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The effects of two different faking instructions on Orientation Inventory scores were investigated in five groups of university students. The faking sets tended to produce increased scores on task orientation and decreased scores on self orientation. Changes in interaction orientation scores were inconsistent. Results were compared with those obtained earlier by Bass.  相似文献   

Individual versus group risk taking was examined by using a novel set of industrial product purchasing situations as stimuli. The set incorporated situations that varied along a dimension called “normative risk.” Situations represented either low-normative risk, medium-normative risk, or high-normative risk. Normative risk was defined in a decision theoretical context. The set was administered to introductory business students at a large university in the United States. The results of the study showed that groups were not invariably riskier than individuals; rather the amount of risky shift following group discussion was negatively related to the level of normative risk. This overall conclusion held true also in relation to the degree of perceived riskiness of the situations, since a positive relationship between normative risk and perceived risk was established. The theoretical implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

Kant, in various parts of his treatment of causality, refers to determinism or the principle of sufficient reason as an inescapable principle. In fact, in the Second Analogy we find the elements to reconstruct a purely phenomenal determinism as a logical and tautological truth. I endeavour in this article to gather these elements into an organic theory of phenomenal causality and then show, in the third section, with a specific argument which I call the “paradox of phenomenal observation”, that this phenomenal determinism is the only rational approach to causality because any logico-reductivistic approach, such as the Humean one, would destroy the temporal order and so the very possibility to talk of a causal relation. I also believe that, all things said, Kant did not achieve a much greater comprehension of the problem than Hume did, in his theory of causality, for he did not free a phenomenal approach from the impasse of reductivism as his reflections on “simultaneous causation” and “vanishing quantities” indeed show, and this I will argue in Sect. 4 of this article.
Alba Papa-GrimaldiEmail:

人际关系人格维度包括宽和与热情两个次级因素,反映的是对待人际关系的基本态度.该研究依据本土化的中国人人格量表对中国人的人际关系人格维度及其两个次级因素的特点进行了分析,发现个体的性别、年龄、职业和婚姻状况均对人际关系产生不同程度的影响.总体上看,女性比男性对人更宽和,男性比女性对人更热情;年龄越大,人际关系分数越高;行政管理者比工人农民与和教科文卫人员人际关系分数更高,而婚姻状况也与年龄和性别一起影响个体的人际关系倾向.  相似文献   

创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)是唯一在诊断标准中包含惊反射改变的精神疾病.相比自我报告法,对惊反射的实验室测量与总体症状关联更紧密,并已积累了较多神经机制研究成果,可作为连接前临床与临床研究的桥梁.在惊反射应用于PTSD研究的初期,它主要作为PTSD患者高唤醒症状的客观指标,但是尚未发现惊反射强度的变化与总体症状的明确关系.近年来,惊反射与情境性焦虑、恐惧抑制等新范式结合,发现特定情境下惊反射改变是PTSD患者特有的表现.惊反射在创伤应激障碍研究中所取得的新进展对PTSD病理机制的探索和临床诊断都有所启发和推进.  相似文献   

中国人的人格特点(VI):人际关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人际关系人格维度包括宽和与热情两个次级因素,反映的是对待人际关系的基本态度。该研究依据本土化的中国人人格量表对中国人的人际关系人格维度及其两个次级因素的特点进行了分析,发现个体的性别、年龄、职业和婚姻状况均对人际关系产生不同程度的影响。总体上看,女性比男性对人更宽和,男性比女性对人更热情;年龄越大,人际关系分数越高;行政管理者比工人农民与和教科文卫人员人际关系分数更高,而婚姻状况也与年龄和性别一起影响个体的人际关系倾向。  相似文献   

Wild-strain male house mice were fostered at birth onto conspecifics, deer mice, or domestic Norway rats. In adulthood, their flesh-eating preferences were tested by allowing them to feed from freshly asphyxiated conspecifics and either deer mice or rats. The mice ate significantly more conspecific flesh than contraspecific flesh, except when the flesh offered was that of the contraspecies upon which the mouse had been fostered at birth. The failure of cross-species-fostered mice to discriminate between their own species and their foster species in flesh-preference tests is attributed to their having learned early in life to respond to the foster species in the same way they normally respond to conspecifics, that is, by approaching them, investigating them, and, when finding them dead, feeding upon them.  相似文献   

