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侯才 《哲学动态》2005,(6):17-20
政治哲学研究首先遇到的棘手问题直接涉及该学科研究对象的"政治哲学"概念本身的界定,其核心是如何理解政治与哲学的关系.对此,本文拟从下述两个方面来加以考察. 一政治与哲学的双重变奏 施特劳斯对政治哲学的核心定义正是基于对政治与哲学的关系的分析和揭示.在他看来,政治与哲学具有两种关系,据此,可以相应地对政治哲学做出两种理解和界定.  相似文献   

In this paper I seek to shed some light on Heidegger's conception of phenomenology, and on the relationship between Heidegger's conception and that of Husserl. In particular, I am concerned to elucidate the sense in which Heidegger's phenomenology can be seen as a species of transcendental philosophy. In the concluding section of the paper I briefly consider the significance of Heidegger's conception of phenomenology for his later philosophy, as represented by 'The Question Concerning Technology'.  相似文献   


In this essay I explore some of the ramifications that postmodernism, in its re-vision of Western rationality, holds for African philosophy. Insofar as African philosophy has associated itself with the traditional form of Western rationality, I argue that much can be gleaned by African philosophy from postmodernism's re-vision of Western rationality. The merits of such a postmodern re-vision of Western rationality for African philosophy include, an acknowledgement of alternative forms of reasoning and their accompanying cultural expressions; an insistence that knowledge production is not independent of moral and political value; a grounding of rationality in social relations; and a recognition of commitment, caring and feeling in rationality.  相似文献   

Easwaran  Kenny 《Topoi》2021,40(2):409-421
Topoi - The central aim of this paper is to argue that there is a meaningful sense in which a concept of rationality can apply to a city. The idea will be that a city is rational to the extent that...  相似文献   

Heinämaa  Sara 《Synthese》1999,118(1):49-68
This paper problematizes the analogy that Hubert Dreyfus has presented between phenomenology and cognitive science. It argues that Dreyfus presents Merleau-Ponty's modification of Husserl's phenomenology in a misleading way. He ignores the idea of philosophy as a radical interrogation and self-responsibility that stems from Husserl's work and recurs in Merleau-Ponty's Phenomenology of Perception. The paper focuses on Merleau-Ponty's understanding of the phenomenological reduction. It shows that his critical idea was not to restrict the scope of Husserl's reductions but to study the conditions of possibility for the thetic acts. Merleau-Ponty argued, following Husserl's texts, that the thetic acts rest on the basis of primordial pre-thetic experience. This layer of experience cannot, by its nature, be explicated or clarified, but it can be questioned and unveiled. This is the recurrent task of phenomenological philosophy, as Merleau-Ponty understands it.  相似文献   

Alfredo Marcos 《Axiomathes》2018,28(6):653-664
The present article offers an introductory vision to the political philosophy of science. The political philosophy of science is a new field of study where the philosophy of science and political philosophy converge. We will see the main contents of this field. We will also note that it depends on the construction of a model of rationality where science and politics can meet each other. Finally, the article tries to outline such a model of rationality. In order to do so, we will review the relationship between Karl Popper’s scientific and political philosophy. I suggest to read Popper’s critical rationalism in terms of a kind of prudential rationality.  相似文献   

胡塞尔将他的超越论的现象学哲学称作"第一哲学",强调它是一种由最终根源奠立的普通科学的开端和基础,它正是要研究那些最初的、自身包含一切存在与真理之起源的东西,即超越论的主观性.一切真正的科学都必须从这种科学中寻求它们的全部基本概念和原理的、它们的一切方法的、一切其他原则的最后来源.胡塞尔通过对哲学史的考察表明,这一思想也是贯穿于数千年哲学史中的统一动机,并且已在历史上取得了值得重视的成就.胡塞尔所提出的现象学还原的方法,正是要揭示这种超越论主观性的领域.他称这种方法是一种全新的反思方法,是彻底的纯粹的对自身的思考,是完全不同于自然态度的"非自然的"态度.但是胡塞尔在这里提供的不仅是现象学还原的"方法",而且同时还提供了一种有关现象学还原的"现象学",即现象学还原的"理论".  相似文献   

文章围绕现象学能否作为第一哲学这一热点问题,展现了多米尼克·雅尼科、马克·里希尔与让-吕克·马里翁之间的争论.雅尼科忠实于现象学还原的观念,反思它具体给予我们的意义关联,坚决反对将现象学作为第一哲学,而提倡一种极简主义的现象学.马里翁则从尝试设置对现象的范畴分析之基础出发,进一步澄清现象学的偶然性的特异性,在现象学的意义上使另一种第一哲学的轮廓清晰可见.但是,马里翁的给予现象学暗示着只有一种把握凭自身出现和显示的现象的可能方式,这是为里希尔所不能赞同的,里希尔自发的意义构成的现象学在此提供了另外一种选择.  相似文献   

