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Fear conditioning is a form of associative learning in which subjects come to express defense responses to a neutral conditioned stimulus (CS) that is paired with an aversive unconditioned stimulus (US). Considerable evidence suggests that critical neural changes mediating the CS-US association occur in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA). Further, recent studies show that associative long-term potentiation (LTP) occurs in pathways that transmit the CS to LA, and that drugs that interfere with this LTP also disrupt behavioral fear conditioning when infused into the LA, suggesting that associative LTP in LA might be a mechanism for storing memories of the CS-US association. Here, we develop a detailed cellular hypothesis to explain how neural responses to the CS and US in LA could induce LTP-like changes that store memories during fear conditioning. Specifically, we propose that the CS evokes EPSPs at sensory input synapses onto LA pyramidal neurons, and that the US strongly depolarizes these same LA neurons. This depolarization, in turn, causes calcium influx through NMDA receptors (NMDARs) and also causes the LA neuron to fire action potentials. The action potentials then back-propagate into the dendrites, where they collide with CS-evoked EPSPs, resulting in calcium entry through voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs). Although calcium entry through NMDARs is sufficient to induce synaptic changes that support short-term fear memory, calcium entry through both NMDARs and VGCCs is required to initiate the molecular processes that consolidate synaptic changes into a long-term memory.  相似文献   

The medial and lateral perforant path projections to the hippocampal CA3 region display distinct mechanisms of long-term potentiation (LTP) induction, N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) and opioid receptor dependent, respectively. However, medial and lateral perforant path projections to the CA3 region display associative LTP with coactivation, suggesting that while they differ in receptors involved in LTP induction they may share common downstream mechanisms of LTP induction. Here we address this interaction of LTP induction mechanisms by evaluating the contribution of opioid receptors to the induction of associative LTP among the medial and lateral perforant path projections to the CA3 region in vivo. Local application of the opioid receptor antagonists naloxone or Cys2-Tyr3-Orn5-Pen7-amide (CTOP) normally block induction of lateral perforant path-CA3 LTP. However, these opioid receptor antagonists failed to block associative LTP in lateral perforant path-CA3 synapses when it was induced by strong coactivation of the medial perforant pathway which displays NMDAR-dependent LTP. Thus strong activation of non-opioidergic afferents can substitute for the opioid receptor activation required for lateral perforant path LTP induction. Conversely, medial perforant path-CA3 associative LTP was blocked by opioid receptor antagonists when induced by strong coactivation of the opioidergic lateral perforant path. These data indicate endogenous opioid peptides contribute to associative LTP at coactive synapses when induced by strong coactivation of an opioidergic afferent system. These data further suggest that associative LTP induction is regulated by the receptor mechanisms of the strongly stimulated pathway. Thus, while medial and lateral perforant path synapses differ in their mechanisms of LTP induction, associative LTP at these synapses share common downstream mechanisms of induction.  相似文献   

The induction of long-term potentiation (LTP) and long-term depression (LTD) at excitatory synapses in the hippocampus can be strongly modulated by patterns of synaptic stimulation that otherwise have no direct effect on synaptic strength. Likewise, patterns of synaptic stimulation that induce LTP or LTD not only modify synaptic strength but can also induce lasting changes that regulate how synapses will respond to subsequent trains of stimulation. Collectively known as metaplasticity, these activity-dependent processes that regulate LTP and LTD induction allow the recent history of synaptic activity to influence the induction of activity-dependent changes in synaptic strength and may thus have an important role in information storage during memory formation. To explore the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying metaplasticity, we investigated the role of metaplasticity in the induction of LTP by υ-frequency (5-Hz) synaptic stimulation in the hippocampal CA1 region. Our results show that brief trains of υ-frequency stimulation not only induce LTP but also activate a process that inhibits the induction of additional LTP at potentiated synapses. Unlike other forms of metaplasticity, the inhibition of LTP induction at potentiated synapses does not appear to arise from activity-dependent changes in NMDA receptor function, does not require nitric oxide signaling, and is strongly modulated by β-adrenergic receptor activation. Together with previous findings, our results indicate that mechanistically distinct forms of metaplasticity regulate LTP induction and suggest that one way modulatory transmitters may act to regulate synaptic plasticity is by modulating metaplasticity.  相似文献   

cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) is critical for the expression of some forms of long-term potentiation (LTP) in area CA1 of the mouse hippocampus and for hippocampus-dependent memory. Exposure to spatially enriched environments can modify LTP and improve behavioral memory in rodents, but the molecular bases for the enhanced memory performance seen in enriched animals are undefined. We tested the hypothesis that exposure to a spatially enriched environment may alter the PKA dependence of hippocampal LTP. Hippocampal slices from enriched mice showed enhanced LTP following a single burst of 100-Hz stimulation in the Schaffer collateral pathway of area CA1. In slices from nonenriched mice, this single-burst form of LTP was less robust and was unaffected by Rp-cAMPS, an inhibitor of PKA. In contrast, the enhanced LTP in enriched mice was attenuated by Rp-cAMPS. Enriched slices expressed greater forskolin-induced, cAMP-dependent synaptic facilitation than did slices from nonenriched mice. Enriched mice showed improved memory for contextual fear conditioning, whereas memory for cued fear conditioning was unaffected following enrichment. Our data indicate that exposure of mice to spatial enrichment alters the PKA dependence of LTP and enhances one type of hippocampus-dependent memory. Environmental enrichment can transform the pharmacological profile of hippocampal LTP, possibly by altering the threshold for activity-dependent recruitment of the cAMP-PKA signaling pathway following electrical and chemical stimulation. We suggest that experience-dependent plasticity of the PKA dependence of hippocampal LTP may be important for regulating the efficacy of hippocampus-based memory.  相似文献   

常逢锦  李新旺  崔睿思 《心理学报》2015,47(12):1454-1464
条件刺激短暂呈现并消失后, 奖赏立即呈现, 多次匹配后诱导出动物对条件刺激(信号追踪)或奖赏呈现装置如食盒(目标追踪)的接近。条件刺激与食盒间的距离是影响信号/目标追踪反应和损害联结学习的重要变量, 成瘾药物能够增加奖赏的诱因动机, 进而增加个体的奖赏寻求行为。距离能否通过损害联结学习而减弱成瘾药物的动机放大作用尚未见到报道。本实验采用autoshaping模型, 考察8、30和60 cm距离条件下吗啡处理对大鼠信号追踪和目标追踪的影响。结果发现:(1)信号追踪随距离增加而减少, 目标追踪对距离不敏感。(2)急性吗啡处理减少8、30和60 cm条件下信号追踪而增加8和60 cm条件下目标追踪, 慢性吗啡处理在8和30 cm条件下减少信号追踪增加目标追踪; 消退检测中, 吗啡前暴露减少8和60 cm条件下信号追踪而增加60 cm条件下目标追踪。(3)辨别反转学习中, 吗啡前暴露使30和60 cm条件下的大鼠偏爱旧信号、辨别力受损, 减少8、30和60 cm条件下大鼠对新信号的接触。这些结果提示, 距离较少影响吗啡的信号追踪抑制作用和目标追踪增强效应, 而易化吗啡前暴露对反转学习的损害。说明距离是易化成瘾药物对联结学习不利影响而非反转其动机放大作用的重要因素。  相似文献   

