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Motor experts can accurately predict the future actions of others by observing their movements. This report describes three experiments that investigate such predictions in everyday object manipulations and test whether these predictions facilitate responses to the actions of others. Observing video excerpts showing an actor reaching for a vertically mounted dial, participants in Experiment 1 needed to predict how the actor would rotate it. Their predictions were specific to the direction and extent of the dial rotation and improved proportionate to the length of the video clip shown. Testing whether such predictions facilitate responses, in the subsequent experiments responders had to undo an actor's actions, back-rotating a dial (Exp 2) and a bar (Exp 3). The responders' actions were initiated faster when the actors' movements obeyed the so-called end-state comfort principle than when they did not. Our experiments show that humans exploit the end-state comfort effect to tweak their predictions of the future actions of others. The results moreover suggest that the precision of these predictions is mediated by perceptual learning rather than by motor simulation.  相似文献   

People will often grasp an object with an uncomfortable initial grasp if this affords more comfort at the end of the movement. The authors' primary objective was to examine whether grasp planning is influenced by precision demands at the start and end of the movement. Twenty right-handed individuals performed a unimanual grasping and placing task in which the precision requirements at the start and end of the movement were either identical (low initial and final precision, high initial and final precision) or different (low initial and high final precision, high initial and low final precision). The major finding to emerge was the presence of individual differences. 50% of participants changed their initial grasps based on the precision requirements of the task, and were more likely to satisfy end-state comfort when the final precision requirements were high than when they were low. In contrast, 50% of participants generally planned their movements to satisfy end-state comfort (regardless of precision requirements). The authors hypothesized that the former group of participants was sensitive to the precision demands of the task, and participants planned their grips in accordance with these demands. In contrast, the latter group of participants reduced the cognitive costs by using previously successful grasp plans.  相似文献   

Choice of posture while grasping an object typically depends upon several factors including the time spent in that posture, what postures were held prior to choosing that posture, and the precision required by the posture. The purpose of this study was to test choice of end-state thumb-up posture based on time spent at the beginning-state and the precision requirement of the end-state. To determine choice of thumb-up based on time or precision, we varied how long a subject had to hold the beginning state before moving an object to an end location. We made end-state precision either small or large and eliminated the precision needed to stand the object up at the end of the movement. A choice between “comfort” at the beginning or precision at the end-state would be demanded by the conditions with long beginning-state hold times and high precision demands. We aimed to determine which aspect of movement was of greater importance to individuals, overall “comfort” or precision. When the requirement was to hold the initial grasp longer, and the end-target was large, we predicted that we would see more thumb-up postures adopted at the beginning state. When the final placement was small and the initial posture was not constrained, we predicted we would see thumb-up postures adopted at the end state. On average, we found that, as beginning-state grasp time increased, more individuals chose beginning-state thumb-up postures. Perhaps, not surprisingly, we found distinct individual differences within our sample. Some individuals seemed to choose beginning-state thumb-up postures nearly 100% of the time, while other individuals chose end-state thumb-up postures nearly 100% of the time. Both the time spent in a posture and its precision requirements influenced planning, but not necessarily in a systematic way.  相似文献   

The grasp orientation when grasping an object is frequently aligned in anticipation of the intended rotation of the object (end-state comfort effect). We analyzed grasp orientation selection in a continuous task to determine the mechanisms underlying the end-state comfort effect. Participants had to grasp a box by a circular handle—which allowed for arbitrary grasp orientations—and then had to rotate the box by various angles. Experiments 1 and 2 revealed both that the rotation’s direction considerably determined grasp orientations and that end-postures varied considerably. Experiments 3 and 4 further showed that visual stimuli and initial arm postures biased grasp orientations if the intended rotation could be easily achieved. The data show that end-state comfort but also other factors determine grasp orientation selection. A simple mechanism that integrates multiple weighted biases can account for the data.  相似文献   

This study investigated how humans adapt to a partner's movement in a joint pick-and-place task and examined the role of gaze behavior and personality traits in adapting to a partner. Two participants sitting side-by-side transported a cup from one end of a table to the other. The participant sitting on the left (the agent) moved the cup to an intermediate position from where the participant sitting on the right (the partner) transported it to a goal position with varying orientations. Hand, finger, cup movements and gaze behavior were recorded synchronously via motion tracking and portable eye tracking devices. Results showed interindividual differences in the extent of the agents' motor adaptation to the joint action goal, which were accompanied by differences in gaze patterns. The longer agents directed their gaze to a cue indicating the goal orientation, the more they adapted the rotation of the cup's handle when placing it at the intermediate position. Personality trait assessment showed that higher extraverted tendencies to strive for social potency went along with more adaptation to the joint goal. These results indicate that agents who consider their partner's end-state comfort use their gaze to gather more information about the joint action goal compared to agents who do not. Moreover, the disposition to enjoy leadership and make decisions in interpersonal situations seems to play a role in determining who adapts to a partner's task in joint action.  相似文献   

An experiment with 21 subjects has confirmed the findings of other investigators that previous posture affects subsequent posture—the phenomenon of postural persistence. There seems also to be a tendency for the arm to be judged horizontal when in fact above the horizon, no matter which posture has been previously adopted—a “constant upwards effect.” It has also been found that the direction of previous movement affects subsequent posture. After movement, an overshooting effect adds to a “constant upwards effect.”

