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Previously, we have shown that discrete and continuous rapid aiming tasks are governed by distinct visuomotor control mechanisms by assessing the combined visual illusion effects on the perceived and effective index of difficulty (ID). All participants were perceptually biased by the combined visual illusion before they performed the rapid aiming tasks. In the current study, the authors manipulated the order of performing perceptual and motor tasks to examine whether perceptual or motor experience with the illusory visual target would influence the subsequent perceived and effective ID in discrete and continuous tapping tasks. The results supported our hypothesis showing that perceptual experience with the illusory visual target in the discrete condition reduced the effective ID in the subsequent discrete tapping task, and motor experience with the illusory visual target in the continuous condition reduced the illusion effects on the perceived ID in the subsequent perceptual judgment task. The study demonstrates the coinfluence of perception and action, and suggests that perception and action influence one another with different magnitude depending on the spatial frame of reference used to perform the perceptuomotor task.  相似文献   

Recent research has revealed that simple actions can have a profound effect on subsequent perception – people are faster to find a target that shares features with a previously acted on object even when those features are irrelevant to their task (the action effect). However, the majority of the evidence for this interaction between action and perception has come from manual response data. Therefore, it is unknown whether action affects early visual search processes, if it modulates post-attentional-selection processes, or both. To investigate this, we tracked participants’ spontaneous eye movements as they performed an action effect task. In two experiments we found that participants looked more quickly to the colour of an object they had previously acted on, compared to if they had viewed but not acted on the object, showing that action influenced early visual search processes. Additionally, there was evidence for post-selection effects as well. The results suggest that prior action affects both pre-selection and post-selection processes – spontaneously guiding attention to, and maintaining it on, objects that were previously important to the observer.  相似文献   

Future Directions for Eye Movement Research   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Eyemovementdatahaveproventobeex鄄tremelyusefulinthestudyofmanytopicsrelatedtocognitiveprocessing.Indeed,theymaybethebeston-linemeasureofmoment-to-momentcogni鄄tiveprocesses.Thisisnottosaythateyemove鄄mentswillproveusefulineveryaspectofcognitiveprocessing.Forexample,itisdifficulttoseehoweyemovementsmayrevealagreatdealaboutbasicmemoryprocesses(but,evenhere,theycouldbeusefulindeterminingexactlywhatpeoplerememberfromasceneorvisualdisplay).Inthisarticle,Iwillbrieflysummarizesomeimportantfindingsth…  相似文献   

临床证据发现空间忽视症病人对于近处和远处空间内的注意加工存在差异,表现为空间忽视只发生于近处空间或只发生于远处空间,提示近处空间与远处空间在脑内可能是分别表征的。对健康成人的研究也发现了与之类似的近处空间和远处空间注意的分离现象,即在近处空间表现出左偏的伪忽视现象,在远处空间表现出左偏减弱或者右偏的趋势。本文综述了远、近空间内注意加工分离的实验证据以及采用线段二分任务这一主要的研究范式相关的实验结果,并且着重指出了远、近空间的划分不是绝对的,而是动态可变的研究证据。最后,指出了将来的研究需要深入考察空间参照系统在远、近空间知觉中的作用,以及关注社会交互情境下的远、近空间距离认知的动态变化。  相似文献   

Eye movements are now widely used to investigate cognitive processes during reading, scene perception, and visual search. In this article, research on the following topics is reviewed with respect to reading: (a) the perceptual span (or span of effective vision), (b) preview benefit, (c) eye movement control, and (d) models of eye movements. Related issues with respect to eye movements during scene perception and visual search are also reviewed. It is argued that research on eye movements during reading has been somewhat advanced over research on eye movements in scene perception and visual search and that some of the paradigms developed to study reading should be more widely adopted in the study of scene perception and visual search. Research dealing with “real-world” tasks and research utilizing the visual-world paradigm are also briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Recent research has revealed that a simple action (pressing a computer key) produced in response to a visual object prioritizes features of that object in subsequent visual search. The effects of simple action, however, have only been studied with search displays that required serial search. Here we explored whether simple actions have an effect when the target in visual search is always a salient singleton. Participants viewed a coloured shape at the beginning of each trial, and sometimes they acted (pressed the space bar) in response to it. In the subsequent search task, after acting (but not after viewing), the previously-seen colour affected search performance even though the target was always a salient singleton and the colour was uninformative. The results reveal that prior action can interact with bottom-up salience during search. Implications for our understanding of both visual search and repetition priming are discussed.  相似文献   


Differences in eye movement patterns are often found when comparing passive viewing paradigms to actively engaging in everyday tasks. Arguably, investigations into visuomotor control should therefore be most useful when conducted in settings that incorporate the intrinsic link between vision and action. We present a study that compares oculomotor behaviour and hazard reaction times across a simulated driving task and a comparable, but passive, video-based hazard perception task. We found that participants scanned the road less during the active driving task and fixated closer to the front of the vehicle. Participants were also slower to detect the hazards in the driving task. Our results suggest that the interactivity of simulated driving places increased demand upon the visual and attention systems than simply viewing driving movies. We offer insights into why these differences occur and explore the possible implications of such findings within the wider context of driver training and assessment.  相似文献   