Recent studies demonstrate a requirement for the Extracellular signal Regulated Kinase (ERK) mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascade in both the induction of long-lasting forms of hippocampal synaptic plasticity and in hippocampus-dependent associative and spatial learning. In the present studies, we investigated mechanisms by which ERK might contribute to synaptic plasticity at Schaffer collateral synapses in hippocampal slices. We found that long-term potentiation (LTP) induced with a pair of 100-Hz tetani does not require ERK activation in mice whereas it does in rats. However, in mice, inhibition of ERK activation blocked LTP induced by two LTP induction paradigms that mimicked the endogenous θ rhythm. In an additional series of studies, we found that mice specifically deficient in the ERK1 isoform of MAPK showed no impairments in tests of hippocampal physiology. To investigate ERK-dependent mechanisms operating during LTP-inducing stimulation paradigms, we monitored spike production in the cell body layer of the hippocampus during the period of θ-like LTP-inducing stimulation. θ-burst stimulation (TBS) produced a significant amount of postsynaptic spiking, and the likelihood of spike production increased progressively over the course of the three trains of TBS independent of any apparent increase in Excitatory Post-Synaptic Potential (EPSP) magnitude. Inhibition of ERK activation dampened this TBS-associated increase in spiking. These data indicate that, for specific patterns of stimulation, ERK may function in the regulation of neuronal excitability in hippocampal area CA1. Overall, our data indicate that the progressive increase in spiking observed during TBS represents a form of physiologic temporal integration that is dependent on ERK MAPK activity.  相似文献   

A behavioral technique often used to evaluate the cognitive performance of rats and mice is the fear conditioning paradigm. During conditioned fear experiments, freezing responses shown by rodents after exposure to environmental stimuli previously paired to an aversive experience provide a behavioral index of the animal's associative abilities. The present study examined the ability of a computer-controlled automated Freeze Monitor system for recording immobility behavior in mice. The sensitivity of the automated procedure to detect group differences caused by the application of various training protocols was also evaluated. Statistical analyses revealed significant positive correlations between immobility scores obtained with the automated apparatus and hand-scored data collected by a continuous or a time-sampling method. Behavioral patterns recorded by the computerized system were very similar to those obtained by the hand-scoring methods adopted. In particular, during context testing, exposure to environmental stimuli previously paired with a mild foot shock (unconditioned stimulus [US]) evoked increased immobility behavior in mice conditioned with the US compared with levels of immobility displayed by mice previously confined to the same contextual stimuli without receiving the US. Moreover, although during conditioned stimulus (CS) testing, mice previously exposed to the US displayed high levels of immobility when confined to environmental cues much different from those paired with the US (contextual fear generalization), both hand-scored and automated results revealed the effect of CS–US pairing (increased immobility) only in mice trained to associate the two stimuli (paired group) but not in mice exposed to both CS and US separated by a 40-sec time interval (unpaired group) or in mice receiving only the US (US group) during conditioning sessions. Overall, the results show associative conditioning measured in an automated apparatus and highlight the utility of obtaining both latency as well as beam interruption parameters.  相似文献   

One class of theoretical accounts of associative learning suggests that reinforcers are processed according to learning rules that minimize the predictive error between the expected strength of future reinforcement and its actual strength. The omission of reinforcement in a situation where it is expected leads to inhibitory learning of stimuli indicative for such a violation of the prediction. There are, however, results indicating that inhibitory learning can also be induced by other mechanisms. Here, we present data from olfactory reward conditioning in honeybees that show that (1) one- and multiple-trial backward conditioning results in conditioned inhibition (CI); (2) the inhibition is maximal for a 15-sec interval between US and CS; (3) there is a nonmonotonic dependency on the degree of CI from the US-CS interval during backward pairing; and (4) the prior association of context stimuli with reinforcement is not necessary for the development of CI. These results cannot be explained by models that only minimize a prediction error. Rather, they are consistent with models of associative learning that, in addition, assume that learning depends on the temporal overlap of a CS with two processes, a fast excitatory and a slow inhibitory one, both evoked by a reinforcer. The fmdings from this behavioral analysis of reinforcement processing are compared with the known properties of an individual, identified neuron involved in reinforcement processing in the bee brain, to further understand the mechanisms underlying predictive reward learning.  相似文献   

