior and can slow response to first-line treatment for Axis I disorders. ASPD may be assessed infrequently because few efficient diagnostic tools are available. This study evaluated 2 promising self-report measures for assessing ASPD--the ASPD scale of the Personality Diagnostic Questionnaire-4 (PDQ-4; S. E. Hyler, 1994) and the Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI; L. Morey, 1991, 2007)--as well as the ASPD module of the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis II (SCID-II; M. B. First, R. L. Spitzer, M. Gibbon, J. B. W. Williams, & L. S. Benjamin, 1997). The measures were administered to 1,345 offenders in court-mandated residential substance abuse treatment programs and prisons. PDQ-4 and PAI scores related strongly to SCID-II symptom counts (rs = .67 and .51, respectively), indicating these measures convey useful clinical information about the severity of offenders' ASPD pathology. The dimensional association between the measures was relatively invariant across gender, race, and site, although differences in mean scores were observed. Levels of agreement of the SCID-II with the PDQ-4 (kappa = .31) and PAI (kappa = .32) in classifying participants as ASPD was limited. Alternative thresholds for both self-report measures were identified and cross-validated.  相似文献   

Type D personality is predictive of adverse clinical outcome and psychological distress in cardiac patients. However, the mechanisms by which Type D affects health are largely unknown. This study (1) investigated the relationship between Type D and cardiovascular reactivity to experimentally induced stress and (2) tested the influence of Type D on subjective feelings of stress. Eighty four healthy young adults (50% males, mean (SD) age 22 (6.84) years), completed measures of Type D personality, stress arousal and a stress-inducing procedure involving a taxing mental arithmetic task. Cardiovascular measures were recorded throughout the experiment. Mixed measures ANOVA showed a significant main effect of Type D and a significant group by time effect of Type D on cardiac output in male participants. Type D males exhibit significantly higher cardiac output during the stressor phase compared to non-Type D males. However, there was no relationship between Type D and cardiovascular reactivity in females. In addition, Type D individuals exhibited significantly higher feelings of subjective stress compared to non-Type D's. These findings provide new evidence on Type D and suggest that Type D may affect health through increased cardiac output and higher subjective feelings of stress following acute stress.  相似文献   

A total of 73 psychiatric inpatients, all of whom (but two) fulfilled criteria for at least one specific personality disorder (PD) on SCID-II PQ, were interviewed with the help of PDE. The self-report PD diagnosis was confirmed in 35 (48 per cent) patients. The diagnostic agreement between the two instruments was poor, yielding an overall weighted kappa of 0.22. Levelling off the PD base rates by increasing or decreasing the diagnostic threshold of SCID-II PQ and PDE respectively increased the overall weighted kappa to 0.38 in both instances. 70 per cent of SCID-II PQ but only 29 per cent of PDE personality disorders were of extensive type. Most frequent important co-occurrences occurred between individual PD types within cluster 2. On the whole, the results confirmed the relatively poor agreement between self-report and interview PD diagnoses. The utilization of self-report questionnaires in a clinical practice remains a controversial issue. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper is divided into two parts. In the first, the rank order stability of individual differences in altruism across situations is examined and it is found that substantial consistency occurs when due regard is given to the principle of aggregation. In the second, a self-report altruism scale, on which respondents rate the frequency with which they have engaged in some 20 specific behaviors, is found to predict such criteria as peer-ratings of altruism, completing an organ-donor card, and paper-and-pencil measures of prosocial orientation. These data suggest there is a broad-based trait of altruism.  相似文献   

Two common methods of measuring personality variables are examined with respect to the ways in which they control respondent biases. A form of the mental-test theory model is developed which makes explicit differences in score components that result from different methodological constraints imposed by the two methods. From the model, it is possible to specify the operations necessary to provide equivalent information from the two sets of data. Performance of these operations in an empirical test supports the model by producing generally higher correlations between the variables having score components which are more closely matched.  相似文献   

Researchers are focusing on developing implicit measures of personality to address concerns related to the faking of self-report measures. The present study examined the validity and fakeability of Implicit Association Test (IAT) measures of personality self-concept in a repeated-measures design (N = 33). People’s predictions about how they represented themselves on the measures were also assessed. Results indicated that participants were able fake self-report measures when instructed to do so and that they could accurately predict how they represented themselves on these measures. Participants were also able to fake an IAT measure of Extraversion, but were unable to fake an IAT measure of Conscientiousness or predict how they represented themselves on either IAT measure.  相似文献   

