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In a preliminary investigation of the predictive validity of the Hand Test, the AOS significantly differentiated delinquent recidivists from non-recidivists, correctly categorizing 66 per cent of the Ss. The AGG score also significantly differentiated the two groups.  相似文献   

A meta-analysis of 50 studies was conducted to investigate whether juvenile delinquents use lower levels of moral judgment than their nondelinquent age-mates and, if so, what factors may influence or moderate the developmental delay. The results show a lower stage of moral judgment for juvenile delinquents (d=.76). Effect sizes were large for comparisons involving male offenders, late adolescents, delinquents with low intelligence, and incarcerated delinquents. The largest effect sizes were found for period of incarceration and comparisons involving juvenile delinquents with psychopathic disorder. Production instead of recognition measures, dilemma-free assessment methods, and non-blind scoring procedures yielded relatively large effect sizes, whereas effect sizes were medium for comparisons involving delinquents with average intelligence, non-incarcerated delinquents, female offenders, as well as early and middle adolescents. Psychopathic disorder and institutionalization were identified as unique moderators of the link between moral judgment and juvenile delinquency. It is concluded that developmentally delayed moral judgment is strongly associated with juvenile delinquency, even after controlling for socioeconomic status, gender, age and intelligence.This article stems from a paper presented at the meeting of the Association for Moral Education, July 2006, Fribourg, Switzerland.  相似文献   


Bohm, Ewald Lehrbuch der Rorschach-Psychodiagnostik fuer Psychologen, Aerzte und Paedagogen (Text book of Rorschach Psycho-diagnostics for Psychologists, Physicians, and Educators). Verlag Hans Huber, Bern, 1951. XXIII &; 406 pp. Reviewed by Olov G. Gardebring

Shneidman, Edwin S. with the collaboration of Walther Joel and Kenneth B. Little. Thematic Test Analysis. Grune and Stratton, New York, 1951. pp. 320. Reviewed by Samuel B. Kutash  相似文献   

Two independent studies compared the MMPI performance of 2 groups of matched institutionalized delinquent boys, those who caused trouble in dormitories (SSs) and those who did not (GGs). In the 1st study, Scale 4 was the only statistically significant scale. Cross-validation found no scales statistically significant. Nineteen items which discriminated between SSs and GGs in the 1st study did not hold up in the cross-validation study. It is concluded that the MMPI has questionable value in discriminating between different levels and types of delinquents.  相似文献   

The AOS score on the Hand Test significantly differentiated assaultive from non-assaultive delinquents, correctly categorizing 78 percent of the subjects.  相似文献   

中国改革开放以来 ,特别是随着社会主义市场经济的崛起 ,整个社会生活发生了天翻地覆的变化。在婚姻家庭领域 ,传统的大家庭分崩离析 ,核心小家庭如雨后春笋般涌现。小家庭的涌现 ,使家庭关系的主体发生了根本性的转折 ,由传统亲子关系核心转向夫妻关系核心 ;而夫妻关系核心的出现 ,造成了家庭本位主义的衰落 ,家庭个人本位主义的滋长。它推动着传统的维持型婚姻向质量型婚姻迅速发展。伴随着这些巨大的变化 ,一系列新的婚姻家庭观念逐步确立起来 ,由此不仅给妇女带来了发展的良好机遇 ,也带来了严峻的挑战  相似文献   

家庭伦理失范:青少年犯罪的重要原因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
青少年犯罪的原因是复杂的、多方面的,分析和研究青少年犯罪现象,可以得出结论:家庭伦理道德的失范是青少年犯罪的重要原因。  相似文献   

Two-point MMPI code distributions for a sample of 609 precollege students were compared with the code distributions of 701 precollege students obtained two years previously. The samples showed highly similar two-point code distributions. The same seven two-point code types occurred most frequently in both samples, and these same seven code types accounted for over 50% of the cases in both samples.

Further support was thus obtained for the hypothesis that Scale 5 is related more to IQ and/or education aspiration and/or socioeconomic status than years of education per se.. Also, the original base rate data on two-point code frequencies, including Scales 5 and 0, were replicated, providing reliable data on “normal” college males. Previous research of this nature with this population has typically omitted Scales 5 and 0.  相似文献   

