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There is currently considerable interest in the key elements of person–environment fit to understand vocational behaviour and to develop strategic human resource management practices. In the light of this interest, we wanted to investigate (1) whether people within similar functions have similar cognitive styles, and (2) what the consequences of cognitive (mis)fit are on three work attitudes, using two large-scale databases (N = 24,267 and N = 2,182). We identified a knowing-oriented cognitive climate in finance, information technology (IT), and research and development (R&D) functions; a planning-oriented cognitive climate in administrative and technical and production functions; and a creating-oriented cognitive climate in sales and marketing functions and general management. Furthermore, we found that the relationship between people's cognitive styles and work attitudes (i.e., job satisfaction, job search behaviour, and intention to leave) does not depend on the cognitive climate in which they work. However, we did find that people with a higher creating style on average score higher on intention to leave and job search behaviour in comparison with people who score lower on the creating style, irrespective of the cognitive climate they are working in. The cognitive climate also partially affects job satisfaction and intention to leave after controlling for cognitive styles. In summary, cognitive styles and cognitive climate seem to have separate influences on people's work attitudes. Our findings are relevant for selection and recruitment policies of organizations and in the context of training, job design, and workforce planning.  相似文献   

该研究采用2×2的被试间实验设计,探讨了认知风格和信息呈现方式对认知负荷的影响。研究结果表明:信息呈现方式对学习时间有显著的影响;认知风格对学习者的认知负荷有显著的影响;认知风格和信息呈现方式无显著的交互作用;学习时间、心理努力量和材料难度具有一致性,但它们可能对不同的认知负荷敏感,即学习时间可能反映了总认知负荷量,心理努力量和材料难度可能分别对内在和有效认知负荷敏感。  相似文献   

通过对认知风格既往文献的回顾和分析,从临床心理学的角度将认知风格定义为个体在解释生活事件时所偏爱的和习惯化的特征性认知方式,并确定了4个维度:过度概括化、选择性提取、个体化和灾难化。通过开放式问卷调查、参考国内外已有量表、自编项目及专家评定,形成27个项目的认知风格问卷初测版,并分别在大学生样本和非学生样本中进行测试,筛选出在两个样本中都符合心理测量学要求的16个项目,最终形成认知风格问卷正式版。对认知风格问卷正式版进行心理测量学指标考察,结果发现问卷的内部一致性信度、重测信度、结构效度、内容效度、聚合效  相似文献   

A survey was conducted with over 500 children in grades K‐5 to examine whether exposure to socially aggressive content was related to children's use of social aggression. The results of the survey revealed a significant relationship between exposure to televised social aggression and increased social aggression at school, but only for girls and not for boys. Although this relationship was dependent on the sex of the child, the study is the first to provide evidence that viewing social aggression on television is related to an increased tendency for elementary school children to perpetrate such behaviors in the classroom. The findings are discussed in terms of social cognitive theory and information processing theory.  相似文献   

Research indicates that decision-making competence in everyday life is associated with certain decision-making styles. The aims of this article are to extend this research by examining (a) the extent to which general cognitive styles explain variance in decision-making competence over and above decision-making styles, and (b) the extent to which personality explains variance in decision-making competence over and above both types of style variable. Participants (N = 355) completed measures of everyday decision-making competence (Decision Outcomes Inventory), decision styles (Decision Style Questionnaire; Maximization Inventory), cognitive styles (the Cognitive Styles Inventory; Rational-Experience Inventory), and the Big Five personality variables (IPIP Big-Five factor scales). The results indicate that cognitive styles offer no incremental validity over decision-making styles in predicting decision-making competence, but that personality does offer substantial incremental validity over general cognitive styles and decision-making styles. Jointly decision-making styles and personality account for a substantial amount of variance in everyday decision-making competence.  相似文献   

认知风格分析测验(CSA)修订及大学生样本的划界尝试   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
以大学生为对象,对“认知风格分析测验”(Cognitive Style Analysis,CSA)进行了项目分析、信度、效度检验等一系列研究,并通过大学生样本划界尝试。项目的区分度检验表明测验中所有项目都具有较好的区分度,两个维度间的相关分析进一步确证了CSA的结构效度。进一步的信度分析表明CSA具备可接受的内部一致性信度和重测信度。跨文化比较结果表明,我国大学生认知风格的划界与英国常模具有显著差异。  相似文献   

