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网络建构行为(networking behavior,也被译作“结网行为”)是指员工为实现职业目标开展的联系构建、维持与使用行为。与聚焦结构特征的传统社会网络研究不同,网络建构行为研究强调个体能动性,认为员工可以通过主动开展网络建构行为提高工作绩效、促进职业发展。在系统回顾以往研究的基础上,首先提炼出员工网络建构行为的概念内涵;其次,结合资源、情感、网络与交换等视角,梳理员工网络建构行为的影响结果及作用机制;最后,围绕深化并整合不同理论视角、扎根社交工作平台研究新场景、应用非结构性数据和仿真算法等方向提出未来研究建议,推进员工网络建构行为研究的持续深化,增进管理实践对员工网络建构行为的理解。  相似文献   

基于183项实证研究, 采用元分析法综合考察了领导授权赋能与领导有效性的关系, 包括个体工作态度与绩效(145个样本, 50509名员工)、团队绩效(47个样本, 4856个团队)和组织绩效(9个样本, 1090家企业)。结果表明:领导授权赋能与工作满意度、组织承诺和主观幸福感显著正相关, 与离职倾向、倦怠&压力显著负相关, 与个体(团队)绩效及其各维度显著正相关, 与反生产行为显著负相关, 但与组织绩效的正向关系不显著。其中, 主观幸福感、团队绩效、团队任务绩效的样本文献可能存在出版偏倚, 其元分析结果很可能被高估。在东西方差异上, 领导授权赋能与个体(团队)绩效、个体(团队)任务绩效的相关性均属东亚样本更强、欧美样本更弱, 而与个体(团队)创新绩效、个体(团队)关系绩效之间无显著差异。然而, 团队创新绩效的欧美样本和团队关系绩效的东亚样本仅1份, 故其东西方比较结果可能存在不稳定及不可靠性。此外, 领导授权赋能的量表、数据类型显著调节了领导授权赋能与个体绩效的关系, 行业类型的调节效应不显著。研究结果为领导授权赋能与领导有效性的研究给出了新的阶段性定论。  相似文献   

幽默是指在个人、群体或组织中产生积极情绪或认知的沟通行为.幽默不仅能降低员工的工作压力、减少人际冲突,还能提高组织绩效.笔者结合最新研究证据重新对幽默的概念、理论进行了梳理诠释,从组织内幽默与个体职业健康的关系、对工作绩效的预测机制和领导幽默等三方面介绍了幽默对组织内校标的影响,最后对组织背景下幽默行为未来的研究方向进行展望.  相似文献   

王琼 《心理科学进展》2022,30(3):499-510
社会经济高质量、可持续发展的实现, 须依托具备可持续职业能力的人才来引领、支撑和保障。鉴于此, 本研究考虑职业与日间工作行为的联动效应, 探究个体于工作中实现持续竞争优势的潜在动力、路径及干预机制。首先, 确定职业可持续力的概念界定与结构测量, 并揭示其潜在的影响因素、动态发展机理以及对职业主动行为的作用路径。其次, 结合资源保存理论和社会认知理论, 探究职业可持续力与员工工作重塑行为的动态交互作用机制。最后基于职业可持续视角, 探讨组织层面对个体工作重塑行为的纵向干预机制。本研究将为个体实现职业可持续发展以及组织开展共赢的职业管理支持提供策略依据。  相似文献   

职业乐观是影响个体职业适应的重要因素之一。尽管以往文献大多认为职业乐观是有利的,然而职业乐观的个体也会出现求职行为,导致对现有工作的专注程度降低的负面影响。为了探讨职业乐观的双刃剑效应及其边界条件,通过2个时间点问卷调查法对581名企业员工进行调查,结果发现:(1)职业乐观对求职行为和组织承诺均有正向影响;(2)易变职业生涯定向在职业乐观对求职行为影响中起中介作用,工作归属感在职业乐观对组织承诺影响中起中介作用;(3)心理授权在职业乐观对易变职业生涯定向的影响中起负向调节作用,在职业乐观对工作归属感的影响中起正向调节作用。  相似文献   

