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Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) norms developed by Marks and Briggs (1967/1972) have served as the standard adolescent norms used for over 10 years. Additional adolescent norms have recently been produced by Gottesman, Hanson, Kroeker, and Briggs (1987) and by Colligan and Offord (1989), thereby providing MMPI users with a potential choice of adolescent norms. Our study examines the effects of these adolescent norm sets on single-scale and profile elevations. In addition, we examine the ability of these norm sets to generate T-score values that would serve to discriminate accurately among adolescents in outpatient (n = 100), inpatient (n = 100), and normal (n = 100) settings. Results indicated that the choice of adolescent norms resulted in important differences in profile elevation. Findings from the discriminant function analyses, however, indicated that these normative sets were roughly equivalent in discriminating among adolescents in the three settings.  相似文献   

This article examines central issues involving the accuracy of Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) adolescent norms through examination of findings from eight investigations (n = 17,286), reporting MMPI mean values for samples of normal adolescents conducted between 1949 and 1964, and four studies (n = 1,758), based on adolescent samples collected since 1975. issues related to sex and racial differences in adolescent samples are also examined. In addition, MMPI data from 1,315 normal adolescents, collected at the Mayo Foundation, and from 217 normal adolescents, collected in Norfolk, Virginia, are evaluated in relation to adult normative values on the Harris-Lingoes (Harris & Lingoes, 1955) content subscales to identify unique characteristics of adolescents' response patterns. Results support the adequacy of the adolescent norms, developed by Marks, Seeman, and Hailer (1974), for evaluation of samples of normal adolescents collected between 1947 and 1965. MMPI patterns, produced by contemporary samples of adolescents collected since 1975, are elevated above the Marks et al. norms on most clinical scales. This latter finding indicated the need for the development of new adolescent norms that more precisely reflect current adolescent response frequencies and patterns. Finally, results from Harris-Lingoes subscales are reviewed to highlight unique aspects of adolescent developmental experience and to underscore the necessity of development of age appropriate adolescent norms for MMPI special scales.  相似文献   

Norms developed by Colligan, Osborne, Swenson, and Offord (1983) and others at the Mayo Clinic for the MMPI overcome criticisms that the MMPI is not useful in 2003 and representative. This study ascertained the classification of MMPI profiles of clinicians. Mayo Clinic norms are warranted in view of the similar classifications made using both methods based on the same MMPI data.  相似文献   

Using records from the 1,138 males and 1,462 females in the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2) restandardization sample (Butcher, Dahlstrom, Graham, Tellegen, & Kaemmer, 1989), two-point high-point code patterns generated from the original norms were compared to the patterns that these subjects obtained from the new norms. Although some code patterns proved to be quite stable across both norms, code comparability was generally lower in this community-based sample than was true for the records from samples of psychiatric patients also reported in Butcher et al. (1989). The sources of differences between the original and the new norms were reviewed, and the implications for profile interpretation based on code patterns were pointed out. The differences arising from the use of the MMPI-2 norms are appreciable; they highlight the need for new empirical data on the correlates of coding patterns based on these norms.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship of Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) measure, including the MacAndrew alcoholism (MAC) scale, and the Sensation Seeking Scales (SSS) to adolescents drug use across nine drug categories. Subjects were 51 male and 72 female high school students between the ages of 14 and 18 (mean age = 16 years, 5 months). The drug use/abuse measure consisted of adolescents' self-reports on the Segal (1973) Alcohol-Drug Use Research Survey. Drug categories included for investigation were alcohol amphetamines, barbiturates, caffeine, cocaine, hallucinogens, marijuana, narcotics, and tobacco. Scores from standard MMPI scales, the MAC scale, and the SSS were examined in relation to individual drug use outcomes, and multivariate procedures were used to predict polydrug versus single drug use patterns. Results demonstrated significant and meaningful relationships between personality measures and drug use among adolescents, with consistently strong findings for the SSS.  相似文献   

