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本研究运用 WISC-CR研究了小学阶段一、三、五年级优生与学习不良儿童在智力水平与智力结构上的异同。研究结果表明 :1优生与学习不良儿童在智力水平上有十分显著的差异 ,优生的平均智商为 1 2 0 .1 ,学习不良儿童的平均智商为 97.4;2优生在操作分量表与语言分量表上的得分比较均匀 ,但学习不良儿童的操作智商显著地优于语言智商 ;3优生与学习不良儿童在智力结构上也不尽相同 ,优生在词汇、积木、类同等分测验上的得分高 ,在算术、背数、排列等分测验上的得分较低 ;学习不良儿童在拼图、译码、填图、词汇等分测验上的得分较高 ,在常识、算术、背数等上的得分较低。  相似文献   

中小学生阅读寓言过程的眼动研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
陈向阳  沈德立 《心理科学》2004,27(4):777-780
研究用眼动记录仪对小五、初二和高二年级各20名视力正常学生阅读难、易两种寓言材料的眼动过程进行了记录。结果发现:1.无论是对同一难度寓言阅读理解成绩的差异还是眼动模式的差异,在小五与初二之间显著,在初二与高二之间不显著,这说明对寓言真正理解的年龄在初中,高中只是进一步完善阶段;2材料难度对不同年级学生的眼动模式有一定影响.分别影响小学生的眼跳距离、初中生的注视次数和高中生的注视点持续时间。  相似文献   

心理因素对高中生学业成就的影响   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
采用问卷法和量表法考察了原有知识、学习策略、智力与非智力因素等心理因素对高中生学业成就的影响程度及其作用机制。结论如下:(l)高中生的主要心理因素与学业成就之间均呈显著的正相关;(2)原有知识、学习策略和非智力因素是导致高中生学业成就出现差异的直接影响因素。原有知识的影响程度明显高于学习策略和非智力因素;(3)智力通过原有知识对学业成就发挥重要的间接影响;(4)非智力因素还通过原有知识对学业成就有显著的间接影响。  相似文献   

The relationship between personality, as measured by the IPAT-HSPQ, and certain motor performance variables was studied by utilizing the multivariate technique of canonical correlation. Ss for the study were 91 culturally deprived high school students who were achieving well below their expected capacity. A significant canonical relationship was not found between the domains of personality and motor performance. Also, no significant relationships between motor sub-domains and personality were found. It was thus concluded that for the population under study, the domains of motor performance and personality were independent Some discussion of the multivariate technique of canonical correlation was offered and compared with univariate procedures.  相似文献   

97 parent-daughter pairs and 80 parent-son pairs were administered a value-orientation instrument when the children were in junior high school and again 2 years later. Girls became more concerned with what they could give of themselves in their eventual work. Girls' parents began to stress home-making qualities. Boys became less concerned with the more tangible rewards of work and more concerned with utilizing their capabilities. Boys' parents rated all the values more important than did their sons. Boys and their parents evidenced more disagreement regarding values than did girls and their parents. However, when focusing on the most important value, there is considerable agreement between children and parents. Parents have remained consistent in their value ratings over the 2 years while children have changed their ratings in the direction of the values their parents hold for them. The children of parents who have changed their value ratings were not different from children of parents who remained consistent in the ratings. Nor were children who changed their value ratings different from those whose values were stable.  相似文献   

对惯用语理解的发展 ,是儿童语言发展的重要方面。本研究结果表明 ,在无语境条件下 ,中小学生对惯用语的理解年级差异显著 ,小学生和中学生差异较大 ,而小学和中学各年级内部差异不显著。学生对惯用语是先理解字面意义 ,再理解比喻意义。在有语境条件下 ,不同年级学生对惯用语的理解差异显著 ,惯用语语义倾向性的影响不显著 ,但语境对学生惯用语理解有重要影响 ,高年级学生能更好地利用语境。  相似文献   

中小学生阅读图文课文的眼动实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陶云  申继亮  沈德立 《心理科学》2003,26(2):199-203
本研究采用眼动方法,对85名小五、实二和高二年级学生阅读图文课文的阅读理解指标和眼动指标进行考察。结果表明:(1)学生阅读不同呈现方式和难度课文的阅读理解指标和眼动指标,一般都具有明显的年龄发展特征;(2)学生阅读不同呈现方式课文的阅读理解指标和眼动指标,有图课文大多显著优于无图课文;(3)学生阅读不同难度课文的阅读理解指标和眼动指标,易课文显著优于难课文。  相似文献   

该研究以小学四年级学生为被试,经过对实验班十八周的快速阅读训练,使学生初步掌握快速阅读的技能,探索通过快速阅读训练提高小学生阅读速度和学习成绩的可能性及快速阅读训练对小学生眼动模式的影响。结果发现(1)快速阅读训练可以在一定程度上使小学生提高阅读速度;(2)快速阅读训练可以在一定程度上提高小学生的考试成绩;(3)通过快速阅读训练,可以有效地 减少阅读时间、注视次数和回视次数。  相似文献   

初中和高中生英语语义通达机制的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
运用跨语言启动条件下的真假字判断任务(启动刺激为英文,目标刺激为中文),采用两个实验,通过变化启动刺激与目标刺激的关系考察了初、高中生英语的词汇表征是如何通达其概念表征的.研究结果表明,对于两组被试来说,他们的英语都只能借助其汉语对译词的词汇表征通达其语义概念表征,实验结果在一定程度上支持了Kroll的层次模型.  相似文献   

