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Summary: Exposure duration has been found to have a strong impact on the affective value attributed to a variety of stimuli. The purpose of the study reported here was to examine the impact of this variable in projective testing, and im particular in the affective value subjects attribute to the TAT cards. Using 34 undergraduate students, a linear decrease in pleasantness was found as a function of exposure duration. Factors leading to variation in exposure dur'ation might therefore be confounded with the interpretations made of a subject's protocol. It was suggested that the time a subject views a projective test stinlulus should be controlled in the administration.  相似文献   

Examined attentional deployment of dysphoric, unstable, and stable nondysphoric individuals using the Deployment-of-Attention Task (DOAT) while randomly varying stimulus exposure durations. Previous research indicates a nondepressed “protective” bias in attention whereas depressed individuals evidence no bias. The current study examined the possibility that depressed participants' lack of bias may actually reflect inattention to briefly presented stimuli, possibly due to slowed processing seen in depression (i.e. psychomotor retardation). Participants completed the DOAT, viewing stimuli at four presentation durations randomised across trials. Results indicated that dysphoric participants displayed no attentional bias even at extended presentation durations, whereas nondysphoric participants showed a “protective” bias. Within the nondysphoric group, unstable nondysphoric participants displayed a more pronounced protective bias than did stable nondysphorics.  相似文献   

A comprehensive neuropsychological assessment was performed with forty-six 5- to 9-year-old children exposed to alcohol in utero for varying durations. The children were subdivided according to duration of maternal alcohol abuse, as follows: during trimester I (n = 16), during trimesters I and II (n = 16), and throughout pregnancy (n = 14). A control group (n = 26) consisted of unexposed children. Fetal alcohol exposure throughout pregnancy had significant, diffuse effects on the development of the children, whereas exposure only during early pregnancy did not. Observed cognitive deficits included problems in naming, receptive language, attention, and visual-motor functions. Verbal and visual memory and manual motor precision did not significantly differ between the groups.  相似文献   

75 male college Ss were randomly assigned to one of three treatment groups to investigate the comparative effects of initial and initial-plus-interpolated total-body physical fatigue upon learning and performance of a gross motor skill. Each S was tested on the Mirror Target Toss Test before and after the appropriate experimental condition allotted to his group: initial, initial-plus-interpolated, and rest. The data were transformed into learning scores by the percent of possible improvement method and analyzed by a simple analysis of variance. Despite substantial effects on the performance curves, neither initial nor interpolated fatigue had any permanent effect on the acquisition of skill.  相似文献   

采用两种时距估计方法,检验时距锚定值对时距估计的影响,并探讨了时距信息的心理表征方式。63名在校大学生参加了本次实验。实验1采用口头报告法,表明较大的时距锚定值(5s,5000ms)条件下,被试估对时距的估计值较大,而较小时距锚定值(1s,1000ms)条件下被试估计的时距值较小;语义相同但表述方式不同的锚定值(1s与1000ms,5s与5000ms)条件下的时距估计值没有显著差异。实验2采用产生法,进一步表明时距表述方式对产生时距没有显著影响。以上结果表明,时距估计受时距锚定值的影响,时距信息可能以语义形式进行表征,而不是简单的数字加单位的表层表征形式  相似文献   

Studies often posit the processing dichotomy of positive vs. negative affect. People in a negative mood tend to process information in a more systematic manner while those in a positive mood tend to adopt a more heuristic, schema-directed processing style. A 3 (mood: negative vs. neutral vs. positive) × 2 (exposure duration: one vs. five minutes) × 2 (schema-consistent vs. schema-inconsistent items) experimental design was employed in a real-life setting and, using the incidental learning paradigm, to test recognition memory for objects in a typical office. Following the affect-as-information approach, we hypothesized that induced positive mood would lead participants to engage in a more schema-directed processing leading to less accurate memory, while induced negative mood will lead to a more analytic and detailed processing, leading to higher memory accuracy and fewer memory errors. Results revealed a significant effect of duration, indicating that participants made more schema-consistent errors when their stay in the office was shorter. The significant interaction of mood and exposure duration suggests that effect of the exposure on memory accuracy applies to people in negative and neutral mood, while people in positive mood tend to maintain schema-directed processing style for longer period of time.  相似文献   

