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Self-concepts of adults were related to the age when they had their first pet. The Tennessee Self Concept Scale (TSCS) (Fitts, 1965) Total Positive self-concept scores were higher if subjects were under 6 years or over 10 years old than if they were between 6 and 10 years old when they had their first pet. Similar results were found for the TSCS Physical and Social subscales. Whereas gender effects were also found, no significant pet ownership or other childhood Companion Animal Bonding Scale (Poresky, Hendrix, Mosier, & Samuelson, 1987) effects were found.  相似文献   

腹膜透析相关性腹膜炎诊治的临床决策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
腹膜透析相关性腹膜炎的治疗以前主要着眼于抗生素的选择,但其防治应该是从腹透管置管开始的整体策略,包括预防性抗生素的使用、患者的强化培训、腹膜炎的早期快速诊断、给药途径与疗程,以及拔管指征等。肾科医师临床决策是需要根据最新的治疗指南及研究进展,结合患者的个体特点进行综合判断,以期达到最佳的治疗效果。  相似文献   

Examined the school social interactions of 33 child-teacher dyads who volunteered to participate in a 1-hr classroom observation. Observers coded child compliance, aggregate measures of the children's responsiveness and negativity, and the teachers' responsiveness to the children. In addition, observers coded the same three child behaviors in 1-hr observation sessions in the children's homes. Based on a state-trait model of social behavior, correlational analyses were used to predict the children's school behavior using measures of the children's home behavior and teacher responsiveness. Results showed that teachers' responsiveness covaried with children's responsiveness and negativity, and the children's home behavior also accounted for significant variance in their school behavior. When these home and school predictors were compared, teachers' responsiveness accounted for most of the variance in the children's classroom negativity, but children's home responsiveness was the better predictor of their responsiveness in the classroom. The findings were discussed within a state-trait model of children's social behavior.  相似文献   

A multiple baseline design across three third-grade boys was used to determine the effectiveness of self-monitoring as an intervention tool in the classroom setting. The differential effectiveness of self-monitoring the correctness of answers to arithmetic problems and of self-monitoring on-task behavior was determined by an alternating-treatments design for each boy. Self-monitoring academic accuracy or on-task behavior produced comparable effects. Self-monitoring increased on-task behavior for all three subjects. Self-monitoring increased the rate of completion of arithmetic problems for two of the three subjects. Self-monitoring did not affect academic accuracy in a consistent manner. These results are discussed in light of the instruction and motivational aspects of self-monitoring.  相似文献   

探讨抵制诱惑范式在儿童自我损耗研究中的应用,并研究自我损耗对儿童分享行为的影响。采用双任务范式,任务一为抵制诱惑,任务二为7个连续的分享任务,记录被试分享的数量以及分享的优先性。随机选取某师范大学附属幼儿园共182名儿童,其中有效被试144人。结果表明:与以往研究一致,儿童分享行为不存在性别差异,且所有被试均表现出较强的利己分享倾向;抵制诱惑范式能够有效启动儿童的自我损耗状态,自我损耗抑制儿童分享中的利他倾向,即损耗组被试在分享任务中表现出更强的利己;自我损耗对小班和中班儿童的利他分享影响较大,对大班儿童在分享行为中的利他倾向影响并不明显。  相似文献   

The Teacher versus Students Game is a variation of the Good Behavior Game (Barrish et al. in J Appl Behav Anal 2:119–124, 1969.  https://doi.org/10.1901/jaba.1969.2-119) in which students compete against the teacher to earn points and win the game. Students earn points when they follow rules, whereas the teacher earns points when they do not. The purpose of this study was to examine whether the game decreased students’ off-task behaviors while increasing teachers’ use of behavior-specific praise. Participants were five teachers and fifteen students (some with disabilities and some without) across five fourth and fifth grade elementary school general education classrooms, who were identified by their teachers as engaging in frequent off-task behavior. Results indicated that the game decreased off-task behavior for all students. The game also increased teachers’ use of behavior-specific praise statements, minimally increased general praise statements, and decreased corrective statements for all but one of the teachers.  相似文献   

