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The Personality Assessment System (PAS) is derived from certain subtest scores on any Wechsler test by rather simple calculations. It purports to measure, among other personality attributes, developmental changes in the Internalized-Externalized (I-E) dimension of personality, which is akin to the Introversion-Extroversion construct reflected by some Rorschach measures. PAS scores from a tightly defined sample of normal adults were contrasted with Experience Balance (EB) and Body-image (B) scores derived from Rorschach protocols by "blind" scorers. Significant relations were found between EB ratios produced via the Exner and Klopfer scoring systems and the primitive (early childhood) I-E scores from the PAS. The B scores produced by the Body Image scoring system were related to the basic (adolescent) I-E PAS scores. Although significant, the PAS-Rorschach correlations were relatively poor, in part because it was difficult to define the center of the internalization-externalization continuum in terms of the Rorschach protocols. It is, nevertheless, provocative that traditional scorings of the Rorschach responses of adults assess differences not only in this personality trait, but also in its development, as determined from scaled scores on Wechsler subtests.  相似文献   

Twenty-three clinical trainees scored a standardized list of 150 Rorschach responses and were administered the EPPS. Ten directional hypotheses were advanced which predicted certain personality attributes of those making scoring errors in various determinant categories. Results showed significant differences between high and low error groups on scores on several EPPS scales, supporting four of the ten hypotheses. Scoring errors in the color, human movement, texture, and vista determinant categories were related to scores on the Exhibition, Affiliation, Autonomy, and Abasement scales, respectively. Implications of these results are discussed regarding the reliability of Rorschach interpretations.  相似文献   

The hypothesis under evaluation was that persons giving a larger number of M responses (minimum 5) would show greater ease in expressing themselves creatively than a group of persons giving low M in the Rorschach (0 to 2). Groups were matched on variables of age, education, and socio-economic status. Twenty-two high M and 21 low M persons were tested for creative expression by means of written and verbal TAT, drawings and Lowenfeld Mosaic Designs. Ability to be creatively expressive for high as compared to low M Ss was very great, reaching significance levels beyond .001 on all tests. Flexor and extensor quality of M appeared to be unrelated to ease of creative expression.  相似文献   

This case study used test data from a patient with Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID; American Psychiatric Association, 2013 American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Association.[Crossref] [Google Scholar]) to illustrate how two main personality states of the patient (“Ann” and “Ben”) seemed to function. The Rorschach Performance Assessment System (R–PAS; Meyer, Viglione, Mihura, Erard, &; Erdberg, 2011 Meyer, G. J., Viglione, D. J., Mihura, J., Erard, R. E., &; Erdberg, P. (2011). Rorschach Performance Assessment System: Administration, coding, interpretation, and technical manual. Toledo, OH: Rorschach Performance Assessment System. [Google Scholar]) and the Inventory of Interpersonal Problems–Circumplex (IIP–64; Horowitz, Alden, Wiggins, &; Pincus, 2000 Horowitz, L. M., Alden, L. E., Wiggins, J. S., &; Pincus, A. L. (2000). IIP–64/IIP–32 professional manual. San Antonio, TX: Psychological Corporation. [Google Scholar]), administered to Ann and Ben in separate settings, exposed two diverse R–PAS and IIP–64 profiles. Ann's R–PAS profile suggested an intellectualized style of information processing with few indications of psychological problems. Ben's profile indicated severe perceptual, cognitive, and interpersonal difficulties combined with suspicion and anxiety. Ann's IIP–64 profile suggested minor interpersonal problems, whereas Ben's indicated serious relational difficulties. The findings were discussed in relation to the theory of trauma-related structural dissociation of the personality (van der Hart, Nijenhuis, &; Steele, 2006 van der Hart, O., Nijenhuis, E. R. S., &; Steele, K. (2006). The haunted self: Chronic traumatization and structural dissociation of the personality. New York, NY: Norton. [Google Scholar]), which implies an enduring split in the organization of the personality with more or less separate entities with their own sense of self, perception of the world, and ways of organizing emotional, cognitive, and social functions. The DID personality structure is seen as a defense strategy and as a pathway in the personality development producing serious psychological pain and symptoms.  相似文献   

The increase in reported cases of Multiple Personality Disorder underscores a great need to differentiate clearly this from other psychiatric disorders and from simulation of Multiple Personality Disorder. Two sets of Rorschach signs have been advanced as clinical markers by their developers, namely Barach and also Wagner, Allison, and Wagner. As the Wagner signs are prevalent in much of the research on Rorschach responses in Multiple Personality Disorder, the purpose of the present study was to evaluate these signs using Wagner's administration and the resulting Rorschach protocols of 16 Multiple Personality Disorder patients and 16 psychiatric controls. Analysis indicated that this system was deficient in correctly classifying these 32 protocols. A new marker, the Splitting Response, emerged, however, which was more useful. This response, in combination with at least one Dissociative response, produced an accuracy rate of 94%. These new criteria may be useful aids in the detection of Multiple Personality Disorder from Rorschach protocols. Replication is urged.  相似文献   

The Bene-Anthony Family Relations Test was administered to twenty normal, twenty-seven school disordered, and ten institutionalized emotionally disturbed preadolescent boys. Significant differences were obtained between and within groups. The more disturbed children tended to report more positive perceptions of family relationships, particularly their relationships with their oldest siblings. However, institutionalized children tended to perceive themselves more negatively than normal or school disordered children in the context of family relationships. Normal children, but not institutionalized children, tended to perceive their relationships with their oldest siblings as significantly more negative than their relationships to their parents. The data were interpreted as reflecting sibling rivalry and the operation of psychodynamic defenses.  相似文献   