This study tests a typology of homelessness using administrative data on public shelter use in New York City (1988–1995) and Philadelphia (1991–1995). Cluster analysis is used to produce three groups (transitionally, episodically, and chronically homeless) by number of shelter days and number of shelter episodes. Results show that the transitionally homeless, who constitute approximately 80% of shelter users in both cities, are younger, less likely to have mental health, substance abuse, or medical problems, and to overrepresent Whites relative to the other clusters. The episodically homeless, who constitute 10% of shelter users, are also comparatively young, but are more likely to be non-White, and to have mental health, substance abuse, and medical problems. The chronically homeless, who account for 10% of shelter users, tend to be older, non-White, and to have higher levels of mental health, substance abuse, and medical problems. Differences in health status between the episodically and chronically homeless are smaller, and in some cases the chronically homeless have lower rates (substance abuse in New York; serious mental illness in Philadelphia). Despite their relatively small number, the chronically homeless consume half of the total shelter days. Results suggest that program planning would benefit from application of this typology, possibly targeting the transitionally homeless with preventive and resettlement assistance, the episodically homeless with transitional housing and residential treatment, and the chronically homeless with supported housing and long-term care programs.  相似文献   

角色道德是由角色产生、发展而形成的一种心理结构。社区护士的角色道德问题表现为角色不清、缺乏角色转换的心理准备,原因在于社区护士的形象模糊、制度建设不完善以及缺乏提升自我素质和境界的环境。建议以道德文化为切入点推进角色道德建设,以角色道德价值观教育为核心,构建适合社区护士的角色道德规范。  相似文献   

为了更好地办好《医学与哲学》“临床决策论坛版”,使之更加贴近临床,为广大临床医生提供更加科学、合理的决策思路,2008年1月5日至14日,本刊常务副主编赵明杰、编辑王德顺调研和走访了七大城市(北京、太原、西安、武汉、长沙、济南、沈阳),与这些城市的17家大型医院的174名临床专家进行了座谈、交流和讨论。本次调研的行程如下:  相似文献   

Use of genomic information in healthcare is increasing; however data on the needs of consumers of genomic information is limited. The Coriell Personalized Medicine Collaborative (CPMC) is a longitudinal study investigating the utility of personalized medicine. Participants receive results reflecting risk of common complex conditions and drug—gene pairs deemed actionable by an external review board. To explore the needs of individuals receiving genomic information we reviewed all genetic counseling sessions with CPMC participants. A retrospective qualitative review of notes from 157 genetic counseling inquiries was conducted. Notes were coded for salient themes. Five primary themes; “understanding risk”, “basic genetics”, “complex disease genetics”, “what do I do now?” and “other” were identified. Further review revealed that participants had difficulty with basic genetic concepts, confused relative and absolute risks, and attributed too high a risk burden to individual single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Despite these hurdles, counseled participants recognized that behavior changes could potentially mitigate risk and there were few comments alluding to an overly deterministic or fatalistic interpretation of results. Participants appeared to recognize the multifactorial nature of the diseases for which results were provided; however education to understand the complexities of genomic risk information was often needed.  相似文献   

Hearing loss is a common sensory deficit and more than 50% of affected individuals have a genetic etiology. The discovery of 40 genes and more than 100 loci involved in hearing loss has made genetic testing for some of these genes widely available. Genetic services for deafness are also being sought more often due to the early identification of hearing loss through newborn screening services. The motivations for pursuing genetic testing, and how genetic services are provided to the client may differ among individuals. Additionally, information obtained through genetic testing can be perceived and used in different ways by parents of deaf children and deaf adults. This study aimed to follow up on focus group studies published earlier with a quantitative survey instrument and assess the preference of consumers for provision of genetic services. We conducted a national survey of hearing and deaf parents of children with hearing loss and of deaf adults. Data was compared and analyzed by hearing status of the participant, their community affiliation and the genetic testing status using nominal logistic regression. Consistent with our focus group results, the survey participants thought that a genetic counselor/geneticist would be the most appropriate professional to provide genetics services. Statistically significant differences were noted in the preferred choice of provider based on the genetic testing status. Parents preferred that genetic evaluation, including testing, occur either immediately at or a few months after the audiologic diagnosis of hearing loss. This data should help providers in clinical genetics keep patient preferences at the helm and provide culturally competent services.  相似文献   

The Self‐Administered Interview© (SAI) serves to elicit eyewitness statements directly after the crime. Witnesses could still experience stress then. Because stress during retrieval produces memory‐impairing effects, this study sought to compare the SAI with free recall under stress. An interaction between stress and interview was expected such that the SAI would elicit more comprehensive accounts than free recall in the control, but not in the stress group. One hundred and twenty‐seven participants underwent a stress or control task. They witnessed a live staged crime and completed an SAI or a free recall. The SAI elicited a higher number of correct verifiable event details and a higher number of correct and incorrect perpetrator details than free recall. Accuracy rates were unaffected. Unexpectedly, despite causing moderate stress‐induced cortisol elevations, stress exposure did not influence memory performance and did not interact with interview type. Hence, the SAI can safely be used, when witnesses are moderately stressed.Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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