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In investigating Eysenck’s (1965) suggestion of the specificity of reminiscence, 50 high school boys were tested on 2 gross motorcoordination tasks—one involving tracking and the other balance. In the practice schedule, which was identical for both tasks, all Ss were given 20 50-sec. trials with a 10-sec. intertrial rest. A 5-min. interpolated rest was given after every fourth trial. The reliability of individual differences in reminiscence for both tasks was found to be extremely low. While Eysenck’s hypothesis was not necessarily weakened, doubt was cast upon the specificity of reminiscence in the usual context of the word.  相似文献   

The authors investigated the use of visual feedback as a form of knowledge of results (KR) for the control of rapid (200-250 ms) reaching movements in 40 participants. They compared endpoint accuracy and intraindividual variability of a full-vision group (FV) with those of no-vision groups provided with KR regarding (a) the endpoint in numerical form, (b) the endpoint in visual form, or (c) the endpoint and the trajectory in visual form (DEL). The FV group was more accurate and less variable than were the no-vision groups, and the analysis of limb trajectory variability indicated that their superior performance resulted primarily from better movement planning rather than from online visual processes. The FV group outperformed the DEL group even though both groups were obtaining the same amount of spatial visual information from every movement. That finding suggests that the effectiveness with which visual feedback is processed offline is not a simple function of the amount of visual information available, but depends on how that information is presented.  相似文献   

The authors investigated whether the salience of dynamic visual information in a video-aiming task mediates the specificity of practice. Thirty participants practiced video-aiming movements in a full-vision, a weak-vision, or a target-only condition before being transferred to the target-only condition without knowledge of results. The full- and weak-vision conditions resulted in less endpoint bias and variability in acquisition than did the target-only condition. Going from acquisition to transfer resulted in a large increase in endpoint variability for the full-vision group but not for the weak-vision or target-only groups. Kinematic analysis revealed that weak dynamic visual cues do not mask the processing of other sources of afferent information; unlike strong visual cues, weak visual cues help individuals calibrate less salient sources of afferent information, such as proprioception.  相似文献   

Participants (N = 16) were given extensive practice (1,500 trials) on a perceptual-motor aiming task. The full-vision (FV) group practiced with vision of their response cursor, whereas the no vision (NV) group practiced in a condition without vision. Movements were made as quickly and accurately as possible, and knowledge of results (KR) was provided. The authors tested the importance of vision early and late in practice by transferring participants to the NV condition without KR. The effects of practice differed between the two conditions. The FV group increased the speed of initial impulse to get to the target quickly, then relied on vision so make discrete error corrections. Transfer tests revealed that reliance on vision remained after extensive practice. For the NV group, practice effects were associated with a reduction in the extent to which discrete error corrections were produced.  相似文献   

The present investigation examined the effects of initial habit strength differences upon performance in a coaction situation. During a training session, a habit-strength hierarchy was developed in each of three groups through the establishment of a differential response expectancy for each of four alternative responses. In a subsequent test session, both performance and consistency of performance were affected by the pretraining on the correct habit. However, there was no statistical support for the hypothesis that coaction would interact with the habit-strength condition resulting in an improvement in the coaction/habit-correct group and a decrement in the coaction/habit-incorrect group. Similarly, no differences were found between the coaction and alone conditions.  相似文献   

拼音文字阅读的眼动研究发现,老年人会采取一种“风险”阅读策略来弥补因视力和认知的自然老化所造成的阅读困难。本研究通过控制字间空格的大小对青年人和老年人汉语阅读过程的眼动模式进行了比较,结果发现,相比青年人,老年人读得更慢,有更长的注视时间和更多的回视,这些研究结果与拼音文字一致;但更为重要的发现是,相比青年人,老年人有更短的向前眼跳距离,缩小汉语字间空格给老年人阅读造成了更为显著的困难,但扩大字间空格两组被试表现出相似的阅读眼动模式。结果说明,汉语阅读中老年人并不使用拼音文字研究中发现的“风险”阅读策略,反而采用了更为谨慎的策略,原因可能在于,作为拼音文字阅读中的重要视觉线索,空格是影响两种语言下老年人阅读加工策略不同的重要因素。  相似文献   

In testing hypotheses, researchers frequently have used multiple regression analysis to control for nuisance variables (i.e., potential confounding variables that are correlated with hypothesized causal variables). In this paper, we highlight limitations of this control strategy, and we discuss fundamental issues that should be considered in deciding whether to use it. Ultimately, we suggest the use of multiple regression analysis sometimes may not improve causal understanding and may actually limit the generalizability of results. Instead of the common practice of controlling for nuisance variables, we suggest that looking at shared variance frequently is a more appropriate test of a theoretical hypothesis.  相似文献   

