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This study investigated the attitudes of teachers of different ethnic origins in Malaysia toward an outcome-oriented performance appraisal, the New Performance Appraisal System (NPAS). It also investigated the relationship between teachers' attitudes toward the system and their job satisfaction and professional commitment. Teachers of the major ethnic origins in Malaysia—Malays, Chinese, and Indians—were selected randomly from 6 public high schools in the state of Kedah. The study found that teachers of all ethnic origins reported less favorable attitudes toward the NPAS, and that their cultural dimension had no bearing on attitudes toward the NPAS. Teachers who received appropriate explanation and supervision of their performance, despite low performance-appraisal results, reported high levels of job satisfaction and professional commitment.  相似文献   

This study considered children in kindergarten, first grade, and second grade in order to determine whether boys and girls differ from one another in their attitudes toward school when they first begin, and whether the relationship between boys' and girls' attitude changes with time. The information used in the study was collected during an evaluation of the California preschool program. A total of 6011 educationally disadvantaged children in 148 elementary schools were selected for the evaluation. The Attitude to School Questionnaire, developed at UCLA, was used to measure attitude. The study found that the sample of disadvantaged girls and boys has similar attitudes toward school in kindergarten. As they progress through the second grade, girls' attitude remains stable, while boys' attitude improves. The study also found that the differences between these attitude patterns were statistically significant. The study's results challenge the belief that girls have a better attitude toward school and suggest that differences in attitude between girls and boys develop between kindergarten and first grade.  相似文献   

This paper reports the development of two alternate forms of a scale for measuring attitudes toward school guidance programs. The resulting instrument features a high degree of usability, since it can be easily self-administered in less than five minutes without the necessity for timing or oral directions. The entire questionnaire appears on a single sheet of paper which the subject also uses to record his responses. Scoring and interpretation are likewise outstandingly simple. Preliminary studies indicate that the scale shows promise of possessing satisfactory technical characteristics.  相似文献   

This study of attitudes toward school guidance indicated that a differential pattern of endorsement of attitude items exists between experienced counselors and Upward Bound participants. A statistically significant difference was discovered between counselors and Upward Bound participants in terms of median attitude endorsement. While this difference did not appear to be seriously discrepant in a qualitative sense, at least one-third of the Upward Bound participants held somewhat negative attitudes.  相似文献   


We examined middle school students' attitudes and perceptions of bullying during their middle school years. Participants were categorized along the bully/victim continuum as bullies, victims, bully-victims, and no-status students based on their self-nomination from a survey that queries students about their experiences with bullying (either as a bully, victim, or both), their observations of bullying, and their attitudes toward bullying. The majority of participants were classified as bullies, victims, and bully-victims as 70% of the participants reported involvement with bullying and/or victimization during their middle school years. Participants' perceptions about bullying and attitudes toward bullying were examined at three points in time. Participants' attitudes toward bullying became more supportive of bullying as students progressed through middle school. Additionally, external attributes for bullying were cited across all four status groups as reasons for involvement in bullying. Implications for prevention and intervention programs that address bullying are discussed.  相似文献   


The purpose of the present study was to explore attitudes about sport psychology consulting of high school and college athletes living in the United States. The Sport Psychology Attitudes–Revised form (SPA-R; Martin, Kellmann, Lavallee, & Page, 2002 Martin, S. B., Kellmann, M., Lavallee, D. and Page, S. 2002. Development and psychometric evaluation of the Sport Psychology Attitudes–Revised form: A multiple group investigation. The Sport P, 16: 272290. [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) was administered to 362 high school and 431 college athletes. A 2 (Gender) × 2 (Age Group: High School and College) × 2 (Type of Sport: Physical Contact and Physical Non-contact) MANCOVA was conducted with past sport psychology consulting experience as a covariate and attitudes about sport psychology as dependent variables. Follow-up univariate and discriminant function analyses were then performed to identify the attitudes that maximized differences related to gender, age group and type of sport. Results revealed that male athletes, younger athletes and athletes who have been socialized in sports that involve physical contact may have a stigma toward seeking sport psychology consulting. Sport psychology consultants must be sensitive to how personal characteristics, experience and attitudes influence help-seeking to improve the services they offer.  相似文献   