A social-interaction training procedure employing picture cues (photographs of play materials in their settings), prompts, and reinforcement was investigated to determine its effcct on subject-peer and subject-teacher interaction. The picture cues were designed to facilitate social interaction between three socially deficient language-delayed 4- to 6-year-old children and their respective classroom peers. One target child was deaf, one was unusually aggressive, and one was an elective mute. The picture-cue technique was designed to minimize reacher involvement: it allowed onc child to invite another to interact by displaying a picture of the interaction desired. Despite the children's differences, appropriate social interaction increased dramatically over each child's bascline rate during the Picture-Cue Conditions, required less tcacher time than traditionaI prompting procedures, and increased the functional aspect of naturally maintaining contingencies. This result may have been influenced by prompting procedures used in earlier conditions. The results indicate that picture cues facilitate communication and allow independent social interaction, and thus are functional and efficient mediating devices.  相似文献   

Thirty-two teachers rated Type A behavior, using the Matthews Youth Test for Health, (MYTH) and negative characteristics of hyperactivity, negative relations, social withdrawal, and depression in 105 children, between the ages of 6 and 11, from lower to middle class Black and White families. Children's age, gender, race, and socioeconomic status (SES) and teachers' gender, grade taught, and vein of teaching experience were not related to teachers' MYTH ratings. However, White teachers rated children higher on Type A behavior than Black teachers. Controlling for teacher race effects, MYTH total scores, rather than reflecting a global negative view of the child, showed a strong overlap with hyperactivity and were differentiated from social withdrawal and depression. The MYTH Impatience/Aggression factor was highly related to hyperactivity and negative peer interactions; the Competitiveness factor was associated with a lack of social withdrawal. The conclusions verify the multidimensional nature of children's Type A behavior pattern and the importance of rates demographic characteristics in the assessment of children's behavior.  相似文献   

The author describes a multidisciplinary vocational evaluation program for handicapped students that integrates the vocational evaluation and special education triennial reevaluation processes.  相似文献   

This pilot study aimed to test the well-being effects of a locally developed mindfulness-based program tailored for New Zealand elementary school children in comparison with an active control condition. It was hypothesized that significantly greater well-being change scores would be observed for the mindfulness group. Students (n = 106) between 9 and 11 years old were allocated by their classroom to either the 8-week mindfulness-based program or an 8-week emotional literacy program. Self-reported well-being and mindfulness measures were collected at baseline and upon program completion. Measures were administered at 12 weeks postprogram to the mindfulness group only. One-way analyses of covariance were used for the main analyses, with corresponding baseline scores entered as covariates. Both programs led to significant increases in well-being outcomes, but significantly greater changes were observed for the mindfulness group (general well-being covariate-adjusted change scores were 4.49 [SE = 0.64] for the mindfulness-based program vs. 2.63 [SE = 0.63] for the emotional literacy program). Mindfulness scores significantly increased for the mindfulness group only. There was evidence of student acceptability of the mindfulness-based program and some indication of sustainability of effects at 12 weeks. The study adds to previous research that highlights beneficial well-being effects of mindfulness-based interventions in the classroom. Further research should evaluate potential long-term effects and delivery training.  相似文献   

Triple P Online (i.e., TPOL; www2.tripleponline.net) is an online self-help parent training program aimed at reducing child behavior problems through “positive parenting practices”—available at time of review for $79.95. TPOL is comprised of 8 video-based modules that also incorporate in-session activities and homework. Randomized control trials have shown that TPOL effectively reduces child behavior problems. The program’s main strengths include very high-quality content with an abundance of relevant and easily locatable resources, an easy-to-use interface, and a professional look and feel. The program’s main weakness lies in its lack of monitoring and adaptation to the user’s state (e.g., child’s and parent’s behaviors), and real-time reminders for desired actions. Altogether, TPOL is an extremely valuable and important resource for families seeking evidence-based treatment for child behavior problems.  相似文献   

