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Although much of consumption behavior is prompted by the pursuit of happiness, enduring happiness remains elusive, since happiness is destined to adaptation. Our research identifies a novel yet simple method of slowing hedonic adaptation from consumption activities: reducing specificity of the happiness goal. We propose that in the realm of happiness, contrary to findings from other domains, having a general (e.g., feeling good) versus a specific (e.g., excitement) emotional goal might hold the key to more enduring happiness. One lab experiment and a longitudinal study demonstrate general (vs. specific) goals expand the breadth of emotions experienced from consumption activities, which in turn impact the top‐of‐mind awareness of the consumption target over time; higher top‐of‐mind awareness of the target allows one to continue to derive happiness from it. Importantly, the happiness advantage of general emotional goals strengthens over time. Given a significant tendency by consumers to pursue specific happiness goals (as three pilot studies reveal), a simple change in the way they formulate their happiness goals could be consequential for consumer wellbeing.  相似文献   

(Eysenck, H. J. The Structure of Human Personality. London: Methuen, 1953. Pp. 348.) Reviewed By George A. Talland.  相似文献   

I consider the facilitation of knowledge development to be my central focus as editor. The editor makes the final decision on whether a specific research effort significantly advances our understanding of a substantive phenomenon. To that extent, the editor assumes a leadership role and responsibility in deciding the future direction of the field. Such important decisions should reflect the prevailing norms of the field and transcend the editor's individual research agenda or his/her selective worldview. I strive to make decisions that are shared by reviewers and associate editors with the common goal of moving the field forward in productive ways. As a result, articles published in JCP represent a collective view of what is considered significant theoretical contribution and rigorous methodology. In this note, I highlight some central elements of my philosophy related to knowledge development and share a few observations about policies that I have employed in managing the consensual review process.  相似文献   

The Possible Word Constraint, or PWC, is a speech segmentation principle prohibiting to postulate word boundaries if a remaining segment contains only consonants. The PWC was initially formulated for English where all words contain a vowel and claimed to hold universally after being confirmed for various other languages. However, it is crucial to look at languages that allow for words without vowels. Two such languages have been tested: data from Slovak were compatible with the PWC, while data from Tarifiyt Berber did not support it. We hypothesize that the fixed word stress could influence the results in Slovak and report two word-spotting experiments on Russian, which has similar one-consonant words, but flexible word stress. The results contradict the PWC, so we suggest that it does not operate in the languages where words without vowels are possible, while the results from Slovak might be explained by its prosodic properties.  相似文献   


The life satisfaction of retired Christian workers was examined to see if the results would support those of research using similar methods but a less unique group of subjects. Data concerning activities, religious beliefs and past traumas were compared to information from the Life Satisfaction Index-A and Constantinople's Inventory of Psychosocial Maturity. The results are not inconsistent with the proposals of continuity theory. However, they indicate that it may be the continuity of activities which continue the ideology, identity or sense of purpose of the individual which are associated with successful aging rather than those which continue patterns of activity for the sake of “activity,” per se.  相似文献   

This paper describes a trajectory by which an individual achieves expertise in group psychotherapy. Five developmental stages are posited. In the decisional-anticipatory stage, interest is developed in group psychotherapy. In the trainee stage, the individual masters the knowledge base of group psychotherapy and obtains fledgling experiences in a group. In the novice stage, the individual obtains additional experience in running groups and becomes socialized into a community of group psychotherapists. In the proficiency stage, the individual narrows his or her group psychotherapy focus and obtains more specialized experience in that area. At this time, supervisory and consultation skills are often developed. In the final stage of expertise, the expert must engage in a process of recognizing its limits and must devise ways to maintain it. Research that focuses on one aspect of expertise, level of experience, is reviewed. Three dimensions of difference are identified: (a) complexity of conceptualization of members and interventions; (b) fostering openness and engagement; and (c) focusing on process.  相似文献   

The results of two text-change experiments are reported. The experiments were designed to investigate the syntactic representation of garden path sentences such as While the man hunted the deer that was brown and graceful ran into the woods, specifically the claim that a significant number of misinterpretations of such sentences are due to incomplete syntactic reanalysis (Christianson et al. Cogn Psychol 42:368–407, 2001). In the experiments reported here, the pronoun it was added (Expt. 1) or deleted (Expt. 2) from short texts containing such sentences. Participants were more or less likely to notice both deletions and additions of it in certain syntactic contexts, as predicted by the incomplete reanalysis account. Correlations with reading times support this interpretation of the results. Overall, the data are consistent with a “good enough” view of language processing (Ferreira et al. J Psycholinguist Res 30:3–20, 2001).  相似文献   

