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The ankle plantar flexion in the late stance phase is referred to as the ankle push-off. When the ankle push-off force is enhanced, compensatory adjustments occur in the adjacent phases. The muscle control that achieves these compensatory movements remains unknown, although they are expected to be coordinately regulated across multiple muscles and phases. Muscle synergy is used as a quantification technique for muscle coordination, and this analysis enables the comparison of synchronized activity between multiple muscles. Therefore, this study aimed to elucidate the tuning of muscle synergies in muscle activation adjustment of push-off. It is hypothesized that muscle activation adjustment of push-off is performed in the muscle synergy related to ankle push-off and in the muscle synergy that activates during the adjacent push-off phase. Eleven healthy men participated, and participants manipulated the activity of the medial gastrocnemius during walking through visual feedback. Two conditions were compared as experimental conditions: increasing the muscle activity to 1.6 times that during normal walking (High) and matching it with that during normal walking (Normal). Twelve muscle activities in the trunk and lower limb and kinematic data were recorded. Muscle synergies were extracted by the non-negative matrix factorization. No significant difference was observed in the number of synergies (High: 3.5 ± 0.8, Normal: 3.7 ± 0.9, p = 0.21) and muscle synergy activation timing and duration between the High and Normal conditions (p > 0.27). However, significant differences were observed in the peak muscle activity during the late stance phase of the rectus femoris (RF), biceps femoris (BF) between conditions (RF at High: 0.32 ± 0.21, RF at Normal: 0.45 ± 0.17, p = 0.02; BF at High: 0.16 ± 0.01, BF at Normal: 0.08 ± 0.06 p = 0.02). Although the quantification of force exertion has not been conducted, the modulation of RF and BF activation could have occurred due to the attempts to help knee flexion. Muscle synergies during normal walking are therefore maintained, and slight adjustments in the amplitude of muscle activity occurred for each muscle.  相似文献   

The motor programming of fast goal-directed arm movements was studied in a tracking task. A target jumped once or twice randomly to the left or right direction with an interstimulus interval (ISI) in a range between 50 and 125 msec. Double step stimuli were either two steps in the same direction (C-trial) or in opposite direction (R-trial). Tracking results show that at the beginning average EMG-activity is the same for responses to single step trials, R-trials and C-trials. Differences set in after some time equal to or somewhat shorter than ISI. It was concluded that muscle activation patterns of fast goal-directed movements are not preprogrammed but that they can be modified during the movement. The time interval between second target step and the moment when EMG activity of the double step response deviates from the EMG activity of a single step (RT2) could be smaller than the time interval between first target displacement and EMG onset. (RT1). If modification of the muscle activation pattern required a longer or larger activation of the active muscle, RT2 tended to be smaller than RT1, whereas RT2 was about equal to RT1 if the new muscle activation required a termination of the ongoing muscle activation pattern and the activation of another muscle.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated biomechanical contributions of the high guard position of the arms observed only in a subgroup of toddlers at very early stages of gait development. Six healthy toddlers who showed this peculiar arm posture were involved in this study. They participated in two data collection sessions (1 month apart). We used three-dimensional analysis of arm posture during gait to estimate the changes in forces and torques generated by the arms and acting on the upper trunk segment. Across visits, toddlers’ increase in walking speeds coincided with lowering arm postures. Despite the apparent trend of changes in arm posture in this group of toddlers, the interaction between arm posture and upper trunk position created a variety of changes in forces and torques among individuals. Findings of this study exhibited an example of the exploration of dynamics by toddlers in the early stage of gait development.  相似文献   