alphaCaMKII(T286A) mutant mice lack long-term potentiation (LTP) in the hippocampal CA1 region and are impaired in spatial learning. In situ hybridization confirms that the mutant mice show the same developmental expression of alphaCaMKII as their wild-type littermates. A simple hypothesis would suggest that if LTP is a substrate for learning, then enriching the environment should cause learning-dependent changes in wild-type mice that have LTP. Such changes would not be seen in LTP-deficient alphaCaMKII(T286A) mutants. Excitatory synaptic currents in CA1 neurons, recorded with patch clamp in brain slices, revealed that enrichment induces an increase in glutamate release probability and a decreased miniature current amplitude. Confocal microscopy also showed dendritic spine density to be reduced. However, contrary to the hypothesis above, these enrichment-induced changes occur only in the mutant mice and are not detectable in wild-type littermates. We suggest that enrichment induces alphaCaMKII-independent changes in both wild-type and mutant mice. Such changes may be subsequently reversed in wild-type animals via alphaCaMKII-dependent mechanisms, such as LTP. Reversal of plasticity has long been hypothesized to be essential for the hippocampus to maintain its role in memory processing. The inability to reverse plasticity in alphaCaMKII(T286A) mutant mice would then result in impairment of spatial learning.  相似文献   

Four experiments used a conditioned suppression procedure in rats to explore changes in the US representation over time during the course of extinction. They employed two previously reported effects: reinstatement of responding to an extinguished CS by separate US presentation, and the erasure of that effect by interposed nonreinforcement of a second excitatory CS. These effects have been interpreted as enhancing and depressing the US representation, respectively. Experiment 1 found the erasing effect to decrease but still to remain substantial after over a 4-day period, suggesting a partial recovery with time of a deliberately depressed US representation. Experiment 2 implicated this change as a contributor to the phenomenon of spontaneous recovery by showing that recovery to be sensitive to erasure effects. Experiments 3 and 4 found evidence for an interaction between the state of the US representation and the amount of associative change which results from nonreinforcement of an excitatory CS. When the US representation was strong, either because of reinstatement or the passage of time, nonreinforcement of a CS was especially effective in producing associative change. When the US representation had been depressed by erasure, those nonreinforcements produced relatively less associative loss. Moreover, these effects upon associations were reasonably stable in the sense that they left asymptotic differences in the strength of associations after extinction. Together with previous findings, these results point to an important role for the US representation in the performance and learning which occurs during extinction.  相似文献   

In the present research water-deprived rats were used in a conditioned lick suppression paradigm to test and further develop Rescorla's (1968) contingency theory, which posits that excitatory associations are formed when a conditioned stimulus (CS) signals an increase in unconditioned stimulus (US) likelihood and that inhibitory associations develop when the CS signals a decrease in US likelihood. In Experiment 1 we found that responding to a CS varied inversely with the associative status of the context in which the CS was trained and that this response was unaltered when testing occurred in a distinctively dissimilar context with a different conditioning history, provided associative summation with the test context was minimized. These results suggest that manifest excitatory and inhibitory conditioned responding is modulated by the associative value of the training context rather than that of the test context. In Experiment 2 it was demonstrated that postconditioning decreases in the associative value of the CS training context reduced the effective inhibitory value of the CS even when testing occurred outside of the training context. Moreover, this contextual deflation effect was specific to the CS training context as opposed to any other excitatory context. Collectively, these studies support the comparator hypothesis, which states that conditioned responding is determined by a comparison of the associative strengths of the CS and its training context that occurs at the time of testing rather than at the time of conditioning. This implies that all associations are excitatory and that responding indicative of conditioned inhibition reflects a CS-US association that is below (or near) the associative strength of its comparator stimulus. It is suggested that response rules which go beyond a monotonic relation between associative value and response strength can partially relieve learning theories of their explanatory burdens, thereby allowing for simpler models of acquisition.  相似文献   

Associative conditioning in Drosophila melanogaster has been well documented for several decades. However, most studies report only simple associations of conditioned stimuli (CS, e.g., odor) with unconditioned stimuli (US, e.g., electric shock) to measure learning or establish memory. Here we describe a straightforward second-order conditioning (SOC) protocol that further demonstrates the flexibility of fly behavior. In SOC, a previously conditioned stimulus (CS1) is used as reinforcement for a second conditioned stimulus (CS2) in associative learning. This higher-order context presents an opportunity for reassessing the roles of known learning and memory genes and neuronal networks in a new behavioral paradigm.  相似文献   

