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Improve the quality of working conditions is a major issue for healthcare workers who have to deal with productivity obligations and multiple procedures. Based on the magnet hospital concept, the ORSOSA study (prospective cohort study of 4000 helthcare workers) helped develop and validate a methodolody that allows to quickly diagnose the levels of psychological and organizational constraints (CPO) from the staff’s point of view / of the staff. The ORSOSA method relies on an organisational psychologist who launches a dynamic during the diagnostic feedback phase. He gets the team to appropriate the strengths and weaknesses and to rank their recommendations. This article presents an overview of the method and it the first stages of its evaluations.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to measure the relationships between organizational recognition and workplace psychological health for emergency dispatchers by a predictif correlational design. Data collected from a secure online questionnaire sent to dispatchers via four emergency call centers (n = 155) measured psychological health at work (Gilbert et al., 2011) and organizational recognition (Brun and Dugas, 2005). The results of multiple linear regression analyses partially confirmed the hypothesized links between the two variables: they attested that organizational and co-worker recognition partially explained psychological well-being at work (R2 = .25, p < .001) and psychological distress at work (R2 = .30, p < .001) among emergency dispatchers.  相似文献   

In this article, the authors aim to describe and analyze the main stages of an action-research carried out with different partners (actors and organizations) about stress and suffering at work. They examine the conditions of realization of such a research. They specially point up the evolution of professionals and researchers roles just as the evolution of the goals pursued by the work group they instituted. This action-research began 2 years ago: it permitted to materialize projects mentioned in this contribution.  相似文献   

Most researchers working on the thematic of workplace spirituality recognize the importance of its relationships with individual and organizational performance. However, no scale for assessing it has been translated and validated in a French-speaking context. Therefore, this study aims to validate the adaptation of the “Workplace spirituality” scale. Exploratory and confirmatory analyses were carried out on all data collected from 623 participants working in France. The results revealed a five-factor solution: “Transcendence”, “Alignment with the organization values”, “Mindfulness”, “Compassion” and “Meaningful work”, as well as satisfactory psychometric qualities. The discussion presents the reasons why the French version is valid and identifies some of the limitations of this study.  相似文献   

The study aims to develop and present the validation process of a questionnaire on emotional self-efficacy in the work context from the six steps proposed by Dussault et al. (2007). The study is based on the theories of emotional intelligence of Mayer and Salovey (1997), Petrides and Furham (2001) and the self-efficacy of Bandura (1997). Following an expert analysis and a pre-test, the Emotional Self-Efficacy at Work scale is composed of 41 items. The participants are 985 Canadian workers. The results of confirmatory factor analyzes support the seven-dimensional structure, namely the self-efficiency to perceive one's emotions and those of others at work, the self-efficiency to use emotions at work, the self-efficiency to understand one's emotions and those of others at work and finally, the self-efficiency to manage one's emotions and those of others at work. The results also indicate that the seven dimensions have satisfactory internal coherence indices. The results suggest that this questionnaire is well suited to describe emotional self-efficacy at work. The use of the questionnaire will be discussed.  相似文献   

Preventing social risks at work is an international concern. It has been demonstrated that the work in its all dimensions such as, organizational, technical, technological and relational, involves a multiplicity of constraints. They participate to the degradation of work health and to the organizational performance through to the complex and various mechanisms. The aim of this paper is to explain how a methodological consensus linking the European legislation, national agreements, scientifically theories and tools, and actual work has been gradually introducing in France. Based on theoretical and methodological considerations and on a Return Of Experience (ROE) we demonstrate the necessity to adopt an integrated approach to prevent social risks that focusing more on the work determinants than on individuals’ issues.  相似文献   

This study aims to highlight the mediating role of burnout and psychological violence between objectification and its consequences on the perception of oneself as an object. In total, 180 professionals responded to an online questionnaire to measure these constructs. The results reveal a direct effect of objectification on self-objectification, this effect being mediated by both burnout and the level of psychological violence. This study invites to question dehumanizing relationships at work and their conditions of emergence as a framework for interpreting risks at the workplace.  相似文献   

Work may support personnalization and creation when subjects can transfer and develop in their professional environment what they do, value, plan or got in other domains of life. By contrast, suffering at work traps the subject in a reciprocal causality loop in which agency decrease and loss of meaning go hand in hand. Both depend on work experience’s disconnection from other subject’s life experiences. We hypothesize that emotion, as an antecedent of meaning search (Rime, 2005) and a vehicle for behaviors intersignification, is a means for re-appropriating an identity of “homme capable” (Ricoeur, 2004). An action-research at Purpan’s hospital “Suffering at work” consulting, considers those statements at individual and collective levels by comparing two Groups of Work Situations Analyze.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to explore the relationships between the meaning of work and the intention to leave, job satisfaction and workload in a pre-pandemic context. In a population highly affected by turnover problems, care assistants working in French EHPAD (n = 125) completed a self-administered online questionnaire. The results of the study show a significant link between the variables mentioned above. Job satisfaction exerts a mediating effect between the meaning of work and the intention to leave. This mediation is not found for workload. This study highlights the interest of working on the meaning of work as a possible lever against the intention to leave.  相似文献   

Through action-research case study in the area of “Parks and Gardens”, this paper focused on the relations between “aloneness”, “loneliness” and “solitude” at work and their necessary distinctions. The Socio-Clinical work psychology approach used during the intervention helped to highlight some key elements. While aloneness characterizes a stretched between the subject and its external environment link, loneliness and solitude are defined as intra-subjective process mainly emotional psycho. These last notions remain in any case a test for physical and psychological occupational health. It seems that the outcomes depend largely on the ability of the subject to convert aloneness to solitude. In our case study three valences of aloneness with different level of risk for health, were underline: solitude, as creative aloneness; defensive aloneness; and loneliness. The advantages of this new approach for prevention are discussed in the positioning relative to other work on the subject.  相似文献   