After years of walking practice 8-10-year-old children with typical development (TD) and those with Down syndrome (DS) show uniquely different but efficient use of dynamic resources to walk overground and on a treadmill [Ulrich, B.D., Haehl, V., Buzzi, U., Kubo, M., & Holt, K.G. (2004). Modeling dynamic resource utilization in populations with unique constraints: Preadolescents with and without Down syndrome. Human Movement Science, 23, 133-156]. Here we examined the use of global stiffness and angular impulse when walking emerged and across the ensuing months of practice in eight toddlers with TD and eight with DS. Participants visited our lab when first able to walk four to six steps, and at one, three, four, and six months of walking experience. For all visits, toddlers walked overground at their preferred speeds and for the last two visits on a treadmill. Toddlers with TD and DS demonstrated clear and similar developmental trajectories over this period with more similarities than differences between groups. At six months stiffness and impulse values were higher than previously observed for 8-10-year-old children. Stiffness values increased significantly throughout this period, though rate of change slowed for the TD group by three months of experience. Impulse values rose sharply initially and slowed to plateau during the latter months. Treadmill data illustrated toddlers' capacity to adapt dynamic resource use to imposed changes in speed, particularly well after six months of practice. Consistent with our studies of preadolescents and older adults, toddlers with DS produced significantly wider normalized step width than their TD peers. We propose that the challenge of upright bipedal locomotion constrains toddlers with TD and DS to generate similar, necessary and sufficient stiffness and impulse values to walk as they gain control and adapt to playful and self-imposed perturbations of gait over the first six months. The plateau in impulse and slow-down of stiffness increases over the latter months may be the first signs of a downward trend to the lower values produced by older children with several years of walking experience.  相似文献   

The relative displacements of body segments during walking can be reduced to a small number of multi-joint kinematic patterns, pmk, through Principal Component Analysis (PCA). These patterns were extracted from two groups of children (n = 8, aged 6–9 years, 4 males, and n = 8, aged 10–13 years, 4 males) and 7 adults (21–29 years, 1 male), walking on a treadmill at various velocities, normalized to body stature (adimensional Froude number, Fr). The three-dimensional coordinates of body markers were captured by an optoelectronic system.Five components (pm1 to pm5) explained 99.1% of the original dataset variance. The relationship between the variance explained (“size”) of each pmk and the Fr velocity varied across movement components and age groups. Only pm1 and pm2, which described kinematic patterns in the sagittal plane, showed significant differences (at p < 0.05) across pairs of age groups. The time course of the size of all the five components matched various mechanical events of the step cycle at the level of both body system and lower limb joints. Such movement components appeared clinically interpretable and lend themselves as potential markers of neural development of walking.  相似文献   

Monosynaptic and polysynaptic spinal level reflexes in the leg muscles of infants show significant dispersion across muscles, high variability, and no change in response patterns over the first 10 months. Here we tested the hypothesized relation between early walking experience and the tuning of these responses in three primary gait muscles of participants in four subgroups: cruisers (n = 7) and toddlers with one (n = 5), two (n = 5), or three (n = 5) months of walking experience. Reflex responses in multiple Ia pathways – tendon reflex (T-reflex), vibration-induced inhibition of the T-reflex (VIM-T-reflex), and tonic vibration-induced reflex (VIR), were elicited by mechanical stimuli applied to the distal tendons of the quadriceps, gastrocnemius-soleus, and tibialis anterior of both legs. Walking skill was assessed via a GAITRite mat. Generally, walking experience seemed to be related to slowly emerging improvements and, depending on muscle tested and pathway, progress was quite varied. Amplitude and latency of reflex responses were more clearly impacted by age or leg length while the ratio or distribution pattern of reflex response among antagonist pairs of muscles was impacted by walking experience and skill. As walking experience increased, the ratio of reflex responses tended to increase for the stimulated and decrease for the antagonist reflex loops with distribution of the pattern shifting gradually toward a single type of reflex response in all tested muscles. The very slow tuning of these reflexes may underlie the many missteps and falls reported to occur during early walking and suggest that subsequent studies should continue to follow the developmental trajectory through the first year of walking experience.  相似文献   

The development of posture and locomotion provides a valuable window for understanding the ontogeny of perception-action relations. In this study, 13 infants were examined cross-sectionally while standing quietly either hands-free or while lightly touching a contact surface. Mean sway amplitude results indicate that infants use light touch for sway attenuation (≈28–40%) as has been seen previously with adults (Jeka & Lackner, 1994). Additionally, while using the contact surface, movement patterns of the head and trunk show reduced temporal coordination (≈25–40%), as well as increased temporal variability, as compared to no touch conditions. These findings are discussed with regard to the ontogeny of perception-action relations, with the overall conclusion that infants use somatosensory information in an exploratory manner to aid in the development of an accurate internal model of upright postural control.  相似文献   