曾美英  夏文峰 《心理科学》2007,30(5):1187-1189
采用二因素混合实验设计对不同控制方式(程序控制、学习者控制、有建议的学习者控制)与学生认知方式(场依存型、中间型、场独立型)对个别辅导型课件学习效果的影响进行研究,结果表明个别辅导型课件的效果受不同控制方式和学生认知方式的影响,且两个因素的交互作用显著。  相似文献   

贾广珍  李寿欣 《心理科学》2013,36(2):340-343
本试验采用固定速的移动窗口范式和意义适合性判断任务,考察场依存、场独立个体抑制句子中歧义词不适当意义的机制以及歧义词歧义消解的进程。结果表明:不同认知方式个体在抑制句子中歧义词不适当意义的时间进程上存在差异,与场依存者相比,场独立者能够较早地抑制歧义的干扰;同时,本研究证明歧义词的多个意义首先激活,然后与语境不一致的意义得到抑制,研究结果支持词汇歧义消解的多重通达模型。  相似文献   

沈烈敏 《心理科学》2002,25(1):57-59
该研究采用自行设计的能力问卷量表,结合教师问卷、个案访谈和调查等方法对80名小学四年级学生、94名初中一年级学生、85名高中一年级学生,共259名被试进行了假设一验证和范畴化认知方式与学业不良关系的研究。结果表明:各学习年限段学业不良学生在这两方面的得分均低于学业优秀者,且差异显著;各学习年限段学业不良学生间在这两方面的得分差异显著,呈随年龄增长而增长的趋势。  相似文献   

This paper presents a series of five studies conducted between the year 1994 and the year 2000. A common goal shared by all five studies is to validate the Perry scheme as measured by the Zhang Cognitive Development Inventory. Involved in the studies were 2,269 (937 males, 1321 females, and 11 did not indicate gender) students from 12 universities in three cultures. All research participants responded to the Zhang Cognitive Development Inventory. Participants from one of the studies also responded to the Study Process Questionnaire. Still, participants from another one of the studies also responded to the Thinking Styles Inventory. Three of the major findings are: (1) the Zhang Cognitive Development Inventory has reasonably good reliability and good internal and external validity, (2) the cognitive-developmental pattern of the mainland Chinese students was opposite to that described by Perry, and (3) the cognitive-developmental pattern described by Perry was not identified in either of the two U.S. samples. Recommendations were made as they relate to future studies using the Zhang Cognitive Development Inventory.  相似文献   

Ryan  Kathryn M.  Kanjorski  Jeanne 《Sex roles》1998,38(9-10):743-756
The current study tested Freud's (1905/1960)theory that sexist humor may be associated withhostility toward women and extended previous researchshowing a link between hostile humor and aggression.Colleges students (N = 399 — approximately 92%white, 5% African American, and 3% other minorities)rated 10 sexist jokes on their perceived funniness.Results showed that the enjoyment of sexist humor waspositively correlated with rape-related attitudes andbeliefs, the self-reported likelihood of forcing sex,and psychological, physical, and sexual aggression inmen. For women, the enjoyment of sexist humor was only positively correlated with Adversarial SexualBeliefs and Acceptance of Interpersonal Violence. Womenalso found the jokes to be less enjoyable, lessacceptable, and more offensive than the men, but they were not significantly less likely to tell thejokes.  相似文献   

Recent research suggests that examining humor styles may contribute to our understanding of clinical problems, such as risk and resiliency. The goal of the current study was to examine whether humor styles moderate the association between social anxiety and depressive symptoms in an unselected sample. Three-hundred and six participants (66% female) at a large Southern US university completed self-report measures of humor styles and symptoms of social anxiety and depression. Regression analyses suggested that affiliative and self-defeating humor styles individually moderated the relationship between social anxiety and depressive symptoms. Clinical implications regarding the monitoring of humor use as a means of understanding the maintenance of depressive symptoms among socially anxious individuals are discussed.  相似文献   

Over 50 years of research on cognitive style has converged on the importance of individual differences in use of intuition and analysis. This program of research is characterized, however, by two incompatible perspectives about the relation between intuition and analysis. The distinction concerns whether intuition and analysis are opposite poles of a single dimension or whether they are orthogonal constructs. Two studies report meta‐analytic investigations of the relation between intuition and analysis. A meta‐analysis of the existing research base (k = 80; n = 27 501) showed that intuition and analysis are uncorrelated. A second meta‐analysis of combinations of subscales from different cognitive style measures (n = 511) supported the results of the first meta‐analysis. Confirmatory factor analysis also supported the existence of two uncorrelated constructs. Overall, the findings support the view that intuition and analysis are independent constructs, rather than opposite ends of a bipolar continuum. In addition, the findings suggest measures of analysis or rationality are not interchangeable. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