不同移情训练法对儿童分享行为影响的实验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
魏玉桂  李幼穗 《心理科学》2001,24(5):557-562
本研究采用自行设计的实验情境,比较了两种不同移情训练方法:情境讨论法和角色扮演法对儿童分享行为产生的影响。本实验选取了幼儿园中班、小学一年级和小学三年级三个年龄段的162名被试,将他们按实验要求随机分成情境讨论组、角色扮演组和控制组,然后进行为期~个月的情境讨论移情训练和角色扮演移情训练,通过即时后测和延缓后测让放试去分享奖品和玩具来检测两种不同的移情训练方法的效果。实验结果表明:1.无论哪种移情训练方法均可有效促进儿童分享行为的发展。2.情境讨论法的训练效果随儿童年龄增长而提高;角色扮演法在幼儿园中班ijJl练效果最好、小学一年级次之、小学三年级最差。3.对于小学一年级和小学三年级儿童来讲,角色扮演法比情境讨论法对分享行为更具有延缓作用;对于幼儿园中班则没有明显体现。  相似文献   

竞争是人类社会活动的最重要表现形式之一,对个体或者群体的行为产生重要影响。有关竞争对个体行为的影响越来越受到来自各个学科领域研究者的关注。本文系统论述了团体间竞争情境对儿童社会行为(平等行为、利他/利己行为和风险偏好)的影响。文章首先介绍儿童的团体间竞争情境的操纵方法、国际广泛使用的内团体偏好(ingroup bias)的测量方法以及团体间竞争影响儿童的社会行为的相关研究,最后在已有文献的基础上提出未来研究的方向。  相似文献   

The Hand Test was administered to 98 severely behavior handicapped (SBH) children and a matched control group of public school children. The withdrawal score and associated variables, indicative of severe psychopathology, differentiated the two groups. In addition, a qualitative analysis of the SBH protocols tentatively suggested a preponderance of four behavioral types that could be described as the underproductive, perseverative, psychotic and impulsive child. Implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   


Previous research attests to the marked impairments in social functioning exhibited by children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD), suggesting that such children are in need of social skills intervention. Recently, an existing evidence-based manualized behavioral treatment for improving children's friendships was implemented and demonstrated to be effective with children aged 6–12, diagnosed with FASD. In the present report, we describe methods for adapting this behavioral intervention in line with the specific cognitive and behavioral deficits seen in children with FASD and other developmental disabilities to enhance treatment efficacy.  相似文献   

张丽锦  吴南  郑砚 《心理学报》2008,40(7):819-827
为比较语言本身和语言交流的情境过程对儿童心理理论的贡献以及欺骗在此过程中的作用,本研究采用前后测对照实验设计探查了不同形式的语言介入和相关欺骗训练对儿童心理理论发展的影响。选取语言能力达到常模水平但未通过外表-事实区分任务的4岁组儿童77名,随机分为3个训练组和1个对照组,对其进行心理理论和语言能力前测,在各组的两种能力发展水平相当的前提下,对3个训练组分别作如下处理:完全训练组:带有心理状态动词的补语句法及欺骗训练;情境交际组:伴随语言情境交际训练和欺骗训练;补语句法组:心理状态动词和补语句法训练。一周后进行心理理论后测。结果表明,3个训练组与对照组之间在心理理论表现上均有显著差异。相对于一般语言交流的情境过程,补语句法和心理状态动词更能显著提高儿童的心理理论;早期欺骗经历也能促进儿童心理理论的发展,若二者结合使用则更利于儿童心理理论的改进  相似文献   

This article alerts professionals to sibling death as a possible reason for behaviors exhibited by young clients. Aside from their own grief, children are affected by parental mourning over a child's death and accompanying changes in the family environment. Children show their distress in a variety of behaviors, some of which appear to be unrelated to the loss. Four areas of concern are presented with case illustrations: cognitive distortions, reactions to parents' distress and preoccupation with the loss, being a replacement child, and effects of parents' failure to work through their grief. Suggestions for helping children and parents include using a genogram for identifying loss, helping the family talk about the death, and providing a support group for children.  相似文献   

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