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Summary: Investigated the effects of locus of control on voluntary control of heart-rate change. The 32 subjects were randomly assigned to one of two heart-rate change groups: Increase or decrease. The groups were counterbalanced for locus of control and sex. No heart-rate feedback was provided to subjects, and all subjects performed the appropriate task for two sessions. Results indicated that during the initial session, internals were better able to increase their heart-rates than externals; the externals were better able to decrease their heart-rates than internals. This association, however, diminished to nonsignificance in the second session.  相似文献   

The modified interfering cue theory put forward by Fletcher et al. (2) to explain performance in the ambiguous cue problem (ACP) was examined. Eight-year-old children were first trained to acquire response tendencies to the individual cues of this problem. When presented subsequently with the problem, the children showed marked differences in the number and type of errors made. The results were interpreted as supporting the theory of Fletcher et al. It was also suggested that the cues with clear positive or negative values were employed by the subjects to limit or neutralize the interference caused by the ambiguous cue.  相似文献   

徐欣颖  高湘萍 《心理科学》2017,40(2):296-302
使用线索-靶子范式,分别将面孔刺激作为线索(实验1)和靶子(实验2)呈现,考察自我扭曲面孔对返回抑制的影响。结果发现:自我扭曲面孔为线索时,与他人扭曲、他人中性面孔产生了实验性分离,自我扭曲面孔的返回抑制效应量最小;自我扭曲面孔为靶子时,返回抑制消失。研究结果揭示:以自我扭曲面孔为代表的自我威胁刺激激活了威胁性自我概念,缩小了注意搜索范围,可能是导致人际紧张的潜在自我认知机制。  相似文献   

韩玉昌  赵娟 《心理科学》2003,26(5):903-904,902
1 引言  皮亚杰是瑞士著名的心理学家 ,他继承西方哲学中康德的传统 ,在消除英国经验主义和德国唯心主义思想水火不相容的对立之后 ,以建构主义的思想回答知识获得的最一般的、最基本的条件这一问题 ,创立了发生认识论。发生认识论就是要解决人是怎样从低级水平的认识过渡到高级水平的认识的。心理学承担着解释这种“过渡”的任务 ,其手段就是对智慧的分析和刻画。从 2 0世纪 2 0年代开始 ,皮亚杰以结构主义为方法论 ,采用临床法对儿童心理进行了长达 5 0多年的研究 ,以验证和丰富其发生认识论。发生认识论的核心是主客体相互作用的儿童…  相似文献   

目标定向对创造性个性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
基于创造性研究的社会心理学取向,本研究试图探讨目标定向干预对创造性个性的影响。对73名高一学生施以TARGET模式3个月以引导掌握定向的形成;另73名高一学生作为控制组。协方差分析表明,实验组的创造性个性有明显改善;被试实验前的目标定向对实验效果具有一定的影响,实验前成绩接近定向的倾向较弱的被试其创造性个性的改善较为明显。总之,目标定向干预可导致创造性个性的改善。  相似文献   

Five experiments examined the factors that determine whether or nor summation will occur when experimental stimuli are presented on a television screen for autoshaping with pigeons. In Experiment 1 there were periods when the television screen was illuminated white and periods when it was dark. When conditioning was conducted during the white periods, then summation was observed if the test trials were conducted with a white screen during the intertrial interval. Summation was not found when conditioning was conducted during the dark periods, no matter how testing was conducted. The remaining experiments demonstrated that summation will occur if at least some of the conditioning trials are conducted with the experimental stimuli being accompanied by white illumination in the remainder of the television screen. It was not necessary for this illumination to persist into the interval between trials. These findings indicate that summation is influenced by the similarity of the patterns of stimulation that are used for training and testing.  相似文献   

结合注意网络测量工具和听视ODDBALL干扰范式,考察偏差声音干扰刺激的出现对注意网络系统不同功能的影响。结果发现,声音刺激序列下,视觉线索唤醒效应均消失; 标准声音刺激下,不存在线索的脱离和转移效应; 偏差声音刺激下,出现线索脱离和转移效应。研究表明,注意网络中的警觉功能具有超通道加工机制,偏差刺激下视觉注意系统中注意定向和线索转移效应的出现表明偏差干扰效应主要由偏差刺激引起的注意脱离和注意转移损耗部分引起。  相似文献   

19世纪60年代初,免疫系统的发现使免疫学的发展方向发生了革命性转变。在这场转变的过程中,胸腺功能的发现起到了重要的作用。详述了胸腺功能的发现过程,并进一步深入到免疫学思想史,讨论了这个发现如何影响了免疫学的历史进程。  相似文献   