李方君  钟旭朋 《心理科学进展》2020,28(11):1939-1952
本文系统地回顾了促进型和抑制型建言在前因与后果上的差异。这些差异的理论基础包括计划行为理论、调节焦点理论、目标导向理论、社会期望理论、资源保存理论、归因理论、自我损耗理论、认知评价理论以及情感事件理论。与理论相对应, 两类建言前因的差异体现在建言者特质(如人格、动机)、领导风格与行为、领导成员交换和组织层面的因素(如组织政治、组织公平)等方面; 后果的差异体现在建言者工作态度与行为(如绩效、工作满意度)、领导建言采纳和团队绩效等方面。未来可能的研究方向包括:探讨两类建言在团队中的共存、两类建言的文化差异等。  相似文献   

近年来, 从社会网络视角考察同伴关系与心理健康的相互作用正成为发展心理学和健康心理学研究的热点。研究者多借助整体网和纵向数据, 通过两种作用机制, 即选择过程(selection process) (强调心理和行为变量对社会网络和同伴关系的影响, 如关系的形成、维持和解除)和影响过程(influence process) (强调社会网络和同伴关系对心理和行为变量的影响), 来分析同伴关系与心理健康协同演进的动态过程。实证研究关注的领域集中在青少年健康风险行为(如吸烟、喝酒、药物滥用)和情绪问题(如抑郁、焦虑、孤独感)。未来研究应该注重拓展社会网络的类型和样本、加强理论建构、增加对积极心理和消极关系的研究, 并有望在互联网领域及社会网络的生物学基础等方面取得进展。  相似文献   

李玲玲  黄桂 《心理科学进展》2021,29(8):1484-1496
个体主动性行为是组织中个体主动做出的面向未来和面向变革的工作行为, 近年来成为组织行为研究领域的重要议题。从现有研究来看: (1)在研究主题上, 多数研究发现了个体主动性行为可以带来正向结果, 个别学者也注意到了个体主动性行为的代价; (2)在分析视角上, 主要包括个体主动性行为对个体层面和组织情境层面的正向与负向影响; (3)在理论机制上, 个体主动性行为的“利弊”效应可用优势互补理论、自我决定理论和归因理论来解释。未来研究可着重进行以下理论整合: (1)从个体主动性行为类型出发, 基于智慧主动性的视角揭示其内在机制; (2)从主动性行为者和观察者特征两面性的视角, 实证探讨其背后机理; (3)从主动性行为主客体特征的发展视角进行动态研究。  相似文献   

作为一种促进员工社会化和职业发展的工具, 导师制已在各类企业中得到了广泛应用。然而, 近些年员工工作需求以及组织工作方式的变化分别对导师指导行为的作用结果和指导内容产生了冲击。一方面, 传统导师指导行为作用的研究大多限于员工职业结果; 另一方面, 传统导师制的研究仍停留在一对一的指导, 忽略了针对徒弟群体的指导。为此, 将在现实观察和理论回顾的基础上, 首先提出多水平导师指导行为的概念, 包括为徒弟群提供“一致性”指导的“群体水平指导行为”与为单个徒弟提供“差异化”指导的“个体水平指导行为”; 然后, 检验自我效能与群体认同在多水平导师指导行为对徒弟个体和徒弟群体的工作绩效与非职业结果影响的中介机制, 以及不同水平导师指导行为对徒弟(群)结果的跨层交互效应。以期填补过去导师制在作用结果(仅仅关注职业结果)和指导内容(忽略群体水平)研究上的不足, 并为企业有效实施导师制提供启示与帮助。  相似文献   

发挥优势(using strengths)能让我们感到充实、真实与高效;而重塑工作(crafting job)则使我们的工作充满意义、认同与使命感。整合优势理论、工作重塑、职业成功和呼唤(calling)研究的已有成果,可以发现:(1)基于个体优势的工作重塑(strengths-based job crafting,SJC)是一个新构念,对优势理论与工作重塑研究具有重要的理论贡献与实践价值;(2)SJC能对个人职业成功、呼唤感及组织绩效产生影响;(3)影响SJC的因素包括个人因素、组织因素与社会文化价值取向。未来研究应以实证的方式重点探索中国情境下SJC的测量与影响机制问题。  相似文献   

