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浅谈情绪智力与人工智能中的感情计算   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
基于情绪智力是加工、处理情绪及情绪信息的能力,而人工智能中的感情计算是要赋予计算机与人互动过程中情感信息的加工能力,人脑处理情绪信息的能力与电脑处理情绪信息的能力可以进行类比。近几年来,人工智能专家已经认识到情绪智力在感情计算中的重要作用和意义,把人类识别和表达情感的能力赋予计算机,开发了具有部分感情能力的计算机。新一代感情计算机的研发和应用依赖于人工智能专家与心理学家之间的密切合作,两者的研究成果可以相互借鉴和互补  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine whether the valence and origin of emotional words can alter perception of ambiguous objects in terms of warmth versus competence, fundamental dimensions of social cognition. 60 individuals were invited into the study focusing on the limits of intuition. They were asked to try to guess the meaning of Japanese pictorial signs in terms of their warmth versus competence connotations. Before each trial a subsequent memory load task was applied. Participants were supposed to read and remember words creating a factorial manipulation of valence (three levels) and origins (three levels: automatic, neutral and reflective) of affective connotations presenting to them for 500 ms. For positively valenced words, automatic originated ones resulted in perception of ambiguous signs more in terms of warmth, while reflective originated words resulted in perception of signs more in terms of competence. This study shows that social perception of warmth versus competence is susceptible to emotional influence of unrelated stimulation, and thus can be primed by objects in the environment. Warmth may be treated as linked with automatic mind processes, while competence may be treated as associated with the controlled part of the mind. In a broader context, this experiment results support claim that distinct dualities identified in dual-processes theories of mind are related to one another, and in fact they may be emanations of two more general systems of mind.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined the susceptibility of excitation and inhibition to contextual change when the conditioned stimulus (CS) was ambiguous using an appetitive conditioning paradigm. In Experiment 1, excitation to a CS was lost with a context switch when inhibition had been learned to the CS in a prior feature-negative (FN) discrimination. Control groups that had received either more or less excitatory conditioning in the absence of inhibitory pretraining showed no loss. In Experiment 2 inhibition was lost with a context switch in a group that had received excitatory and then inhibitory conditioning with the CS. No loss was observed in a group that had not received excitatory pretraining. The results suggest that contexts are especially likely to control performance to ambiguous CSs when they can modulate the second of two learned associations. Results are discussed in terms of their implications for occasion setting and modern conditioning theory.  相似文献   

情绪记忆研究最近一致发现了情绪记忆权衡效应,即人们对情绪事件的中心或核心特征的记忆增强,而对情绪事件的周围或背景特征的记忆受损.该效应证明情绪记忆具有选择性,情绪唤醒可以诱发出多种记忆选择性效应,并具有相当强的普遍性和稳定性,同时受较多主、客观因素的影响.相关理论逐步深入地阐述了该效应发生的可能机制,该效应在注意分配、编码以及编码后加工上的行为证据不断积累,但相关神经机制研究十分缺乏.未来研究应重视该效应的神经与遗传机制以及探讨面孔情绪诱发的记忆权衡效应等.  相似文献   

Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace: A Critical Review   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Cet article est une revue critique des théories et résultats empiriques favorables à l'intelligence émotionelle (I.E.) et à son prétendu rôle dans l'environnement professionnel. On s'intéresse au statut supposé de l'I.E. dans la performance au travail, la satisfaction et l'évaluation de la carrière et des compétences (surtout dans la domaine de la sélection et de l'orientation). Globalement, cette revue de questions prouve que les recherches récentes ont fait de grands pas dans la comprehénsion de l'utilité de l'I.E. au travail. Les preuves strictement scientifiques sont cependant insuffisantes, la littérature accordant une confiance excessive aux avis d'experts, aux anecdotes, aux études de cas et aux enquêtes privées non publiées. On propose, à la fin de l'article, quelques directives pratiques pour favoriser le développement et l'utilisation de mesures de l'I.E. dans les situations professionnelles.
This paper critically reviews conceptualisations and empirical evidence in support of emotional intelligence (EI) and its claimed role in the occupational environment. Consideration is given to the purported status of EI in occupational and career assessment (with particular emphasis on personnel selection and placement), job performance, and satisfaction. Overall, this review demonstrates that recent research has made important strides towards understanding the usefulness of EI in the workplace. However, the ratio of hyperbole to hard evidence is high, with over-reliance in the literature on expert opinion, anecdote, case studies, and unpublished proprietary surveys. The review concludes by providing a number of practical guidelines for the development and implementation of EI measures within occupational settings.  相似文献   