Findings from several large-scale, longitudinal studies over the last decade have challenged the long-held assumption that personality disorders (PDs) are stable and enduring. However, the findings, including those from the Collaborative Longitudinal Personality Disorders Study (CLPS; Gunderson et al., 2000), rely primarily on results from semistructured interviews. As a result, less is known about the stability of PD scores from self-report questionnaires, which differ from interviews in important ways (e.g., source of the ratings, item development, and instrument length) that might increase temporal stability. The current study directly compared the stability of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed.; DSM-IV) PD constructs assessed via the Schedule for Nonadaptive and Adaptive Personality (SNAP-2; Clark, Simms, Wu, & Casillas, in press) with those from the Diagnostic Interview for DSM-IV Personality Disorders (Zanarini, Frankenburg, Sickel, & Yong, 1996) over 2 years in a sample of 529 CLPS participants. Specifically, we compared dimensional and categorical representations from both measures in terms of rank-order and mean-level stability. Results indicated that the dimensional scores from the self-report questionnaire had significantly greater rank-order (mean r=.69 vs. .59) and mean-level (mean d=0.21 vs. 0.30) stability. In contrast, categorical diagnoses from the two measures evinced comparable rank-order (mean κ=.38 vs. .37) and mean-level stability (median prevalence rate decrease of 3.5% vs. 5.6%). These findings suggest the stability of PD constructs depends at least partially on the method of assessment and are discussed in the context of previous research and future conceptualizations of personality pathology.  相似文献   

Interview methods are widely regarded as the standard for the diagnosis of borderline personality disorder (BPD), whereas self-report methods are considered a time-efficient alternative. However, the relative validity of these methods has not been sufficiently tested. The current study used data from the Collaborative Longitudinal Personality disorder Study to compare diagnostic base rates and the relative validity of interview and self-report methods for assessing functional outcome in BPD. Although self-report yielded higher base rates of criteria endorsement, results did not support the common assumption that diagnostic interviews are more valid than self-reports, but instead indicated the combined use of these methods optimally identifies BPD criteria.  相似文献   


Psychobiological responses to examination stress in repressors and sensitizers have rarely been investigated with respect to intraindividual response discrepancies. Furthermore, possible sex differences have rarely been taken into consideration. Therefore the present study investigated if repressors and sensitizers differ in their psychobiological responses to stress and if gender plays a modulating role. 30 and 29 students of both sexes selected from a total group of 96 students were classified as repressors or sensitizers each according to the repression-sensitization-coping-inventory (RSCI, Huwe et al.). State anxiety, heart rate, and cortisol in saliva served as indicators of stress. Sensitizers reported higher state anxiety and showed higher physiological stress responses than repressors. On the intraindividual level sensitizers reported high anxiety as compared to their low cortisol responses whereas repressors reported low anxiety as compared to their high cortisol increases. Gender had no modulating influence on stress responses in repressors and sensitizers.  相似文献   

Two studies examined the relations between three different types of jealousy and personality characteristics of self and partner in two large heterogeneous community samples of heterosexual couples (459 and 230 couples, respectively). It was expected that partners would resemble each other to some extent in both the experience of different types of jealousy and personality characteristics, and that self-reported levels of neuroticism (+) and extraversion (−) would be related to higher levels of jealousy. Moreover, it was expected that partner extraversion would be related positively to levels of jealousy, and that similarity with regard to personality characteristics would be related to lower levels of jealousy. Results largely supported our expectations with regard to both partner similarity and self-reported personality characteristics. However, our expectations with regard to partner extraversion and similarity were not supported.  相似文献   

Kurtz JE  Morey LC 《Assessment》2001,8(3):291-300
Diagnosis of borderline personality disorder (BPD) during episodes of major depression (MDE), although clinically important, is complicated in several respects when using self-report methods. Structured interview data were used to select a group of patients with comorbid BPD (n=21) from a sample of outpatients presenting with MDE. This group was compared with a group of MDE patients without BPD (n=24) and with a group of community controls (n=20) using self-report data from the Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI), the revised Personality Diagnostic Questionnaire (PDQ), and the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). Analyses revealed that the BPD group obtained significantly higher scores on PAI and PDQ scales measuring features of BPD and on the PAI Negative Impression Management scale. The severity and type of MDE symptoms reported on the PAI and BDI did not differentiate the clinical groups. These data show that useful information for the diagnosis of BPD during depressive episodes can be gathered from self-report assessment instruments like the PAI.  相似文献   

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