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Six elementary-aged children were taught to spell words containing initial consonant clusters (CCs). They were trained to select printed words in response to the corresponding spoken words using computerized matching-to-sample procedures. After each training session, they were tested for spelling with a constructed-response transfer test. Based on previous selective stimulus control research, we hypothesized that only the first letter of an initial CC might control spelling when CC spelling errors are made. Thus, a critical-difference matching-to-sample training condition that required the children to respond to both letters of the CC to be correct was compared to a multiple-difference training condition that required the children to respond to only one letter of the pair. Results showed that children made fewer errors during the multiple-difference training condition than during the critical-difference training condition. On the constructed-response transfer tests, however, more overall errors and CC errors were made in the multiple-difference condition than in the critical-difference condition, and the words trained in the multiple-difference condition required more training sessions to reach criterion. All children improved their spelling of novel CC words by the completion of training. If normal classroom or home reading was to be supplemented by computer tasks of the kind used here, some spelling problems could be circumvented without costly intervention by a teacher or a special trainer.  相似文献   

We applied the Boder and Jarrico (1982, The Boder Test of Reading-Spelling Patterns, New York: Grune & Stratton) criteria to the WRAT spelling list and examined the phonetically inaccurate spelling error patterns of learning-disabled (LD), head-injured (HI), and nondisabled young adults. Phonetically inaccurate (PI) errors were reliably rated (interrater r = .94) and were correlated significantly more strongly with dysphasic errors (r = .33) than with dyscopia (r = .16). ANOVA showed that LD and HI, which did not differ, made significantly more PI errors than both nondisabled and HI. These results indicate that PI errors reflect an underlying language disorder. The results also suggest that PI errors are more frequent in brain-related disorders. Finally, when group differences in cognitive ability are statistically controlled, PI errors are more common only among LD persons.  相似文献   

The correlations between each of five predictors and supervisory ratings of job effectiveness were not significantly different from zero. On the basis of the job analysis that preceded the validation study, the author concluded that the low correlations between each of the five predictors and the criterion were not due to problems inherent in either the tests or the performance appraisal instrument. Rather, it was hypothesized that the low correlations were a result of rating errors made by supervisors. The results of an eight hour training program (Latham, Wexley, and Pursell, 1975) designed to minimize rating errors supported this hypothesis. Four of the five predictors correlated significantly with the performance ratings that were conducted after the supervisors had received the training.  相似文献   

Written and oral spelling were compared in 33 patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) and 25 control subjects. AD patients had poorer spelling results which were influenced by orthographic difficulty and word frequency, but not by grammatical word class. Lexical spelling was also more deteriorated than phonological spelling. Moreover, oral spelling was more impaired than written spelling in AD patients, whereas no difference was present between oral and written spelling of controls. Analysis of spelling errors showed that, for controls, errors were predominantly phonologically accurate in both spelling tasks. Significantly, AD patients produced more phonologically accurate than inaccurate errors in written spelling, whereas these errors did not differ in oral spelling. In contrast to controls who produced more constant than variable responses in oral and written spelling, AD patients made more variable responses (words correctly spelled in one task but incorrectly in the other) and they showed many instances of variable errors (different misspellings from one spelling task to the other). Two stepwise regression procedures showed that written misspellings were specifically correlated with language impairment, whereas oral spelling errors were correlated with attentional and language disorders. These results suggest that AD increases the attentional demands of oral spelling process as compared to written spelling. This dissociation argues, either for a unique Graphemic Buffer in which oral spelling requires more attentional resources than written spelling or for the hypothesis of separate buffers for oral and written spelling.  相似文献   

The authors investigated the perceived relationship between spelling errors and cognitive abilities in a series of 3 experiments. Specifically, they examined whether college students' ratings of an author's intellectual ability, logical ability, and writing ability were affected by the presence of spelling errors. In the 1st experiment, the presence of 4 spelling errors in a short essay did not significantly affect the ratings. The spelling ability of college students, as measured by a standard oral dictation spelling test, was moderately conelated with a brief test of intelligence. In a 2nd experiment, college students rated the author of a short essay as having lower ability when there was a large number of spelling errors. The effect was more pronounced on the ratings of writing ability than it was on the ratings of logical ability or intellectual ability. This finding was replicated in a 3rd experiment, in which the essay contained misspellings actually made by writers. The results suggest that spelling errors can affect how people perceive writers, particularly when there are many spelling errors. College students appear to attribute spelling errors more to writing ability than they do to general cognitive abilities such as intelligence and logical ability.  相似文献   