研究探讨中文阅读中的副中央凹-中央凹效应。副中央凹-中央凹效应是指副中央凹处词的特性对中央凹处词汇加工的影响。实验以27名大学生为被试,采用句子阅读材料,考察词n的语义透明度特性对词n-1(高频、低频)加工的影响。结果表明,词n的语义透明度的高低对词n-1(高频、低频)的加工没有影响,没有出现副中央凹-中央凹效应。实验结果支持E-Z读者模型的假设。  相似文献   

胡笑羽  方平  白学军 《心理科学》2013,36(2):311-314
阅读时词汇加工的注意分配是序列的还是平行的,是所有眼动控制模型需解答的关键问题。对此,可通过分析副中央窝-中央窝效应(POF效应)进行解释。以往研究结果的争议在于POF效应是否为误差眼跳。本研究为控制眼跳误差,采用分心阅读范式,考察词n与词n-1的语义相关性对词n-1加工的影响,探讨中文阅读的POF效应。实验以26名大学生为被试,选取高频双字词为词n-1,低频双字词为词n。结果发现当词n-1与词n语义相关性高时,词n-1的凝视时间更短,再注视率更低,出现同向的POF效应。本研究在一定条件下支持SWIFT模型为代表的平行加工假设。  相似文献   

The present study explores the role of the word position-in-text in sentence and paragraph reading. Three eye-movement data sets based on the reading of Dutch and German unrelated sentences reveal a sizeable, replicable increase in reading times over several words at the beginning and the end of sentences. The data from the paragraph-based English-language Dundee corpus replicate the pattern and also indicate that the increase in inspection times is driven by the visual boundaries of the text organized in lines, rather than by syntactic sentence boundaries. We argue that this effect is independent of several established lexical, contextual, and oculomotor predictors of eye-movement behaviour. We also provide evidence that the effect of word position-in-text has two independent components: a start-up effect, arguably caused by a strategic oculomotor programme of saccade planning over the line of text, and a wrap-up effect, originating in cognitive processes of comprehension and semantic integration.  相似文献   

We investigated how different types of feedback in multiple-choice testing influence long-term retention. Participants completed an initial multiple-choice test on general-knowledge questions. Then, they were randomly placed into one of the following four conditions: feedback displaying the original question and four alternative options including the correct answer (Feedback 1); feedback displaying the original question and the correct answer (Feedback 2); feedback displaying only the correct answer (Feedback 3); and no feedback (Control). On the final test two days later, participants in the feedback conditions showed improved retention—even participants who received Feedback 3 outperformed the control group, regardless of whether feedback followed correct or incorrect responses. There was no difference between the feedback conditions when feedback followed correct responses, but Feedback 1 was superior to Feedback 3 when feedback followed incorrect responses. The function of feedback in multiple-choice testing is to maintain correct responses and to correct erroneous responses.  相似文献   

研究以小学三年级、小学五年级、大学生和老年读者为对象,采用消失文本范式,通过操作注视词消失的延迟时间,考察了不同年龄阶段读者对注视词进行视觉编码的过程.结果发现:(1)注视词延迟消失严重影响小学三年级和老年人的总阅读时间,但对小学五年级和大学生读者总阅读时间的影响不显著;(2)注视词消失不影响小学五年级、大学生和老年读者基于词的平均凝视时间,但影响小学三年级读者的平均凝视时间;(3)所有消失条件都不影响大学生被试的基于词的回视次数,但严重影响小学三年级、小学五年级和老年读者的回视次数.这些结果表明,中文阅读过程中,对注视词的视觉编码能力在小学五年级阶段已趋于成熟,但进入老年阶段出现老化;视觉编码的保持在儿童词汇识别的中后期加工阶段中仍起到一定作用.  相似文献   

Young children who attend out‐of‐home care (e.g., preschool) are more susceptible to infections than children who do not attend out‐of‐home care. Previous research suggests handwashing is effective in reducing risk of infection and illness. However, research suggests that individuals do not routinely wash their hands using methods that healthcare agencies, such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, have determined best practice. We evaluated the effects of a multicomponent handwashing intervention package on correct handwashing across groups of preschool children. Furthermore, we measured the degree to which their hands were clean using premeasures and postmeasures. Results suggest the intervention package was effective at increasing both correct handwashing and cleanliness of participants' hands.  相似文献   

