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The purpose of the present study was to validate the Classroom Climate Inventory (CCI) in Korean middle schools. Specifically, we investigated whether the original eight‐factor structure of the Japanese version of the CCI (Involvement, Affiliation, Friction, Satisfaction, Self‐disclosure, Task Orientation, Order, and Equity) is appropriate for Korean middle schools. The results indicated that the Korean version of the CCI showed a different factor structure from the Japanese CCI. In the cross‐culturally validated CCI, the Friction factor included in the Japanese version was divided into two factors (i.e., Harmony and Conflict), and Equity was excluded. The final model of the Korean CCI displayed acceptable goodness‐of‐fit indices, which indicated that it is a valid instrument by which to measure the classroom climate of Korean middle schools. Lastly, implications for future research and limitations are discussed.  相似文献   

Burnout has been recognized as an important stress‐related problem. Researchers have been troubled by some of the psychometric limitations of the questionnaires developed to evaluate burnout. This study was designed to assess the factor structure of the Spanish Burnout Inventory in a sample of 548 Brazilian public administration employees. This instrument comprises 20 items distributed in four dimensions: enthusiasm toward the job (5 items), psychological exhaustion (4 items), indolence (6 items), and guilt (5 items). The factor structure was examined through confirmatory factor analysis. To assess the factorial validity of the Spanish Burnout Inventory, four alternative models were tested. The four‐factor model obtained an adequate data fit for the sample, χ2(164) = 514.358, p < .001, RMSEA = .062, GFI = .910, NFI = .915, CFI = .940, and AIC = 606.358. The results showed that the four‐model factor of the Spanish Burnout Inventory possesses adequate psychometric properties in the Brazilian cultural context. Implications for future research and practice are also discussed.  相似文献   

This study was designed to adapt and to assess the reliability and factor structure of an Italian translation of the full and short form of the Posttraumatic Growth Inventory. A sample of 1,244 Italian adults who had experienced a range of adverse life events participated in this study. Five models of the underlying structure of the Posttraumatic Growth Inventory were tested via confirmatory factor analyses. Analyses of both the short and full form of the PTGI provided support for the original correlated five-factor structure. Multigroup confirmatory factor analysis supported the invariance of the Posttraumatic Growth Inventory across gender.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to re-evaluate the psychometric properties of the Basic Character Inventory (BCI). In a rather large sample of 503 subjects (323 women and 180 men, 88 non-psychotic psychiatric inpatients and 415 non-patients) factor analysis resulted in three factors with personality traits almost identical with the BCI Oral, Obsessive and Hysterical scales. BCI seems to be a fruitful and reliable assessment instrument for personality traits and character types as outlined in psychoanalytic theory. However, some of the trait subscales ought to be scrutinized in future psychometric re-evaluative studies of BCI on new, large samples. Another factor analysis showed that the BCI Oral scale, together with all the ten subscales of the psychiatric Symptom Check-list 90 (SCL-90), loaded on the first factor, and the BCI Obsessive and Hysterical scales loaded on the second factor, but with different signs. Orality seems to be related to psychopathology.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to validate the factorial structure and psychometric properties of the Zimbardo Time Perspectives Inventory (ZTPI) in a South African student sample. A total of 200 students completed the ZTPI. The sample comprised 58 0.8% female students. Of these, 61.1% were black students and 38.9% were white students. The average age for the sample was 21.59 years. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were used to examine the construct and discriminant validity of the ZTPI. The data suggest ZTPI to comprise four factors of Present-Fatalistic (PF), Present-Hedonistic (PH), Past-Negative (PN), and Past-Positive (PP). Many of the factors cross-loaded onto one or two others, suggesting poor differentiation in the study sample. Scores from the ZTPI were of acceptable reliability. The study results suggest the ZTPI is usable for research purposes in South Africa.  相似文献   

王登峰  崔红 《心理学报》2008,40(7):828-838
研究旨在探讨基层党政领导干部的人格特点与工作绩效之间的关系。中国人人格量表(QZPS)测量的人格的七个维度及其18个次级因素均与工作绩效的维度存在不同程度的相关,其中处世态度、人际关系和外向性与任务绩效绩效相关最高,处世态度、情绪性和行事风格与个人品质绩效绩效相关最高,而情绪性与他人评定绩效相关最高。人格因素可以解释自我评定绩效31. 7% ~ 49. 9%的变异,可以解释他人评定绩效6. 3% ~ 12. 8%的变异。而采用NEO PI-R测量人格时,所解释的工作绩效的变异只有QZPS的1/3左右。文中还讨论了工作绩效和人格结构的文化意义以及本土化研究的重要性  相似文献   