The present study evaluated personal resource-oriented interventions supporting the career development of young academics, working at German universities within the STEM fields. The study sought to foster subjective career success by improving networking behavior, career planning, and career optimism. The study involved a quasi-experimental pre-post intervention with two intervention and two control groups (N = 81 research associates). Participants of the first intervention group received networking training; participants of the second intervention group received the same networking training plus individual career coaching. Participants of both intervention groups were female. Participants of the control groups (i.e., male vs. female group) did not participate in any intervention. As expected, path analyses, based on mean differences from pre-test to post-test, revealed an increase in career planning and career optimism within the networking plus career coaching intervention group, that was indirectly positively related to changes in subjective career success. Contrary to our expectations, the networking group training alone and in combination with the career coaching showed no effectiveness in fostering networking behavior. Results are discussed in the context of career counseling and intervention effectiveness studies.  相似文献   

This study examined the motivational resource of future work self salience and the additive effect of career adaptability dimensions in the prediction of career planning, proactive skill development, and proactive career networking in a sample of university students (N = 113). It was hypothesized that greater clarity of future work self would predict engagement in each of the proactive career behaviors and that specific dimensions of career adaptability would have an additive effect in predicting particular proactive career behavior in line with the theory of career construction. Results indicated that future work self predicted career planning and that career concern had an additive effect. Future work self also predicted proactive skill development and proactive career networking. However, career confidence and career curiosity mediated these relationships in the prediction of skill development and networking respectively. In sum, results suggest that future work self and career adaptability play an influential role in the engagement of proactive career behavior.  相似文献   

Career success of early employees was analyzed from a power perspective and a developmental network perspective. In a predictive field study with 112 employees mentoring support and mentors’ power were assessed in the first wave, employees’ networking was assessed after two years, and career success (i.e. income and hierarchical position) and career satisfaction were assessed after three years. Networking was the most robust predictor of career success. Mentoring received predicted career satisfaction and its effects on objective career success were mediated by networking. Further, mentoring by a powerful mentor predicted objective career success beyond networking. Based on previous findings we argue that these findings underscore the critical relationship between early career employees’ networking behaviors and mentoring received.  相似文献   

Previous research has established a general relation between networking and career outcomes, as postulated by theories on protean careers and career self management. We suggest that specific facets of networking behavior differentially affect specific career mobility outcomes over time. In a 2-year prospective study, we examined the impact of six facets of networking on the likelihood receiving a promotion, changing employer, or remaining in the current position. Results show that internal networking is related to promotions and change of employer, whereas external networking is only related to change of employer. Moreover, internal networking shows a differential relation with the temporal proximity of promotions where using internal contacts predicts promotions in the first year and building and maintaining internal contacts predict promotions in the second year. However, this temporal pattern did not hold for external networking, where only maintaining external contacts predicted change of employer in the second year.  相似文献   

本研究探讨领导职业支持对工作团队成员组织公民行为的影响机制,研究采用问卷调查法,以10个地市的66个工作团队303名成员为调查对象,在控制被试的教育程度、工作经验及人口统计学变量之后,运用多层线性模型分析领导职业支持与团队成员心理资本及其组织公民行为的关系。结果发现:(1)领导职业支持对团队成员心理资本和组织公民行为有积极促进作用;(2)无论在团队层次还是员工层次,领导职业支持对成员组织公民行为有积极促进作用,成员心理资本在二者之间起完全中介作用。  相似文献   

