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The effect of an interpolated movement on the recall of a blind, lever-positioning movement was assessed separately for the reproduction cues of distance and end-location. Both cues showed the context effect of assimilation, that is, the end-location of the interpolated movement caused directional biasing of the algebraic or constant error (CE) for location reproduction while the length of the interpolated movement caused similar directional biasing for distance reproduction. Variability about algebraic error (VE) was used to assess forgetting. There was no change in VE for location reproduction, and an increase in VE for distance reproduction was limited to the relatively large movements. Thus, an interpolated movement that does not have to be remembered does not cause interference with the retention of location information, but does cause some interference with the retention of distance information. The findings are discussed in relation to a model of motor short-term memory which incorporates both CE and VE.  相似文献   

Two experiments were performed comparing preselected (subject defined) and constrained (experimenter defined) movements. In the first experiment, subjects made reproduction responses immediately or under unfilled and filled 15-sec retention intervals. Results indicated that recall of preselected movements was clearly superior until the interpolation of information processing activity. In addition, preselected movements demonstrated no forgetting over a 15-sec retention interval while constrained movements evidenced spontaneous memory lass, suggesting that preselected movements possess a stronger representation in memory. The second experiment examined this interpretation in a response biasing paradigm. Subjects made criterion responses under preselected or constrained conditions, while the interpolated movement was always in the constrained mode and ± 40 deg from the criterion. The subjects' task was to attend to both movements and recall each when instructed. While preselected recall was clearly superior' to constrained recall, response biasing was clearly evident in both. The failure to find differential biasing effects was discussed in terms of the relative trace strength hypothesis (Stelmach & Welsh, 1972).  相似文献   

The purpose of the present research was to examine proactive interference in general and assimilation effects (i.e., shifts in constant error caused by prior responses) in particular, when subjects used covert counting to aid their retention of the temporal information. Visually presented durations of 1, 4, and 8 sec. were estimated by 18 subjects under the method of reproduction. Three retention intervals (i.e., immediate, 15, and 30 sec.) and three intertrial intervals (i.e., immediate, 15, and 30 sec.) were employed. Analysis of constant error provided no indication that proactive interference was operating in the retention of temporal information as there was no increase in error across trials, no increase in error for longer retention intervals, and no interaction between trials and retention intervals. Also, there was no change in variable error as the retention intervals lengthened for any temporal duration except for the 4-sec. criterion. Finally, the rate of counting (counting units/sec.) was different across the durations to be remembered. The major conclusion of the present research was that counting greatly facilitates retention of temporal information as compared to retention without such a time-aiding strategy.  相似文献   

Memory for lists of items was tested in rats (N = 18) in an 8-arm radial maze. In Experiment 1 trials consisted of a study phase, in which the rat could freely choose five arms to obtain a food reward, and a test phase in which the animal was presented with a choice between a novel and a previously visited arm. The rat received additional food reinforcement only when visiting the novel arm. The two phases of a trial were separated by a retention interval of 30 sec or of 4, 16 or 60 min. It was found that recall of the five free arm choices was related to the serial position of the previously visited arm. There was a significant recency effect at the 30-sec delay. With longer retention intervals this disappeared, and a significant primacy effect could be observed. In Experiment 2 the same animals were given forced arm entries during the study phase and delays of 30 sec or 4 or 16 min before the test phase. Again, there was a trend towards a recency effect after the shorter delays and a significant primacy effect after the 16-min interval. These results show that, in the recall of lists of spatial items, rats have serial position curves with primacy and recency effects, depending on the length of the retention interval.  相似文献   

Simple and efficient drawing and completion tasks for studying visual memory are developed. In Experiment I subjects reproduced a series of matrix patterns by filling empty matrices. The serial position function was fiat, except that accuracy was much higher for final patterns. In Experiment 2 this recency effect was removed by an interpolated pattern classification task. Experiments 3 and 4 examined the effect of counting backward during intervals of from 3 to 15 sec on the recall of single patterns. Drawings were much less accurate after filled intervals but the duration of the interval had no effect. Experiment 5 tested retention of series of patterns using a completion task. On immediate test the serial position function was the same as in Experiments 1 and 2. On a final test accuracy was unchanged except for final items, which then showed a small negative recency effect. It is argued that performance is so similar in the drawing, completion, and previously reported recognition tasks because in all it is based upon the use of general-purpose knowledge accessible to voluntary processing. Visualization in these tasks is analogous to but different from verbal STM. One main difference is that there is no sign of temporary storage of visualized information after attention has turned to other things.  相似文献   

