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Using the Serial Reaction Time Task (SRTT), which measures implicit learning, the present experiment investigated the consequences of sub-concussive impacts in soccer from trained and untrained heading techniques. Fifty-one participants were (n?=?25) or were not (n?=?26) given training in proper heading after which they were tested on a head-ball task. The SRTT was administered before (pre-test) and after (post-test) the training and testing. There was some evidence of implicit learning on the pre-test, and clear evidence of continued implicit learning on the post-test. Most importantly, improper heading did not disrupt test performance. Strengths and weaknesses of the present experiment are presented and suggestions are made for future research.  相似文献   

杨家忠  张侃 《心理科学》2005,28(2):264-268
以24名参加飞行员心理选拔的大学生为被试,采用模拟过程监控任务,以反应时、心理负荷与情境意识为指标,考察了数据-笔墨比率在动态图形显示设计中的应用。研究结果表明,低数据-笔墨比率显示条件下的反应时较短、情境意识较高,即适当增加表达数据点之间关系的笔墨虽然会降低数据一笔墨比率,但有助于监控绩效。实验结果说明,在将静态图形显示的设计原则运用于动态显示设计时,应对其适用性进行检测。  相似文献   

为探讨通勤时间对民众心理健康的影响,以及美好生活体验的中介作用与美好生活需要的调节作用,对4199名居民进行问卷调查,结果显示:(1)通勤时间、心理健康、美好生活体验、美好生活需要等两两显著相关;(2)美好生活体验在通勤时间与心理健康间起中介作用;(3)美好生活需要对通勤时间与美好生活体验的关系以及美好生活体验与心理健康的关系均起调节作用,具体来说,高美好生活需要不仅可以降低通勤时间对美好生活体验的负向影响,还可以增强美好生活体验对心理健康的正向影响。  相似文献   

儿童心理时间之旅的发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人类在心理上把自我投射到过去以重新经历过去事件以及把自我投射到未来以预先经历未来事件的能力被称为心理时间之旅。心理时间之旅是认知心理学、认知神经科学、进化心理学、比较心理学、发展心理学等多个学科共同关注的研究领域。目前有关个体心理时间之旅的发展研究表明,心理时间之旅大约出现在儿童3~5岁时。未来有关个体心理时间之旅的发展性研究应从研究范式、研究技术、认知机制、文化差异等方面加以改进。  相似文献   

The authors investigated the influence of task difficulty on warm-up decrement and learning across practice sessions. Three groups of participants practiced a star-tracing task over 3 consecutive days with different levels (e.g., easy, medium, hard) of task difficulty. The performance data were modeled with a 2 time scale function that represented the transient, fast time scale process of warm-up decrement superimposed with the persistent, slow time scale process of learning. Movement time decreased as a function of practice with the most difficult condition exhibiting the greatest reduction though still the longest movement time. The 2 time scale model provided a better fit to the data than an exponential or power law function and showed that the 3 difficulty conditions exhibited similar rates of change for the respective slow (i.e., learning) and fast (i.e., warm-up decrement) time scale processes that varied by an order of magnitude. Task difficulty was inversely related to the initial level of warm-up decrement but not the rate of performance recovery early in a practice session. The findings support the postulation that there is a persistent learned component to the initial conditions in subsequent practice sessions but that there is a common time scale of accommodating the transient process of warm-up decrement.  相似文献   

采用词汇联想实验,通过两项实验探讨了翻译训练对大学生心理词汇概念联结的影响。结果表明:①翻译专业大学生的母语心理词汇与二语心理词汇概念联系特性存在显著差异,相对于母语,二语的概念联系较多受语音和字形等非语义联系的影响;②翻译训练和实践可促进大学生英语心理词汇的语义联结,减弱英语词汇语音和字形等语言形式的影响;③翻译训练和实践对大学生心理词汇的主题关联联系意识的促进效应高于对其分类学意识的促进效应。  相似文献   