Jones  Diane Carlson 《Sex roles》2001,45(9-10):645-664
Relations among body image satisfaction and social comparisons to either same-sex peers or media models were examined in 2 studies of adolescent boys and girls. In the first study, 9th and 10th graders described their conceptions of attractiveness for same- and opposite-sex adolescents. These attractiveness attributes were then used in Study 2 in which 7th- and 10th-grade boys and girls reported on social comparisons to models/celebrities and same-sex peers. Body dissatisfaction was also assessed. The results confirmed that both same-sex peers and models/celebrities were the targets of social comparisons for physical attributes, but comparisons on personal and social attributes were more likely directed toward same-sex peers. For boys and girls, weight comparisons to both peer and model targets were primary correlates of body dissatisfaction. In addition, shape comparisons reported by the girls and facial comparisons endorsed by the boys also related to body dissatisfaction. Gender differences in social comparison indicated that girls reported more social comparisons across targets and attributes. Results are discussed in terms of the role of social comparison and peer context for body image during adolescence.  相似文献   

Among the most consistent criticisms of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality inventory (MMPI) has been the adequacy of the standardly employed adult norms. Recent work at the Mayo Foundation has provided revised adult norms, and the Restandardization Project at the University of Minnesota Press will soon provide an additional norm set. This article reviews findings from 21 studies of normal adults, comparing obtained MMPI scale values to the standard norms. These comparisons indicate that the traditional adult norms may have contained detectable degrees of bias since their publication, and that consistent patterns of differences from standard MMPI norms can be found in independent studies published as early as 1949. Two separate considerations impact on the development of new adult norms: the research need for adult norms which accurately reflect the response patterns of the general population and the clinical need to evaluate individual psychiatric patients on norms that produce codetypes related to an empirical literature spanning more than 40 years. This study notes the inherent tension between these two purposes and discusses the implications of new adult MMPI norms for research and clinical practice.  相似文献   

Criticisms of short forms of the MMPI have been based on claims of unsatisfactory high-point code-type concordance rates. The use of local norms has been suggested as a possible solution for these low concordance rates. In this study local norms for three client populations were developed for the MMPI-168 and Faschingbauer's abbreviated MMPI. These local norms did not significantly increase high-point code-type concordance. Possible explanations for these findings are discussed and suggestions for future research offered.  相似文献   

Although adolescent norms have been developed for the MMPI (e.g., Marks, Seeman, & Haller, 1974) and Rorschach (e.g., Exner, 1986a), little is known regarding the discriminate diagnostic validity of these measures with adolescents. This study investigated the usefulness of these measures in the detection of depression and schizophrenia among adolescent inpatients. Subjects (mean age = 15.3) consisted of 134 adolescents who received Rorschach and MMPI administrations at hospital admission. Clinical diagnoses resulted in the following groupings for this sample: schizophrenia = 15, dysthymic disorder = 41, major depression = 26, conduct disorder = 28, personality disorder = 18. MMPI scale Sc elevation was found to be the most effective single predictor of schizophrenic diagnoses, with a hit rate of .76, sensitivity of .62, and specificity of .78. Neither MMPI scale D scores nor Rorschach DEPI scores were found to be significantly related to patients' diagnoses. Results were interpreted in terms of prior findings in adult psychiatric populations and in relation to implications for the clinical assessment of adolescents.  相似文献   

Research examining how changes in life circumstances affect subjective well-being has been dominated by set-point theory. New evidence challenges the assumptions of this theory, indicating that major life events can result in lasting changes to individuals’ life satisfaction. This study examines whether changes in national-level conditions following migration affect the life satisfaction of immigrant groups from different source countries by comparing the average life satisfaction levels of immigrant groups to that of non-emigrants in their source countries. Life satisfaction differences between immigrant groups and the native-born population in Canada are also examined. Results show that migration to a country with improved national-level conditions increases immigrants’ life satisfaction. Most immigrant groups had higher life satisfaction than their source-country counterparts and life satisfaction scores were similar to those of the native-born population. These findings persist when the sample includes immigrants who have resided in Canada for up to 20 years.  相似文献   