By referring to the ergonomic analysis of work and to the management sciences, the authors propose an analysis model of the managers’ activity. Until then, few researchs were realized in ergonomics science with this population which has to prepare and to organize the works of other operators. According to the authors, it is possible to apply to this population the model of “the centre de décision”. It allows to understand how their activity is determined by “upstream” centres and then how it determines the activity of centres “approval”. Applied to the project and site managers, this model brings solutions to transform their work and the work of the workmen.  相似文献   

《Psychologie Fran?aise》2016,61(2):139-151
IntroductionAttention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a prevalent neurodevelopmental disorder. Inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity are key symptoms of ADHD. It is typically associated with working memory deficits at the cognitive level. For this reason, interventions have been designed to train working memory in ADHD. Currently, Cogmed Working Memory Training program is the most commonly used and studied program in clinical practice and research. This program is proposed as an intervention for ADHD that targets working memory deficits with specific exercises through intensive training sessions.ObjectivesThe goal of this literature review is to examine the effects of the Cogmed program in children and adolescents with ADHD on working memory, inhibition, non-verbal reasoning, attention functioning, ADHD symptoms and academic achievement. All existing studies on the subject that included a control group (n = 8) are reviewed.ResultsIt is clear from most studies that Cogmed training program increases and verbal and visuospatial working memory (or the phonological loop and visuospatial sketchpad in Baddeley's model (1986, 2007), among ADHD participants. However, transfer of learning is not demonstrated on other components of working memory that are not directly targeted by the program such as the central executive described in Baddeley's model or the secondary memory defined by Unsworth & Engle (2007). With regards to far transfer measures, results are controversial for inhibition, non-verbal reasoning, ADHD symptoms reported by parents, and reading abilities. No improvement is demonstrated for attentional capacities, ADHD symptoms reported by teachers and mathematic reasoning.ConclusionCogmed training improves verbal and visuospatial working memory, two cognitive functions that play an important role in ADHD. However, Cogmed's exercises need to be modified in order to train more complex working memory components such as the central executive (Baddeley, 1986, 2007) and the secondary memory (Unsworth & Engle, 2007), which are more impaired in ADHD than the phonological loop and visuospatial sketchpad. Another approach would be to design programs that can tackle a larger range of cognitive functions that are impaired in ADHD (e.g., inhibition). In future, studies evaluating such modified programs, direct observation instruments that are more sensitive to short-term changes need to be included. Follow-up measures should also be systematically included.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to show that a diagnosis of psychosocial risks based on a mixed and participative methodology contributes to improving the quality of life at work. It is based on a “Quality of life at work” approach set up within a public educational institution for agricultural studies. The quantitative part includes the Job Content Questionnaire by Karasek, Siegrist's Effort/Reward Imbalance Questionnaire, the Maslach Burnout Inventory, the Negative Acts Questionnaire (revised) and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale from Zigmond and Snaith. The qualitative part is based on focus group discussions. Results have brought to light the groups of employees which are most exposed to risks, especially those in the “school life” sector. They also show that lack of recognition, support and communication are problems experienced by all the staff members of the school. In order to enhance employees’ quality of life within the working environment, a multitude of co-constructed “tailor-made” ways and means of improvement have been suggested. The study shows how the selected methodology contributes to the quality of the diagnosis.  相似文献   

This article investigates the links between personalization, workplace attachment and perceived workplace quality. Participants (N = 116) work in the same office building. This investigation focus also about the office ability to improve intimacy and appropriation by owners (open space, individual office, shared office). As we were expecting, we observe an effective link between personalization and workplace attachment, and perceived workplace quality. The overall results lead to the conclusion of a solid link between attachment and perceived workplace quality. We will discuss our conclusions furthermore and we will offer recommendations.  相似文献   

《Pratiques Psychologiques》2015,21(2):105-120
The present study aimed to assess workaholism in the light of job demands (psychological demands, efforts, emotional dissonance) and job resources (control, social support, rewards). The study was conducted among 342 employment counselors. The results revealed that the employment counselors would have all the more workaholism behaviors that the organizational context expose them to high levels of psychological demands and efforts, high levels of over-commitment and emotional dissonance and low levels of social support and rewards. Multiple regressions highlighted the central role of psychological demands, over-investment and emotional dissonance to reveal workaholism.  相似文献   

More and more Western organizations settle in Africa and import their corporate culture. This contrasts strongly with local national culture. The present study examines the direct links and the interactive effect of Gabonese culture and Western corporate culture on workplace cultural values. A total of 650 Gabonese employees working in Western organizations answered a questionnaire. The results indicate that Gabonese national culture and Western corporate culture are differentially linked with collectivism at work, given that the former is positively associated whereas the latter is negatively associated. Moreover, an additive effect of both cultures on the distance to power. Thus, the cohabitation between Gabonese national culture and Western corporate culture leads to a mismatch of cultural values at workplace.  相似文献   

Professional career paths are nowadays marked by multiple transitions. Job loss is one of the most frequent causes of professional transitions. Given this emphasis, recent studies questioned a possible evolution of the “work” norm, the emergence of an “unemployment norm” and its effects on job seekers. This paper proposes to contribute to the discussion on the current evolution of the relation to work and unemployment. At first, the results of a study with 500 unemployed people, who completed a questionnaire on work centrality and on the perception of work, will be presented. Then, a discourse analysis on the meaning and meaningfulness of work of 15 working people will be discussed. The results show the central function of work and the relative normalization of unemployment.  相似文献   

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