Investigating problem-solving performance, Ishida, H. (2005). College students’ perfectionism and task-strategy inefficience: Why their efforts go unrewarded? Japanese Journal of Social Psychology, 20, 208–215. Found high levels of perfectionism were associated with lower efficiency. Aiming to replicate and further explore this finding, the present study investigated how two dimensions of perfectionism (high standards, discrepancy between expectations and performance) predicted efficiency in proof-reading performance. N = 96 students completed a proof-reading task involving the detection of spelling, grammar, and format errors. When error-detection performance was subjected to signal detection analysis, high standards correlated positively with the number of incorrectly detected errors (false alarms). Moreover, when task-completion time was taken into account, high standards were negatively correlated with efficiency (accuracy/time). In comparison, discrepancy correlated negatively with the number of correctly detected errors (hits) and positively with a conservative response bias. The findings show that perfectionistic standards are associated with reduced efficiency demonstrating the importance of considering invested time, errors, and response bias when investigating the relationship between perfectionism and performance.  相似文献   

The predictive validity of General Aptitude Test Battery and Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire scores were compared to standard training ratings made by vocational instructors against the criterion of work performance measured by the Minnesota Satisfactoriness Scales for a sample of 106 employees with severe handicaps. The psychometric test variables were not correlated with the criterion; however, the training ratings were consistently predictive of the job satisfactoriness scores. These results suggest that the employment potential of job applicants with disabilities can be assessed more accurately using situational training ratings, as opposed to standardized psychometric test scores.  相似文献   

Written spelling was assessed in 16 subjects with dementia of the Alzheimer type (DAT) using an information processing approach. The results were compared to the performance in a group of healthy elderly subjects. The Alzheimer subjects scored significantly lower in word spelling and nonword spelling ability than the controls (F(1, 7) = 187,p< .0001), and both the lexical and the nonlexical spelling strategies were affected. The results did not support the hypothesis that nonlexical ability is preserved in DAT. In the DAT group, spelling correlated significantly (p< 0.01) with the severity of dementia, but spelling performance was not associated with the age of onset of dementia or family history of dementia.  相似文献   

This study examined relations between self-efficacy and outcome expectancy beliefs and spelling and writing performance. Perceptions about spelling and writing were assessed in 258 collegeage participants. Spelling performance was measured through a 50-item spelling test and writing performance by a holistically scored writing sample. The most highly correlated variables included spelling outcome expectancy and writing outcome expectancy, spelling selfefficacy and writing self-efficacy, spelling performance and spelling self-efficacy, and spelling and writing performance. A causal model relating perceptions, spelling performance, and writing performance was proposed and its appropriateness estimated. Direct effects on spelling were found for spelling self-efficacy, while spelling self-efficacy had indirect effects on writing performance and spelling had a direct effect on writing performance. The causal model was discussed in terms of changing conceptions of writing instruction and traditional views of the role of spelling as a necessary component of good writing.  相似文献   

This study reports the writing performance of a dysgraphic patient with Alzheimer's disease and moderate dementia who frequently perseverated on strokes and letters. Letter formation errors were also frequently produced. Oral spelling was superior to written spelling. The habitual style of writing (cursive writing) was significantly more prone to perseverations than writing in uppercase letters, a form of writing less frequently used by the patient. Central (linguistic) spelling processes were relatively preserved. The pattern of preserved and impaired functions is consistent with impairment of the peripheral mechanism that generates the graphic motor patterns code. We suggest that damage to the peripheral orthographic mechanism may cause deficits in some patients with Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   

Two teaching strategies, delayed-prompting (Touchette, 1971) and fading (Egeland, 1975), were compared for teaching the most easily confused letters and numbers to preschoolers. One group of children received training using delayed prompting with a fixed delay, a second group with a fading procedure; third served as the control group that received no training. A derived progress score on the training stimuli was calculated by subtracting errors on a pretest from errors on the post-test Analysis of these results indicated a significant difference between the delayed-prompting group and the control group only. The delayed-prompting group showed greater progress. During training, subjects in the fading group met criterion on an average of 4.33 stimuli and the subjects in the delayed-prompting group met criterion on an average of 3.23 stimuli. However, on a criterion test and a posttest given 1 week later, the fading group made significantly more errors than the delayed-prompting group.  相似文献   

