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Choice reaction time prior to a motor response has been shown to depend on the nature of the response to be made. This effect is assumed to represent variations in programming time. However, as the length of a response sequence increases this effect becomes smaller, suggesting that some response programming is postponed until after the response sequence is initiated. The present experiment studied this assumed programming within a sequence of responses. For sequences comprised of two Morse Code responses (e.g. dit-dah) the initial reaction time was independent of the terminal response. However, programming of this terminal response was apparent as a lengthening of the duration of intervals within the response when the terminal response was dah rather than dit. When programming of parts of the sequence is postponed beyond the reaction time interval, the programming occurs later and influences the timing of the sequence of responses.  相似文献   

This experiment examined the effect of an interpolated motor response on short-term retention of a blind positioning movement. The interpolated response was varied in degree of similarity to the response length (± 25, ± 50, and ± 100 mm.), in number of repetitions (0, 1, or 5), and in temporal position (immediate or delayed), with a retention interval of 25 sec. Absolute error was not affected but a systematic change in response bias due to interpolated motor activity was found. When an interpolated response was longer than the response length, the tendency to undershoot decreased. The defay of the interpolated response was relatively more important than the number of repetitions in producing a positive shift in response bias. These results are interpreted as evidence for a form of interference in short-term motor memory.  相似文献   

陈玲丽  刘文  吴家舵  任杰 《心理科学》2007,30(1):192-195
考察不同运动经历人群的内隐序列学习能力。被试为上海体育学院小球运动员和非运动员;实验结合PDP,采用序列学习任务,并测试操作智商与记忆广度。结果发现,运动员在15个组段上的平均反应时、内隐学习量、自动提取贡献率上显著大于非运动员;不同水平运动员在内隐学习量上差异显著。研究结论:运动员的内隐序列学习能力显著好于非运动员,与运动水平有关,与智商无显著相关;这种内隐序列学习能力可能是某种运动能力的表现形式。  相似文献   

The goal of the present study was to determine the combined effects of movement velocity and duration on motor programming. Subjects were submitted to a two-choice reaction time task that could be completed by aiming movements differing in the mean velocity at which they were to be produced as well as by their movement time. The results of the present study indicate that, in each pair of responses used, the responses having the higher mean velocity were initiated faster than those having the lower mean velocity. Contrary to Spijkers' (1989) study, the different movement time pairings did not modify the effect of movement velocity on response programming time. Moreover, the same pattern of results was observed whether or not the subjects were permitted to visually guide their ongoing movement. Thus, Spijkers' proposition, that the type of control one may use to guide an aiming movement needs to be determined before movement initiation can take place, was not confirmed.  相似文献   

Three experiments are reported that test the hypothesis that under certain conditions programming time is a function of the directional accuracy demand of a response, directional accuracy being quantified by the minimal angle subtended at the point of movement initiation by the circular targets within the response. Subjects in three simple reaction time experiments were required to tap a single target or a series of circular targets as rapidly as possible with a hand-held stylus. Experiments 1 and 3 showed that the subtended angle (SA) of a response can have a more powerful effect on programming time, as indexed by reaction time and premotor time, than the number of movement parts in the response. The results of Experiment 2 revealed that the locus of the directional accuracy effect was SA and not target size or movement distance. In all three experiments, response SA was a better predictor of programming time than was number of movement parts, target size, movement distance, movement time, and average movement velocity. The findings support the notion that constraints placed upon movement initiation by the directional accuracy demand of the task can play an important role in determining the length of the programming process.  相似文献   

The effect of mental practice on performance in a dot-location RT task was investigated. Participants (N = 40) were required either to mentally practice, physically practice, or do no practice on an RT task in which the signals appeared in a repeating sequence. Correct mental practice, as opposed to incorrect mental practice and no practice, was predicted to have a positive (enhancing) effect on performance of the RT task. Despite previous evidence that mental rehearsal does enhance performance in many perceptual-motor tasks, neither correct nor incorrect mental rehearsal affected subsequent sequence learning; that is, no mental practice effect was observed. That surprising result is discussed in terms of motivational, psychoneuromuscular, separate memory systems, and transfer-appropriate processing explanations of mental practice.  相似文献   

The concept of a motor program has been used to interpret a diverse range of empirical findings related to preparation and initiation of voluntary movement. In the absence of an underlying mechanism, its explanatory power has been limited to that of an analogy with running a stored computer program. We argue that the theory of cortical cell assemblies suggests a possible neural mechanism for motor programming. According to this view, a motor program may be conceptualized as a cell assembly, which is stored in the form of strengthened synaptic connections between cortical pyramidal neurons. These connections determine which combinations of corticospinal neurons are activated when the cell assembly is ignited. The dynamics of cell assembly ignition are considered in relation to the problem of serial order. These considerations lead to a plausible neural mechanism for the programming of movements and movement sequences that is compatible with the effects of precue information and sequence length on reaction times. Anatomical and physiological guidelines for future quantitative models of cortical cell assemblies are suggested. By taking into account the parallel, re-entrant loops between the cerebral cortex and basal ganglia, the theory of cortical cell assemblies suggests a mechanism for motor plans that involve longer sequences. The suggested model is compared with other existing neural network models for motor programming.  相似文献   

