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The purpose of this study was to adapt the Meaning in Life Questionnaire (MLQ) developed by Steger, Frazier, Oishi, and Kaler (2006) into Turkish and examine the measurement and structural invariance of this scale across Turkish (N = 815) and U.S. (N = 207) samples. Our findings indicated that the hypothesized 2-factor model of the MLQ fit the data well for both Turkish and U.S. samples. Results also provided support for the full metric invariance, partial scalar invariance, and partial invariance of residual variances of the MLQ across the 2 samples (i.e., Turkish and U.S.). Supporting the structural invariance, we found that factor variances and covariances were equivalent across the 2 groups. Internal consistency reliability analyses revealed a Cronbach's alpha value of .88 for the MLQ Presence scale and .90 for the Search scale. Our findings also provided preliminary support for the convergent validity of the Turkish version of the MLQ (MLQ–TR). Contrary to findings in other collectivist cultures, the relationship between Search and Presence was negative in Turkish culture. These results support the psychometric properties of the MLQ–TR and its partial equivalence to the original U.S. version.  相似文献   

Growing international research interest in negative-leadership behaviors prompts the need to examine whether measures of ineffective leadership developed in the United States are equivalent across countries outside the United States. B. J. Tepper's (2000) abusive supervision measure has been used widely inside and outside the United States and merits research attention on its construct equivalence across different cultural settings. The authors conducted a series of multigroup confirmatory factor analyses to investigate the measurement equivalence of this measure across Taiwan (N = 256) and the United States (N = 389). Configural invariance was established, suggesting that both U.S. and Taiwanese samples perceive abusive supervision as a single-factor concept. Furthermore, the establishment of partial metric invariance and partial scalar invariance suggests that the abusive supervision measure is applicable to crosscultural comparisons in latent means, construct variance, construct covariances, and unstandardized path coefficients with the caution that workers from different cultures calibrate their responses differently when answering some items.  相似文献   

This is the first study to assess the validity the Chinese version of the Reactive and Proactive Aggression Questionnaire (RPQ). The RPQ was administered to 11 year-old participants in the China Jintan Child Cohort Study, a population-based longitudinal study of 1352 children. Similar to other studies, a two-factor solution with one reactive and one proactive subscale best described the data. Overall, the Chinese version of the RPQ had good construct validity, internal consistency, and test-retest reliability. These findings suggest that the RPQ is psychometrically similar when administered to children and adolescents in the United States and in China and need not be modified to measure aggressive behavior in Chinese samples.  相似文献   

We propose that managers have norms (standards of appropriate behavior) for resolving conflict, that these norms are culturally based, and that they explain cultural differences in conflict management outcomes. We confirm that the traditionally American norms of discussing parties' interests and synthesizing multiple issues were exhibited more strongly by American managers than by their Hong Kong Chinese counterparts. In addition, we confirm that the traditionally Chinese norms of concern for collective interests and concern for authority appeared more strongly among Hong Kong Chinese managers than among their American counterparts. American managers were more likely than Hong Kong Chinese managers, to resolve a greater number of issues and reach more integrative outcomes, while Hong Kong Chinese managers were more likely to involve higher management in conflict resolution. Culture had a significant effect on whether parties selected an integrative outcome rather than an outcome that involved distribution, compromise, higher management, or no resolution at all. Conflict norms explained the cultural differences that existed between reaching an integrative outcome and reaching an outcome involving distribution, compromise, or higher management; however, conflict norms did not fully explain the cultural differences that existed between reaching an integrative outcome and reaching no resolution.  相似文献   

