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Individual versus group risk taking was examined by using a novel set of industrial product purchasing situations as stimuli. The set incorporated situations that varied along a dimension called “normative risk.” Situations represented either low-normative risk, medium-normative risk, or high-normative risk. Normative risk was defined in a decision theoretical context. The set was administered to introductory business students at a large university in the United States. The results of the study showed that groups were not invariably riskier than individuals; rather the amount of risky shift following group discussion was negatively related to the level of normative risk. This overall conclusion held true also in relation to the degree of perceived riskiness of the situations, since a positive relationship between normative risk and perceived risk was established. The theoretical implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   


Goldstein, K. Human Nature in the Light of Psychopathology. Cambridge: Harvard Univ. Press, 1940. Pp. 258 Reviewed by Frederick Wyatt. Reviewed by Frederick Wyatt

Katona, G. Organizing and Memorizing. New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 1940. Pp. 318. Reviewed by Livingston Welch  相似文献   

创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)是唯一在诊断标准中包含惊反射改变的精神疾病.相比自我报告法,对惊反射的实验室测量与总体症状关联更紧密,并已积累了较多神经机制研究成果,可作为连接前临床与临床研究的桥梁.在惊反射应用于PTSD研究的初期,它主要作为PTSD患者高唤醒症状的客观指标,但是尚未发现惊反射强度的变化与总体症状的明确关系.近年来,惊反射与情境性焦虑、恐惧抑制等新范式结合,发现特定情境下惊反射改变是PTSD患者特有的表现.惊反射在创伤应激障碍研究中所取得的新进展对PTSD病理机制的探索和临床诊断都有所启发和推进.  相似文献   

Validation is defined as a general scientific procedure for investigating the nature of reality, encompassing all scientific disciplines, regardless of the utilitarian value of the information. When the process is employed in the context of a discipline such as psychology, certain subcategories emerge whose interrelations, if viewed in the light of possible or intended uses of the collected information, demonstrate the interdependence of a variety of validation procedures some of which have been viewed in the past as separate entities. A hierarchical representation of purposes and procedures is presented to facilitate an understanding of their interrelations and interdependence.  相似文献   

惊跳反射的生理心理机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
惊跳反射作为动物及人类在应对意外刺激或遇到险情时的一种避险保护反应,具有重要的生物学意义。以往的研究较多关注听觉惊跳反射,在反应指标上多采用眼部及面部表情肌的反应,如眨眼反射。惊跳反射的生理机制为突发性强刺激直接传向杏仁核的直接通路所致。惊跳反射增强的心理机制可能为致敏作用或恐惧性条件作用,而惊跳反射衰减的心理机制可能是适应、前脉冲抑制或愉快衰减。未来的研究应关注视觉惊跳反射,观察全身躯体姿势维持肌肉群的反应模式,并以先进设备对惊跳反射的信息加工脑机制进行深入的研究  相似文献   

This experiment tested the ability of people to recall the locations of buildings in a familiar campus setting. Ten graduate students represented the relative locations of buildings by pairwise distance judgments (on a 100-point scale) and by direct mapping of locations on a Tektronix cathode ray terminal. As evaluated by Stevens's power law, both methods led to accurate judgments of relative distance (the average exponent was close to 1). In addition, the pairwise judgments were analyzed by multidimensional scaling (MDS) and the buildings were located in a two-dimensional map. When asked to choose between the MDS representation and the map created directly on the Tektronix, all 10 subjects chose the latter as the more accurate. Moreover, 6 out of 10 subjects thought the direct map was more accurate than the actual map of the building locations. These results suggest that either pairwise judgment or direct mapping yield accurative representations of spatial relations in a familial environment, but that subjects favor the direct map.  相似文献   

The question whether body movements and body postures are indicative of specific emotions is a matter of debate. While some studies have found evidence for specific body movements accompanying specific emotions, others indicate that movement behavior (aside from facial expression) may be only indicative of the quantity (intensity) of emotion, but not of its quality. The study reported here is an attempt to demonstrate that body movements and postures to some degree are specific for certain emotions. A sample of 224 video takes, in which actors and actresses portrayed the emotions of elated joy, happiness, sadness, despair, fear, terror, cold anger, hot anger, disgust, contempt, shame, guilt, pride, and boredom via a scenario approach, was analyzed using coding schemata for the analysis of body movements and postures. Results indicate that some emotion-specific movement and posture characteristics seem to exist, but that for body movements differences between emotions can be partly explained by the dimension of activation. While encoder (actor) differences are rather pronounced with respect to specific movement and posture habits, these differences are largely independent from the emotion-specific differences found. The results are discussed with respect to emotion-specific discrete expression models in contrast to dimensional models of emotion encoding. Copyright © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The notion of excellence contains an ambivalence: to aim at the "good" and/or to aim at the "best". This ambivalence exists particularly in the physical effort and in the history of bodily practices, shared between gymnastics, physical education and sports. In the second part of the XXth century, the notion of performance became "worship of performance", "infinite perfectibility". In this context, high level sports became the human improvement laboratory, thanks to the sophistication of its technical means and the its practices intensity. However this "high" questions: about physical and psychological consequences of intensive practices ; about doping and its medical and ethical perspectives; about the increasing precociousness and the potential exploitation of the baby champions. It questions about the nature of familial, social, economical norms transmitted by education: about articulation between constraint and self-government. This is the question about the "price" of excellence. In this sense it appears that the excellence of champion spreads out the margins of an ethics which would be meant to be regulating and universal, indeed this excellence is perhaps, in the same capacity as genius is and in spite of the attachment of sports to a "ethics of the rule", un-ethical.  相似文献   

The ability of albino and black rats to detect n-aliphatic alcohols in the vapour phase has been investigated and probit analysis used to evaluate the results. At median threshold (= 50 per cent, success level) detectability tends to increase by logarithmic increments as the number of carbon atoms in the molecule is increased. However, a similar but reverse relationship occurs between carbon chain length and the gradient of the probit regression lines; and detectability at the 85 per cent. success level, as estimated by interpolation, shows a trend towards oscillation. It is suggested that this finding can resolve the apparent conflict in the literature concerning the pattern of odour intensity in homologous series, and that it may reflect the influence of low water solubility in limiting response to high concentrations of longer chain alcohols.

When expressed as pressures, median threshold values for alcohols in the rat vary directly with saturated vapour pressures; when expressed as thermodynamic activities intermediate and longer chain alcohols appear to be equally stimulating, whilst short chain alcohols show decreasing activities as the series is ascended. In several of the relations considered the position of methanol and dodecanol appears anomalous.  相似文献   

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