A simple scheme for the classification of spelling errors was applied to the errors of four groups of children, totaling 483 subjects, in grades 3 to 12. The subjects in two of the groups, Group I and Group IV, consisted of individuals who attended special schools for children with dyslexia or specific reading disability (SRD). Group II included school age siblings of subjects in Group I, and Group III included subjects drawn from regular school programs. It was shown that (a) type of spelling error is independent of sex, (b) there are no consistent effects of IQ or grade level on type of spelling error, and (c) disabled readers as a group are more likely to produce dysphonetic errors than are normal readers. Although the type of spelling error produced by children who had a spelling disability only was shown to be similar to that of normal readers and to differ from that of disabled readers as a group, disabled readers were shown to differ among themselves, lending strong support to the use of spelling error type as a characteristic for identifying subgroups.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of computer-assisted practice on reading and spelling in children with learning disabilities (LD). We compared three practice conditions, one with reading and two with spelling, in order to test whether computer-based reading and spelling practice has an influence on the development of reading and spelling ability in children with LD. A sample was selected of 85 children with LD, with age range between 8 years and 10 years (age, M=111.02, SD=9.6), whose spelling performance was two years below grade level. The participants were randomly assigned to one of four groups: 1) Copy the target word from the computer screen (n=22), 2) Memorize the target word and write it from memory (n=21), 3) Word reading (n=21), and 4) the untrained control group (n=21). We administered measures of pseudoword reading, phonological awareness, phonological word decoding and orthographical word decoding tasks. We examined the learning effects and transfer effects on words classified as a function of length, consistency, and complexity of syllable structure. Overall, the results showed that reading training did not improve spelling; however, the children who participated in the copy training condition improved their spelling skills.  相似文献   

These experiments examined the effects of post-training epinephrine (Epi) on retention of an aversively motivated discrimination task. Male CFW mice were trained to escape from footshock by entering one of two alleys of a Y-maze. On a 24-h retention test (six trials) the correct alley was reversed. The findings of Experiment 1 indicate that errors on the discrimination reversal varied directly with number of trials (criterion of 0, 3, or 6 successive correct choices) on the original training. These findings indicate that errors on discrimination reversal training provide a sensitive index of retention of the original training. In Experiment 2, mice were trained to a criterion of three successive correct choices and were given post-training injections of saline or Epi (0.1, 0.3, or 1.0 mg/kg ip). On a 24-h discrimination reversal test mice given the low doses of Epi made more errors than did saline controls while mice given the high dose made fewer errors. In Experiment 3, mice trained as in Exp 2 received post-training saline or Epi (0.3 or 1.0 mg/kg) and were tested for retention either 1 week or 1 month later. At each retention interval, performance was comparable to that found with a 24-h retention interval. The findings provide additional evidence that post-training Epi produces long-lasting dose-dependent modulating effects on memory storage.  相似文献   

This study concerns one of the processes involved in written verbal production: text revising. Our aim was to experimentally test the specificity of reading for revision as compared to reading for comprehension, and to determine the cognitive cost of initiating and performing critical-reading processes. A two-session experiment was conducted on students who had to perform a comprehension task and a revising task on a text presented in its basic version, or in a version containing either syntax errors or spelling errors. An analysis of the cognitive effort associated with critical-reading and comprehension-reading processes, and of the participants’ comprehension and revising performance, showed that critical reading was more effortful than comprehension reading. It showed also that critical reading was more effortful for the text version with syntax errors than with spelling mistakes. In addition, the working memory span of the readers/revisers had a different impact on effort and performance, depending on the type of errors in the text (spelling or syntax).  相似文献   