The item and scale factor structure of the Basic Personality Inventory (BPI) was examined in a sample of 486 offenders incarcerated for violent and sexual crimes. Separate principal-component analyses of the items for each of the 11 clinical scales, critical item scale, and social desirability scale indicated a one-dimensional factor solution for all scales except Depression and Persecutory Ideation. The Depression scale's two factors were Hopelessness and Depressive Affect and the Persecutory Ideation scale's two factors were General Paranoia and Perception of External Control. Although the factors for these two scales may assist in interpretation, the correlations between the factors and the total score of their respective scale were high. Confirmatory factor analysis of the 220 items from the 11 clinical scales supported the factorial logic of the scoring key. Analysis of the 11 clinical scales resulted in two factors: General Psychopathology/Adjustment and Antisocial Orientation. The results suggest that all but two scales can be viewed as unidimensional thereby allowing for a straightforward clinical interpretation. These analyses support the internal structure of the BPI and lend credence to external validity work with forensic populations.  相似文献   

This study investigated the factor structure of the 26‐item Midlife Development Inventory (MIDI) Personality Scale in a sample of 2,720 Americans. It was found that whereas confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) did not provide an acceptable fit to the data, exploratory structural equation modeling (ESEM) provided an acceptable fit. The results of ESEM revealed that the a priori five‐factor structure of personality was generally consistent with the data, and all items had salient loadings on their target factors. ESEM also revealed that some of the items contributed significantly to more than one personality factor. The results are in line with previous research, and indicate that ESEM is more suitable than CFA for the study of personality traits.  相似文献   

The authors reviewed 12 studies using the Counselor Burnout Inventory, including the results from their original, large‐sample study of school counselors (N = 1,005). Aggregated internal consistency (coefficient alpha) was .90 (N = 1,708), and subscale alphas ranged from .73 to .86 (N = 2,809). Test–retest reliability was .81 (N = 18; k = 1), with subscale test–retest reliability estimates ranging from .72 to .85. Convergent comparisons were robust across 10 instruments. Structural validity indicated a 5‐factor solution and an adequate to good fit of the model to the current study's data.  相似文献   

In order to help students adapt well to stressful situations or adversity, many researchers have explored the issue of students' resilience. The main purpose of this study was to develop the Inventory of College Students' Resilience (ICSR), for assessing resilience of college students. The present study recruited 993 participants to conduct item analysis, exploratory factor analysis and reliability analysis. We then administered the questionnaire to another 1490 participants in order to conduct confirmatory factor analysis and assess criterion-related validity. The results showed the proposed model fit the data well and the ICSR had both internal consistency and criterion-related validity. The ICSR was also found to have measurement invariance across gender. We conclude that the ICSR can help students to identify strengths and weaknesses in order to reinforce their resilience and improve their response to life stress and trauma.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between supervisor job experience and ratings of the importance of eight skill components for performing subordinates' jobs. When examining these correlations, statistical control was utilized to ensure that supervisor and subordinate characteristics confounded with supervisor job experience were not affecting hypothesized relationships. As predicted, there were statistically significant positive correlations between supervisor job experience and ratings on 6 of the 8 components. Also as predicted, controlling for the characteristics confounded with supervisor job experience made a substantial difference in results; 13 of the 16 correlations using statistical control significantly differed from correlations that did not. This illustrates that future research on SME characteristics should consider controlling variables confounded with the focal characteristic(s) under study in order to more thoroughly understand characteristic–rating relationships. Implications of these findings for research and practice are discussed and suggestions for future research are offered.  相似文献   

The Basic Character Inventory (BCI) contains 136 items, 17 lower-order personality factors and three higher-order personality factors derived from psychoanalytic theory: Oral, Obsessive Compulsion, and Hysteria. Previous research that investigated the BCI's psychometric properties examined small, special populations and did not use modern statistical methods to validate the BCI. The present study validates the BCI via confirmatory factor analyses using a large sample of 6,285 Norwegian nursing and teaching students. Reliability, convergent validity, and divergent validity of the BCI were also assessed. Results indicated general support for the original BCI factor structure in a reduced form of the BCI that possesses strong reliability and validity, and is suitable for use in time-limited measurement settings.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the Singer-Loomis Type Deployment Inventory (SL-TDI), which is an alternative to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). The SL-TDI utilizes a continuous, non-forced choice format and therefore is a more accurate representation of Jung's personality theory of psychological types. The purpose of the study reported here is to evaluate the reliability and validity of scores from the SL-TDI. Specifically, the goals were to (a) provide estimates of the internal consistency of SL-TDI scores; (b) evaluate the divergent validity of SL-TDI scores by examination of their relationships with the scores on a social desirability responding measure; and (c) examine the test-retest stability of scores from the SL-TDI. Strong support was found for both the reliability and validity of SL-TDI scores.  相似文献   

小学生人格测评结构的验证性因素分析   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
杨丽珠  张野 《心理科学》2006,29(4):933-936
该文以自然语言的方式,采用大范围开放式问卷(n=1885)、理论分析等方法编制小学生人格发展教师评定问卷,并通过探索性因素分析(n=628)、验证性因素分析(n=1316)得出小学生人格测评结构包括认真自控、智能特征、情绪性、亲社会性四个维度11个特质。问卷具有较好的信度和效度。  相似文献   