This experiment examined the effect of an interpolated motor response on short-term retention of a blind positioning movement. The interpolated response was varied in degree of similarity to the response length (± 25, ± 50, and ± 100 mm.), in number of repetitions (0, 1, or 5), and in temporal position (immediate or delayed), with a retention interval of 25 sec. Absolute error was not affected but a systematic change in response bias due to interpolated motor activity was found. When an interpolated response was longer than the response length, the tendency to undershoot decreased. The defay of the interpolated response was relatively more important than the number of repetitions in producing a positive shift in response bias. These results are interpreted as evidence for a form of interference in short-term motor memory.  相似文献   

Trace decay and interference effects in motor short-term memory were investigated by contrasting the predictions of two recent models (Pepper and Herman 1970; Laabs 1973) in regard to these two variables. Laabs' prediction that forgetting in motor short-term memory is indexed by greater variability of reproduction was supported in that movement reproduction after a 20 sec retention interval, either filled or unfilled, produced greater variable error. Further, his model was again supported in that analysis of constant error over five movement extents indicated interference effects through formation of an adaptation level which caused short movements to be overshot and long movements to be undershot. Pepper and Herman's concept of spontaneous trace decay indexed by a negative shift in constant error was not supported as was their prediction that interpolated activity would alter the strength of the criterion trace through an assimilation process. Finally, some evidence was found supporting the view that a memory trace can be strengthened through proprioceptive feedback entering through an unattended channel.  相似文献   

Digitized photographs of snowflakes were presented for a recognition test after retention intervals of varying durations. While overall accuracy and discrimination remained constant, as the retention interval increased, primacy increased from chance to reliably better than chance while recency decreased to chance levels. A variation of Murdock’s (1960) distinctiveness model accounted for the changing primacy and recency effects observed in both between- and within-subjects designs. The generality of the model was examined in two different paradigms: lexical access during sentence processing, and free recall in the continual distractor paradigm. In both cases, the model made accurate qualitative predictions for both latency and accuracy measures.  相似文献   

Auditory List Memory in Rhesus Monkeys   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Auditory memory of 2 rhesus monkeys was tested in a serial probe recognition task. Lists of four environmental or natural sounds were followed by a retention interval and a test. The test matched one of the list items on half of the trials. The retention interval was varied across sessions. Six experiments showed similar results and changes in the serial position function. At short retention intervals, there was good memory for first list items (primacy effect) and poor memory for last list items. At intermediate retention intervals, memory improved for last list items (recency effect). At long retention intervals (20 s and 30 s), the recency effect was strong, and the primacy effect had dissipated. These auditory primacy and recency effects and their changes with retention interval were opposite to those for visual memory. Implications for processes and mechanisms of memory are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to determine the retroactive interference effects of a single interpolated task (i.e., one temporal duration) on the retention of a criterion duration. This research is of interest because the mnemonic structure of temporal information of different durations is uncertain. Previous research has indicated that there might be a difference in structure for durations of 1 and 4 sec., although the results are inconsistent. Thus, two criterion durations of 1 and 4 sec. and five interpolated durations (i.e., 60%, 80%, 100%, 120%, and 140% of the duration of the criterion) were utilized under the method of reproduction. In addition, subjects were instructed to use either a counting strategy or none (referred to as conscious time estimation) to facilitate the retention of the temporal information. Recall was less variable when using a counting strategy than not and when estimating 1 sec. than 4 sec. However, there was no effect of interpolated activity when comparing performance across different interpolated conditions (no interpolated activity). Apparently, one interpolated duration is not sufficient to produce structural interference with a single criterion duration.  相似文献   

Two experiments, which attempted to create differential memory trace strengths in a response biasing paradigm, were performed. After the presentation of the criterion location, an interpolated target was presented which was either ±40 deg from the criterion. The S’s task was to attend to both targets and recall each when instructed. The first experiment involved strengthening the criterion trace via repetition (0, 5, or 14 rep.) while the second involved providing additional feedback via visual, auditory, and heightened kinesthetic cues. In the initial experiment, a Repetition by Response Biasing interaction revealed that repetition systematically reduced error shifts at recall. The second experiment found that, in the combined feedback and visual conditions, response biasing was reduced. It seems feasible to suggest that both studies successfully manipulated memory trace strength which appears to be one determiner of error shifts at recall.  相似文献   

The effects of an interpolated motor short-term memory task during the KR-delay interval on skill acquisition was investigated. On each trial subjects estimated two positions on a linear-positioning apparatus. One group of subjects was presented two biasing movements, which they immediately recalled, during the KR-delay interval. The interpolated motor short-term memory task interfered with skill acquisition and retention.  相似文献   

