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In this paper, I try to decipher the era we are living in when our basic matrix collapses and our thinking apparatus is incessantly attacked. I look at the way these social and political processes we know through living in Israel impacts our daily life as human beings who work together with other human beings in order to decipher our and their ways of coping in a place where traumas pile one on the other as victims and perpetrators alike. I use a therapeutic tale not as an example of the intrusions of the political into our clinics but as a way to read the political through it. I choose this vignette as a metaphor to our situation in Israel.  相似文献   

Social movements, such as Black Lives Matter, surge when support grows for their social justice goals. At their core, social movements advance when people act collectively by rising in solidarity with a shared purpose to address injustice and inequality. Drawing on insights from consumer psychology, this review investigates how social movements succeed in creating social change. We build on an established 21st‐century framework for how social movements succeed to outline the promising practices of successful social movements. For each of these practices, we identify the consumer psychology mechanisms that motivate collective action and encourage people to transform from bystanders to upstanders, those who provide the grassroots momentum for successful social movements. We illustrate this framework with examples from the growth of the Black Lives Matter movement. Finally, we highlight insights from consumer psychology that promote an understanding of social movements, and we raise research questions to encourage more consumer psychologists to investigate how social movements succeed.  相似文献   

《Psychoanalytic Dialogues》2013,23(4):377-385
This commentary aims to show the congruence and difference between Likierman's position on recognizing otherness and working with enactment and her relational, intersubjective position. Differences in my reading of the case include stressing the repetition of early attachment trauma, the level of implicit procedural relating, and the patient's contribution to the shared third of rupture and repair. I try to show that enactments arise not merely because the patient is able to pull the patient into forbidden behavior but because the dissociated parts of the patient pull the analyst into dissociation even when the analyst is acting “properly.” The rupture or collision—the “crash”—that the patient helps to formulate represents an opportunity to see the life-giving element in what we, analysts along with patients, inevitably also experience as frightening and even life-threatening.  相似文献   

Nonlinear mixed-effects (NLME) models are used when analyzing continuous repeated measures data taken on each of a number of individuals where the focus is on characteristics of complex, nonlinear individual change. Challenges with fitting NLME models and interpreting analytic results have been well documented in the statistical literature. However, parameter estimates as well as fitted functions from NLME analyses in recent articles have been misinterpreted, suggesting the need for clarification of these issues before these misconceptions become fact. These misconceptions arise from the choice of popular estimation algorithms, namely, the first-order linearization method (FO) and Gaussian-Hermite quadrature (GHQ) methods, and how these choices necessarily lead to population-average (PA) or subject-specific (SS) interpretations of model parameters, respectively. These estimation approaches also affect the fitted function for the typical individual, the lack-of-fit of individuals’ predicted trajectories, and vice versa.  相似文献   

去年10月,笔者从人民日报《科学无神论教育与无神论研究》一文中获悉,人民出版社出版了《科学无神论大学生读本》,同时出版的还有中学生读本、小学生读本。笔者当时很想读这套书,但书店里买不到,就汇款到出版社邮购了一套,真是酒香不怕巷子深啊!读完以后,我感到这套书的作者充分考虑到了阅读对象的知识面和心理特点,他们就像分别与小学生、中学生、大学生谈心,深入浅出,说理透  相似文献   

2020年的春节,一场新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情,来势汹汹,迅速蔓延!武汉、黄冈、孝感……湖北、浙江、广东……每天的疫情速报,每个更新的数据,都牵动着所有人的心。党中央极为重视湖北疫情防控工作,习近平总书记作出重要指示,李克强总理赶赴武汉疫情前线指导慰问,中央调集全国各地救援力量星夜驰援湖北,这些都极大鼓舞了我们抗击疫情的决心和信心!  相似文献   

T-score tables for the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI2; Butcher, Dahlstrom, Graham, Tetlegen, & Kaemmer, 1989) provide no values lower than 30. Use. of these tables with measures of positive psychological attributes in clinical samples can produce T-score distributions that are markedly truncated at the low end, Data presented in this article show that the statistical characteristics of several MMP1-2 scales are affected.  相似文献   

The goal of this review was to provide a brief overview of recent developments in the domain of emotional mimicry research. We argue that emotional signals are intrinsically meaningful within a social relationship, which is crucial for understanding the functionality and boundary conditions of emotional mimicry. On the basis of a review of the literature on facial mimicry of emotion displays, we conclude that the classic matched motor hypothesis does not hold for emotional mimicry. We alternatively propose a contextual view of emotional mimicry, which states that emotional mimicry depends on the social context: we only mimic emotional signals that are interpreted to promote affiliation goals and not necessarily what we see. As a further consequence, we are less likely to mimic strangers and we do not mimic people we do not like nor emotions that signal antagonism.  相似文献   

Jean Piaget, author of Genetic Epistemology, and Lev Vygotsky, creator of Cultural–Historical Theory, were able to communicate and exchange ideas for a period of five years. After 1929, despite Stalin cutting off all East–West communications, they still were able to have some communication. Many think that Genetic Epistemology and Cultural–Historical Theory are dissimilar, but the knowledge of these mutual communications presents the idea that these researchers changed their pedagogical theories to become more similar to each other's each time they were able to communicate.  相似文献   

In his response, Samuels argues that the issues under discussion are more of a work in progress than Bodnar claims and that therapists are more accurately perceived of as construction workers than the philosophers and theorists that Cushman wants them to be. More detail is given on working with political material in the session. Economics is presented as a field for exploration in therapy. Certain philosophers are cited for their relevance to clinical work. Theory as bricolage is suggested. Further material on the role of the arts in connection with progressive therapy practice is introduced. Questions of language are discussed.  相似文献   

This experiment investigated the effects of sex-biased language in job advertisements on subjects' reported interest in applying for the advertised positions. Booklets containing 12 advertisments, 4 experimental and 8 control, were distributed to 176 high school seniors. The four experimental advertisements varied across three experimental conditions: sex-biased, sex-unbiased, and sex-reversed. Results of X 2 analyses indicate that significantly more subjects express interest in applying for stereotypically "opposite sex" jobs in the sex-reversed condition than in the sex-biased condition. These findings support previous research by Bem and Bem (1973) and have implications for affirmative action programs.  相似文献   

Natural languages contain many layers of sequential structure, from the distribution of phonemes within words to the distribution of phrases within utterances. However, most research modeling language acquisition using artificial languages has focused on only one type of distributional structure at a time. In two experiments, we investigated adult learning of an artificial language that contains dependencies between both adjacent and non‐adjacent words. We found that learners rapidly acquired both types of regularities and that the strength of the adjacent statistics influenced learning of both adjacent and non‐adjacent dependencies. Additionally, though accuracy was similar for both types of structure, participants’ knowledge of the deterministic non‐adjacent dependencies was more explicit than their knowledge of the probabilistic adjacent dependencies. The results are discussed in the context of current theories of statistical learning and language acquisition.  相似文献   

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