用中国人个性量表(CPAI)预测国有企业中高层管理者的绩效   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本研究用中国人个性量表 (CPAI)测量了某国有企业的 3 8名中高级管理人员 ,并获得了他们最近的上司评定绩效资料。相关分析表明 ,CPAI的和谐维度与工作能力和工作态度的多个指标有正相关 ,CPAI的领导维度与沟通能力有正相关。与假设相反 ,老实 -圆滑和务实与沟通能力有负相关 ;越外控的员工 ,其合作态度的评价越高。这可能表明了国企管理的某些特点对人格—绩效关系的影响。本研究揭示了一些被西方心理学家忽视的人格维度对于中国企业人力资源管理的重要意义。  相似文献   

Several factor analyses of the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI) have resulted in very similar solutions. Interpretation of this consistency is hampered by the fact that the 20 scales of the inventory share items. Overlapping items cause the scales to be linearly dependent and may create structure in the interscale correlation matrix which is separate from the subject response patterns. A factor analysis was performed on the matrix of item-overlap coefficients which describes the underlying artifactual structure of the instrument. Data from two new subject samples were factor analyzed and compared to previously published studies. Similarity coefficients among factors across studies were calculated.  相似文献   

Barelds, D. P. H. & Dijkstra, P. (2009). Narcissistic Personality Inventory: Structure of the adapted Dutch version. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 51, 132–138. The present study examined the structure of a Dutch adaptation of the 40‐item Narcissistic Personality Inventory ( Raskin & Terry, 1988 ) in a community sample (n = 460) and a student sample (n = 515). Altering the response format of the NPI to a Likert‐scale had no apparent effect on the responses. Confirmatory factor analyses supported neither the four‐factor structure reported by Emmons (1984) , nor the seven‐factor structure reported by Raskin and Terry (1988) . Instead, exploratory factor analyses supported either a single‐factor solution (general narcissism), or a two‐factor solution (Authority/Power and Self‐Admiration). The validity of the NPI was supported by its relations with sex, age, personality, self‐esteem, shame, guilt and social desirability.  相似文献   

Using confirmatory factor analysis, this study compared the 4-factor 18-item Narcissistic Personality Questionnaire for Children (NPQC) and the 2-factor, 12-item Narcissistic Personality Questionnaire for Children-Revised (NPQC-R). Support was found for the 2-factor structure of the 12-item NPQC-R using two independent adolescent school-based samples (n = 479 and n = 470). The 2-factor NPQC-R model (i.e., Superiority, Exploitativeness) showed a better fit in both adolescent samples than the alternative 4-factor NPQC model. There was strong support for NPQC-R’s invariance across gender and age. The NPQC-R was found to have reasonable internal consistency estimates, test–retest reliability estimates, and adequate convergent and discriminant validity estimates. Collectively, these results support the utility of the NPQC-R as a measure of narcissism in children and adolescents. A copy of the NPQC-R and scoring key can be obtained from Rebecca P. Ang.  相似文献   

The structure of the Eysenck Personality Inventory (EPI) is poorly understood, and applications have mostly been confined to the broad Neuroticism, Extraversion and Lie scales. Using a hierarchical factoring procedure, we mapped the sequential differentiation of EPI scales from broad, molar factors to more specific, molecular factors, in a UK population sample of over 6500 persons. Replicable facets at the lowest tier of Neuroticism included oversensitivity, mood lability, nervous tension and rumination. The lowest order set of replicable Extraversion facets consisted of social dynamism, sociotropy, haste, jocularity, communalism and impulsivity. The Lie scale consisted of an interpersonal virtue and a behavioral diligence facet. Users of the EPI may be well served in some circumstances by considering its broad Neuroticism, Extraversion and Lie scales as multifactorial, a feature that was explicitly incorporated into subsequent Eysenck inventories and is consistent with other hierarchical trait structures.  相似文献   

The present study evaluated the ability of item‐level bifactor models (a) to provide an alternative explanation to current theories of higher order factors of personality and (b) to explain socially desirable responding in both job applicant and non‐applicant contexts. Participants (46% male; mean age = 42 years, SD = 11) completed the 200‐item HEXACO Personality Inventory‐Revised either as part of a job application (n = 1613) or as part of low‐stakes research (n = 1613). A comprehensive set of invariance tests were performed. Applicants scored higher than non‐applicants on honesty‐humility (d = 0.86), extraversion (d = 0.73), agreeableness (d = 1.06), and conscientiousness (d = 0.77). The bifactor model provided improved model fit relative to a standard correlated factor model, and loadings on the evaluative factor of the bifactor model were highly correlated with other indicators of item social desirability. The bifactor model explained approximately two‐thirds of the differences between applicants and non‐applicants. Results suggest that rather than being a higher order construct, the general factor of personality may be caused by an item‐level evaluative process. Results highlight the importance of modelling data at the item‐level. Implications for conceptualizing social desirability, higher order structures in personality, test development, and job applicant faking are discussed. Copyright © 2017 European Association of Personality Psychology  相似文献   

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