Prolonging the working life of older adults has been suggested by various researchers and policymakers as a strategy to alleviate challenges posed by the inevitable ageing of the population. It is thus important to have measures with which to assess and monitor factors relevant to older adults' employment. Research indicates that negative attitudes towards older workers are at the heart of employment discrimination; hence, the current research developed and assessed a new measure of attitudes towards older workers. A questionnaire asking about older workers was prepared in three versions (male, female, and gender neutral). Each version of the Attitudes towards Older Workers Scale (AOWS) was pilot tested, refined, and field tested with random samples totalling 246 hiring decision‐makers and 219 undergraduate students. Internal consistency ranged between .89 and .95 across the samples and questionnaire versions. Test–retest reliability correlations for male, female, and gender‐neutral versions were .83, .78, and .90, respectively. The AOWS will be a valuable tool for research, development of interventions, and for informing policy formulation in the areas of ageing, retirement, and employment.  相似文献   


(Le Cron, L. M., Ed. Experimental Hypnosis. New York: Macmillan, 1952. Pp. 483.) Reviewed by H. J. Eysenck  相似文献   

Katsurada  Emiko  Sugihara  Yoko 《Sex roles》2002,47(5-6):249-258
The purpose of this study was twofold: (1) to investigate the relationship between gender-role identity and attitudes toward marriage by comparing Bem's gender schema theory and Spence's multifactorial model of gender identity; (2) to examine the effects of gender-segregated school backgrounds on gender-role identity and attitudes toward marriage. A total of 524 male and 696 female Japanese college students completed the Japanese version of the Bem Sex Role Inventory and a series of questions regarding attitudes toward marriage. Overall results were more supportive of Spence's multifactorial model. The effect of school background was found only in women; women without any coeducational school background had relatively strong masculinity and desired to marry at an older age, but tended to have a conservative opinion about men taking nontraditional roles.  相似文献   

A national sample of about 5,000 public, 2,600 parochial, and 1,200 private secondary school students were asked whether they thought it fair to use intelligence tests to help make decisions in educational, occupational, and other areas. Results indicated that: (1) anti-test sentiment is neither ubiquitous nor consistent. A considerable number of respondents were in favor of testing, the proportion of respondents favoring tests varied greatly as a function of test context, and some favored tests in one context but disapproved of them in another. (2) Social background and individual difference variables interacted with test contexts. Given two test contexts, these variables may have different effects for each in determining the respondent's approval or disapproval of test usage.  相似文献   

Muslims are now the second largest religious group in almost all Western countries and a large majority of Muslim citizens are children who attend schools. However teachers’ attitudes regarding the education of Muslim students are largely ignored by educational researchers. In this study, we investigate the determinants of teachers’ attitudes among Flemish (Belgian) teachers (N = 620). Regression analysis has revealed that female teachers, Muslim teachers, younger teachers, and teachers with a four‐year college degree have significantly more positive attitudes. Most interestingly, we found that teachers working in schools that enroll a larger share of Muslim students (greater than 50 percent) have more negative attitudes toward Muslim students than other teachers. The implications of these findings for educational policy are discussed.  相似文献   

This study aimed to develop a Japanese Multidimensional Attitudes Scale (J-MAS) as a useful instrument to assess negative attitudes toward persons with autism spectrum disorder among typical Japanese persons. Five hundred and fifty-two Japanese participants completed the Japanese translation of the original version of the MAS, which was derived via the translation/back-translation method. An exploratory factor analysis revealed four factors (Cognitions, Negative Affects, Behaviors, and Calm) that corresponded to the factor model of the original version of the MAS. Nine items were statistically negligible, accordingly. A confirmatory factor analysis revealed that the factor model of the J-MAS is fairly good, and preferable to the factor models of the English, Spanish, French, Korean, and German versions for a sample of typical Japanese persons. These results indicate that the J-MAS provides a valid assessment of attitudes toward persons with autism spectrum disorder among typical Japanese persons.  相似文献   