The aims of the study were, first, to perform a comprehensive assessment of neurocognitive status in early adolescence of children exposed to alcohol prenatally; and, second, to examine whether duration of exposure continues to be predictive of outcome at this age. Twenty-seven exposed 12-14-year-olds and 39 nonexposed 13-14-year-olds underwent neuropsychological assessments (WISC-III, NEPSY subtests) of attention and executive functions, language, visuomotor functions, and memory. The group of non-exposed children was used to develop preliminary test norms for the 13-14-year-old exposed children whereas published test norms could be used for the 12-year-olds. The results demonstrated neurocognitive impairment across all types of tasks. Impairment varied in degree according to the duration of alcohol exposure. Children exposed throughout pregnancy, most of who had diagnoses of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) or Fetal Alcohol Effects (FAE), performed well below the average range. It was concluded that the neurocognitive effects of alcohol exposure tend to be widespread and generalized. Attention and executive functions do not seem to be selectively affected. Further, the relationship between duration of prenatal alcohol exposure and neurocognitive development continues to be significant in early adolescence.  相似文献   

The authors elucidate exposure-response relationships between repetitive tasks, inflammation, and motor changes with work-related musculoskeletal disorders. Using a rat model of reaching and handle pulling, they examined effects of performing a high-repetition, low-force (HRLF); low-repetition, high-force (LRHF); or high-repetition, high-force (HRHF) task (2 hr/day, 3 days/week, 12 weeks) on reach rate and force, percentage of successful reaches, duration of participation, and grip strength. Reach rate and reach force improved with HRLF, and percentage success increased in all groups in Week 9, and in HRLF and HRHF in Week 12, indicative of skill acquisition. Duration and grip strength showed force-dependent declines with task performance. A subset of HRHF rats received ibuprofen in Weeks 5–12. Ibuprofen significantly improved reach rate, reach force, and duration in treated rats, indicative of an inflammatory influence on reach performance. Ibuprofen improved percentage of successful reaches in Week 9, although this increase was not sustained. However, declines in grip strength, a nocifensive behavior, were not prevented by ibuprofen. Examination of cervical spinal cords of untreated and ibuprofen treated HRHF rats showed increased IL-1beta, an inflammatory cytokine, in neurons. These findings suggest that only a preventive intervention could have addressed all motor declines.  相似文献   


An external focus of attention is considered superior to an internal focus for learning and performance. However, findings specific to changing the task difficulty are inconsistent. The present study used a reciprocal aiming task to determine the effects of attentional focus on motor performance using speed-accuracy paradigm. We constrained timing to examine how internal and external focus of attention influenced accuracy when task difficulty changes. The results indicated greater accuracy on the right target and greater consistency on both targets for the external focus condition, regardless of task difficulty. Our results uniquely demonstrated how instruction modified a speed-accuracy task.  相似文献   

用声一电防御性条件反射的方法。对42只具有不同早期听觉经验的大鼠的声音时程分辨行为进行了观察和比较研究。实验结果表明:大鼠具有一定的分辨声音时程的作业能力,出生后早期的音乐暴露,能够明显增强大鼠分辨声音时程的作业能力。  相似文献   

The temporal and serial organization (or timing) of responses in motor skill was investigated in a repetitive motor task, resisted hand cranking. Both positional timing and serial timing were analyzed using strain-gauge techniques and were related to the performance of the preferred and non-preferred hands. The results demonstrated the superiority of the preferred hand on the serial timing criteria and supported the hypothesis that skilled performance is characterized by more effective temporal structuring of the components of the response.  相似文献   

Several countries have introduced graphic warning images aimed at discouraging smoking. However, the images may be subject to an habituation effect. This study examined the effects of repeated exposure to an image of smoking-related mouth cancer in 24 smokers, 20 ex-smokers, and 39 individuals who had never smoked regularly. Participants viewed the warning image seven times over 7 to 14?days. Trend analysis showed that the smokers had high distress initially when viewing the image, followed by a significant lessening of image-related distress that leveled out over time. Nonetheless, viewing the image had a significant linearly increasing positive effect on their intention to quit smoking, with no sign that the effect of the image on intention was wearing out. The two groups of nonsmokers showed response patterns different from those of the smokers, including signs of habituation to the image. Other results showed a significant relationship between experiencing a high level of distress when viewing the image and having a negative attitude toward smoking. The implications of these findings are discussed in light of anti-smoking campaigns.  相似文献   

Counselor education tends to see the development of basic counseling and communication skills as the foundation of clinical training. Improvisation has historically and primarily been connected to theater training and as a performance mechanism. By developing skills in spontaneity and the nature of narrative (or story) one becomes more able to be in-the-moment with a client or clients and thus less anxious and more able to meet the client where they are. As such, improvisation can really be seen as a meta-counseling skill—a skill that can form a firmer foundation for the learning of the basic counseling and communication micro-skills. This article outlines the core concepts of improvisational training for counselors and includes examples of improvisational games that can specifically help in preparing counselor trainees for their future clinical work.  相似文献   