Drawing on self-discrepancy theory, which posits discomfort when actual selves deviate from ideal or ought selves (Higgins, 1987), we examine the complementary and compounding effects of work–life tradeoffs on self-conscious emotions, life role satisfaction, and spouse/partner work satisfaction. Across multiple samples, we augment and refine extant tradeoff measures to include minor tradeoffs (e.g., limiting networking, missing a family event) in addition to the more frequently researched major tradeoffs (e.g., quitting a job, choosing not to have children) and test their effects. Work compromising tradeoffs (i.e., sacrificing work for family/personal activities) were associated with negative self-conscious emotions and lower levels of job, career, and life satisfaction indirectly through professional self-discrepancy, suggesting that making work compromises for family affects how individuals see themselves as professionals. Family/personal compromising tradeoffs (i.e., sacrificing family/personal activities for work) were associated with negative self-conscious emotions and lower levels of job, career, family, and life satisfaction indirectly through family and professional self-discrepancy, suggesting individuals view their family and professional selves less favorably when they make family/personal compromises for work. Despite negative effects for the employees, our results suggest work tradeoffs are beneficial for spouse/partner work hours and satisfaction.  相似文献   

The current article tests a longitudinal model of the process of proactive career behaviours and career success with two samples of graduates making the transition from college to work. Using structural equation modelling, we tested a theoretical model that specified the relationships between career progress goals, career planning, networking behaviours, and career success. A longitudinal panel study was conducted within two samples using a 3‐year (sample 1) and 1‐year (sample 2) time lag between the first and second data collection. The results support the process model and suggest that at graduation, career planning is affected by the goal of making career progress. In turn, career planning is positively associated with networking behaviours. Both career planning and networking at graduation are positively related to career planning and networking 1 year later (sample 1) but in sample 2, in which a 3‐year time lag was used, these relationships were no longer significant. Support is found for the relationship between networking during the early career and objective and subjective career success. The findings are discussed in terms of their general implications for understanding the proactive career behaviour process through which graduates affect their career success during the first years of their professional career.  相似文献   

This study examined the mediation effect of career decision self‐efficacy in relation to work values and career decision status. The authors surveyed 308 college students about their own intrinsic (e.g., helping others) and extrinsic (e.g., high income) work values and those of significant others, career decision self‐efficacy, and career decision status. The results indicated that the intrinsic and extrinsic work values of significant others were related to the intrinsic and extrinsic work values of the self and that intrinsic work values were more adaptive than extrinsic work values in career development.  相似文献   

Objective: The aim of the study was to explore the possible indirect effect of subjective career success on the relationship between work–family enrichment and job satisfaction and work–family enrichment and work engagement. Method: A cross-sectional, quantitative research design approach was followed using a convenience sample (N = 334). Results: Results revealed that work–family enrichment was not only positively related to subjective career success, job satisfaction and work engagement, but also predictive of the mentioned constructs. Furthermore, subjective career success was found to indirectly effect the relationship between work–family enrichment and job satisfaction and work engagement. Conclusion: Using the resource-gain-development framework, new insights are provided into the processes and mechanisms relating to work–family enrichment. Our findings suggest that resources are creating positive affect in not only the work and career domains of employees, but also leading to more engaged and satisfied employees. (i.e., the indirect effect of subjective career success). Organisations can benefit when they enhance work environments (e.g., by providing relevant resources) to promote work–family enrichment and, by implication, subjective career success and positive work outcomes such as job satisfaction and work engagement.  相似文献   

郭功星  程豹 《心理学报》2021,53(2):215-228
聚焦于顾客授权行为这一概念, 以自我决定理论为基础, 分别引入基于组织的自尊作为中介变量和职业中心性作为调节变量, 探讨了顾客授权行为对一线服务员工职业成长的影响机制和作用边界。通过一项三阶段的时间滞后研究设计, 获取了245份有效样本, 结果显示: (1)顾客授权行为对员工职业成长具有显著的正向影响; (2)基于组织的自尊在顾客授权行为与员工职业成长之间起着部分中介作用; (3)职业中心性对顾客授权行为与基于组织的自尊的作用关系具有正向调节作用: 当员工职业中心性水平较高时, 顾客授权行为对基于组织的自尊的正向影响更强; (4)职业中心性进一步调节顾客授权行为通过基于组织的自尊对职业成长的间接影响: 当员工职业中心性水平较高时, 顾客授权行为通过基于组织的自尊对职业成长的正向效应会增强。  相似文献   

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