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A procedure for evaluating the internal-external (I-E) control dimension from TAT narratives was developed. Internally and externally oriented Ss, as defined by scores on the forced choice I-E scale, differed significantly in the expected direction in TAT ratings of experienced control. Scores on the projective instrument correlated significantly with scores on the questionnaire, and with the former technique it was possible correctly to categorize 80% of Ss according to I-E scale scores. The newly devised instrument demonstrated adequate discriminant validity.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— Decades of research in Western countries such as the United States have supported the idea that parental control undermines children's psychological development. In recent years, investigators have asked whether this is also true in East Asian countries such as China, given that several aspects of East Asian culture have the potential to make children more accepting of parental control. We review research indicating that the effects of parental control on children's psychological functioning are similarly negative in the United States and China, the two countries where most research on this subject has been conducted. However, we also highlight specific contexts in which the effects may be stronger in the West.  相似文献   

Previous research suggests that both perceived parental control and rejection may be linked to youth depression. However, research has not definitively determined which dimension matters more, nor examined mediation within a clinical sample. We used a sample of clinically referred youth (aged 7-17) to determine (a) which parenting dimension is more closely associated with youth depression, and (b) whether youngsters' perceptions of control mediated the association. Perceived parental rejection was strongly linked to depressive symptoms (perceived parental control was not); youth perceived control did in fact mediate the association, and robustly so across gender and age groups. The findings suggest a developmental process in depression, plus potential foci for prevention and treatment programs.  相似文献   

Perceived parental control was assessed in 3,017 adolescents via the Chinese Paternal Control Scale (CPCS) and Chinese Maternal Control Scale (CMCS) based on indigenous Chinese parental control concepts. Results showed that Chinese parents were perceived to have expectations about their children but they were not harsh in parental discipline. Consistent with our predictions, the CPCS and CMCS had significant relationships with measures of psychological control, parental expectations, firm parental discipline, and perceived parental endorsement of traditional Chinese parenting beliefs. However, these two measures had weak relationships with indicators of parent-child relational qualities and adolescent psychological well-being but the observed relationships were moderated by parental psychological control.  相似文献   

There are competing theories on the effects of parental involvement and control on adolescent development. Each theory holds implications for parents, adolescents, and counselors working with parents and adolescents. Using a national data set, this study sought to support or disconfirm theory and research regarding parental involvement with and control over various aspects of highschool seniors' lives. Findings support the contention that parental involvement and parental control are conditional on one another in predicting adolescents' locus of control. From high-school seniors' perspectives, parental control with parental involvement was related to internal locus of control, whereas control without involvement was related to external locus of control.  相似文献   

The decisions and attitudes of sex-stereotyped and androgynous individuals (as defined by the Bem Sex Role Inventory) were compared in a social conformity paradigm and on two measures of locus of control. Stereotypic females conformed significantly more often than androgynous females and stereotypic males (N = 30 per group). In response to a post-experimental questionnaire, stereotypic females indicated that they had been the most influenced, whereas androgynous females reported the least amount of influence from others. Data from the Personal Opinion Survey developed by Coan, Hanson, and Dobyns (1972) showed that androgynous females were reliably more internal in locus of control than stereotypic females on six of the seven factors. Implications of these data are discussed with regard to traditional effects of sex in the social conformity and locus of control literature.  相似文献   

Parental psychological control has been found to relate to the development of childhood anxiety; however, this relation has not been thoroughly examined. The purpose of this study was to understand the nature of the relation between parental psychological control and anxiety symptoms in children, as well as to understand whether this relation is mediated by children’s perceived control. Questionnaires were administered to children ages 8–11. Results indicated a significant relation between parental psychological control and child anxiety symptoms. Results further indicated that this relation was fully mediated by children’s perceptions of how much control they feel they have over events in their lives. These findings suggest that although parental psychological control and a child’s perceived control both contribute to the development of anxiety, it is possible that parental psychological control contributes to the development of anxiety by affecting a child’s perception of control.  相似文献   

This article alerts professionals to sibling death as a possible reason for behaviors exhibited by young clients. Aside from their own grief, children are affected by parental mourning over a child's death and accompanying changes in the family environment. Children show their distress in a variety of behaviors, some of which appear to be unrelated to the loss. Four areas of concern are presented with case illustrations: cognitive distortions, reactions to parents' distress and preoccupation with the loss, being a replacement child, and effects of parents' failure to work through their grief. Suggestions for helping children and parents include using a genogram for identifying loss, helping the family talk about the death, and providing a support group for children.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— This article reviews the research literature on links between parental divorce and children's short-term and long-term adjustment. First, I consider evidence regarding how divorce relates to children's externalizing behaviors, internalizing problems, academic achievement, and social relationships. Second, I examine timing of the divorce, demographic characteristics, children's adjustment prior to the divorce, and stigmatization as moderators of the links between divorce and children's adjustment. Third, I examine income, interparental conflict, parenting, and parents' well-being as mediators of relations between divorce and children's adjustment. Fourth, I note the caveats and limitations of the research literature. Finally, I consider notable policies related to grounds for divorce, child support, and child custody in light of how they might affect children's adjustment to their parents' divorce.  相似文献   

