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An experiment was performed to assess the effects of mental age (MA) and external cues on response inhibition in the mentally retarded. Twelve Ss were presented with an experimental task which required that they withhold responding for five or more seconds before pressing a key to obtain reinforcement. For half the Ss the key was lighted (cued) during the waiting interval, while it was unlighted (uncued) for the other half. The results indicate that (a) response inhibition increased with MA and (b) MA differences might have been due to an inability to mediate the delay interval. The results were interpreted in terms of possible mediating mechanisms and implications for training inhibitory performance in the mentally retarded.  相似文献   

数学日记对数学学习有效性的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究对高中数学学科进行实验研究,以探讨数学日记对主观数学学习效能感与客观数学成绩的影响.结果显示数学日记能显著提高学生的数学学习效能感,有助于数学学习成绩的提高,尤其对数学差生更具有显著作用;同时数学日记还能使学生对数学学习的信念与数学学习的实效协调起来,获得一致性效应.结论是数学日记能使学生形成一种有效性的学习.  相似文献   

初中学习困难学生阅读交互教学实验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
选取初一年级 2 8名阅读优生和 2 4名阅读困难学生 ,采用两因素完全随机实验设计 ,进行为期六周的教学实验。结果如下 :(1 )三策略组合的交互教学能显著提高优生和学习困难学生的提问策略水平 ,改善阅读态度 ;(2 )四、五策略组合的交互教学能显著促进优生和学习困难学生的阅读理解 ,提高提问和小结策略水平及理解监控水平 ,改善阅读态度  相似文献   

Recent studies have provided strong support for the convergent validity of the General Behavior Inventory (GBI), a case identification inventory for chronic subsyndromal affective disorders (cyclothymia and dysthymia). Fewer data are available, however, on the ability of the GBI to distinguish chronic subsyndromal affective disorders from other forms of psychopathology. In order to address this issue, outpatients with cyclothymia (n = 9), dysthymia (n = 26), nonchronic major depression (n = 16), and nonaffective psychiatric disorders (n = 30) were compared on the GBI. Diagnoses were derived blind to GBI scores using structured diagnostic interviews and DSM-III criteria. The inventory significantly discriminated cyclothymes and dysthymes from patients with nonchronic major depressions and nonaffective disorders. Using the cutoff score that maximized GBI-diagnosis concordance, the inventory correctly classified 88% of the sample. All of the cyclothymes, 92% of the dysthymes, 87% of the patients with nonaffective psychiatric disorders, and 75% of the nonchronic major depressives were correctly classified by the inventory. These data provide strong support for the discriminant validity of the GBI.  相似文献   

This study examined (a) hypothesized relationships between Rorschach variables and self-report test measures relating to nominally similar aspects of personality functioning and (b) interrelationships among Rorschach variables. Sixty-two undergraduates were administered the Rorschach, Barron Ego Strength Scale, Kaplan Self-Derogation Scale, Eagly Self-Esteem Scale, Multiple Affective Adjective Checklist (MAACL), Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability Scale, and the Rotter Locus of Control Scale. Only a few of the predictions received confirmation: inanimate movement (m) correlated, as expected, with MAACL anxiety and hostility, the egocentricity index (3r + 2)/R (R = total responses) correlated significantly with self-esteem, and human movement with minus form level (M -) correlated (inversely) with ego strength. Among the unpredicted findings were some that appear inconsistent with standard Rorschach interpretation. Rorschach variables human movement (M), and experience actual (EA), generally interpreted as reflecting coping resources, related significantly with self-report measures of poor coping and of dysphoric affect. In general, the Rorschach appears better at identifying weaknesses in the ego rather than strengths.  相似文献   

Rapoport, A. Science and the Goals of Man. New York: Harper, 1950. Pp. 262. Reviewed by Gwynne Nettler  相似文献   

采用实验组、控制组前后测实验设计,选取42名小学四年级学生,以语文学科教学为依托,运用教学实验方法探索语文教学中改善学生情绪调节困难状况之渗透方式的有效性。结果表明:学科渗透可以在一定程度上改善学生情绪调节困难状况、促进心理素质发展,特别是对中、高程度情绪调节困难学生的改善更为显著;实验组语文学业成绩比控制组有所提高,但并未达到显著性水平。说明学科渗透可以作为学生心理素质教育实施的有效途径之一。  相似文献   