The Revised Almost Perfect Scale (APS–R; Slaney, Mobley, Trippi, Ashby, &; Johnson, 1996 Slaney, R. B., Mobley, M., Trippi, J., Ashby, J. S., &; Johnson, D. (1996). Almost Perfect Scale Revised. Psyctests. doi:10.1037/t02161-000[Crossref] [Google Scholar]) was designed to measure perfectionistic strivings (standards), perfectionistic concerns (discrepancy), and preferences for neatness and organization (order). In this study, English and Spanish (Arana, Keegan, &; Rutsztein, 2009 Arana, F. G., Keegan, E. G., &; Rutsztein, G. (2009). Adaptación de una medida multidimensional de perfeccionismo: la Almost Perfect Scale–Revised (APS–R). Un estudio preliminar sobre sus propiedades psicométricas en una muestra de estudiantes universitarios argentinos [Adaptation of a measure of multidimensional perfectionism: The Almost Perfect Scale–Revised. A preliminary study about its psychometrical properties on a sample of Argentine university students]. Evaluar, 9, 3553. [Google Scholar]) versions of the APS–R were compared in samples of 283 college students in Argentina and 311 U.S. students. The results offered support for cross-national scalar invariance for discrepancy and order items but standards items, with a few exceptions, raised concerns about their cross-national comparability. Tests of latent means revealed no differences between the countries for discrepancy, but the order factor mean was higher in the U.S. sample. Age and gender had negligible effects on measurement models. Discrepancy was strongly related to depressive symptoms for both samples. Unlike in the U.S. sample, there was a significant association for the Argentina sample between standards and discrepancy. Overall, results indicated that discrepancy items performed well, order items were adequate with some measurement adjustments, and standards items should be revisited for their cross-cultural utility. Translation issues and general values in Argentina and the United States (e.g., collectivism–individualism) are discussed that might affect how perfectionism is understood and measured in different cultural contexts.  相似文献   

Two experiments on preschoolers' understanding of the effects of exposure on knowing-that and knowing-how were conducted with 3-, 4-, and 5-year-old children (N=388) in 2 locations: a small midwestern city in the United States and a suburban area of Hong Kong, China. By using both English- and Chinese-speaking samples, the authors examined differences in children's understanding of knowing-that and knowing-how as well as the impact of different types of linguistic markers on the understanding of these concepts. Across both studies, in both locations, and for judging the knowledge of self or of others, children's understanding for knowing-that preceded their understanding for knowing-how. Implications of these findings both for universal patterns of theory-of-mind development and for how culture may impact on that development are discussed.  相似文献   

Les travaux sur la recherche de feedback de la part des nouveaux arrivants peuvent s’appuyer sur des présupposés qui ne sont pas universellement valides, à savoir que les nouveaux arrivants font preuve d’auto‐affirmation, qu’ils jugent leur patron accessible (faible distance hiérarchique) et qu’ils doivent faire preuve d’initiative pour obtenir l’information dont il ont besoin, ce qui relève d’un processus de socialisation individuelle et informelle. Dans cette étude sur les nouveax arrivants, les Americains signalèrent plus de demandes de feedback que les gens de Hong Kong. Cette divergence est à rapporter aux différences culturelles dans l’auto‐affirmation et la distance hiérarchique. Ces résultats suggèrent que certains des présupposés implicites concernant la recherche de feedback de la part des nouveaux arrivants peuvent voir leur validité remise en cause en debors des Etats‐Unis. En particulier, les nouveaux arrivants vivant dans des sociétés communautariste et à grande distance hiérarchique sont moins susceptibles de faire appel à la rétroaction centrée sur le supérieur pour réduire l’incertitude et gérer leur efficacité professionnelle. Research on newcomer feedback seeking may be based on assumptions that are not universally valid: that newcomers are self‐assertive, that they perceive their boss as approachable (low power distance), and that they need to be proactive to obtain the information that they need (informal, individual socialisation process). In this study, individuals from the United States reported more newcomer feedback inquiry than individuals from Hong Kong. This difference was related to cultural differences in self‐assertiveness and power distance. These results suggest that some of the implicit assumptions about newcomer feedback seeking may be less valid outside of the US. In particular, newcomers within low‐individualism and high power distance societies may be less likely to rely on supervisor‐focused feedback inquiry for reducing uncertainty and managing their performance.  相似文献   