An empirical investigation of Bene and Anthony's (1957) “tenderness vs. toughness” hypothesis of inhibition in boys was conducted. Examination of the Family Relations Test (FRT) protocols of 217 boys (age range, 7 years 2 months to 12 years 10 months; IQ range, 80 to 132) referred to Calgary School Board psychologists, showed Bene and Anthony's hypothesis to be valid in this sample. Evidence is given to suggest that each of the eight scoring categories should be viewed separately for inhibition trends and not summed over any of the three dimensions, intensity, direction, and valence. The relation of FRT Inhibition to reason for referral was examined but only in the eight-year-old group was any significant relationship found.  相似文献   


This issue of Cognition and Emotion is devoted to studies of the development of emotion-cognition relations. children's knowledge of the causes of emotions, and the relations of that knowledge to expectations or anticipations of emotion experiences. The studies show that infants of seven months display different expressive behaviours to confirmed and disconfirmed expectations; that the first words of 13-month-olds are not coordinated with expressions of joy or negative emotions and 19-month-olds vocabulary spurts contain very few emotion labels; that 3- to 7-year-olds can label their emotions and understand relations among beliefs, desires, and emotion experiences; and that understandings of relations among causal attributions and emotion experiences are stable over the life span. These findings suggest interesting possibilities for research on developmental processes that integrate emotion, cognition, and action.  相似文献   

An attempt was made to investigate the hypothesis that type of abstract reasoning impairment was related to age. Forty brain damaged patients were divided into four age groups (30–39, 40–49, 50–59, and 60+) and evaluated by a concept identification task which yields data as to whether impairment is qualitative or quantitative. The results indicated that the greatest amount of qualitative type impairment occurred among the older brain damaged patients when compared with the other subjects.  相似文献   

We have previously identified categorical individual differences in the occurrence of temporal brightness enhancement (TBE) by using a simultaneous brightness discrimination paradigm (Bowen & Markell, 1980).TBE is a nonmonotonic relation between brightness and pulse duration, pulses of intermediate duration (75–125 msec) can appear brighter than longer or shorter pulses of the same luminance. Three classes of observers can be defined based on whether they perceive TBE under one of two conditions of temporal asynchrony between a short test pulse and a longer (500 msec) comparison pulse:simultaneous onset of the pulses orsimultaneous offset. Type A observers show TBE for both asynchrony conditions; Type B observers show the effect for simultaneous offset but not simultaneous onset; Type C observers do not show TBE for either asynchrony. In the present study, we show that Type A and Type C observers maintain a constant brightness-duration relation as the asynchrony between test and comparison pulses is varied from simultaneous onset to simultaneous offset. Type B observers show a gradual shift in the brightness-duration relation as asynchrony changes. In a separate experiment, we find that practice has little effect on Type A and Type B observers but that Type C observers may change in classification to Types A and B over as few as five experimental sessions. The hypothesis that individual differences are due to differential “weighting” of chromatic (sustained) and achromatic (transient) visual channels is discussed.  相似文献   

时间顺序关系对语言理解的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
通过2个实验探讨在语言理解中时间顺序相关性(顺时序、反时序、不相关)和时间间隔(200ms、500ms、1000ms)在日常事件认识中的作用。实验采用关系——认知范式(relarion-recognition paradigm)。结果表明:被试在有明显时间信息影响下,优先对将来取向(顺时序)的事件进行加工处理。对时间上不相关的事件比对顺时序和反时序的事件加工得快而准。但在无明显时间信息影响时,首先受到本身词义的影响,继而受到隐含的时间信息的影响。  相似文献   

The Psychological Record - In an earlier work (Gomez, Barnes-Holmes, & Luciano, 2001), it was found that although generalized break equivalence was achieved for 3 subjects (i.e., responding...  相似文献   

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