The Eyberg Child Behavior Inventory (ECBI) is one of the most widely used and well-validated parent rating scales for children’s disruptive behavior. This screening instrument is a short, targetted and easy to implement inventory with good psychometric properties and is normed for different countries, among which the United States, Spain, Sweden and Norway. The ECBI has been successfully used for research and clinical purposes, in several countries including The Netherlands. To date, Dutch studies have relied on Scandinavian or US norm scores. However, this may be problematic because of cross-cultural differences in the degree to which certain behaviors are seen as problematic by parents. The main goal of this paper therefore was to obtain norm scores for The Netherlands among 6462 Dutch children aged 4 to 8 years (M age?=?6.37 years; SD?=?1.32; 50.6% boys). In line with previous research, we found small differences on the mean sum scores across children of different ages (intensity scale) and gender (intensity and problem scale). Therefore, Dutch norm scores were provided age- and gender specific. Our results showed that disruptive behavior of children in the most rural areas was reported as occurring less frequently and was seen as less problematic by parents compared to the disruptive behavior of children in less rural areas. Finally, we found that Dutch norm scores on the ECBI were significantly lower than US norm scores, and significantly higher on the intensity scale (but not the problem scale) than Norwegian and Swedish norm scores.  相似文献   

The introduction of the MMPI-2 has stimulated studies of its comparability with the MMPI. Graham, Timbrook, Ben-Porath, and Butcher (1991) consider the congruence between MMPI-2 and MMPI code types substantial, but Dahlstrom (1992) has questioned their appraisal, criticizing their use of "well-defined" code types. Our own analysis supports Graham and colleagues' (1991) conclusions and provides reasons for favoring narrow code types (such as well- defined code types) over nonrestrictive ones. We also offer a brief historical review of MMPI code typology as background for our recommendation that future MMPI-2 research not be limited to studies of code-type correlates.  相似文献   

In a recent article Marks argues that two previous articles in this journal in 1986 and 1988, questioning the construct validity of the Vividness of Visual Imagery Questionnaire, should be dismissed due to methodological flaws and overwhelming evidence to the contrary. In this response to Marks, the methodologies of the two studies in question are clarified and defended. Research and other evidence supporting the two Chara studies are presented. It is concluded that the construct validity of the imagery questionnaire has not been established and that further investigations of the questionnaire, and particularly its rating scale, are warranted.  相似文献   

John Rawls argued that democracy must be justifiable to all citizens; otherwise, a democratic society is oppressive to some. In A Pragmatist Philosophy of Democracy ( 2007 ), Robert B. Talisse attempts to meet the Rawlsian challenge by drawing from Charles S. Peirce's pragmatism. This article first briefly canvasses the argument of Talisse's book and then criticizes its key premise concerning (normative) reasons for belief by offering a competing reading of Peirce's “The Fixation of Belief” ( 1877 ). It then proceeds to argue that Talisse's argument faces a dilemma: his proposal of epistemic perfectionism either is substantive and can be reasonably disagreed about or is minimal but insufficient to ground a democratic society. Consequently, it suggests that the Rawlsian challenge can only be solved by abandoning Rawls's own notion of reasonableness, and that an interesting alternative notion of reasons can be derived from Peirce's “Fixation.”  相似文献   

Parental and peer influences on adolescent substance use have been well demonstrated. However, limited research has examined how parental and peer influences vary across school contexts. This study used a multilevel approach to examine the effects of school substance use norms and school racial composition in predicting adolescent substance use (a composite measure of alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana use) and in moderating parental and peer influences on adolescent substance use. A total of 14,346 adolescents from 34 schools in a mid‐western county completed surveys electronically at school. Analyses were conducted using hierarchical linear modeling. Results indicated that school‐level disapproval against substance use and percentage of minority students at school were negatively associated with adolescent substance use. School‐level disapproval moderated the association between peer substance use and adolescent substance use, with the association being stronger when school‐level disapproval was lower. School racial composition moderated the influence of parental disapproval and peer substance use on adolescent substance use. Specifically, both the association between parental disapproval and adolescent substance use and the association between peer substance use and adolescent substance use were weaker for adolescents who attended schools with higher percentages of minority students. Findings highlighted the importance of considering the role of school contexts, in conjunction with parental and peer influences, in understanding adolescent substance use.  相似文献   

Ten women—victims of conjugal abuse—were compared with 10 nonabused women by using the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory. Implications for research, diagnosis, and counseling are discussed.  相似文献   

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