I developed a Chinese version of the Aggression Questionnaire (Buss & Perry, 1992) by translating scale items into Chinese and subjecting them to standard validation procedures. I used confirmatory factor analysis via structural equation modeling to compare several measurement models. Models based on Buss and Perry's (1992) original four-factor (29-item) scale failed to replicate in the Chinese sample; however, the construct validity of Bryant and Smith's (2001) abridged version of the Aggression Questionnaire received strong overall support. The new 12-item scale demonstrated good fit to the data and adequate internal reliability. Evidence for criterion validity was provided by the scale's sensitivity to differing levels of aggression in males and females. Convergent and discriminant validity received partial support from the pattern of correlations with a measure of anger rumination. Linguistic and metric equivalence were supported by high correlation coefficients between scores on Chinese and English versions of the scale completed by bilingual Chinese on separate occasions. Consistent replications of these preliminary results across three independent samples suggest that the Chinese version of the Aggression Questionnaire may be useful for clinical assessment and cross-cultural research.  相似文献   

Klopfer and Kelly in 1942 predicted that “a sufficient number of frequency counts” would indicate universality of response to certain inkblots by groups, e.g. cultural. Group administration and the development of a computer based scoring program has enabled the authors to examine adequate frequencies across five cultures (Denmark, Germany, Hong Kong, Mexico, United States) and validate the prediction. Using Holtzman's criterion for Popular, universality was found in 23 inkblots and near-universality in 10 additional. The core concept person accounted for the populars in 15 instances; other concepts were animal, fowl, face or mask, person-riding-animal, landscape, butterfly or moth, seahorse, fish, and rain or storm. Across all five cultures there was much more commonality than differences in perception of inkblots.  相似文献   

Researchers have extended the literature on strategies of gaining compliance with a request to incorporate cultural variations into the analytic framework. In the present investigation, the authors sought to go beyond previous studies of the factors increasing compliance rates by reexamining how researchers conceptualize and measure personal, social, and cultural influences on compliance behavior in the United States, Poland, and Hong Kong. The authors found that different levels of compliance were affected by culture, principles of influence, and the individual's personal orientation of idiocentrism/allocentrism (I/A). In the present study, the authors extended previous cross-cultural work by decomposing the I/A into 2 separate individual difference variables: normative perceptions and evaluative perceptions. The interaction of person and situation on compliance showed the power of situational demands and the strength of different aspects of personal collectivism. Different patterns of compliance at the culture level revealed the importance of culture in shaping this behavioral tendency. Thus, the authors' integration of personal, social, and cultural influences provided an interactive model to help researchers explain compliance more comprehensively.  相似文献   

The measurement invariance properties of four domains from the Extended Satisfaction with Life Scale (ESWLS) were examined in samples of young adults from the United States and Hungary. The four domains (scales) were general life satisfaction, social life satisfaction, family life satisfaction, and satisfaction with one’s self. For both countries, confirmatory factor analyses supported a correlated four-factor model, with each ESWLS domain constituting a single independent factor. Multigroup invariance testing provided support for both configural invariance and metric invariance, suggesting that across the U.S. and Hungarian samples the four ESWLS scales evidenced the same pattern of factor loadings as well as largely equivalent regression weights. These results suggest that respondents in both countries attributed the same meaning to the ESWLS constructs and that associations between the four ESWLS scales and other variables can be meaningfully compared across the two nations. Latent factor analyses indicated that with the exception of the correlation between general- and self-satisfaction, which was higher for the U.S., the magnitudes of the correlations between ESWLS domains were similar for the U.S. and Hungary. Possible explanations for the lack of measurement invariance across all of the nested models (i.e., item intercepts through residuals) are discussed.  相似文献   