Various explanations of the phenomenon are discussed, and persistence is considered as an anomaly of postural recognition.  相似文献   

Although the traditional physician ethic sees nothing objectionable about the doctor's influence over patients, superficial conceptions of the patient's right to self-determination imply that this influence may be manipulative. On the contrary, there are several different lines of argument which can reconcile self-determination with the physician's influence. Nevertheless, drawing the boundaries between legitimate methods of persuasion, and manipulation or coercion sometimes proves difficult.  相似文献   

Participants performed a serial reaction time task, responding to either asterisks presented at varying screen locations or centrally presented letters. Stimulus presentation followed a fixed second-order conditional sequence. Each keypress in the experimental groups produced a contingent, key-specific tone effect. The critical variation concerned the mapping of tones to keys. In Experiment 1, keypresses in one control condition produced noncontingent tone effects, while in another control condition there were no tone effects. In Experiment 2, three different key-tone mappings were compared to a control condition without tone effects. The results show that tone effects improve serial learning when they are mapped to the response keys contingently and in a highly compatible manner. The results are discussed with reference to an ideomotor mechanism of motor sequence acquisition.  相似文献   

Three pigeons chose between random-interval (RI) and tandem, continuous-reinforcement, fixed-interval (crf-FI) reinforcement schedules by pecking either of two keys. As long as a pigeon pecked on the RI key, both keys remained available. If a pigeon pecked on the crf-FI key, then the RI key became unavailable and the crf-FI timer began to time out. With this procedure, once the RI key was initially pecked, the prospective value of both alternatives remained constant regardless of time spent pecking on the RI key without reinforcement (RI waiting time). Despite this constancy, the rate at which pigeons switched from the RI to the crf-FI decreased sharply as RI waiting time increased. That is, prior choices influenced current choice-an exercise effect. It is argued that such influence (independent of reinforcement contingencies) may serve as a sunk-cost commitment device in self-control situations. In a second experiment, extinction was programmed if RI waiting time exceeded a certain value. Rate of switching to the crf-FI first decreased and then increased as the extinction point approached, showing sensitivity to both prior choices and reinforcement contingencies. In a third experiment, crf-FI availability was limited to a brief window during the RI waiting time. When constrained in this way, switching occurred at a high rate regardless of when, during the RI waiting time, the crf-FI became available.  相似文献   

Lohse, Sherwood, and Healy (2010) found that an external focus of attention (FOA) improved performance in a dart-throwing task and reduced the time taken between throws, but using the time between trials as a measure of preparation time is relatively crude. Thus, the current experiment analyzed how FOA affects accuracy and pre-movement time in an isometric force production task, to study how FOA affected motor planning. In the current experiment, training with an external focus improved the accuracy of the isometric force production task during training and during retention and transfer testing. During training, an external FOA also significantly reduced pre-movement time in early trials. These findings are interpreted as reduced explicit control of movement as a function of an external FOA, and help to integrate FOA research with other motor control phenomena and neuropsychological theories of motor control.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effect of posting caloric information on food purchases at a cafeteria. Purchases of more than 14,300 entrees, vegetables, and salads by 6,970 customers were unobtrusively monitored via the cash register inventory control system during 15 evening observations. A quasi-multiple-baseline design across food groups was used to test the additive effect of labeling the three lowest caloric choices for vegetables, salads, and entrees. A linear logit analysis confirmed that labeling increased the probability of low calorie selections for vegetables and salads, but not for entrees. Observations of meals purchased by a subsample of 413 customers indicated labeling did not change the total caloric content of meals. The number of customers and total sales per evening were unaffected by the labeling intervention. The results suggest that manipulating environmental cues may be an effective method for changing food purchases in a cafeteria, but labeling individual items may not be the best way to decrease total calories purchased.  相似文献   

The present study examines the effects of speed constraints (target velocity) and time constraints (target duration) on performance on a coincident timing task by 5-, 7- and 9-year-old children and adults. The results showed that the young children significantly improved their performance (per cent of hits) and response accuracy CE, |CE| when given longer time to perform the task. The adults were just as successful for both durations. All subjects showed better performance (per cent of hits) with slower targets, however, for the children this effect was only noticeable with targets of long duration. Target duration also revealed development changes in response control and execution, with the younger children producing different response patterns for IRT, MT and IP measures. The developmental differences at this task are discussed in terms of the control mechanisms involved and the use of strategies in responding.  相似文献   