中小学教师工作-家庭冲突的测量   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本研究旨在分析我国中小学教师工作-家庭冲突的结构并编制适合我国中小学教师的工作-家庭冲突问卷。在文献分析基础上,通过开放式问卷调查、教师访谈,分析1025份问卷数据,确定了中小学教师工作-家庭冲突包括工作干扰家庭和家庭干扰工作两方面,两方面均包括情绪情感、心理资源和行为方式三维度。编制的我国中小学教师工作-家庭冲突问卷共22个项目,信效度良好,适合用来分析中小学教师工作-家庭冲突的状况。  相似文献   

This study investigated the influence of student-teacher relationships and attitudes toward bullying on middle school students' bullying behaviors. Gender and grade differences were also examined. Data were collected from 435 middle school students. Results indicated that students' attitudes toward bullying mediated the relationship between student-teacher relationships and physical and verbal/relational bullying. There was a significant group difference on student-teacher relationships and attitudes toward bullying between bully, bully-victim, victim, and bystander groups and students not involved in bullying. In addition, sixth graders reported significantly more positive student-teacher relationships than seventh and eighth graders. Implications for the role of both cognitive and behavioral bullying intervention and prevention efforts are discussed.  相似文献   

中小学教师健康坚韧性及影响因素的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
林初锐  胡瑜 《心理科学》2005,28(4):969-971
坚韧性是一丛能够保护个体免于应激伤害的人格特质,包括承诺、控制和挑战三部分内容。以中小学教师为被试,采用问卷调查的方法考察教师的健康坚韧性状况和影响因素。研究发现,教师的健康坚韧性整体上较为理想,教龄、性别、婚姻状况、学校层次和学历水平是影响教师健康坚韧性的重要因素。  相似文献   

四川地震灾后中小学教师心理创伤评估报告   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
课题研究组对四川地震灾后重灾区和极重灾区的631名中小学教师创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)进行了调查,调查后对统计结果分析表明:(1)有PTSD重度症状表现的教师为18.7%;(2)极重灾区教师创伤显著高于重灾区教师;(3)青年教师的创伤要高于年长教师;(4)地震后部分教师感到内疚,无助,压抑,无信心,生命无意义,他们成为PTSD症状的易感人群  相似文献   

The effects of school inclusion programs on male and female nondisabled students' stereotypes and attitudes toward people with Down syndrome were studied. Nondisabled students (11–15 years of age) from schools with and without inclusion programs reported positive and negative attitudes toward people with Down syndrome. As hypothesized, girls and students attending schools with inclusion programs showed more favorable attitudes toward people with Down syndrome than did boys and students attending schools without inclusion programs, respectively. Interaction effects of school system and sex of participant suggest that boys' attitudes, in particular, benefit from inclusive schooling. The study provides evidence for the effectiveness of inclusion programs in ameliorating prejudice and intergroup anxiety; and in promoting positive attitudes, affect, and trust.  相似文献   

中小学师生的校园暴力内隐观研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本研究用自编问卷对2386名中小学生和504名中小学教师进行了调查,结果表明,中小学师生普遍认可比较严重的身体攻击和性骚扰为校园暴力,不太认可言语攻击为校园暴力。学生的内隐观存在性别、城乡和年级差异,教师的内隐观基本不受性别、城乡、年级和学历影响。教师比学生更认可身体攻击为校园暴力,而学生比教师更认可言语攻击、财产破坏和一般性的体罚为校园暴力。  相似文献   

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