理性的张力及其衰减:一个经济哲学的脚注   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
速继明 《哲学动态》2005,1(7):19-24
时至今日,已经没有人会对哲学与经济学的密切关联性提出质疑,哲学与经济学的互动关系生动地反映了经济学背后所蕴藏着的哲学思想的"支援意识"对经济学所产生的深远影响.[1]这种影响主要包括两大方面,即哲学的理性传统对经济学理性传统的影响、哲学认识论对经济认识论的影响.在这种影响下,当哲学主题发生转向时,或早或晚也会在经济学研究的范式上得以反映.这种反映我们可以根据哲学主题的演化来洞悉.  相似文献   

This paper will deal with the problem of practical intentionality in the transcendental phenomenology of Husserl. First, through an analysis of a passage found in Logical Investigations, I will show Husserl's earlier position with respect to the problem of practical intentionality. I will then go on to critically assess this position and, with reference to some of Husserl's works written after the 1920's, prove that every intentionality should be regarded as a practical intentionality. Correspondingly, transcendental phenomenology should also be characterized as a practical philosophy. I make this statement with the following two senses in mind; transcendental phenomenology is a practical philosophy, first, in the sense that it investigates the various forms of practical intentionality and, second, in the sense that transcendental intentionality as the grounding source of transcendental phenomenology is also a kind of practical intentionality.  相似文献   

探讨形而上学的原初制作,意味着要从技艺的角度去追问原初形而上学的构造。本文拟从语言技艺的技术现象学视域,来尝试探索从柏拉图到亚里士多德之原初形而上学制作的隐秘。一、原初形而上学与语言技艺一般认为,形而上学的形成以巴门尼德的存在学说为其开端,中经苏格拉底-柏拉图的理念论,在亚里士多德的形而上学中初步完成。(张志伟等,第16页)这个观点并非没有争议。譬如,  相似文献   

近些年来较为时髦的实验哲学存在着如下可疑之处:(1)从概念的外延来看,存在范畴混淆和边界模糊的问题,甚至某种意义上成为认知科学或实验心理学的语词变换,那么,实验哲学究竟是哲学还是科学?(2)实验的地位在一个世纪前就从逻辑经验主义的理论中得到确立,早已不是什么新鲜的话题,将实验用来限定或修饰哲学,就概念内涵来讲,是冗余性的。(3)实验作为一种方法如何从描述性的发现中得出规范性的结论?方法论的自然化遭遇解释鸿沟困境:心智、意识、体验最重要的特征是其主体性,它不受物理世界因果规律的支配;对内在状态、事件和过程的理论说明不能仅仅通过诉诸物理现象的理论说明而获得成功。(4)按照实验哲学的主张,对于直觉在多大程度上可靠的判断需要诉诸经验,而对这种判断的判断仍然依赖于直觉,如此就陷入了一种自我支持或循环论证,但实验自身却无法解决这个问题。对实验哲学的反思旨在理解哲学做什么以及如何做。  相似文献   


In this paper, I would like to discuss the meaning of life in Indian philosophy. All Indian philosophies are philosophies of life. Indian philosophy is not merely an intellectual activity but has practical application which enables men to lead an enlightened life. Any philosophy, either Indian or Western which makes no difference to human life, is not a philosophy. The human life always strives towards freedom, duty, wisdom, well-being, etc. These are the noble values in Indian philosophy that play a very vital role in shaping the meaning of life. All schools of Indian philosophy give importance to individual freedom for self-realization. Every school of Indian philosophy prescribes its way of overcoming ignorance, and thereby overcoming pain, to achieve the goal of life. Thus, every human being has to look within, understand his nature, and figure out her or his way to self-realization. The way to reach this goal includes selfless love, service to others, self-control, and self-purification. Because of their practicality, each system of Indian philosophy is as new today as it was 3000 years ago. These are the ideas which we can find in Vivekananda, Gandhi, Aurobindo, and many others. All these philosophical schools/thinkers hold that philosophy and practical life are necessarily integrated.


支气管哮喘是一种常见的呼吸道疾病,到目前为止,其发病机理尚未完全阐明。在哮喘的认识过程中,经历了认识的感性阶段;变态反应性疾病阶段;气道高反应性阶段;多种细胞参与的慢性气道炎症阶段。从这个过程可以看出:1哮喘的认识经历了从现象到本质以及辩证发展的理性思维过程;2哮喘的发展过程体现了理论指导实践,实践反过来检验并丰富理论;3哮喘概念的发展体现了科学发现的一般规律。  相似文献   

中国古代哲学中的"本体"概念考辨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
"本体论"(ontology)的说法为中国传统文化所无,"本体"却是中国固有之词,"本体论"一词从其面世之日起就具有了中西文化对话与交流的性质。如今我们要重新检视"本体论"的用法,首先要讨论的就是这种文化层面的格义与会通之前提是否成立。本文为此对中国古代哲学中的"本体"用法做了考辨。  相似文献   

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