Examined the ability of the Mini-Mult validity scales to detect invalid MMPI profiles. When 34 invalid MMPI profiles were rescored with the Mini-Muir only 17 of the 34 profiles invalidated by the full MMPI were detected with the Mini-Mult. This included 14 of 27 profiles invalidated by an elevated F scale; 2 of 4 profiles invalidated by an elevated L scale and 1 of 3 profiles invalidated by an elevated K scale. Only 14 of 27 profiles invalidated by an F-K ratio of K11 were detected. When new conversion values for the Mini-Mult were utilized, the detection rate improved considerably for the F scale and the F-K ratio.  相似文献   

1 问题的提出  得克萨斯大学的阿诺德·巴斯通过研究提出羞怯有先天和后天之分。先天羞怯在很大程度上受遗传因素的影响 ;后天羞怯则主要是在青少年时期形成的。先天羞怯的人容易产生神经兴奋 ,心跳过速和脸红 ;后天羞怯的人往往具有严重的自我注意感和自卑感。羞怯心理主要表现为 :①自卑性羞怯。这种人对自己的现状悲观 ,觉得自己不得志 ,不如某某人 ,因而害怕与人交往 ,尤其害怕与有所成就的人进行交往 ,怕他人瞧不起自己。②敏感性羞怯。有的同学一到人群中就觉得不自在 ,紧张不安 ,总感到别人在注意自己 ,挑剔自己 ,轻视或敌视自己 …  相似文献   

何更生 《心理科学》2003,26(5):912-913
1 问题提出  现代学习心理学主张 ,学生写作能力是一种学习结果 ,这种学习结果是由写作内容知识、写作技能和写作策略性知识构成的1。写作内容知识即陈述性知识 ,或者说是关于文章“道”的知识。它在写作过程中发挥着十分重要的作用 ,通常直接决定作者“写什么” ,对作品的质量特别是对文章的材料是否切题、是否充实具体等有重要影响2 。中小学生在写作文时常常感到无话可写或“无米下锅” ;写出来的文章也往往存在言之无物、内容空洞等现象。用现代教学心理学来看 ,出现这些现象的根本原因在于学生长时记忆中缺乏与作文要求相关的写作内…  相似文献   

基于人工神经网络的一种效度凭证求取方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
余嘉元 《心理学报》2005,37(4):555-560
针对基于统计学的效度凭证求取方法所存在的问题,提出了基于人工神经网络的效度凭证求取方法。蒙特卡罗模拟实验和对实际数据的分析表明,当测验分数和效标分数为单变量且非线性关系时,或者测验分数和效标分数为多变量时,运用神经网络方法可以比统计学方法更好地求取心理测验效度的基于和其他变量关系的凭证。  相似文献   

This study examined the effect on a group of college freshmen of releasing faculty members from part of their teaching assignment to devote more time to academic advising. 60 men and 60 women were randomly selected from the Macalester College freshman class and were randomly assigned to 6 faculty members, each of whom was released from 1 of the 3 courses he would ordinarily have taught. The remaining 400 freshmen, whose faculty advisers had a full teaching load, were the control group. Data indicated that the students in the experimental group were more likely to discuss course planning, career planning, and study problems with their advisers. There was a slightly higher retention rate among women in the experimental group, and there were significant differences on two scales of the College and University Environment Scales between experimental and control group women. No differences were found between the 2 groups in grade-point average.  相似文献   

燕国材 《心理科学》2001,24(4):475-476
李铮、姚本先主编的教育部规划的“面向21世纪课程教材”《心理学新论》已由高等教育出版社于2001年4月出版。它是教育部“高等教育面向21世纪教学内容和课程体系改革计划”立项项目“高等师范公共心理学课程整体改革的研究与实践”课题重要研究成果之一。该书作者总结了长期以来我国高师公共课心理学教学和教材建设的经验,适应面向21世纪培养高素质、创新型师范生的需要,从整体上构建了有中国特色的“高师公共心理学”自身独立的体系和内容。  相似文献   

The ability of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI; Myers & McCaulley, 1985) to predict performance on social cognitive tasks tapping information processing effort was assessed. Judgment and intuition interacted to predict amount of attributional adjustment on a dispositional attribution task. The MBTI scales predicted processing above and beyond measures of the five factors, rational-experiential preferences, and causal uncertainty. The relevance of these results for interpretation of the MBTI indexes is discussed.  相似文献   

采用加工分离程序和多重分离程序,以瑞文高级推理测验为实验材料,对内隐推理进行了实验研究。实验1对包含测验与排除测验中正确猜测的期望概率进行了估计;实验2采用公式P1=Pc∪PA∪R1和PE=PC^-∩(PA∪RE)对外显推理和内隐推理的贡献进行了计算。结果发现存在显著的外显推理和内隐推理效应。  相似文献   

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