Biomechanical motor patterns in normal walking   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Motor patterns in normal human gait are evident in several biomechanical and EMG analyses over the stride period. Some of these patterns are invariant over the stride period with changes of cadence, whole others are closely correlated with speed changes. The findings for slow, natural, and fast walking are summarized: 1. Joint angle patterns over the stride period are quite invariant, and do not change with cadence; 2. Moment of force patterns at the ankle are least variable and quite consistent at all speeds; 3. A recently defined support moment is quite consistent at all speeds. 4. Moments at the knee and hip are highly variable at all cadences but decrease their variability as cadence increases; 5. Mechanical power patterns at all joints show consistent timing over the stride period; 6. EMG profiles of 5 muscles show consistent timing over the stride, but the amplitude increases as walking speed increases. Arguments are presented to support the concept that walking speed is largely controlled by gain and that the timing of the motor patterns, which is extremely tightly synchronized with the anatomical position, is under major afferent control.  相似文献   

While healthy aging is associated with physiological changes that can impair control of trunk motion, few studies examine how spinal muscle responses change with increasing age. This study examined whether older (over 65 years) compared to younger (20–45 years) adults had higher overall amplitude and altered temporal recruitment patterns of trunk musculature when performing a functional transfer task. Surface electromyograms from twelve bilateral trunk muscle (24) sites were analyzed using principal component analysis, extracting amplitude and temporal features (PCs) from electromyographic waveforms. Two PCs explained 96% of the waveform variance. Three factor ANOVA models tested main effects (group, muscle and reach) and interactions for PC scores. Significant (p < .0125) group interactions were found for all PC scores. Post hoc analysis revealed that relative to younger adults, older adults recruited higher agonist and antagonistic activity, demonstrated continuous activation levels in specific muscle sites despite changing external moments, and had altered temporal synergies within abdominal and back musculature. In summary both older and younger adults recruit highly organized activation patterns in response to changing external moments. Differences in temporal trunk musculature recruitment patterns suggest that older adults experience different dynamic spinal stiffness and loading compared to younger adults during a functional lifting task.  相似文献   

Load carriage can be harmful for workers, and alternative interventions to reduce back pain while walking and carrying loads are necessary. Unstable shoes have been used to improve balance and reduce back pain, but it is unknown whether walking wearing unstable shoes while carrying loads anteriorly causes excessive trunk extensors muscle activation. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of different shoe types and anterior load carriage on gait kinematics and lumbar electromyographic (EMG) activity. Fourteen adults that predominantly walk or stand during the work day were asked to walk with and without carrying 10% of body mass anteriorly while wearing regular walking shoes (REG) and unstable shoes (MBT). The effects of shoe type, load carriage, and shoe × load interactions on the longissimus thoracis (LT) and iliocostalis lumborum (IC) EMG, stride duration, and stride frequency were assessed. MBT shoes induced a significant increase in LT (44.4 ± 35%) and IC EMG (33.0 ± 32%, p < .005), while load carriage increased LT (58.5 ± 41%) and IC EMG (55.1 ± 32%, p < .001). No significant shoe × load interaction was found (p>.05). However, walking wearing MBT shoes while carrying loads induced a 46 ± 40% higher EMG activity compared to walking wearing MBT shoes without load carriage. No effects of shoes or load carriage were found on stride duration and stride frequency. It was concluded that walking wearing MBT shoes and carrying 10% of total body mass induced greater activation of trunk extensors muscle compared to these factors in isolation, such a combination may not influence gait patterns.  相似文献   