This pilot study sought to gather information related to the experience of occupational therapists, using the Kawa Model of practice in a mental health setting. Two therapists utilized the model with one client, each over a six-week period. Through qualitative inquiry, the participants (therapists) revealed that, although initially apprehensive about using a new model, they found that the Kawa Model increased client/therapist interaction and energy levels and challenged them to push the boundaries of therapeutic practice. This research suggests that exploration of new models of practice may be beneficial in terms of facilitating successful partnerships and outcomes with clients in mental health settings.  相似文献   

40 college males were sequentially assigned to 1 of 2 groups to examine the effects of induced physical fatigue upon the performance and learning of a gross motor task, the stabilometer. All Ss were given 32 practice trials over 3 practice sessions, with 48 hr. rest interpolated between sessions. Trials 1 and 2 were performed under control conditions (no fatigue) for both groups. The Experimental Group was then required to perform under conditions of physical fatigue during Trials 3-26. Trials 27-32 (Session 3) were performed under control conditions. The condition of fatigue was achieved on Trials 3-26 by having Ss pedal a bicycle ergometer until a heart rate of 180 beats/min was attained prior to each trial. The Control Group cancelled vowels. The results indicated that physical fatigue was detrimental to the performance and learning of the Experimental Group.  相似文献   

使用单任务研究程序,采用引入提示线索的方法,以产生时距作为反应指标对存在间断的时距估计任务中的间断期望效应和提示线索效应(注意效应)进行系统考察,并对间断时距的效应、产生时距与等待时距的关系问题作出进一步探讨。结果表明,间断位置(等待时距)因素是被试时间判断的主要线索,被试的产生时距随着等待时距的增加而延长。间断实验中表现出极其显著的提示线索效应,此效应既增加了时距估计的变异,又延长了被试的时距估计。无间断实验条件下,被试表现出显著的间断期望效应,被试对间断的期望有损于时间估计。  相似文献   

The two experiments reported examined the temporal organization of force and direction motor-programming processes in a step-input tracking type task. Both experiments observed a reduction in reaction time in the direction-uncertain conditions compared to the direction-certain ones. Thus it seems as though the direction decision does not have to precede the selection of the proper amount of force. Experiment 2 observed an underadditive interaction between levels of direction uncertainty (certain or uncertain) and levels of force uncertainty (certain or uncertain). This interaction was interpreted as support for a parallel organization of the processes responsible for the programming of force and direction and thus, strongly supports the parallel model of programming recently proposed by Klapp (1977a, b).  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of short-term practice on the parameters of a linear model involving mean arm movement time as a function of Fitts’s index of difficulty (ID) variable and a preview-constraint ID variable. Significant (at the 2% level) interactions were found to exist between practice and the two ID variables indicating that the model parameters associated with these variables are both linear functions of practice time.  相似文献   

Although the Serial Reaction-Time Task has been an effective tool in studying procedural learning, there is still a debate as to whether learning in the task is effector-based, stimulus-based, or response-based. In this article, the authors contribute to this debate by contrasting response- and stimulus-based learning by manipulating them selectively and simultaneously. Results show that (a) participants learned response sequences in the absence of stimulus-specific perceptual sequence information but (b) not stimulus sequences without corresponding response information. In a third condition, response sequence and stimulus frequency information were in conflict, and each effect decreased learning in the other domain. Overall, our findings show that learning in these tasks is primarily motor-based, but it is also constrained by relatively salient perceptual information. Together with earlier findings in the literature, the findings also suggest a task and stimulus-arrangement-specific interaction between motor and perceptual learning, where relevance and salience of the specific information plays a crucial role.  相似文献   

选取北京和四川两地53名小学六年级学生分别完成同分子、同分母与异分子异分母三类分数比较任务,收集被试口语报告的策略作为直接证据,并以分数大小和分数距离对反应时的回归分析结果作为间接证据,共同探究被试在分数比较任务中的加工模式,结果发现,(1)在三类分数比较中,被试均采用成分加工模式而非整体加工模式;(2)口语报告的策略与反应时回归分析的结果并不完全吻合,从侧面证明了原有研究方法的不稳定性。  相似文献   