Peter Shum 《Topoi》2014,33(1):143-156
The foundational status that Edmund Husserl envisages for phenomenology in relation to the sciences would seem to suggest that the successful unfolding of contemporary debates in the field of social cognition will be conditioned by progress in resolving certain central controversies in the phenomenology of intersubjectivity, notably in long-standing questions pertaining to the priority of subjectivity in relation to intersubjectivity, and the priority of empathy in relation to other forms of intersubjectivity. That such controversies are long-standing is in no small part attributable to the fact that the debate surrounding Husserl’s seminal attempts to elucidate these problems has placed his account, and certainly his published position, under a certain amount of pressure, pressure which stems from the suspicion that intentionality toward others may be more deeply embedded in subjectivity than the Husserl of Cartesian Meditations seems prepared to admit. Is the primordinally reduced solipsistic subject of the Fifth Meditation really capable of discovering intersubjectivity in the way that Husserl describes, or is such putative discovery (indeed, subjective transformation) already conditioned by a more primitive form of intersubjectivity? This paper investigates two ways in which this kind of “circularity” objection might arise. Firstly, it might be argued that Husserl presupposes an external perspective on one’s own body, a perspective which rationally would have to be correlated with an indeterminate foreign subjectivity. Secondly, the view has been advanced (Zahavi in Husserl and transcendental intersubjectivity: a response to the linguistic-pragmatic critique. Ohio University Press, Athens, OH, 2001b) that horizonal perceptual awareness of another spatio-temporal entity turns out to be essentially intersubjective, on the grounds that awareness of some of an object’s averted aspects commits one to positing the possibility in principle of those averted aspects being available to an indeterminate foreign subjectivity. Objections such as these seem to place the phenomenological enquiry into the encounter with another person at something of a crossroads. On the one hand, they have led some to argue that basic empathy, as Husserl conceives it, must indeed be conditioned by the anonymous constituting influence of a more primitive form of intersubjectivity. On the other hand, the option remains open to seek to defend Husserl’s published position against the charges of circularity. This paper pursues the latter alternative, and argues that, with appropriate clarification, the objections from circularity can be convincingly answered. It will be argued that the key to understanding why the standard Husserlian position can be sustained lies in recognising the centrality of the activity of the imagination as a condition for the possibility of intersubjectivity.  相似文献   

Stasson and Fishbein (1990) reported findings indicating that college students' intentions to wear seat belts in low-risk situations were attitudinally controlled, while their intentions to wear seat belts in high-risk situations were normatively controlled. If these findings are valid, manipulations of attitude (toward wearing a seat belt) should have a greater impact on intentions to wear a seat belt in a safe situation than on intentions to wear a seat belt in a risky situation. Three experiments provided strong support for this hypothesis. The implications of these findings for defining behavior and for designing interventions to increase seat-belt use are discussed.  相似文献   

The Chinese path to modernization features socialist modernization with Chinese characteristics. It not only adheres to scientific socialism with Chinese characteristics but is also the Chinese road of development during global modernization, the path to realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and the creation of a new model for human advancement. Through the Chinese path to modernization, Chinese civilization with a long history now displays a brand-new form and its unique values and significance on the global stage. This paper probes into the vicissitudes of the Chinese nation in modern times, and reveals the leapfrog development of the great national rejuvenation to highlight the significance of the Chinese modernization by solving the “mystery of figures” ; explores the Chinese nation’s ideological progress during modernization since modern times to show the thought development that Chinese modernization achieved by analyzing the “mystery of thought” ; elaborates on the value orientation of the great national rejuvenation to demonstrate the guidance on values provided by Chinese modernization by explaining the “mystery of values” ; and studies the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation from a strategic perspective to tap into the rich significance and institutional underpinnings of Chinese modernization by unraveling the “mystery of characteristics.” The Chinese Communists have conducted comprehensive theoretical explorations and pioneered practical innovations in the above aspects, which formed its powerful guidance in ideas and values, the underpinnings of the systematic structures and institutions, and created the Chinese path to modernization. The Chinese path to modernization pushes forward the leapfrog development of the Chinese nation towards modernization, advances the national rejuvenation along the right track, builds a new form of Chinese civilization, and shape the development course of contemporary human culture.  相似文献   

党的十九届五中全会审议通过的《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十四个五年规划和二〇三五年远景目标的建议》明确提出"全面贯彻党的宗教工作基本方针,积极引导宗教与社会主义社会相适应"。这是以习近平同志为核心的党中央,在我国开启全面建设社会主义现代化国家新征程、向第二个百年目标进军的新阶段,给我国宗教指明的根本方向,提出的殷切期望,我们将认真学习领会。  相似文献   

本文结合历史文献和田野考察,首次介绍了创立于江西赣州的空道教(空中大道)在泰国的传播史略及当前的存在状态.1912~1960年间,泰国华人创建了15间空道道堂,集中在泰南的客家人、潮汕人和福建人的社区.空道已经成为在地华人"方言社群"宗教传统一部分,以及在地化的文化认同构建的一大载体.作为一个"早熟而不成熟"的教门,包括泰国在内的空道在东南亚华人社会中面临着严峻的生存和发展困境,但也出现了再出发的一些转机.  相似文献   

One reason people falsely confess is to protect the true perpetrator. The current study examined whether relationship closeness influences people's self‐reported willingness to falsely take the blame. Utilizing theoretical work from the prosocial area, three potential mediators were investigated. Participants (N = 131) were randomly assigned to think of either a close or a casual friend and then read one of two scenarios that described a minor offense committed by the friend. Participants' willingness to take the blame was assessed, as well as their perceptions of reciprocity, feelings of empathy, and distress concerns related to their relationship with the offending friend. Results showed that, in both scenarios, participants more often took the blame in the close friend condition than in the casual friend condition. Reciprocity and empathy each uniquely and independently mediated relationship closeness, whereas distress concerns did not. Differences in the two scenarios, which describe different offenses, are discussed. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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