The Mental Health Locus of Control (MHLC) Scale is an area-specific measure of locus of control expectancies designed to predict mental health related behaviors, particularly those occurring in treatment situations. The discriminant validity of the MHLC, in contrast with Rotter's 1-E measure of generalized expectancies, was demonstrated with two mental health related variables: beliefs concerning etiology of psychopathology, and information about abnormal psychology. Beliefs about etiology were measured by the Mental Health Locus of Origin (MHLO) Scale. The primary hypothesis, that individuals with 'endogenous' beliefs about etiology tend to have 'external' expectations for the client's role in treatment, was supported by a statistically significant (p < .001) correlation between the MHLC and MHLO Scales.  相似文献   

Guided by economic rational choice theory and the behavioral‐coping literature, the present study examined contrasting perspectives of the role of job‐search locus of control (JSLOC) and perceived financial need in predicting job‐search intensity. Data were collected in two independent studies in the Netherlands and in the United States, both using a two‐wave longitudinal design. Results from both studies suggested that job seekers with external JSLOC and high perceived financial need engaged in more intense search behavior to compensate for anticipated difficulties in finding employment. Findings suggested that stress may mediate this relation, and may play a positive role in the job‐search process.  相似文献   

Over three consecutive years, 2,559 Chinese adolescents (mean age = 12.65 years at Wave 1) responded to instruments assessing their perceived parental behavioral control (parental knowledge, expectation, monitoring, discipline, and demandingness) and parent-child relational qualities (satisfaction with parental control, child's readiness to communicate with the parents, and perceived mutual trust between parents and their children). Amongst the various indicators of behavioral control, monitoring was the strongest predictor of parental knowledge. Although parental monitoring and child's readiness to communicate with parents were significant predictors of parental knowledge, parental monitoring was a stronger predictor. Results further showed that behavioral control and parent-child relational quality composite scores were concurrently and longitudinally related to parental knowledge. The present study clarifies the family predictors of parental knowledge in Chinese families, but the findings are not entirely consistent with the Western research findings.  相似文献   

Ratings of perceived exertion are frequently used to estimate the strain and effort experienced subjectively by individuals during various forms of physical activity. A number of factors, both physiological and psychological in origin, have been suggested to work as modifiers of the exertion perceived by the individual. It has been reported in non-sport-related research that individuals with an internal locus of control seem to pay more attention to relevant information and use the available information more adequately than individuals with an external locus of control. The reputed inferior information-processing abilities of externals compared with internals could possibly also influence the ratings of perceived exertion, with externals being less accurate in their ratings. Whether locus of control might be such a factor was investigated. Fifty women worked on an ergometer cycle at four different work loads. The results showed statistically significant differences in subjective ratings of perceived exertion between externals and internals, especially at heavier work loads. Such differences might be because of unequal information-processing abilities, as the observed discrepancies occurred at higher work intensities, when more cues are available for processing.  相似文献   

自尊和心理控制源对留守儿童社会适应的影响研究   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
郝振  崔丽娟 《心理科学》2007,30(5):1199-1201,1207
本研究以积极心理学理论为依据,采用量表法,对农村留守儿童和非留守儿童进行了比较研究。结果表明:留守儿童和非留守儿童在自尊、心理控制源以及社会适应性上都存在着显著性差异。在该研究结果上,深入分析了高自尊和内控归因这两种积极心理品质作为心理弹性的保护性因子对留守儿童社会适应性所发挥的作用。  相似文献   

To study the relationship between American parents' perceptions of the family environment, themselves, and their children's peer relations with preschool peers, data was obtained from 56 boys and 47 girls between 47 and 59 months old and their parents. Questionnaires on perceptions of family cohesiveness, expressiveness, conflict, psychosocial competence of self, and acceptance of children were completed by the parents. Sociometric evaluations of peer ratings and positive and negative nominations among children were completed by the children. Correlations revealed both similarities and differences between father–child and mother–child patterns. In general, boys' peer ratings were related to parents' competence whereas girls' peer ratings were related to parents' cohesion. Positive nominations in boys and girls were related to parents' competence. Negative nominations in boys and girls were related to low acceptance and high conflict in parents. These data suggest important links between parents' perceptions of the family and children's peer relations.  相似文献   

The objective was to examine the association of parental locus of control (PLOC) with pediatric quality of life (QOL) for children with sickle cell disease (SCD), specifically addressing the potential mediating role of family functioning. Associations with disease severity were also investigated. Thirty-one primary caregivers completed standard measures of parental locus of control, family functioning, and quality of life during their child's inpatient admission for pain or fever. Results indicated that the PLOC total score was significantly associated with QOL in terms of self-competence and showed marginal significance with QOL social competence; it was significantly negatively correlated with family functioning. The association of the PLOC with QOL subscales was maintained when controlling for family functioning. Disease severity was not associated with PLOC scores. Primary caregivers endorsed more external parental locus of control beliefs. Further investigation of the association of caregiver appraisals and family functioning is warranted with the goal of addressing the stress that disease management with sickle cell may add to parent–child relationships.  相似文献   

This study examined parental factors that influence career development among African American and Mexican American college students. Analysis of student interviews revealed that parents are influential in the following career domains: encouragement, educational expectations, critical life events, vicarious learning, and work identity. Career development issues that counselors need to address are provided.  相似文献   

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