Coordinated reaching requires continuous interaction between the efferent motor output and afferent feedback; this interaction may be significantly compromised following a stroke. The authors sought to characterize how survivors of stroke generate continuous, goal-directed reaching. Sixteen survivors of stroke completed functional testing of the stroke-affected side and a continuous reaching task between 2 targets with both sides. Motion analysis and electromyography data were collected to determine segmental contributions to reach (e.g., amount of compensatory trunk), spatiotemporal parameters (e.g., peak velocities), and muscle activation patterns (MAP). Repeated measures analyses of variance compared how survivors of stroke reach with the stroke-affected versus less affected sides. Correlations were determined between kinematic outcomes and functional ability. Participants used significantly more trunk movement and less shoulder flexion and elbow extension when reaching with the stroke-affected side. This corresponded with less muscle activity in the proximal musculature including the anterior, middle, and posterior deltoid on the stroke-affected side. There were significant correlations between the segmental contributions to reach, functional ability, and MAPs. Survivors of stroke generate reduced MAPs in the stroke-affected side corresponding to altered segmental kinematics and function ability. These findings suggest that impairments in the ability to generate sufficient MAPs may contribute to the difficulty in generating continuous reaching motions.  相似文献   

Toddlers’ and preschoolers’ knowledge of the phonological forms of words was tested in Spanish-learning, Catalan-learning, and bilingual children. These populations are of particular interest because of differences in the Spanish and Catalan vowel systems: Catalan has two vowels in a phonetic region where Spanish has only one. The proximity of the Spanish vowel to the Catalan ones might pose special learning problems. Children were shown picture pairs; the target picture’s name was spoken correctly, or a vowel in the target word was altered. Altered vowels either contrasted with the usual vowel in Spanish and Catalan, or only in Catalan. Children’s looking to the target picture was used as a measure of word recognition. Monolinguals’ word recognition was hindered by within-language, but not non-native, vowel changes. Surprisingly, bilingual toddlers did not show sensitivity to changes in vowels contrastive only in Catalan. Among preschoolers, Catalan-dominant bilinguals but not Spanish-dominant bilinguals revealed mispronunciation sensitivity for the Catalan-only contrast. These studies reveal monolingual children’s robust knowledge of native-language vowel categories in words, and show that bilingual children whose two languages contain phonetically overlapping vowel categories may not treat those categories as separate in language comprehension.  相似文献   

Complex motion during standing is typical in daily living and requires movement of both the thoracic and lumbar spine; however, the effects of lumbar spine posture on thoracic spine motion patterns remain unclear. Thirteen males moved to six positions involving different lumbar (neutral and flexed) and thoracic (flexed and twisted) posture combinations. The thoracic spine was partitioned into three segments and the range of motion from each posture was calculated. Electromyographical data were collected from eight muscles bilaterally. Results showed that with a flexed lumbar spine, the lower-thoracic region had 14.83° and 15.61° more flexion than the upper- and mid-thoracic regions, respectively. A flexed lumbar spine significantly reduced the mid-thoracic axial twist angle by 5.21° compared to maximum twist in the mid-thoracic region. Functional differences emerged across muscles, as low back musculature was greatest in maintaining flexed lumbar postures, while thoracic erector spinae and abdominals showed bilateral differences with greater activations to the ipsilateral side. Combined postures have been previously identified as potential injury modulators and bilateral muscle patterns can have an effect on loading pathways. Overall, changes in thoracic motion were modified by lumbar spine posture, highlighting the importance of considering a multi-segmented approach when analyzing trunk motion.  相似文献   

The eating behavior of 32 toddlers in a nursery school at 10, 12, and 14 months old was observed in relation to the age at onset of independent walking. With increasing age, the frequency at which the toddlers ate food given by a teacher decreased, and the frequency at which the toddlers ate by themselves increased. The toddlers who started walking earlier also advanced faster in the development of eating behavior. The time when the frequency of eating by oneself surpassed the frequency of passive eating coincided with the time when the toddlers started walking.  相似文献   