2 experiments are reported in which interpolated motor activity requiring either information reduction (1.86 bits) or no reduction was compared to a control to examine their effects on kinesthetic retention. Exp. 1 used an independent groups design and found only absolute error to increase over the delay intervals. Information reduction activity did not affect kinesthetic retention and there was increasing negative error for longer movements, with positive response sets for short movements and negative response sets for long movements. Exp. 2 replicated the retention interval conditions using a within-Ss design. No difference between conditions was found for either absolute or algebraic error, but an effect of Retention Intervals was found for absolute error. For both studies, the Interpolated Activity X Retention Interval interaction failed significance. No evidence was found to support interference or available processing capacity expalanation for the loss of retention.  相似文献   

An experimental study of short-term memory for lists of familiar English words is reported. Lists of 10, 20, and 30 unrelated words were presented at a 1-sec. rate. Retention was measured by free recall after intervals of 0, 15 and 30 sec. A counting task was used to prevent rehearsal during the retention interval. The absolute level of recall increased with length of list whereas the percentages retained showed the reverse trend. The recall scores decreased steadily as a function of retention interval, with the rates of forgetting comparable for the three lengths of list. The decline in the amount recalled was due in large measure to the loss of the terminal items in the list. Consequently, the pronounced recency effect present on the immediate test of recall was progressively reduced as a function of time. By contrast retention of the initial part of the list was relatively stable. These variations in rate of forgetting are attributed to differences among serial positions in susceptibility to proactive inhibition.  相似文献   

Nondiscriminated avoidance of shock by pigeons pecking a key   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Four pigeons were trained to avoid shock by pecking a key on a free-operant avoidance schedule in which no exteroceptive stimulus signalled impending shock. Response rate was an inverse function of response-shock interval when shock-shock interval was held constant at 2 sec and response-shock intervals varied from 5 to 40 sec. Amphetamine increased response rates in two subjects and reserpine markedly reduced responding in one.  相似文献   

Memory of 3 capuchin monkeys, Cebus apella, was tested with lists of 4 travel-slide pictures and different retention intervals. They touched different areas of a video monitor to indicate whether a test picture was in a list. At short retention intervals (0 s, 1 s, 2 s), memory was good for the last list items (recency effect). At a 10-s retention interval, memory improved for 1st list items (primacy effect). At long retention intervals (20 s and 30 s), primacy effects were strong and recency effects had dissipated. The pattern of retention-interval changes was similar to rhesus monkeys, humans, and pigeons. The time course of recency dissipation was similar to rhesus monkeys. The capuchin's superior tool-use ability was discussed in relation to whether it reflects a superior general cognitive ability, such as memory. In terms of visual memory, capuchin monkeys were not shown to be superior to rhesus monkeys.  相似文献   

In an experiment designed to investigate the time decay of auditory stream biasing (ASB), subjects were required to listen to a 10-sec induction sequence of repeated tones (AAAA …) designed to bias the listener’s percept toward hearing an A stream. The induction sequence was followed immediately by a silent interval (0–8 sec), and then a short ABAB … test sequence. To measure the amount of ASB remaining at the end of the silent interval, subjects were asked to indicate whether the test sequence was temporally coherent or had segregated into separate A and B streams. A plot of the mean number of segregation responses against silent-interval duration indicated that the overall time decay of ASB can be described by an exponential decay function with a time constant of t = 3.84 sec, with musicians having a longer time constant (τ = 7.84 sec) than nonmusicians (τ = 1.42 sec). The length of the time constants for musicians and nonmusicians suggests that the mechanism responsible for ASB is associated with long auditory storage and that future experiments investigating auditory streaming phenomena should use interstimulus intervals of at least 8 sec.  相似文献   

In two experiments, we investigated how short-term memory of kinesthetically defined spatial locations suffers from either motor or cognitive distraction. In Exp. 1, 22 blindfolded participants moved a handle with their right hand towards a mechanical stop and back to the start and then reproduced the encoded stop position by a second movement. The retention interval was adjusted to approximately 0 and 8 s. In half of the trials participants had to provide a verbal judgment of the target distance after encoding (cognitive distractor). Analyses of constant and variable errors indicated that the verbal judgments interfered with the motor reproduction only, when the retention interval was long. In Exp. 2, 22 other participants performed the same task but instead of providing verbal distance estimations they performed an additional movement either with their right or left hand during the retention interval. Constant error was affected by the side of the interpolated movement (right vs. left hand) and by the delay interval. The results show that reproduction of kinesthetically encoded spatial locations is affected differently in long- and short-retention intervals by cognitive and motor interference. This suggests that reproduction behavior is based on distinct codes during immediate vs. delayed recall.  相似文献   

A linear displacement task was used to study the effects of post-KR verbal activity and the time of its introduction in the learning process on the acquisition of a simple discrete motor task. The temporal occurrence of the interpolated act was systematically varied (3 and 10 sec. immediately following KR). Reading polysyllables during the post-KR delay interval interfered with the learning process. Interference occurred whether the post-KR delay interval lasted 3 or 10 sec.  相似文献   

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