Confirmatory factor analyses (CFAs) typically fail to support the a priori 5-factor structure of Big Five self-report instruments, due in part to the overly restrictive CFA assumptions. We show that exploratory structural equation modeling (ESEM), an integration of CFA and exploratory factor analysis, overcomes these problems in relation to responses to the 44-item Big Five Inventory (BFI) administered to a large Italian community sample. ESEM fitted the data better and resulted in less correlated factors than CFA, although ESEM and CFA factor scores correlated at near unity with observed raw scores. Tests of gender invariance with a 13-model taxonomy of full measurement invariance showed that the factor structure of the BFI is gender-invariant and that women score higher on Neuroticism, Agreeableness, Extraversion, and Conscientiousness. Through ESEM one could address substantively important issues about BFI psychometric properties that could not be appropriately addressed through traditional approaches.  相似文献   

Maintaining a satisfying heterosexual relationship is important to many individuals?? happiness and physical health. Evolutionary theories on the formation of relationships suggest that adult attachment and relationship commitment are universal mechanisms for securing and maintaining such mating relationships. This study sought to understand how these two mechanisms may link to each other and how they in turn contribute to relationship satisfaction with one??s current partner in Hong Kong Chinese and American cultures. Similarities in the model for relationship satisfaction were found among young dating couples in the United States and Hong Kong. Specifically, attachment anxiety was positively linked to structural commitment, whereas attachment avoidance was negatively related to personal commitment. Both dimensions of attachment (anxiety and avoidance) and both components of commitment (personal and structural) were found to predict current relationship satisfaction significantly and equivalently across cultures, with the pathway from attachment avoidance to current relationship satisfaction similarly mediated by personal commitment in both cultural groups. These results were interpreted in terms of a probable universal logic informing the interpersonal dynamics involving attachment and relationship commitment.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined estimates of internal consistency reliability, measurement invariance, and differential correlates of the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS; Zimet, Dahlem, Zimet, & Farley, 1988) in samples of undergraduate men (n = 270) and women (n = 340). The MSPSS is designed to assess 3 sources of perceived social support: family, friends, and significant others. The participants ranged in age from 18 to 24 years (M age = 19.60, SD = 1.4 years). First, composite scale reliability and coefficient omega methods provided adequate estimates of internal consistency reliability for the original MSPSS total and subscale scores. Second, results of multiple-groups invariance confirmatory factor analysis provided support for configural and metric invariance. Partial measurement invariance was attained for scalar and strict measurement invariance across men and women. Additionally, given the high correlations among the first-order factors, we conducted multiple-groups bifactor item response theory (bifactor-IRT) analysis to evaluate further the performances of the individual MSPSS items across gender. Support for the bifactor model was strong. Third, we conducted a series of simultaneous regression analyses to identify potential correlates of the social support construct for women and men.  相似文献   

This study examines the stability of the response process and the rank-order of respondents responding to 3 personality scales in 4 different response conditions. Applicants to the University College of Teacher Education Styria (N = 243) completed personality scales as part of their college admission process. Half a year later, they retook the same personality scales in 1 of 3 randomly assigned experimental response conditions: honest, faking-good, or reproduce. Longitudinal means and covariance structure analyses showed that applicants' response processes could be partially reproduced after half a year, and respondents seemed to rely on an honest response behavior as a frame of reference. Additionally, applicants' faking behavior and instructed faking (faking-good) caused differences in the latent retest correlations and consistently affected measurement properties. The varying latent retest correlations indicated that faking can distort respondents' rank-order and thus the fairness of subsequent selection decisions, depending on the kind of faking behavior. Instructed faking (faking-good) even affected weak measurement invariance, whereas applicants' faking behavior did not. Consequently, correlations with personality scales—which can be utilized for predictive validity—may be readily interpreted for applicants. Faking behavior also introduced a uniform bias, implying that the classically observed mean raw score differences may not be readily interpreted.  相似文献   

