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施霄霞  郑信军 《心理科学》2012,35(5):1131-1136
eye movement; moral-situational pictures; moral emotion; immediate processing  相似文献   

为探究情绪效价与空间动作的隐喻联结如何影响中国成人及学龄前和学龄初期儿童对外语情绪词的学习,要求被试在学习阶段根据情绪效价将新学习的实体外语词卡放在对应空间位置。测试阶段采用二选一迫选任务,记录新词学习的反应时和正确率。结果显示,无论是成人组还是儿童组被试,隐喻一致组在测试阶段中对所学外语词的再认反应时均快于隐喻不一致组和控制组。研究表明,成人和学龄前和学龄初期儿童均存在情绪效价–空间动作隐喻联结的心理表征,并且该联结可以影响成人及学龄前和学龄初期儿童外语情绪词学习效果。  相似文献   

The author assessed the mechanisms underlying skilled production of keying sequences in the discrete sequence-production task by examining the effect of sequence length on mean element execution rate (i.e., the rate effect). To that end, participants (N = 9) practiced fixed movement sequences consisting of 2, 4, and 6 key presses for a total of 588 trials per sequence. In the subsequent test phase, the sequences were executed with and without a verbal short-term memory task in both simple and choice reaction time (RT) paradigms. The rate effect was obtained in the discrete sequence-production task—including the typical quadratic increase in sequence execution time (SET, which excludes RT) with sequence length. The rate effect resulted primarily from 6-key sequences that included 1 or 2 relatively slow elements at individually different serial positions. Slowing of the depression of the 2nd response key (R2) in the 2-key sequence reduced the rate effect in the memory task condition, and faster execution of the 1st few elements in each sequence amplified the rate effect in simple RT. Last, the time to respond to random cues increased with position, suggesting that the mechanisms that underlie the rate effect in new sequences and in familiar sequences are different. The data were in line with the notion that coding of longer keying sequences involves motor chunks for the individual sequence segments and information on how those motor chunks are to be concatenated.  相似文献   

英文阅读研究发现词长对眼跳目标选择有重要影响,阅读等词长的句子时,长词的偏好眼跳长度比短词更长。但是中文文本没有词间空格,读者难以从副中央凹获取词长信息,所以基于英文阅读得出的结果是否适用于中文阅读尚不清楚。本研究采用等词长句子阅读范式,使用全部由单字词或双字词组成的句子或由各种词长的词汇组成的混合句作为实验材料,考察词长对中文阅读眼跳目标选择的影响。结果发现,中文阅读中的眼跳长度会随词长变化而变化,双字词句的眼跳入长度和眼跳出长度均显著长于单字词句,支持了基于词中心的眼跳长度假设;同时,实验也发现混合句中的双字词的眼跳长度和双字词句中双字词的眼跳长度没有显著差异,支持了基于加工情况的眼跳目标选择策略;综合二者,说明中文阅读中,读者眼跳目标选择可能建立在副中央凹对词长信息加工的基础之上。  相似文献   

Actors change their movement strategies to complement a coactor's movements when performing cooperative tasks. To further investigate this topic, the authors designed a pegboard task whereby a participant-confederate pair worked together to move a peg from one side of the board to the other. The authors examined how the experience of working with a helpful confederate versus less helpful confederate influenced the participant's movement behavior. Results provide evidence that participants change their movement behaviors in response to the actions of the confederate. Here the human capacity to act in such a manner exemplifies an individual's ability to utilize his or her own action system to understand others and interact to complete joint action tasks. Individuals appear to adapt their behavior to their experiences, and thus may be helpful in some contexts and less helpful in others.  相似文献   

四卡问题解决中的匹配偏向再探   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
邱江  杨娟  张庆林 《心理学探新》2006,26(1):39-41,61
选取经典的四卡问题作为实验材料,深入探讨了“综合考虑证真证伪作用”的提示以及逻辑分析过程对被试解决四卡问题不能产生促进效应的原因。结果发现:(1)多数被试能对卡片P和-Q进行正确的逻辑推断,但是最后却仍然倾向于选择卡片Q而非-Q,这种错误并非是由于附加的认知任务使得被试的短时记忆容量超载所致。(2)元音偶数组与元音非偶数组的被试对四张卡片作出正确逻辑推断的人数百分比基本一致,但是后者选择P-Q的人数百分比却显著高于前者,这表明多数被试似乎并不依据逻辑分析的结果及其命题检验的规则来作出选择,而是采用匹配策略,错误地选择了Q卡片。  相似文献   