董燕萍  袁媛 《心理科学》2008,31(1):192-194
启动实验的有效条件之一是,控制组和实验组的目标词在基线反应时上相同,但在实际操作中,不少研究没有收集基线反应时,只是确保了两组目标词在频率上相同.本研究实验结果显示:对于母语而言,如果词频很高,相同频率的词得到相同反应时的机率很大;相反,机率就比较低;对于外语而言,这种机率相对更低.实验说明,相同词频的词不一定能得到相同的反应时,因此收集基线反应时是启动实验不可或缺的步骤.  相似文献   

40 College Ss were placed in 4 groups and tested on a star-tracing task on 2 occasions under the following conditions: spectators-no-spectators; spectators-spectators; no-spectators-no-spectators; no-spectators—spectators. It was found that the presence or absence of spectators had no noticeable effect on the initial learning phase as contrasted to later stages of performance. When conditions remained the same on both testing occasions, less errors were made. Speed was generally quicker under altered task conditions.  相似文献   


Mental practice (MP) is a reliable alternative or complement to physical practice (PP) for the training of postural control. We address how MP should ideally be combined with PP. Participants were assigned to four experimental groups where MP/PP ratios during training varied from 0 to 100%. Performance improved only for demanding postural adjustments, regardless of MP/PP ratio, and learning was partially consolidated after a night of sleep. Findings reinforce the relevance of MP for the training of weight shifting and further suggest that MP alone can be as efficient as PP for the learning of certain complex postural adjustments.  相似文献   

Self-focused attention has been found to facilitate task performance in some instances and inhibit it in others. Among chronically anxious individuals it appears to consistently hinder performance. Less is known about the impact of self-focus on the performance of normal individuals. The present study examines the role of task difficulty, task self-relevance, and presence of evaluation anxiety in the performance effects of self-focus among normal individuals. Participants performed a simple reaction time (RT) and a lexical decision task, in Experiments 1 and 2, respectively, with or without self-focus. Self-focus and evaluation anxiety resulted in faster responding in simple RT, but there was no significant effect of self-focus on performance in the more difficult lexical decision task. Participants' heart rate (HR) was monitored and indicated that orienting was associated with slower RT in both experiments, and less orienting was found during self-focus and evaluation conditions. Results are interpreted in light of several self-focus theories.  相似文献   

The authors' primary purpose in the present experiment was to determine if practice changes the extent to which simple motor sequences are effector independent. Contralateral and ipsilateral effector transfers were assessed in 24 participants after 1 (200 trials) and 4 (800 trials) days of practice. The response sequence became increasingly effector dependent; the response structure and the scaling of force on the effector transfer tests were no better after 4 days of practice than after only 1 day, even though retention performance improved substantially. Those results are consistent with the notion that participants refine their movements over extended practice by exploiting the unique characteristics of the effectors. The additional practice results in a more effective movement when the same effectors are used but is of little value when different effectors are required.  相似文献   

抽象材料选择任务的表象表征视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探讨在选择任务中表象表征存在的可能性以及抽象材料选择任务困难的原因,该研究设定了材料的内容、规则以及证明规则的要求均完全相同,只是在呈现方式上形象性不同的两种抽象选择任务;然后把两种不同的选择任务分别对数量大致相当的大学生进行了测试。结果发现,不采用类似卡片这种形象性很强的材料呈现方式显著的提高了人们在抽象选择任务中的正确率。实验结果支持了选择任务中表象表征的存在及其为选择任务困难原因之一的观点。  相似文献   

The Serial Reaction Time Task (SRTT) is thought to assess implicit learning, which seems to be preserved with age. However, the reaction time (RT) measures employed on implicit-like tasks might be too unreliable to detect individual differences. We investigated whether RT-based measures mask age effects by comparing the performance of 43 younger and 35 older adults on SRTT and an explicit-like Predictive Sequence Learning Task (PSLT). RT-based measures (difference scores and a ratio) were collected for both tasks, and accuracy was additionally measured for PSLT. We also measured fluid abilities. The RT-difference scores indicated preserved SRTT and PSLT performance with age and did not correlate with fluid abilities, while ratio RT and the accuracy-based measures indicated age-related decline and correlated with fluid abilities. Therefore, RT-difference scores might mask individual differences, which compromises the interpretation of previous studies using SRTT.  相似文献   

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