Participants between the ages of 18 and 94 years (n = 279) provided ratings on different phenomenological memory characteristics regarding a self‐defining autobiographical memory by completing a slightly shortened version of the Memory Experiences Questionnaire. Results of a multi‐group invariance analyses across men and women provided evidence of configural, metric, scalar, and structural invariance across gender. These results help to empirically substantiate the assumption that memory phenomenology is invariant across gender. Subsequent latent means analysis found that women, as compared with men, rated their self‐defining memories as being more coherent, having greater emotional intensity, having greater sensory detail, having higher levels of vividness/time perspective, and being more likely to be from a first‐person perspective. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Jovanović  Veljko  Rudnev  Maksim  Arslan  Gökmen  Buzea  Carmen  Dimitrova  Radosveta  Góngora  Vanesa  Guse  Tharina  Ho  Rainbow T. H.  Iqbal  Naved  Jámbori  Szilvia  Jhang  Fang-Hua  Kaniušonytė  Goda  Li  Jingguang  Lim  Young-Jin  Lodi  Ernesto  Mannerström  Rasmus  Marcionetti  Jenny  Neto  Felix  Osin  Evgeny  Park  Joonha  Fonseca-Pedrero  Eduardo  Piotrowski  Jarosław  Proctor  Carmel  Rahmandani  Amalia  Salmela-Aro  Katariina  Ortuño-Sierra  Javier  Stefenel  Delia  Sugimura  Kazumi  Tan  Soon Aun  Wang  Song  Yip  Paul S. F.  Żemojtel-Piotrowska  Magdalena  Žukauskienė  Rita 《Applied research in quality of life》2022,17(4):2139-2161

Measurement of adolescent life satisfaction across cultures has not received much attention in previous empirical research. The present study evaluated measurement invariance of the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) among adolescents in 24 countries and regions (N = 22,710; age range = 13–19 years; 53% female). A single-factor model with residual covariance between a pair of items tapping past life satisfaction fitted well in 19 countries and regions and showed a partial metric invariance. In a subset of nine countries and regions, partial scalar invariance was supported. Partial metric invariance across all 24 countries and regions was achieved when custom model modifications in five countries and regions were included. Three SWLS items showed evidence of noninvariance across cultures. The measurement model was found to operate similarly across gender and age. Our findings suggest that caution is needed when using the SWLS for measuring life satisfaction among adolescents from different cultures.



Difficulties in executive processes can disturb daily life functioning. Using data obtained from two independent community-dwelling samples (n 1?=?468, n 2?=?669, 18–97 years), we examined the factor structure of the Dysexecutive Functioning Questionnaire (DEX) and explored the frequencies and potential correlates of self-reported executive difficulties. Our results revealed that executive problems are parsimoniously described with one underlying factor. Everyday executive dysfunctions were moderately frequent throughout adulthood. Reports of executive problems were associated with individual difference characteristics including age, subjective health, personality, affect, and cognition. We also found that, although executive functions are known to decline with advancing adult age, younger age groups reported more problems than older groups, an effect that was partially mediated by a negative affect factor. We discuss implications for the validity of the instrument as well as directions for future research on executive functioning difficulties in everyday life.  相似文献   

Measurement invariance of a one-factor model of effortful control (EC) was tested for 853 low-income preschoolers (M age = 4.48 years). Using a teacher-report questionnaire and seven behavioral measures, configural invariance (same factor structure across groups), metric invariance (same pattern of factor loadings across groups), and partial scalar invariance (mostly the same intercepts across groups) were established across ethnicity (European Americans, African Americans and Hispanics) and across sex. These results suggest that the latent construct of EC behaved in a similar way across ethnic groups and sex, and that comparisons of mean levels of EC are valid across sex and probably valid across ethnicity, especially when larger numbers of tasks are used. The findings also support the use of diverse behavioral measures as indicators of a single latent EC construct.  相似文献   

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