PurposeBased on previous evidence that lexical selection may operate differently in adults who stutter (AWS) versus typically-fluent adults (TFA), and that atypical attentional processing may be a contributing factor, the purpose of this study was to investigate inhibitory control of lexical selection in AWS.Method12 AWS and 12 TFA completed two tasks. One was a picture naming task featuring High and Low Agreement object naming. Naming accuracy and reaction times (RT), and event-related potentials (ERPs) time-locked to picture onset, were recorded. Second was a flanker task featuring Congruent and Incongruent arrow arrays. Push-button accuracy and RTs, and ERPs time-locked to arrow array onset, were recorded.ResultsLow Agreement pictures were named less accurately and slower than High Agreement pictures in both Groups. The magnitude of the Agreement effect on naming RTs was larger in AWS versus TFA. Delta-plot analysis revealed that the Agreement effect was positively correlated with individual differences in inhibition in TFA but not in AWS. Moreover, Low Agreement pictures elicited negative-going ERP activity relative to High Agreement pictures in both Groups. However, the scalp topography of this effect was markedly reduced in AWS versus TFA. For the Flanker task, Congruency affected push-button accuracy and RTs, and N2 amplitudes, similarly between groups.ConclusionsResults point to a selective deficit in inhibitory control of lexical selection in AWS. Potential pathways between diminished inhibitory control of lexical selection, speech motor control and stuttering are discussed.  相似文献   

本研究采用行为和眼动技术,通过设置难度—价值权衡情境,考察在学习时间有限的条件下,学习者如何选择学习项目,以及该过程如何发生。结果发现:(1)被试更多选择得分期望最高的项目,而非分值最高或最简单的项目。(2)选择学习项目的过程不存在计算项目得分期望的过程。结果表明,学习者项目选择不仅基于难度或价值,而是会权衡难度和价值,选择得分期望最高的项目。该过程不符合补偿性决策理论的预期,与非补偿性理论预期一致。  相似文献   

谷莉  白学军 《心理科学》2014,37(1):101-105
本研究选取45名3-5岁幼儿和39名大学本科生作为被试。实验材料为恐惧、愤怒、悲伤、惊讶和高兴五种面部表情图片。用Tobbi眼动仪记录被试观察表情图片时的眼动轨迹。结果发现:(1)成人偏好高兴表情,并在高兴表情上的注视时间和次数显著大于幼儿;(2)成人偏好注视眼部,幼儿偏好注视嘴部。结果表明,面部表情注意偏好的发展具有社会依存性,趋向于偏好积极情绪,这种发展变化与面部表情部位的注意偏好相关。  相似文献   

The authors sought to verify the effects of vision on sit-to-stand (STS) movement performance by means of postural sway in children with cerebral palsy (CP) and typical children (TC). Participants were 42 TC and 21 children with CP. STS movement was assessed with eyes open and with eyes closed. Area and velocity of center of pressure sway were analyzed in each of the 3 STS phases. We observed greater postural sway during STS movement with eyes closed. Children with CP presented greater postural sway than TC did. Both groups exhibited greater postural instability with absence of vision expressing the role of vision to keep postural stability. Moreover, the greater postural instability was observed in children with CP.  相似文献   

曾守锤  李其维 《心理科学》2006,29(3):601-604
考察了4至5岁儿童的现实性监测在延时0天、3天和7天条件下的成绩。结果发现:对真实动作的源混淆更多地发生在延时3-7天,而对想象动作的源混淆更多地发生在0-3天,且对想象动作的现实性监测比对真实动作的现实性监测更早达到随机水平。这表明事件在现实性监测的时间效应中存在不同的特点。  相似文献   

From early in development, segmenting events unfolding in the world in meaningful ways renders input more manageable and facilitates interpretation and prediction. Yet, little is known about how children process action structure in events composed of multiple coarse-grained actions. More importantly, little is known about the time course of action processing in young children or about the specific features that recruit attention. This is particularly true when we consider action that pauses unexpectedly—as actions sometimes do—thereby violating the expectation of a continuous unfolding of motion. We assessed visual preference to intact and disrupted actions embedded within a multiaction event in toddlers and adults. In 1 condition, pauses were inserted at intact action boundaries, whereas in the other condition, they disrupted action. Attention in both groups was recruited to the disrupted relative to intact events. Time-course analyses, however, revealed developmental differences in sensitivity to the movement features (e.g., motion, pauses, and transitions) of disrupted events.  相似文献   

