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This article discusses in its introduction the concept of political Islam as it first developed during the final years of the Ottoman Empire, and Nursi's reaction to politics. The bulk of the article then focuses on Nursi's stance concerning politics. As a prolific author, scholar, and activist, Nursi has a unique place among his contemporaries and the article deliberately elaborates on why Nursi coined his famous statement, ‘I take refuge in God from Satan and politics.’ It also presents a limited comparison between Nursi's interpretation of some qur'anic verses and Sayyid Qutb's interpretation of these same texts.  相似文献   

Said Nursi was a scholar and teacher who made many original contributions to contemporary thought, some of which relate to Christianity and the West. His long life spanned several historical periods, which led inevitably to there being differences in his stance towards the West. This article focuses on the last twenty years of Nursi's life, which included the Second World War and post-war period, during which, within the framework of revealed religion, Nursi advocated reconciliation with the West and cooperation with pious Christians in combating the spiritual and moral depredations of aggressive atheism. He posited that such an approach was foreseen in hadiths about the end of time. A second theme of the article is Nursi's desire to bring together, and present as a new way of teaching the essential qur'anic ‘truths of faith’, various traditional Islamic sciences and modern science. The reconciliation of science and religion, the recombining of these two branches of knowledge, was one of Nursi's lifelong aims, which he intended to achieve with the Risale-i Nur (the body of work that reflects his mature thought), and which in his later years he looked on as a sort of reconciliation with Western civilization in principle. Thus, reconciliation between Muslims and Christians and between Islam and the West, as advanced by Nursi, should be seen in the wider context of his thought generally. Also mentioned is Nursi's concern that ‘awakened humanity’ would find the peace and prosperity it yearned for in Islam, and his hope that the Risale-i Nur, which embodies his thought and methods, would contribute to the achievement of this.  相似文献   

In the aftermath of September 11, 2001, Islam has generally been represented in the media as a political ideology and some academics have over-emphasized this political image of Islam. These are not baseless speculations; there are several political Islamic groups worldwide. However, there are also many apolitical Islamic groups. This article analyzes one of the most influential apolitical Islamic movements in the world, the Nurcus, and its founder, Bediüzzaman Said Nursi. Nursi, the author of the Risale-i Nur collection, emphasized the ascetic aspect of Islam: ‘Ninety-nine percent of Islam is about ethics, worship, the hereafter, and virtue. Only one percent is about politics; leave that to the rulers.’ He also added, ‘I seek refuge in God from Satan and [party] politics.’ Through the analysis of Nursi's thought and activism, the article will try to answer the following questions: Was Nursi a Sufi? What are the theological and structural bases of Nursi's apolitical interpretation of Islam? What is the impact of the secular state in Turkey on the development of Nursi's apolitical outlook and activism? What does his apolitical understanding of Islam say to non-Turkish Muslims who do not live in a secular state?  相似文献   

毛艳明 《学海》2008,(2):182-185
自由、主体、实践理性、善良意志、意志自律以至"绝对命令",在康德那里是相通的概念.正是独立于客体的主体概念奠定了道德的基础.在康德纯粹理性所划分的学科体系中,道德形而上学是作为伦理学的纯粹部分而存在的,它关注的是人的终极目的,涉及的是人的全部使命,体现的是人的高贵和尊严.所以它是优越于人类理性的任何其他追求的,而其他学科都是要为这个最高目的服务的.这是整个康德伦理思想的起点.康德伦理思想注意到了人生、人的理性的双层追求,力图将它们统一于整个先验哲学之中.  相似文献   

焦金波 《学海》2002,(6):101-103
罗尔斯《正义论》可以说是其道德哲学方法论的成就。他用实质性理论的规范伦理学的研究方法研究正义问题 ,摆脱了纯形式主义的元伦理学的研究方式 ;用抽象的、思辨的契约论的方法来论证他的两个正义原则的正义性 ,抛弃西方近代传统的功利主义的论证方式 ;他的独特的“反思的平衡”的思维方法在当代道德与政治哲学中成为一种研究纲领  相似文献   

Presented in this paper is a concise biography of Said Nursi (1876-1960) with regard to the People of the Book and Muslim-Christian relations, aimed at giving the reader background into the scholar whose works are subsequently presented and analyzed. Nursi's discussion of the People of the Book and the concept of dhimm I (individual and regional religious protectorate) as developed from qur' # nic references and prophetic traditions (Had I th) is then analyzed. Significantly, through this paper, these key concepts as covered by a scholar as important to the field as Nursi, are made available to English-speaking people for the first time as the author references Nursi's book Munazarat, which has yet to be translated into English.  相似文献   

通过彰显马克思的“类存在物”及其“有意识的生命活动”、“自由自觉的活动”等概念的意蕴可以使其被遮蔽了的道德哲学批判得到澄明。人作为“类存在物” ,不但指认了人是社会的存在物 ,而且指证了永恒不变之人性观的虚幻性 ,从而超越了亚里士多德的“人是政治动物”的内涵 ;使人成为“类存在物”的“有意识的生命活动”则内置了马克思对道德准则的理解 ,使他对任何的非人格化的超历史的道德形式主义的合法性产生质疑 ;而人的自由自觉的活动体现了手段性活动与目的性活动统一 ,因而成为人的终极价值和道德本体 ,这构成了对各种形式的道德目的论的批判。  相似文献   

In this paper I argue that the lack of interest, among analytic moral philosophers, in the contingencies of our moral present, produces an impoverished moral philosophy, unable to address the moral problems and quandaries of ordinary people. What is needed to remedy this is a broadening of the scope of the moral philosopher’s thought to include a rich attention to moral phenomena of the present. One such phenomenon, attended to by sociologists and critical journalists over the past few decades, is the contemporary proliferating genre of psychologically oriented self-help literature. I display a range of sociological responses to self-help in order to point out aspects of morality that are made visible in these discussions, whereas they often remain invisible in standard moral philosophy. The aim is not to suggest a specific methodology for including such material into philosophical discussions, but rather to urge philosophers to reconsider the range of materials they attend to in their work, in order to produce a more lively engagement with and understanding of contemporary morality.  相似文献   

集权是以功利目的论为理论根基,以"例外特质"为道德心理基础,以独断的道德相对论和独断的道德一元论的不良混合为道德特征,以暴力和强制为后盾的不道德的特殊权利.集权践踏人权、违背人性,不配享有权利之名,因而是必须祛除的对象.  相似文献   

中国审美文化从本质意义上说是一种与天地亲和的生命文化,儒家传统最基本的特征就是肯定天人之间所具有本体论的一致性,因此儒家不从信仰出发来解释生命的伟大德行,而是从生生不息的生命本身来观照道德的本源。儒家作为生命的实践者,凭借其内在的生命力量,通过澄心静虑、心游目想,通过直观感悟、直觉体悟,以达到人生境界与审美境界的合一。这一过程既是道德主体的一种心理体验,更是道德主体通过一种外在践履工夫的求证。  相似文献   

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