The research reported in this article examines how multiple affective stimuli of differing valence (i.e., both positive and negative) are integrated into an overall affective response. Prior research on the integration of positive and negative information has not focused on affect, and previous affect integration research has not considered both positive and negative feelings. Two experiments investigate how positive and negative affective stimuli combine to influence overall affective responses to an advertisement, content‐specific beliefs, and overall ad evaluations. Both recency and contrast effects were observed on positive affective response and positive beliefs, but comparable effects on negative affective response and negative beliefs were not evident. The results support a motivational influence of affect on judgments.  相似文献   

This research tests a model of repression (Mendolia, Moore, & Tesser, 1996) which posits that repressors are hypersensitive to both negative and positive emotional events but distance themselves from these events only when the situation threatens their self-concept. The following three experiments demonstrate that repressors psychologically distance themselves from their responsiveness in threatening positive emotional contexts. Participants' emotional responsiveness was assessed using their appraisals of facial expressions of emotion (Experiments 1 and 2) and their self-reports of affect (Experiment 3). This model extends the current conceptualization of repression in that it identifies motivation (dispositional emotional sensitivity) and context (situational threats to self-concept) for repressors' distancing of themselves from negative and positive emotional events.  相似文献   

The perceptual identification paradigm was used to examine implicit memory performance in high- and low-trait anxious subjects. A series of threat-related and neutral words was presented in different colours during the encoding phase. Subjects were required to encode the stimuli by naming the colour while ignoring the semantic content of the words (Experiment 1), by simply reading the words (Experiment 2) or by naming the colour of the words and the words themselves (Experiment 3). Experiment 1 demonstrated the predicted emotional Stroop effect, with high-trait subjects taking relatively longer than low-trait subjects to name the colour of the threat-related as compared to the neutral stimuli. All three experiments revealed a significant implicit memory effect overall, with more primed than unprimed words being correctly identified during the perceptual identification task. Subjects in all experiments also identified more of the threat-related than neutral words. Although Experiment 2 found that, overall, the high-trait subjects identified relatively fewer threat-related words than neutral words in comparison to the low-trait subjects, none of the experiments offered any support for the prediction of a threat-related implicit memory bias in hightrait anxiety.  相似文献   

邓欣媚  王瑞安  桑标 《心理科学》2011,34(6):1345-1352
本研究使用追踪法考察情绪调节的发展及与其影响因素之间的关系,并对不同情绪调节策略在个体发展过程中的适应性进行探讨。对569位来自于上海地区的初中预备班和八年级学生进行测查,并于10个月之后进行第二次测查。 研究发现,随着个体的发展,其正性情绪体验逐渐减少,各种情绪调节态度的强烈程度均下降,情绪增强调节的使用呈递减趋势;情绪体验、情绪能力、情绪调节态度三者的变化在一定程度上能够预测情绪调节发展;在测试阶段一较多使用情绪减弱调节的青少年,在日后的发展过程中情绪能力提高的幅度较大且体验到更多正性情绪,说明了该策略在个体发展过程中具有更高的适应价值。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— The emotional significance of sensory events may influence attention in a reflexive manner, but these effects vary across paradigms and participants. Recent research indicates that specific circuits in the brain may serve to amplify neural responses to emotional stimuli, a modulation similar to attentional effects usually driven by endogenous goals. However, this modulation involves distinct sources in emotional systems such as the amygdala, and may thus operate partly independent of top-down control by attentional systems in frontoparietal cortices. It remains to be clarified to what degree these emotional effects are influenced by specific perceptual and emotional dimensions, automaticity and attentional resources, task goals or expectations, and individual personality traits.  相似文献   