Previously, we have shown that discrete and continuous rapid aiming tasks are governed by distinct visuomotor control mechanisms by assessing the combined visual illusion effects on the perceived and effective index of difficulty (ID). All participants were perceptually biased by the combined visual illusion before they performed the rapid aiming tasks. In the current study, the authors manipulated the order of performing perceptual and motor tasks to examine whether perceptual or motor experience with the illusory visual target would influence the subsequent perceived and effective ID in discrete and continuous tapping tasks. The results supported our hypothesis showing that perceptual experience with the illusory visual target in the discrete condition reduced the effective ID in the subsequent discrete tapping task, and motor experience with the illusory visual target in the continuous condition reduced the illusion effects on the perceived ID in the subsequent perceptual judgment task. The study demonstrates the coinfluence of perception and action, and suggests that perception and action influence one another with different magnitude depending on the spatial frame of reference used to perform the perceptuomotor task.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of focus of attention cues on movement coordination and coordination variability in the lower extremity. Twenty participants performed the standing long jump under both internal and external focus of attention conditions. A modified vector coding technique was used to evaluate the influence of attentional focus cues on lower extremity coordination patterns and coordination variability during the jumps. Participants jumped significantly further under an external focus of attention condition compared with an internal focus of attention condition (p = .035, effect size = .29). Focus of attention also influenced coordination between the ankle and knee, F(6, 19) = 2.87, p = .012, effect size = .388, with participants primarily using their knees under the internal focus of attention, and using both their ankles and knees under the external focus of attention. Attentional focus cues did not influence ankle-knee, F(1, 19) = 0.02, p = .98, effect size = .02, or hip-knee, F(1, 19) = 5.00, p = .49, effect size = .16, coordination variability. Results suggest that while attentional focus may not directly influence movement coordination condition, there is still a change in movement strategy resulting in greater jump distances following an external focus of attention.  相似文献   

Historically, religious groups have been absent from the American environmental movement, but since the late 1990s a host of new religious environmental movement organizations (REMOs) have emerged. Little is known about REMOs or how religion structures the nascent movement field. Drawing on interviews with leaders of 63 REMOs in the United States, we examined whether theological frames and religious affiliations, on the one hand, and environmental interests, on the other, shaped the formation of information exchange and joint action between REMOs. The results show that shared religious affiliations and theological frames are directly associated with joint action between REMOs. In contrast, shared environmental interests are associated directly with information exchange, but not joint action. The results suggest that cultural aspects of religion are linked to the structure of the religious environmental movement.  相似文献   

利用三个实验探讨了左右、前后(实验1,2)具身化空间四卡问题解决的内容效应,同时探讨了条件推理后件类型(二分变量与连续性变量)对具身化内容效应的影响(实验3)。结果发现:(1)三个实验均表现出在自我参照空间四卡问题解决中,肯定前件和否定后件同时被选择的比率(P-Q)显著高于在经典四卡问题或环境参照空间四卡问题中P-Q卡被选择的比率,从而表现出四卡问题解决存在具身化内容效应;(2)具身化内容效应仅限于后件类型是二分变量的四卡问题;(3)在三个实验中被试均表现出"证真偏向"。具身化空间四卡问题解决的内容效应支持了条件推理领域特异性理论。  相似文献   

The Transconceptual Model of Empowerment and Resilience (American Journal of Community Psychology, 52, 2013, 333) suggests that a set of resilience and empowerment resources fuel both initial and sustained participation in collective action. Using the case study of a prodemocracy movement in Hong Kong, the present study focused on the subset of those resources that are relevant in ongoing collective action: efficacy, skills, and maintenance. As individuals possess varying combinations of these resources, the present study utilized latent profile analysis to test how patterns of empowerment and resilience resources influence initial and long‐term collective action. Five groups were identified: (a) Uncommitted/Uninspired; (b) Committed to Status Quo; (c) Mainstream Populist; (d) Empowered; and (e) Ambivalent. ANOVA and ANCOVA analyses found that there are significant group differences in initial and long‐term participation. Groups with higher level of resources reported greater levels of initial participation than their counterparts; however, high resource groups did not uniformly report greater levels of intention to participate in future collective action. Of the maintenance processes tested, collective identity emerged as a particularly important predictor differentiating initial and sustained participation. Findings from the present study raise questions about how individuals with multiple identities can come together and participate in collective action.  相似文献   

邱江  张庆林  李小平 《心理科学》2007,30(6):1356-1358,1350
选取条件概率(P(Q|P))由低到高的四个命题作为四卡问题中的检验规则,探讨了大学生被试对四张卡片的逻辑证明作用的推断能力及其对解决四卡问题的影响。结果发现:(1)不同条件概率的命题之间正确选择P-Q的人数百分比不存在显著差异,命题的条件概率因素对四卡问题的正确解决没有影响。(2)逻辑分析过程对四卡问题的正确解决产生了一定的抑制作用,这可能是因为被试不能从整体上思考四张卡片在命题检验中的逻辑作用的缘故。(3)一些被试即使在逻辑分析过程中表现出知道-Q卡片的证伪作用,仍然倾向于选择卡片Q而非-Q,这一现象再次证实了人类思维的非形式逻辑的一面。  相似文献   

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