Few empirical studies have explored variability in parenting behaviours observed in a mealtime setting as well as in a play setting with young children. We analysed data from 282 parent–toddler dyads who participated in the Play & Grow study in the United States in 2017–2019. Parent–child interactions were video recorded during play in the laboratory when the child was 18 months old and then during mealtime in the home 6 months later. Standardised coding procedures were used to rate parenting behaviours (sensitivity, cognitive stimulation, positive regard, detachment, intrusive control and negative regard). We describe correlations and differences and variability in parenting behaviour between the two assessments and relative to child sex, gestational age, parent education level, household composition and household income. Detachment was lower on average during play at 18 months compared to during mealtime at 24 months (Cohen's d = −0.40), and the other five parenting behaviours were greater on average during play than during mealtime (d = 0.18–0.43). Sociodemographic characteristics were unrelated to the magnitude of individual differences across contexts in any of the parenting behaviours. Implications for research on associations between parent–child interactions and risk for childhood obesity are discussed.  相似文献   

基于35项实证研究, 遵循诊断准确性研究的质量评估(QUADAS-2)的循证程序对自闭症谱系早期预警特征筛查工具开展质量评估, 包括婴儿阶段(10个筛查工具, 159388人)、幼儿阶段(14项筛查工具, 11712人), 旨在为自闭症谱系风险的早期识别提供全面的理解。结果表明:幼儿阶段的筛查工具的分类准确性要高于婴儿阶段, 在婴儿阶段达到良好水平的筛查工具有M-CHAT-R/F、PDQ-1; 在幼儿阶段达到优秀水平的筛查工具有OERA、TIDOS。其中, “改良的幼儿自闭症检查表-有修订的后续随访” (M-CHAT-R/F)是目前最具潜力的自闭症谱系风险筛查工具之一。最后, 我们探讨了应用QUADAS-2评估研究质量的局限性, 强调需要规范工具的质量评估标准与进一步验证研究的必要性。  相似文献   

As part of a curriculum‐development project, focus groups were implemented with Early Head Start staff and with parents of infants and toddlers enrolled in Early Head Start. Focus groups were designed to identify staff and parent beliefs about early emotional development. Three major themes were identified that crossed the staff and parent focus groups: (a) Infants' and toddlers' abilities to have emotions and to be aware of others' emotions; (b) roles of parents as advocates, teachers, and disciplinarians; and (c) parental reflectivity about their own experiences as influences on their parenting. The findings suggest that parents participating in Early Head Start have some knowledge about basic emotions and the developmental nature of emotions, but may easily misinterpret emotional displays only as attempts at manipulation rather than as valid expressions of feelings; expectations for gender‐appropriate emotional expressiveness begin early; more empowered parents may view themselves as role models and teachers for their children; and more reflective parents are better prepared to engage in the sensitive interactions needed to guide young children's growing awareness of their own and others' emotions. Implications for parenting education and program planning utilizing an infant mental health perspective are discussed.  相似文献   

Knee osteoarthritis (OA) gait is characterized by simultaneous flexor and extensor use, or co-contraction. Co-contraction can stabilize and redirect joint forces. However, co-contraction can push and pull on the femur and tibia that exacerbate OA symptoms and make walking difficult. Such movements are quantifiable by limb dynamics (i.e., linear acceleration and jerk); thus, this study examines limb dynamics and its relationship with co-contraction and OA related walking difficulty.Three groups of age-and-sex-matched subjects with and without OA and walking difficulty (N = 13 per group) walked with electromyography (EMG) on the knee extensors and flexors and inertial measurement units (IMUs) at the femur and tibia. We calculated co-contraction from antagonistic EMG signals and linear acceleration and its derivative jerk from IMUs. We determined group differences using one-way ANOVAs, nonparametric equivalence, and effect sizes, and main and interaction effects of walking difficulty with regression modeling.Medium effect sizes and differences for femoral acceleration (d = 0.64; P = .02) and jerk (d = 0.51; P = .01) were observed between with and without knee OA. Medium to large effect sizes (r = 0.33 to 0.51 and d = 0.81 to 0.97) and differences (P = .01 to 0.05) for tibial acceleration and jerk were obsevered between with and without walking difficulty. Walking difficulty moderated the relationship between tibial jerk and co-contraction (p < .05).Tibial jerk differences were observed based on walking difficulty. The significant interaction effect suggested that walking difficulty explained the relationship between limb dynamics and co-contraction. Perhaps co-contraction levels used by those with knee OA and no walking difficulty are optimal as compared to those with walking difficulty.  相似文献   

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