That part of the input hypothesis of motor timing behavior which postulates that movement-produced feedback can serve as a mechanism for the temporal anticipation of motor responses was tested. 32 male college Ss temporally anticipated (no preview) the coincidence of a moving pointer with a stationary one and executed the timing response with his right hand while either a high (HFB) or low (LFB) level of movement-produced feedback was indirectly manipulated in the left arm. The HFB group temporally anticipated with greater accuracy than the LFB group which supported that part of the input hypothesis being tested. Apparently, Ss were relying on proprioceptive feedback about the position of their left arm movement to cue the timing response of their right hand.  相似文献   

In a choice between responding with the left or right hand, some kinds of differences between the movements increase RT (Reaction Time) while others do not. Of the first kind are differences in form, while differences in the finger used are of the latter kind. In previous experiments differences in form were confounded with differences in duration. Since there is some indication that a difference in duration is sufficient to lengthen RT, both characteristics were varied separately. It turned out that a difference in form (duration being constant) has essentially the same effects as a difference in duration (form being constant): Mean RT is longer, variability of RT and MT (movement time) is larger, and frequency of choice errors is smaller than in choice between identical movements. These effects, which seem to be associated with choice between movements of different temporal patterns, are interpreted in terms of advance specification of movement parameters. Additional results on the relationship between response duration and RT suggest that RT does not depend on duration (or velocity) per se, but on how much the duration deviates from quickest performance.  相似文献   

选取北京和四川两地53名小学六年级学生分别完成同分子、同分母与异分子异分母三类分数比较任务,收集被试口语报告的策略作为直接证据,并以分数大小和分数距离对反应时的回归分析结果作为间接证据,共同探究被试在分数比较任务中的加工模式,结果发现,(1)在三类分数比较中,被试均采用成分加工模式而非整体加工模式;(2)口语报告的策略与反应时回归分析的结果并不完全吻合,从侧面证明了原有研究方法的不稳定性。  相似文献   

This article reports the construction of a new survey—specifically, the Brunel Ethnic Behavior Inventory (BEBI)—designed to measure ethnic speech and ethnic action as separate, yet related, aspects of individuals’ ethnic behavior. Using Tajfel’s social identity theory as a conceptual frame of reference, this study sought an answer to the research question of how many factors actually are measured by the BEBI, and tested the hypothesis that a two-factor model (i.e., Ethnic Speech and Ethnic Action as two correlated factors) would provide significantly better goodness of fit to the correlational data than would a one-factor model (i.e., Ethnic Behavior as one undifferentiated factor). Across one pilot sample (n = 101) and two main samples (n = 120 for Sample 1, n = 148 for Sample 2), the study found that not only did the BEBI measure two factors at most (i.e., Ethnic Speech and Ethnic Action) but, consistent with the hypothesis, the two-factor model yielded better goodness of fit than did the one-factor model. Implications for the conceptualization and measurement of Verkuyten’s “ways of ethnicity” are discussed.  相似文献   

The medial temporal lobe and striatum have both been implicated as brain substrates of memory and learning. Here, we show dissociation between these two memory systems using a same/different matching task, in which subjects judged whether four-letter strings were the same or different. Different RT was determined by the left-to-right location of the first letter different between the study and test string, consistent with a left-to-right comparison of the study and test strings, terminating when a difference was found. This comparison process results in same responses being slower than different responses. Nevertheless, same responses were faster than different responses. Same responses were associated with hippocampus activation. Different responses were associated with both caudate and hippocampus activation. These findings are consistent with the dual-system hypothesis of mammalian memory and extend the model to human visual recognition.  相似文献   

Studies of time estimation have provided evidence that human time perception is determined by an internal clock containing a temporal oscillator and have also provided estimates of the frequency of this oscillator (Treisman, Faulkner, Naish, & Brogan, 1992; Treisman & Brogan, 1992). These estimates were based on the observation that when the intervals to be estimated are accompanied by auditory clicks that recur at certain critical rates, perturbations in time estimation occur. To test the hypothesis that the mechanisms that underlie the perception of time and those that control the timing of motor performance are similar, analogous experiments were performed on motor timing, with the object of seeing whether evidence for a clock would be obtained and if so whether its properties resemble those of the time perception clock. The prediction was made that perturbations in motor timing would be seen at the same or similar critical auditory click rates. The experiments examined choice reaction time and typing. The results support the hypothesis that a temporal oscillator paces motor performance and that this oscillator is similar to the oscillator underlying time perception. They also provide an estimate of the characteristic frequency of the oscillator.  相似文献   