Children often prefer objects and food packaging bearing images of popular media characters. However, it is unclear what factors may influence this. This study investigated whether depictions of popular media characters on high-quality (brand new) and low-quality (dirty, broken) objects influenced 3- to 4-year-old children's (N = 84) object preferences, as well as which objects children selected to help them complete a functional task (e.g., using a bucket to transport several small items). We also investigated whether children's preferences were related to inhibitory control. We found children's preferences were influenced by images of popular characters, but not their choice of objects for functional use. Instead, children relied on object quality when selecting an object to complete a task. Inhibitory control was not related to children's object choices. These results suggest children may weigh object features differently when making decisions for different purposes.  相似文献   

Recent studies highlight the influence of non-conscious information on task-set selection. However, it has not yet been tested whether this influence depends on conscious settings, as some theoretical models propose. In a series of three experiments, we explored whether non-conscious abstract cues could bias choices between a semantic and a perceptual task. In Experiment 1, we observed a non-conscious influence on task-set selection even when perceptual priming and cue-target compound confounds did not apply. Experiments 2 and 3 showed that, under restrictive conditions of visibility, cues only biased task selection when the conscious task-setting mindset led participants to search for information during the time period of the cue. However, this conscious strategy did not modulate the effect found when a subjective measure of consciousness was used. Altogether, our results show that the configuration of the conscious mindset determines the potential bias of non-conscious information on task-set selection.  相似文献   

The postural sway patterns of newly standing infants were compared under two conditions: standing while holding a toy and standing while not holding a toy. Infants exhibited a lower magnitude of postural sway and more complex sway patterns when holding the toy. These changes suggest that infants adapt postural sway in a manner that facilitates visually fixating on and stabilizing the toy in their hand. When simply standing, infants exhibited postural sway patterns that appeared to be more exploratory in nature. Exploratory sway patterns may allow infants to learn the affordances of their new standing posture. These results demonstrate that newly standing infants are capable of task-dependent postural control.  相似文献   

In a previous study, we reported a dissociation between subjective expectancy and motor behaviour in a simple associative learning task (Perruchet, Cleeremans, & Destrebecqz, 2006). According to previous conditioning studies (Clark, Manns, & Squire, 2001), this dissociation is observed when the to-be-associated events coterminate and thus overlap in time (a training regimen called delay conditioning), but not when they are separated by a temporal delay (trace conditioning). In this latter situation indeed, there tends to be a direct relationship between subjective expectancy and behaviour. In this study, we further investigated this issue in a series of experiments where conscious and unconscious components of performance were pitted against each other. In Experiments 1–3, participants performed a simple reaction time task in which a preparatory signal (a tone) either overlapped with or terminated earlier than the imperative stimulus (a visual target presented in 50% of the trials). After each response, participants also had to state how much they expected the imperative stimulus to be displayed on the next trial. Results indicate that reaction times tend to decrease when the tone is consistently followed by the visual target across successive trials, whereas conscious expectancy for the target decreases at the same time. Importantly, we systematically found that the temporal relationship between the tone and the target failed to influence performance. In a fourth experiment, we examined whether these results extend to a two-choice reaction time task. To our surprise, we observed a direct relationship between subjective expectancies and reaction time in that situation. We nevertheless observed that the introduction of a delay between the tone and the target had, once again, no effect on performance.  相似文献   

Ecological issues have become a growing concern to businesses. This experimental study examined the effect of a pro-environmental stance on the recruiting efforts of a fictitious firm. Results supported the idea that a proactive company stance on the environment would be positively related to perceived company attractiveness, intentions to pursue employment with that company, and acceptance of a job offer (n=303). Further, personal environmental stance influenced only the intent to pursue employment. This suggests that a positive environmental stance articulated in a recruitment brochure could positively affect potential recruits, even when a recruit does not personally see herself or himself as being particularly pro-environmental.The authors would like to thank Margaret L. Williams for helping with the generation of the recruitment brochures and Chris J. Berger for his support of this research project. In addition, David K. Palmer and Frances L. Dobbs are thanked for help with data collection. Additional thanks are given to Chris J. Berger, Stephen G. Green, David K. Palmer, and Margaret L. Williams for reviewing an earlier draft of this article.This article was presented at the 1993 Industrial Organizational and Organizational Behavior graduate student conference in Chicago, IL, where it won the Wherry award. Therefore, it was presented at the 1995 meeting of the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychologists in Orlando, FL.The materials for this study were recycled when possible and the ink on the recruitment brochures is environmentally friendly soy ink.  相似文献   

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