The authors studied the performances of 8- to 13-year-old skilled (n = 30) and less skilled (n = 30) gymnasts on a gymnastics routine recall task by examining the role of memorization strategies and imagery ability. Subjects had to reproduce 3 movement sequences presented on videotape. The number of trials needed to achieve correct recall, the strategies employed, and the subjects' imagery ability were analyzed. Recall performance improved with age and skill level. Movement labeling was the most prevalent strategy used; its frequency increased with age, although it did not lead to better recall performance. Performance was higher, however, among subjects with better imagery skills. The role of strategy development in the age-related improvement in memory performance was not clearly demonstrated. The effect of skill level is interpreted in terms of knowledge bases and kinesthetic movement encoding.  相似文献   

Memory for Movement Sequences in Gymnastics: Effects of Age and Skill Level   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The authors studied the performances of 8- to 13-year-old skilled (n = 30) and less skilled (n = 30) gymnasts on a gymnastics routine recall task by examining the role of memorization strategies and imagery ability. Subjects had to reproduce 3 movement sequences presented on videotape. The number of trials needed to achieve correct recall, the strategies employed, and the subjects' imagery ability were analyzed. Recall performance improved with age and skill level. Movement labeling was the most prevalent strategy used; its frequency increased with age, although it did not lead to better recall performance. Performance was higher, however, among subjects with better imagery skills. The role of strategy development in the age-related improvement in memory performance was not clearly demonstrated. The effect of skill level is interpreted in terms of knowledge bases and kinesthetic movement encoding.  相似文献   

本研究采用双因素实验设计探讨了运动负荷强度和持续时间对 E-POC的影响。实验结果发现 ,运动过程中机体净耗氧量主要取决于运动持续时间 ,而运动后的 EPOC既受运动强度 ,也受持续时间的影响 ,但以前者的作用更加明显 ;运动后 VO2 的恢复速度快于血乳酸的消除 ,不同运动条件下的氧亏量变化主要取决于运动负荷的强度。  相似文献   

Pigeons were trained in Experiment 1 on a discrete-trial concurrent variable-interval (VI) 1-min VI 3-min schedule, and in Experiment 2 on a discrete-trial concurrent VI 1.5-min VI 1.5-min schedule. In each experiment, the intertrial-interval durations (ITIs) were 0 s, 6 s, 22 s, and 120 s, and the schedules were both independent and interdependent. The purpose of the research was to determine whether lengthening the ITI would disrupt any local control that existed, measured with respect to relative response rate and changeover probability. In Experiment 1, with the independent schedules, both preference and obtained relative reinforcement rate approximated .75 at short ITIs, but then decreased toward .50 with longer ITIs. With interdependent schedules, both preference and obtained relative reinforcement rate approximated .75 at all ITIs. In both experiments, with both independent and interdependent schedules, changeover probabilities for each response in a sequence of up to five successive responses to a given schedule were variable for individual birds. The average changeover probabilities for all birds suggested perseveration rather than a systematic increase within a given ITI or a systematic trend toward chance responding as ITI duration increased. Finally, the changeover functions did not differ when a sequence of responses was calculated to begin anew after reinforcement rather than with the first response on a schedule. Taken together, the data were inconsistent with a theory holding that only local processes underlie choice in discrete-trial procedures.  相似文献   

刘瑞光  黄希庭 《心理科学》2006,29(5):1035-1039
用两个实验考查了时距估计中刺激物的动态变化效应。结果发现,刺激物的运动、速度和旋转角度显著地影响着被试的时间判断,刺激物速度的时距延长效应对于较长时距(18s-24s)来说更加明显;运动刺激与较短、较准确的时距判断相关联;旋转角度的减少使得被试低估时距,而旋转角度的增加使得时距估计呈高估倾向。被试在时间估计过程中表现出长时距低估和短时距高估现象,本研究得到的时间估计转换点是11.4s,此点与先前的有关研究基本一致。  相似文献   

陈本友  黄希庭 《心理科学》2012,35(4):770-777
通过把面孔表情分割成三部分,按照不同的时间间隔以及不同的呈现时间相继呈现,考察了被试对面孔表情的时间整合效果,以此探讨时间整合的加工过程和影响因素。结果发现:(1)面孔表情的时间整合效果受时间结构和刺激材料的影响。(2)分离呈现的面孔表情能否进行时间整合与SOA的大小有关。(3)面孔表情的时间整合存在类型差异。(4)面孔表情的时间整合是在一个有限的视觉缓冲器内进行的,图像记忆和长时记忆与面孔表情的时间整合过程关系密切。  相似文献   

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