The emotions play a crucial role in our apprehension of meaning, value, or significance — and their felt quality is intimately related to the sort of awareness they provide. This is exemplified most clearly by cases in which dispassionate cognition is cognitively insufficient, because we need to be emotionally agitated in order to grasp that something is true. In this type of affective experience, it is through a feeling of being moved that we recognize or apprehend that something is the case. And that is why our emotions are epistemically indispensable: namely, because they give us access to significant truths. In this essay, I explain how the phenomenally felt character of an emotion is intimately linked with its intentionality. Intellectual activity divorced from affective feeling is profoundly lacking — not only in its qualitative feel, but also in its epistemic import, or its ability to inform us about matters of significance. A better appreciation of how the living body is involved in affective experience should help us to understand the distinctive kind of embodied cognition that emotional responses involve. It also ought to resolve confusions about phobic responses and other “recalcitrant” emotions, which are not divorced from cognition as many have claimed.  相似文献   

刘帮成  杨文圣 《心理科学》2007,30(6):1422-1425,1404
情绪智力作为影响个人发展与领导能力的关键变量已经得到许多关注。虽然许多研究都认为情绪智力更适合从一个多维度变量角度来探讨,但更多研究主要关注情绪智力的整体效应和差异,比较少从情绪智力的单一维度方面来进行研究。本研究以公务员群体来进行分析,运用多元方差分析和结构方程技术来分析人口统计特征对情绪智力多维度构思的影响,并特别关注情绪智力及各维度对个体绩效的影响。最后根据研究结果对与情绪智力相关的理论研究和管理实践提供一些建议。  相似文献   

巴昂的情绪智力模型及情商量表简介   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:19  
徐小燕  张进辅 《心理科学》2002,25(3):332-335,374
巴昂(Reuven Bar-On)是以色列著名的心理学家,是设在丹麦的国际应用情绪智力研究所主席,也是美国伊利诺斯大学的促进社会与情绪学习协会和美国鲁特加斯大学情绪智力研究联合会的合作者。作为国际上较早研究情绪智力的专家,自1980年以来他一直致力于有关情绪智力的界定、测量和应用的研究,取得了丰硕的成果。1985年,他首创了情商(emotional quotient,简称EQ)这个术语。  相似文献   

张辉华 《心理学报》2014,46(11):1691-1703
基于社会网络视角, 分别以社会资本的关系性维度为中介变量, 以社会资本的结构性维度为跨层调节变量, 探讨了个体情绪智力对任务绩效的影响。通过收集模拟网络实验背景中46个项目团队210位个体的调查数据, 运用多元统计分析方法对提出的假设模型进行了实证检验。研究发现:在控制个性的前提下, 关系性社会资本在个体情绪智力影响任务绩效过程中起到中介作用, 结构性社会资本(咨询网络密度)跨层正向调节影响个体情绪智力与任务绩效的关系。结果表明, 不同层次的社会资本及其维度在情绪智力影响绩效过程中扮演着不同角色, 运用社会资本概念框架有助于解释情绪智力的作用机制。  相似文献   

The original Emotional Intelligence Scale of Fukunishi utilized 65 items measuring 3 basic dimensions: intrapersonal, interpersonal, and situational. 170 psychiatric outpatients (84 men and 86 women) completed the inventory. The mean age of the sample was 41.1 yr. (SD= 12.4). Compared with the 65-item scale, factor re-analysis yielded a new 34-item solution with significant correlations for the Intrapsychic (.97) and Interpersonal dimensions (.96) of the larger scale, but not with the Situational dimension (.43). The correlation between the total inventory scores was also significant (.94).  相似文献   

The Science of Emotional Intelligence   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
ABSTRACT— This article provides an overview of current research on emotional intelligence. Although it has been defined in many ways, we focus on the four-branch model by Mayer and Salovey (1997) , which characterizes emotional intelligence as a set of four related abilities: perceiving, using, understanding, and managing emotions. The theory provides a useful framework for studying individual differences in abilities related to processing emotional information. Despite measurement obstacles, the evidence in favor of emotional intelligence is accumulating. Emotional intelligence predicts success in important domains, among them personal and work relationships.  相似文献   

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