随着人口老龄化速度的加快,老年人的跨期选择问题受到越来越多的关注。时间知觉是影响跨期选择的重要因素之一。然而,目前从时间知觉的角度来探讨老年人跨期选择的研究比较有限。本文在总结国内外相关研究的基础之上,试图分析时间知觉的随龄变化如何影响老年人的跨期选择。具体而言,本文从时间长度知觉、时间成本知觉以及时间知觉相关心理动机三个方面进行探讨,并指出了时间知觉视角的局限性及今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

当面孔以群体形式出现,认知神经系统会自动整合情绪信息提取平均情绪,此过程被称为群体面孔情绪的整体编码。探讨其与低水平整体表征的分离,与个体表征的关系及神经活动特点是揭示其加工机制的关键,但目前尚未形成系统性模型。未来应综合利用眼动、神经电生理和脑成像技术,结合注意、记忆及社会线索进一步拓展对其认知神经机制和影响因素的研究,同时关注具有认知情感障碍的特殊人群,并从毕生发展的角度探索其发展轨迹。  相似文献   

毕翠华  黄希庭 《心理科学进展》2012,20(12):1952-1961
非时间信息加工与时间加工的关系是复杂的, 存在双向干扰或单向干扰, 结果的不一致与任务所需的注意资源及工作记忆都有关。工作记忆的中央执行系统在时间加工中起主要作用, 同时进行的非时间任务对中央执行功能的需求越多, 两种任务之间的干扰程度越大。语言环和视空间模板对时间加工的影响与非时间信息的类型有关。工作记忆作为一个整体以工作记忆容量为指标, 计时成绩也表现出与工作记忆容量有关的年龄、智力等方面的差异。时间加工和工作记忆在额叶、顶叶、基底神经节等皮质存在共同的神经机制。未来应该丰富工作记忆的研究内容, 结合时间加工的分段性探讨工作记忆影响时间加工的具体进程及神经机制, 并力求在应用方面取得一定的成果。  相似文献   

本研究分别在无时间压力和有时间压力的条件下,通过两个实验探究了图标语义距离?目标数量以及目标类型对雷达界面信息工作记忆的影响?结果发现无时间压力下图标语义距离在工作记忆的编码提取上没有差异,而有时间压力下,强语义图标相较于弱语义图标在工作记忆的提取上具有优势;且无论是在无时间压力下还是有时间压力下,工作记忆容量最佳为3个目标项;对敌机的提取时长于友机长于不明飞行物?结果表明仅在有时间压力下强语义图标在信息提取上具有优势,验证了工作记忆容量的限制,为雷达界面的设计提供了参考意见?  相似文献   

分段原则是多媒体和视频学习中通过分段促进学习的重要原则。本研究探讨了测验和反馈对分段的影响。实验1对比了观看分段视频和在分段中进行测验两种情境,结果表明分段中测验会提高学习表现。实验2对比了分段视频、分段中测验和分段中测验并提供反馈三种情境。结果发现分段组与分段测验组之间没有差异,接受反馈的学习者学习表现最好。结果表明在分段视频中测验和反馈具有积极效应,对多媒体和线上学习具有潜在的意义。  相似文献   

操纵目标词的预测性、词频和阅读技能水平,考察句子阅读中词汇预测性对高、低阅读技能儿童眼动行为的影响,揭示其在儿童阅读发展中的作用。结果显示:儿童对高预测词的跳读率更高、注视时间更短,且预测性与词频交互影响跳读率和注视时间;预测性对高阅读技能儿童早期的跳读率影响更大,而对低阅读技能儿童晚期的再阅读时间具有更大影响。结果表明:词汇预测性影响儿童阅读的眼动行为和词汇加工,且作用大小和发生时程受阅读技能调节。  相似文献   

王爱平  张厚粲 《心理科学》2005,28(4):809-812
实验采用RSVP任务,考察了汉字加工中呈现速率对重复知盲效应的影响,结果发现:(1)在加工汉字重复刺激时,存在着重复知肓(RB)效应,其强度随着呈现速率的变化而改变,当呈现速率较快时,正确率较低,呈现速率较慢时,正确率较高;(2)与加工英文信息比较,在汉字加工中,RB效应的出现似乎推迟了一段时间,这可能从另一方面反映出加工汉字比英文需要不同的加工时间.即加工信息的难易程度也影响RB效应出现的时间。  相似文献   

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