Many studies have used "reverse" genetics to produce "knock-out" and transgenic mice to explore the roles of various molecules in long-term potentiation (LTP) and spatial memory. The existence of a variety of inbred strains of mice provides an additional way of exploring the genetic bases of learning and memory. We examined behavioral memory and LTP expression in area CA1 of hippocampal slices prepared from four different inbred strains of mice: C57BL/6J, CBA/J, DBA/2J, and 129/SvEms-+(Ter?)/J. We found that LTP induced by four 100-Hz trains of stimulation was robust and long-lasting in C57BL/6J and DBA/2J mice but decayed in CBA/J and 129/SvEms-+(Ter?)/J mice. LTP induced by one 100-Hz train was significantly smaller after 1 hr in the 129/SvEms-+(Ter?)/J mice than in the other three strains. Theta-burst LTP was shorter lasting in CBA/J, DBA/2J, and 129/SvEms-+(Ter?)/J mice than in C57BL/6J mice. We also observed specific memory deficits, among particular mouse strains, in spatial and nonspatial tests of hippocampus-dependent memory. CBA/J mice showed defective learning in the Morris water maze, and both DBA/2J and CBA/J strains displayed deficient long-term memory in contextual and cued fear conditioning tests. Our findings provide strong support for a genetic basis for some forms of synaptic plasticity that are linked to behavioral long-term memory and suggest that genetic background can influence the electrophysiological and behavioral phenotypes observed in genetically modified mice generated for elucidating the molecular bases of learning, memory, and LTP.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein receptors belong to an evolutionarily conserved surface receptor family that has intimate roles in the modulation of synaptic plasticity and is necessary for proper hippocampal-dependent memory formation. The known lipoprotein receptor ligand Reelin is important for normal synaptic plasticity, dendritic morphology, and cognitive function; however, the in vivo effect of enhanced Reelin signaling on cognitive function and synaptic plasticity in wild-type mice is unknown. The present studies test the hypothesis that in vivo enhancement of Reelin signaling can alter synaptic plasticity and ultimately influence processes of learning and memory. Purified recombinant Reelin was injected bilaterally into the ventricles of wild-type mice. We demonstrate that a single in vivo injection of Reelin increased activation of adaptor protein Disabled-1 and cAMP-response element binding protein after 15 min. These changes correlated with increased dendritic spine density, increased hippocampal CA1 long-term potentiation (LTP), and enhanced performance in associative and spatial learning and memory. The present study suggests that an acute elevation of in vivo Reelin can have long-term effects on synaptic function and cognitive ability in wild-type mice.  相似文献   

The hippocampus and the nearby medial temporal lobe structures are required for the formation, consolidation, and retrieval of episodic memories. Sensory information enters the hippocampus via two inputs from entorhinal cortex (EC): One input (perforant path) makes synapses on the dendrites of dentate granule cells as the first set of synapses in the trisynaptic circuit, the other (temporoammonic; TA) makes synapses on the distal dendrites of CA1 neurons. Here we demonstrate that TA-CA1 synapses undergo both early- and late-phase long-term potentiation (LTP) in rat hippocampal slices. LTP at TA-CA1 synapses requires both NMDA receptor and voltage-gated Ca2+ channel activity. Furthermore, TA-CA1 LTP is insensitive to the blockade of fast inhibitory transmission (GABAA-mediated) and, interestingly, is dependent on GABAB-dependent slow inhibitory transmission. These findings indicate that the TA-CA1 synapses may rely on a refined modulation of inhibition to exhibit LTP.  相似文献   