19世纪60年代初,免疫系统的发现使免疫学的发展方向发生了革命性转变.在这场转变的过程中,胸腺功能的发现起到了重要的作用.详述了胸腺功能的发现过程,并进一步深入到免疫学思想史,讨论了这个发现如何影响了免疫学的历史进程.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the relation between reaction to negative stimuli and memory for stimuli. The relation was further investigated using as a framework individuals’ affective temperaments (AFTs). Eighty adolescents participated in the study. The AFTs are based on selfreported affect and categorizes individuals in four temperaments: self-actualizing, high affective, low affective and self-destructive. Reaction to negative stimuli was measured by interpretation of specific words in a short story. Two days later, participants were presented with a list of words and asked which of them were present in the short story. Individuals’ AFTs were expected to predict the promotion of pleasure or the prevention of displeasure. On a general level, reaction to negative stimuli predicted memory for negative, positive and neutral words. At an individual level, self-actualizers and high affectives’ negative reaction predicted the memory of positive words (i.e., promotion). In contrast, low affectives’ negative and positive reaction predicted the memory of neutral words (i.e., prevention).  相似文献   

视野位置及刺激特征对目标搜索影响的眼动研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李杨  丁锦红 《心理科学》2007,30(2):344-347
在视觉搜索中,注意受多种因素的影响。本研究控制了刺激呈现的3种视野位置,旨在研究在不同视野位置上,各种因素发挥作用的情况。要求被试在4个项目中搜索某一特定的靶子,记录了反应时和多种眼动指标。结果发现,在不同的视野位置上,视觉搜索过程受目标状态和刺激特征的影响程度发生了变化。并且对形状和颜色特征的加工存在时间和加工位置上的差异。  相似文献   

应激干预对抑郁症患者心率变异性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨分别以放松训练和静坐两种干预方式对抗心算对抑郁症患者心率变异性的影响 ,以及正常人、单纯抑郁症患者和伴焦虑症状的抑郁症患者在心率变异性上的差异.结果显示,静息状态下伴焦虑症状的抑郁症患者的交感神经功能亢进,兴奋性高于另外两组;放松训练可以缓解交感神经的紧张程度,并能够较静坐更好得对抗应激引起的交感神经活动增强;静坐对单纯抑郁症患者和对照组有放松作用,但引起伴焦虑症状的抑郁症患者紧张情绪.  相似文献   

The Psychological Record - The present study examined whether the presentation of stimuli in equivalence relations with consequences increases the operant behavior that produces these consequences....  相似文献   

This study identifies the direct effects of objective job conditions on individual perceptions of job conditions. The assumptions that (1) group perceptions mediate the relationship between objective job conditions and individual perceptions of job conditions, and (2) group consensus enhances the relationship be-between group perceptions and individual perceptions were tested. Respondents were white, male, blue collar workers (N= 1240) in a tire and rubber manufacturing plant. Work groups (N= 156), consisting of four or more men on the same shift, in the same department, and who had the same supervisor, were identified. Objective job conditions included work group size, pay style, shift, and job technology. Group and individual perceptions of amount of work-load, role conflict, responsibility pressure, and intrinsic rewards were measured. The findings indicated that objective job conditions have important effects on individual perceptions of stressful and rewarding job conditions. Smaller work groups, and jobs that pay on an hourly rather than a piece-work basis, allow for some control over the pace of work, and allow for interaction among fellow workers resulted in higher levels of intrinsic rewards and lower levels of workload, role conflict, and responsibility pressures. An intriguing pattern appeared where, in perceptions involving interpersonal relations, work group influence was relatively more important than objective job conditions. When assessing task oriented aspects of work, objective job conditions were more important than group perceptions.  相似文献   

Unconscious visual stimuli can be processed by human observers and influence their behaviour. A striking example is a phenomenon known as “free-choice priming,” where masked “prime” stimuli—of which participants are unaware—modulate which of two response alternatives they are likely to choose. Recent efforts to uncover the mechanisms underlying this intriguing effect have revealed that free-choice priming can emerge even in the absence of automatized stimulus-response (S-R) associations between masked primes and specific motor responses, indicating that free choices can be influenced by a masked prime’s meaning (Ocampo, 2015). It remains unknown, however, whether masked primes bias response selections because they are implicitly classified according to task instructions, or because spreading activation occurs within the prime's semantic network. To adjudicate between these two possibilities, participants in the present experiment categorised targets as either animals or people and selected which of two response alternatives they wanted to make following presentation of a free-choice target. Crucially, while implicit classifications could proceed during processing of both animal and person masked primes, only animal primes could trigger spreading activation within their semantic network. This manipulation modulated free-choice priming; only masked animal primes influenced response selections to free-choice targets. This result indicates that an automatic spreading activation mechanism might underlie a masked prime’s ability to influence free-choice responses.  相似文献   

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