A widespread belief in happiness research is that measures of life satisfaction capture the variety of an individual’s experiences along a single favorable—unfavorable dimension. The current article points to a possible violation of this assumption. With a combination of data and theory it argues that life satisfaction is not a balanced reflection of subjective experiences because the evaluation that drives judgments of life satisfaction is tilted towards pleasure and away from engagement. We postulate that feelings of pleasure are overrated in statements of life satisfaction, whereas feelings of engagement are underrepresented. Feelings of engagement and interest are further supposed to be indicators of personal growth. Measures of personal growth and life satisfaction should thus be unrelated. Empirical evidence for our model is provided by self-report and reaction time data from a Norwegian convenience sample (N = 30). Detection latencies for pleasant stimuli correlated significantly with life satisfaction but not with measures of personal growth. Life satisfaction correlated significantly with pleasant experiences, but not with engagement. Personal growth correlated significantly with feelings of engagement. Life satisfaction and personal growth were uncorrelated.  相似文献   

The authors investigated the coordination of periodic right-hand tapping with single stimulus-evoked discrete lefthand taps to check for task interactions and a possible relationship between phase resetting (see tapping literature; e.g., J. Yamanishi, M. Kawato, & R. Suzuki, 1979) and phase entrainment (see tremor literature; e.g., R. J. Elble, C. Higgins, & L. Hughes, 1994). The experimental paradigm employs a dual-task condition as used by K. Yoshino, K. Takagi, T. Nomura, S. Sato, and M. Tonoike (2002), and it includes normal tapping and isometric tapping with the authors recording finger positions and ground contact forces. Four different types of coordination schemes were observed in tapping behavior: marginal tapping interaction (MTI), periodic tap retardation (PTR), periodic tap hastening (PTH), and discrete tap entrainment (DTE); MTI and PTR correspond to the phase-resetting effect for the coordination of periodic tapping with single discrete taps. The novel aspect of the study described in this article includes the impact of the periodic tapping on the discrete tap timing and the hastening of the periodic tapping due to the discrete tap behaviors resulting in a synchronized execution of the two concurrent tapping tasks. All participants showed a dominant tapping behavior, but they all used the other nondominant forms of the four reported coordination schemes in some trials too, which reflects possible constraints of the sensorimotor system in handling two competing tasks.  相似文献   

Research suggests that the temporal distance from decision outcomes leads to divergent decisions for the near and the distal future. As such, high‐level idealistic concerns and values dominate decisions for the distant future, whereas low‐level pragmatic concerns play a greater role in decisions for the near future. We examined how individual differences in future time orientation are related to decisions vis‐à‐vis the near versus the distal future. The results of three studies, with participants with varying levels of expertise—students (Studies 2 and 3), teachers (Study 1), and school principals (Study 2)—show that principals tend to be overall more idealistic in their choices. Yet discrepancies between decisions for the near versus the distal future exist among all three levels of expertise. However, this dominance of idealistic over pragmatic concerns for more distant future decisions effect was smaller the higher the future time orientation was (whether measured or manipulated). Implications for educational and managerial decision making and training are discussed. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Neurobiological models of reading account for two ways in which orthography is converted to phonology: (1) familiar words, particularly those with exceptional spelling-sound mappings (e.g., shoe) access their whole-word lexical representations in the ventral visual stream, and (2) orthographically unfamiliar words, particularly those with regular spelling-sound mappings (i.e., pseudohomophones [PHs], which are orthographically novel but sound like real words; e.g., shue) are phonetically decoded via sublexical processing in the dorsal visual stream. The present study used a naming task in order to compare naming reaction time (RT) and response duration (RD) of exception and regular words to their PH counterparts. We replicated our earlier findings with words, and extended them to PH phonetic decoding by showing a similar effect on RT and RD of matched PHs. Given that the shorter RDs for exception words can be attributed to the benefit of whole-word processing in the orthographic word system, and the longer RTs for exception words to the conflict with phonetic decoding, our PH results demonstrate that phonetic decoding also involves top-down feedback from phonological lexical representations (e.g., activated by shue) to the orthographic representations of the corresponding correct word (e.g., shoe). Two computational models were tested for their ability to account for these effects: the DRC and the CDP+. The CDP+ fared best as it was capable of simulating both the regularity and stimulus type effect on RT for both word and PH identification, although not their over-additive interaction. Our results demonstrate that both lexical reading and phonetic decoding elicit a regularity dissociation between RT and RD that provides important constraints to all models of reading, and that phonetic decoding results in top-down feedback that bolsters the orthographic lexical reading process.  相似文献   


The 50-minute hour is a feature of psychoanalytic work that is most commonly discussed in the context of case reports. This paper examines it as a concept. The author starts by describing the origin of the 50-minute hour and its development as an element of the psychoanalytic setting or framework. Next, he considers the significance of the clock as a relational factor in the session and reflects on the alienness of the time of day to the unconscious, and the consequences of this alienness. He then uses a clinical example to illustrate the phenomenon of the stretching effect of time in analytic sessions. Finally, the author demonstrates how cleverly the 50-minute hour excises the time needed for unconscious processes from our accelerated present; he shows that it challenges the social convention of time, and has a structuring effect in that it “times” psychic processes.  相似文献   

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