The less-complex central nervous system of many invertebrates make them attractive for not only the molecular analysis of the associative learning and memory, but also in determining how neural circuits are modified by learning to generate changes in behavior. The nudibranch mollusk Hermissenda crassicornis is a preparation that has contributed to an understanding of cellular and molecular mechanisms of Pavlovian conditioning. Identified neurons in the conditioned stimulus (CS) pathway have been studied in detail using biophysical, biochemical, and molecular techniques. These studies have resulted in the identification and characterization of specific membrane conductances contributing to enhanced excitability and synaptic facilitation in the CS pathway of conditioned animals. Second-messenger systems activated by the CS and US have been examined, and proteins that are regulated by one-trial and multi-trial Pavlovian conditioning have been identified in the CS pathway. The recent progress that has been made in the identification of the neural circuitry supporting the unconditioned response (UR) and conditioned response (CR) now provides for the opportunity to understand how Pavlovian conditioning is expressed in behavior.  相似文献   

Neurogranin (Ng), a PKC substrate, is abundantly expressed in brain regions important for cognitive functions. Deletion of Ng caused severe deficits in spatial learning and LTP in the hippocampal CA1 region of mice. These Ng-/- mice also exhibit deficits in the amplification of their hippocampal signaling pathways critical for learning and memory. A short-term exposure to an enriched environment failed to improve their behavioral performances. Here, we showed that a long-term enrichment protocol for the aging mice was beneficial to the Ng-/- as well as Ng+/+ and Ng+/- mice in preventing age-related cognitive decline. Enrichment also caused an increase in the hippocampal CREB level of all three genotypes and Ng level of Ng+/+ and Ng+/- mice, but not that of alphaCaMKII or ERK. Interestingly, hippocampal slices of these enriched aging Ng-/- mice, unlike those of Ng+/+ and Ng+/- mice, did not show enhancement in the high frequency stimulation (HFS)-induced LTP in the CA1 region. It appears that the learning and memory processes in these enriched aging Ng-/- mice do not correlate with the HFS-induced LTP, which is facilitated by Ng. These results demonstrated that long-term enrichment for the aging Ng-/- mice may improve their cognitive function through an Ng-independent plasticity pathway.  相似文献   

The extracellular signal-regulated kinases (ERKs) are members of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) superfamily of enzymes and have recently garnered considerable attention in the field of learning and memory. ERK activation has been shown to be required for the induction of long-term potentiation (LTP) in the rat hippocampus and for the formation of associative and spatial memories in both the rat and the mouse. However, the individual roles for the two isoforms of ERK have yet to be deciphered. To investigate the specific contribution of the ERK1 (p44) isoform of MAPK to mammalian learning, we performed a general behavioral and physiological characterization of mice lacking the ERK1 gene. The ERK1-null animals demonstrated significantly higher levels of activity in the open field test. However, we observed no other discernible deficits in the ERK1 knockout mice in our behavioral testing. Specifically, no differences were observed in the acquisition or retention (24 h and 2 wk after training) of either contextual or cue fear conditioning between the ERK1−/− and their wild-type littermate controls. In addition, no learning phenotype was observed in the passive avoidance test. When hippocampal slices were analyzed, we found no deficits in baseline synaptic transmission or in tetanus-induced LTP in hippocampal area CA1. We found no apparent compensatory changes in the expression of ERK2 (p42 MAPK). We conclude that hippocampus- and amygdala-dependent emotional learning does not depend critically on the activity of ERK1.  相似文献   

Evaluative conditioning (EC) is commonly conceived as stimulus-driven associative learning. Here, we show that internally generated encoding activities mediate EC effects: Neutral conditioned stimuli (CS) faces were paired with positive and negative unconditioned stimuli (US) faces. Depending on the encoding task (Is CS a friend vs. enemy of US?), Experiment 1 yielded either normal EC effects (CS adopting US valence) or a reversal. This pattern was conditional on the degree to which encoding judgements affirmed friend or enemy encoding schemes. Experiments 2a and 2b replicated these findings with more clearly valenced US faces and controlling for demand effects. Experiment 3 demonstrated unconditional encoding effects when participants generated friend or enemy relations between CS and US faces. Explicitly stated friend or enemy relations in Experiment 4 left EC effects unaffected. Together, these findings testify to the importance of higher order cognitive processes in conditioning, much in line with recent evidence on the crucial role of conditioning awareness.  相似文献   

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