席居哲  左志宏  桑标 《心理科学》2007,30(3):592-595,599
考察了170名高一学生的学习压力觉知水平,结果显示,经常感到学习压力、偶尔感到学习压力和未感到学习压力学生的比例分别为22.9%、53.6%和23.5%,不同学习压力觉知水平的人数差异极其显著。MANOVA分析发现,不同学习压力觉知水平的高中生在父母教养方式、家庭环境和学生人格等家庭生态群上总体差异显著;通过多重比较,揭示了不同学习压力觉知水平学生的家庭生态具瘁维度差异及其特点。文章从生态系统观点对中学生学习压力觉知差异进行了探讨,提出从生态重构角度对中学生进行学习减压。  相似文献   

This study was designed to determine the relationships between changes in academic performance and intellective and non-intellective factors. Seventh grade students attending five junior high schools, who had attended selected elementary schools, were tested with the Personal Values Inventory (PVI), a test of academic motivation, shortly after the first seventh-grade marking period. School marks at that marking period and those received the previous year were procured from a self-report included in the PVI. All students had taken the California Achievement Test Battery and Mental Maturity Test as well as the Scholastic Testing Service Work-Study Skills Test in the sixth grade. Factor analysis identified four factors in both boys and girls: intelligence-achievement, academic motivation, academic plans, and youth-culture involvement. While intelligence was found to be mainly unrelated to the criterion, the non-intellective factors, especially academic motivation, bore significant relationships to the changed performance.  相似文献   

以CNKI期刊全文数据库、Web of Science为数据源,获取国内外医患会话研究论文。采用内容分析和文献计量学等方法对研究论文进行全面分析,以期发现国内外医患会话研究的情况。研究表明,国内医患会话研究经历了起步(2006年~2010年)、发展(2011年~2014年)和繁荣(2015年~2019年)三个阶段,研究主题主要围绕话轮、语用和医患关系三个维度展开。国外医患会话研究在研究论题上更注重实用性和针对性。国内目前的研究在研究对象、方法和过程性研究等方面还存在缺陷,未来研究需要关注语料库建设、跨学科研究、过程性研究和借鉴国外经验等论题。  相似文献   

国内外器官移植的比较研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
随着外科技术的改进,免疫抑制剂的发展,世界器官移植取得了巨大的发展。近年来我国的器官移植已取得了较大的进展,但要完全与国际接轨,还存在许多急需解决的问题。综述了国内外器官移植发展状况及趋势,分析了器官移植中尚待解决的伦理问题,从社会、伦理、经济、文化、心理、医疗等问题探讨了器官移植的新进展。  相似文献   

随着外科技术的改进,免疫抑制剂的发展,世界器官移植取得了巨大的发展.近年来我国的器官移植已取得了较大的进展,但要完全与国际接轨,还存在许多急需解决的问题.综述了国内外器官移植发展状况及趋势,分析了器官移植中尚待解决的伦理问题,从社会、伦理、经济、文化、心理、医疗等问题探讨了器官移植的新进展.  相似文献   

目的:了解高中生应对活动的特点。方法:采用中学生应对方式问卷、自编的两个具体应激情境下(考试失败与人际关系紧张应激情境)的应对问卷KC与RC为调查工具,对河南省三所中学的466名高中生进行调查。结果:(1)自编的应对问卷KC、RC具有较好的信效度。(2)高中生在面临应激情境时,较多地采取问题解决这一积极主动的应对方式。(3)同一个体在不同应激情境下的具体的应对活动表现出较大的差异性,同时又表现出一定的一致性。结论:应对是个体与具体应激情境相互作用的结果。  相似文献   

An attempt was made to explain the combined effect of several factors on academic performance and to explore whether this effect was different for males and females. The independent variables were achievement motive, locus of control, dependency, and sex; the dependent variable was cumulative grade point average. Ss were 365 male and female American high school students from grades 10 through 12. The highly achievement motivated, internal, low dependent, female students had significantly higher grades. There were also two significant sex interaction effects, indicating that some factors that influence achievement operate differently for males and females.  相似文献   

采用自编学习力问卷,对3245名高中生进行问卷调查,以探明高中生学习力的基本结构和特征。结果发现:(1)高中生的学习力可以4个维度表征,即:学习方法运用力、学习态度调控力、学习自控力和提问互惠力。(2)高中生的学习力与学业成绩关联显著,学业成绩优秀的同学具有较高水平的学习力测评得分;在学习力的4个维度上,成绩较差同学的学习力测评得分显著低于优秀与中等同学。(3)高二学生的学习态度调控力测评分显著高于高一学生,女生的提问互惠力测评分显著高于男生。(4)成绩优秀的高二学生学习方法运用力测评分显著高于高一学生,成绩优秀和中等的高二学生的学习态度调控力测评分显著高于高一学生。  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between type of home and the frequency and severity of discipline cases reported to the principal's office in a selected secondary school. All discipline cases over a 6-year period were recorded by home type, frequency, and severity, and comparisons were then made. In only one home type (united home, mother not employed) was there found a smaller proportion of discipline cases than proportion of homes. Frequency and degree of severity of cases increased with home disruption.  相似文献   

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