This statement is intended for psychologists, other mental health professionals, educators, attorneys, judges, and administrators. Its purpose is to present a summary of the issues and evidence concerning the Rorschach. This statement affirms that the Rorschach possesses reliability and validity similar to that of other generally accepted personality assessment instruments, and its responsible use in personality assessment is appropriate and justified.  相似文献   

A projective instrument entitled the "Kilmann Insight Test" (KIT) was devised to measure the Interpersonal Value Constructs (IVCs) of individuals, defined as: the mental categories through which an individual perceives and interprets the desirable and undesirable features of interpersonal behavior. The KIT requires an individual to differentiate on a seven-point scale, 18 IVCs according to how relevant they are to a series of six ambiguous pictures of interpersonal situations. A factor analysis of the KIT's values resulted in two comprehensive factors: (a) Good Fellowship versus Functional Task Activity, and (b) Interpersonal Restraint versus Boldness. Comparing the KIT with a self-report instrument containing the same value items as the KIT, suggested that the KIT is assessing value dimensions, but that the KIT seems to be tapping a different concept of values than the self-report assessment.  相似文献   

We investigated Rorschach responses associated with narcissism and hysteria in a group of antisocial personality disordered offenders. The Rorschach protocols of 42 subjects who met the criteria from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (3rd ed., rev. [DSM-III-R]; American Psychiatric Association, 1987) for antisocial personality disorder were analyzed using Exner's (1986) criteria for pairs, reflections, and personal responses, and Gacono's (1988) criteria for the impressionistic response. Severe, or primary psychopaths (n = 21), scoring ≥30 on the Hare (1980) Psychopathy Checklist (PCL), were compared to moderate, or secondary pscyhopaths (n = 21), scoring <30 on the PCL. The mean number of pair and impressionistic responses did not significantly differ for the two antisocial groups. The highly psychopathic group, however, did exhibit a significantly greater mean number of reflection and personal responses. We discuss pair and reflection responses and their relationship to narcissism in psychopathic disturbance. We recommend interpreting the personal response within the context of the psychopathic character and view personal responses as expressions of narcissism and omnipotence in highly psychopathic subjects. We also hypothesize that the impressionistic responses are indicative of primitive dissociative processes and hysteria in psychopathic subjects, and that their presence provides construct validity for the work of Guze (1976) and others who suggested an underlying histrionic dimension to psychopathy.  相似文献   

The Analysis of Consistency in Personality Assessment   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
ABSTRACT In recent years psychologists have treated not only the mean (or sum) but also the variability of a person's item scores on multi-item scales as significant individual attributes Variability measures and comparable statistics, interpreted as indicators of (in)consistency, have been used as a basis for rejecting test results or trait constructs In cognitive assessment the concern has been with test results, in personality assessment the emphasis has been primarily on traits and "traitedness" Some of the assessment procedures are described and discussed For personality assessment the main conclusions are ( a ) the use of intra-individual variability measures for identifying invalid test data could be explored and exploited more, ( b ) intra-individual variability is for many reasons to be considered a poor indicator of low traitedness rather than its hallmark, and ( c ) traitedness itself is a promising concept and certain alternative approaches to traitedness assessment seem promising and integrative  相似文献   

The literature on the assessment of anxiety with the Rorschach Test was reviewed in terms of Spielberger's conception of anxiety as a relatively stable personality disposition (A-Trait), and as a transitory emotional state (A-State). On the basis of the research evidence, it was concluded that: (1) Shading variables are the best Rorschach measures of A-State; (2) Movement appears to be the most promising Rorschach variable for measuring A-Trait; (3) Longer reaction times and a reduction in the total number of responses seem to reflect defensive reactions of caution and guardedness that accompany high levels of A-State; (4) Elizur's RCT anxiety scale appears to be more closely related to A-Trait than A-State, but may be a confounded measure of both.  相似文献   

Results from meta-analyses have been widely cited to defend the validity of the Rorschach. However, the meta-analyses have been flawed. For example, one meta-analysis included results that were obtained by calculating correlations but not results that were obtained by conducting t tests or analyses of variance. When we reanalyzed the data from the most widely cited meta-analysis (Parker, Hanson, & Hunsley, 1988), we found that for confirmatory studies (also called convergent-validity studies), the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) explained 23% to 30% of the variance, whereas the Rorschach explained only 8% to 13% of the variance. These results indicate that the Rorschach is not as valid as the MMPI.  相似文献   

This study examined (a) hypothesized relationships between Rorschach variables and self-report test measures relating to nominally similar aspects of personality functioning and (b) interrelationships among Rorschach variables. Sixty-two undergraduates were administered the Rorschach, Barron Ego Strength Scale, Kaplan Self-Derogation Scale, Eagly Self-Esteem Scale, Multiple Affective Adjective Checklist (MAACL), Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability Scale, and the Rotter Locus of Control Scale. Only a few of the predictions received confirmation: inanimate movement (m) correlated, as expected, with MAACL anxiety and hostility, the egocentricity index (3r + 2)/R (R = total responses) correlated significantly with self-esteem, and human movement with minus form level (M -) correlated (inversely) with ego strength. Among the unpredicted findings were some that appear inconsistent with standard Rorschach interpretation. Rorschach variables human movement (M), and experience actual (EA), generally interpreted as reflecting coping resources, related significantly with self-report measures of poor coping and of dysphoric affect. In general, the Rorschach appears better at identifying weaknesses in the ego rather than strengths.  相似文献   

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