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In line with a particular form of analysis as developed by Michel Foucault, this article proposes to elucidate a particular way of understanding Buddhist monastic culture as detailed in the rules concerning behaviour (the Vinaya), which may be called the “care of the self approach”. To develop this argument, the article first describes the nature of the Vinaya as a “training scheme” rather than a system of prohibitions or rules. Second, it examines the nature of confession or what is called “truth telling”. Third, it examines the nature of transgression of the Vinaya rules. Fourth, I examine the Vinaya and the role of ethics. Lastly, it is shown how these approaches to monastic Buddhism deal with the nature of the transformation of desire to construct what may be seen as a form of “ethical technology” or alternatively as a “transgressive technology”.  相似文献   

Stéphane Legrand 《Sophia》2008,47(3):281-291
This article aims at showing that in spite of Michel Foucault’s violent rejection of phenomenology, this discipline never ceased to bear a crucial significance for his archaeological and genealogical analyses, in that it can be construed as a symptom indicating the most serious challenge that the contemporary philosophy has to meet: thinking together Experience and Knowledge. The author intends to prove, by resorting to the Marxian concept of ‘objectively necessary appearance’, that Foucault’s main opposition to phenomenology stems from his original conception of the theory as a sort of experiment made by the philosopher on himself and on his own historical a priori.
Stéphane LegrandEmail:

Continental Philosophy Review - The title of this article refers to Beauvoir's essay “Must We Burn De Sade?” (1953/1952). Analogous to Beauvoir's essay on Sade, this article is...  相似文献   

This essay explores the practical significance of Michel Henry??s ??material phenomenology.?? Commencing with an exposition of his most basic philosophical intuition, i.e., his insight that transcendental affectivity is the primordial mode of revelation of our selfhood, the essay then brings to light how this intuition also establishes our relation to both the world and others. Animated by a radical form of the phenomenological reduction, Henry??s material phenomenology brackets the exterior world in a bid to reach the concrete interior transcendental experience at the base of all exteriority. The essay argues that this ??counter reduction,?? designed as a practical orientation to the world, suspends all traditional parameters of onto(theo)logical individuation in order to rethink subjectivity in terms of its transcendental corporeality, i.e., in terms of the invisible display of ??affective flesh.?? The development of this ??metaphysics of the individual?? anchors his ??practical philosophy?? as he developed it??under shifting accents??throughout his oeuvre. In particular, the essay brings into focus Henry??s reflections on modernity, the industry of mass culture and their ??barbaric?? movements. The essay briefly puts these cultural and political areas of Henry??s of thinking into contact with his late ??theological turn,?? i.e., his Christological account of Life and the (inter)subjective self-realization to which it gives rise.  相似文献   

《Women & Therapy》2013,36(1):25-34

The death of a client by suicide was very emotionally destabilizing to this therapist. She worked hard to distance herself personally from the pain at first and at the same time she found herself overfocused on the “psychological autopsy.” She had difficulty accepting new clients and wanted to withdraw from a meaningful appointment to a state advisory committee. Only when she was able to identify with the client's pain and realize how that pain touched her own history of loss was she able to grieve productively. She realized that gender was relevant in her identification with the victim and in sorting out each of their histories of loss.  相似文献   

The author deals with the tradition of mental patterns in psychoanalytic institutes shaping the character of training. He discusses several patterns which in his opinion have become dysfunctional and are already in change: the family model, the patient model, the conception of training analysts as Olympians, the psychoanalytic identity as the endpoint of training and the model of the closed society. He argues for further transformation of these institutionalized patterns in order to avoid stagnation and remain future oriented. For each pattern he proposes concrete measures, which can be helpful for change.  相似文献   

二十年以前就有过一场争论,是关于"耳朵认字"的问题.当时一批科学家起来揭露它的虚伪性,但也有一批科学家却出来支持它,认为这是人体的特异功能.九十年代初,这种伪科学越演越烈,越说越神奇.这两年似乎不大听说了.但另一种歪门邪说却又泛滥起来,这就是法轮功.当然法轮功已成为残害人民、残害社会的邪教组织,与一般相信特异功能是两种不同性质的问题.但是究其思想基础却同出一源,即迷信二字.  相似文献   

M. Kary 《Axiomathes》2009,19(3):321-339
In science as in mathematics, it is popular to know little and resent much about category theory. Less well known is how common it is to know little and like much about set theory. The set theory of almost all scientists, and even the average mathematician, is fundamentally different from the formal set theory that is contrasted against category theory. The latter two are often opposed by saying one emphasizes Substance, the other Form. However, in all known systems of mathematics throughout history, mathematicians have moved fluidly between ideas conceived of as thing-like, property-like, and process-like. On the other hand one way to advance science is to better distinguish between thing, property, and process. All this constitutes a distracting background for those interested in, or distressed by, the possible application of category theory to science, and to mathematics as well.  相似文献   

附生性,因果性,还原性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
一、引论在过去的 20多年里, 戴维森的反常一元论和附生性概念占据了心灵哲学讨论的中心领域。一方面, 戴维森的理论面临以金在权为代表的众多哲学家的尖锐批评; 另一方面, 大家似乎相信, 弄清楚附生性概念就意味着心物问题的解决。本文首先将论述戴维森的附生性概念及其非还原的物理主义学说, 然后将介绍金在权的批评意见, 随后将对戴维森的反常一元论作一个唯名论的诠释, 弄清戴维森的附生性概念到底是什么意思、它是一种什么样的共变关系, 以维护戴维森的反常一元论, 并抵御金在权的指控。最后还将论证, 附生性既不是一个因果关系, 也不…  相似文献   

中华崛起外夷忧,使馆被轰蓄预谋。玩火自焚因嫉忌,惹来抗义震环球。遇难无辜魄未收,人神共怒泛洪流。严惩凶手循因果,不祭英魂誓不休。神州舜日固根基,团结精诚时世熙。北约当知停战火,炎黄亿万岂能欺。怒斥北约,保卫和平,普度众生@黄诚伦...  相似文献   

<正> 中国传统文化的重要精神,是面向生活,关注人生,教人如何处理个人与他人、与社会的关系,在此基础上求得社会的和谐和安定。在长期的发展中,中国在这方面积累了极丰富的,也可以说是最丰富的思想资料。这是一笔宝贵的遗产;中国传统文化的积极方面和消极方面都在这里反映出来。人们批评传统文化在维护封建制度方面起了重要作用,这无疑是对的;然而正是这一事实,也证明了古人在维护社会的和谐、安定方面是成功的,传统文化在这方面有着许多  相似文献   

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