Skill in written spelling of simple, monosyllabic nonwords was investigated in 9- to 11-year-old English children. Two aspects of their spellings were of interest: first, could they spell these nonwords so that they sounded correct (nonword spelling accuracy), and second, did their spellings show evidence of biasing from words heard earlier in the test sequence? Nonword spelling was poorer for children of this age than for tested adults. Nevertheless, significant biasing occurred in these children's spellings, though not to the same extent as in adults' nonword spellings, and significant correlations emerged between reading age, nonword spelling skill, susceptibility to biasing, and real word spelling skill. Children with a reading age greater than 11 years showed biasing from word spellings that was within range of that reported for adults, and, for these more skilled readers, word spelling accuracy correlated significantly with both susceptibility to biasing and with nonword spelling accuracy. These children were not as accurate as tested adults at spelling nonwords. Children with a reading age below 11 years were poorer at nonword spelling and showed no overall biasing, yet they also showed a significant correlation between word spelling skill and nonword biasing. Together with evidence from the same task from adults with specific spelling disorders, these results suggest that word knowledge had a direct (biasing) and an indirect (general word spelling knowledge) effect on the performance of the nonword spelling task. But although skill in word spelling may be a necessary prerequisite for nonword spelling, it need not always be sufficient.  相似文献   

Fourth grade children (N = 159) from eight classes who were free to select their seating location in the classroom were tested for spelling ability. On 100 word spelling lists, the children (males and females) seated on the right side of the classroom (facing the teacher) were superior to children on the left. Analysis of spelling errors for reliance on phonological processing in a subsample (N = 28) revealed that right sitters made more phonetically inaccurate misspellings, whereas, on the left, females, but not males, committed more phonetically accurate misspellings. The results support the view that hemispheric information processing is correlated with classroom seating location or preference, but casual inferences regarding the neuropsychological mechanisms underlying these findings are unwarranted pending clarification of several major theoretical issues.  相似文献   

The feeding of knowing refers to predictions about subsequent memory performance on previously nonrecalled items. The most frequently investigated type of subsequent performance has been recognition. The present research explored predictive accuracy with two new feeling-of-knowing criterion tests (in addition to recognition): relearning and perceptual identification. In two experiments, people attempted to recall the answers to general-information questions such as, "What is the capital of Australia?", then made feeling-of-knowing predictions for all nonrecalled answers, and finally had a criterion test to assess the accuracy of the feeling-of-knowing predictions. Experiment 1 demonstrated that perceptual identification can be employed successfully as a criterion test for the feeling of knowing. This opens a new way for metamemory research via perception. Moreover, the feeling-of-knowing accuracy for predicting perceptual identification was not significantly correlated with the feeling-of-knowing accuracy for predicting recognition, in accord with the idea that these two tests assess memory differently. Experiment 2 demonstrated that relearning performance can also be predicted by feeling-of-knowing judgments. Both experiments showed that there is a positive relationship between the feeling of knowing and the amount of time elapsing before a memory search is terminated during recall. Further analyses showed that this relationship is substantial for nonrecalled items for which the person did not guess an answer (omission errors), but the relationship is null or negative for nonrecalled items that the person guessed incorrectly (commission errors). Several theoretical mechanisms that may underlie the feeling of knowing are proposed.  相似文献   

The aim was to test the effect of two-mode trainings on letter knowledge, pseudowords spelling and reading with 3-year- and 5-year-old children. A classical pretest/training/post-design was used. Trainings differed on the letter sensory exploration (auditory/visual [V], auditory/ haptic [H] and auditory/graphomotor [G]). Results indicated that performance on letter-sound knowledge and spelling was globally better with H training with 3-year-old. Five-year-old children improved in all tasks after all trainings. In reading, G group obtained better performance. These results suggest that tactilo-kinesthesic informations in H and G forms contribute to the elaboration of visual and phonological representations of the letter.  相似文献   

Computer-based instruction (CBI) was used to teach 3 sets of 20 spelling words to two 6th graders in a multiple baseline design. The CBI presented a voice recording of each spelling word and prompted the students to type the word. If they spelled the word incorrectly, a training procedure was initiated that included prompt fading and systematic review practice. Results showed that three to ten 15-min training sessions were needed for participants to score 100% on each word set. During a subsequent maintenance phase, one participant received 2 re-training sessions on word Set 2 due to low performance but no other training was provided. Average performance was 93% across all word sets during the final three sessions of the maintenance phase and 79% on a 3-week follow-up test. Kristin H. Mayfield, now at iLearn, Inc., Marietta, GA, USA.  相似文献   

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