不同认知风格11岁儿童内隐序列学习的差异   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
首先对143名11岁儿童进行认知风格测验,从中选取反省型和冲动型认知风格儿童各30名,采用序列学习研究范式,对其内隐学习进行了实验研究,结果表明:(1)虽然冲动型儿童序列学习的反应时显著低于反省型儿童,但采用“比例测量法”的方差分析两组被试无显著差异。(2)采用“对立法”对包含和排除的生成成绩进行方差分析,无论反省型儿童还是冲动型儿童,其包含和排除成绩均没有显著差异,而且成绩均在几率水平以下。说明两种认知风格儿童的序列学习没有差异,且都具有内隐性。  相似文献   

This research investigated the relationships of the Dark Triad traits, humor styles, and schadenfreude with 169 participants who completed the Short Dark Triad, the Humor Style Questionnaire, and a measure of schadenfreude. Significant correlations imply that those with salient dark traits (psychopathy, Machiavellianism, narcissism) elicit pleasure from others' misfortune. Additionally, schadenfreude can be a product of self-defeating and aggressive humor styles. Indirect effect analysis revealed the significance of the indirect effect of the measured aggressive humor style on the Dark Triad's direct effects on schadenfreude. These results imply that those with salient Dark Triad traits enjoy others' misery as a means to undermine them. Hence, individuals with salient Dark Triad traits tend to engage in downward social comparison.  相似文献   

Research on cognitive models of depression has identified negative cognitive styles and rumination as risk factors for depression. The present study examined the hypothesis that rumination mediates the effect of negative cognitive styles on depression. Specifically, we evaluated the differential effects of two aspects of rumination, characterized by brooding and reflection, on the relationship between negative cognitive styles and level of depressive symptoms. A total of 115 college students and 38 patients suffering from depressive disorders completed a battery of questionnaires measuring levels of depressive symptoms, brooding, reflection, and negative cognitive styles. The results support the notion that there exist two distinct dimensions of rumination and that, of the two, it is brooding and not reflection that mediates the relationship between negative cognitive styles and depression and contributes to its negative outcomes.  相似文献   

本研究选取了832名中学生,采用问卷的方法探讨了人格、认知风格及社会适应性的关系。结果发现:(1)中学生人格在不同的人口学变量上的差异状况不同。(2)年龄是中学生认知风格的重要影响因素。(3)中学生社会适应性总体发展具有年级差异而不具有性别差异。(4)中学生人格可以直接与影响社会适应性,认知风格可以影响社会适应性的部分因子,人格中部分因素可以通过认知风格对社会适应性的部分因子产生显著影响。  相似文献   

不同认知方式中小学生的前瞻记忆的研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
以反义词—非反义词判断为进行中任务,探讨了小学、初中和高中的场独立、场依存型各60名学生的前瞻记忆完成情况。结果表明,场独立学生的前瞻记忆成绩明显好于场依存者;小学、初中、高中各年龄组学生的前瞻记忆成绩无明显差异;基于事件的前瞻记忆成绩明显好于基于时间的前瞻记忆。  相似文献   

自我认知类型引导认知方式的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
廖凤林  车文博 《心理科学》2005,28(3):541-543
对自我的认知引导认知和行为。本研究用与自我有关的语义内容启动场独立型和场依存型自我认知,随即让被试做与场独立或场依存认知方式有关的认知作业,探讨自我认知类型是否引导认知方式,即启动场独立自我认知是否比启动场依存自我认知诱发更多场独立的认知方式;同样,启动场依存自我认知是否比启动场独立自我认知诱发更多的场依存的认知方式。结果是肯定的。  相似文献   

In a series of experiments, we investigated the effect of pun humor on memory. In all experiments, the participants were exposed to knock-knock jokes in either the original form retaining the pun or in a modified form that removed the pun. In Experiment 1, the authors found that pun humor improved both recall and recognition memory following incidental encoding. In Experiment 2, they found evidence that rehearsal is not the cause of the humor effect on memory. In Experiments 3 and 4, the authors found that the constraints imposed by puns and incongruity may account for the humor effects observed. Puns constrain and limit the information that can fit in the final line of a joke and thus make recall easier.  相似文献   

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