王树明  章建成  张静 《心理科学》2005,28(3):731-738
包含评分者侧面的测验通常不符合任意一种概化理论设计,因此从概化理论的角度来看这类测验下的数据应属于缺失数据,而决定缺失结构的就是测验的评分方案。用R软件模拟出三种评分方案下的数据,并比较传统法、评价法和拆分法在各评分方案下的估计效果,结果表明:(1)传统法估计准确性较差;(2)评分者一致性较高时,适宜用评价法进行估计;(3)拆分法的估计结果最准确,仅在固定评分者评分方案下需注意评分者与考生数量之比,该比值小于等于0.0047 时估计结果较为准确。  相似文献   

It is incontestable that high motor performance requires an optimal coupling between perception and action. In sports as well as in professional tasks, the Quiet Eye (QE) – defined as the final fixation before movement initiation – has been found to explain a considerable amount of variance in motor performance and expertise. In the current series of studies, the underlying mechanisms of this perception-action variable were further investigated by testing predictions of the inhibition hypothesis. According to the inhibition hypothesis, the functionality of the QE is to shield movement parametrization. By manipulating the demands during response selection (Experiment 1 and Experiment 2) and movement control (Experiment 2) in a far-aiming task, it was found that – in line with the predictions – QE duration increased with increasing inhibition demands. This effect was mainly driven by the similarity rather than the number of possible actions. Moreover, the relation between inhibition demands and QE-duration were sustained through both response selection and movement control, which is perfectly in line with the notion of a continuous perception-action cycle in motor behavior. In sum, these findings corroborate the inhibition function as an integral component within a cognitive understanding of the QE phenomenon.  相似文献   

图形视觉与心理表象眼动模式的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钟娟  高湘萍 《心理科学》2008,31(6):1454-1457,1470
本研究通过比较图形视觉和心理表象以及不同认知框架下表象加工的眼动参数,揭示图形视觉加工和心理表象加工的特点.结果表明,从视知觉到视觉心理表象,眼动被币新编码,眼动模式更加简洁,视觉心理表象具有一定的概括性;认知框架影响视觉心理表象加工的眼动模式.  相似文献   

Some things look more complex than others. For example, a crenulate and richly organized leaf may seem more complex than a plain stone. What is the nature of this experience—and why do we have it in the first place? Here, we explore how object complexity serves as an efficiently extracted visual signal that the object merits further exploration. We algorithmically generated a library of geometric shapes and determined their complexity by computing the cumulative surprisal of their internal skeletons—essentially quantifying the “amount of information” within each shape—and then used this approach to ask new questions about the perception of complexity. Experiments 1–3 asked what kind of mental process extracts visual complexity: a slow, deliberate, reflective process (as when we decide that an object is expensive or popular) or a fast, effortless, and automatic process (as when we see that an object is big or blue)? We placed simple and complex objects in visual search arrays and discovered that complex objects were easier to find among simple distractors than simple objects are among complex distractors—a classic search asymmetry indicating that complexity is prioritized in visual processing. Next, we explored the function of complexity: Why do we represent object complexity in the first place? Experiments 4–5 asked subjects to study serially presented objects in a self-paced manner (for a later memory test); subjects dwelled longer on complex objects than simple objects—even when object shape was completely task-irrelevant—suggesting a connection between visual complexity and exploratory engagement. Finally, Experiment 6 connected these implicit measures of complexity to explicit judgments. Collectively, these findings suggest that visual complexity is extracted efficiently and automatically, and even arouses a kind of “perceptual curiosity” about objects that encourages subsequent attentional engagement.  相似文献   

Young adult participants are faster to detect young adult faces in crowds of infant and child faces than vice versa. These findings have been interpreted as evidence for more efficient attentional capture by own-age than other-age faces, but could alternatively reflect faster rejection of other-age than own-age distractors, consistent with the previously reported other-age categorization advantage: faster categorization of other-age than own-age faces. Participants searched for own-age faces in other-age backgrounds or vice versa. Extending the finding to different other-age groups, young adult participants were faster to detect young adult faces in both early adolescent (Experiment 1) and older adult backgrounds (Experiment 2). To investigate whether the own-age detection advantage could be explained by faster categorization and rejection of other-age background faces, participants in experiments 3 and 4 also completed an age categorization task. Relatively faster categorization of other-age faces was related to relatively faster search through other-age backgrounds on target absent trials but not target present trials. These results confirm that other-age faces are more quickly categorized and searched through and that categorization and search processes are related; however, this correlational approach could not confirm or reject the contribution of background face processing to the own-age detection advantage.  相似文献   

彭晓玲  黄丹 《心理科学》2018,(2):498-503
探究自闭症谱系障碍(ASD)儿童视觉搜索优势的显现是否受任务难度影响及优势存在机理。本研究采集ASD和正常发育(TD)儿童完成不同难度等级视觉搜索任务的行为和眼动数据。结果发现:在高难度等级任务中ASD组的准确率显著高于TD组;ASD组在任务中对目标刺激的回视次数、对靶子和外周感兴趣区的注视时间显著少于TD组,且ASD组偏好注视刺激的右侧区域。结果表明ASD儿童视觉搜索优势显现受任务难度影响,且可能与其对干扰刺激增强的知觉能力有关。  相似文献   

The authors examined whether the top-down requirements of dissociating the spatial relations between stimulus and response in a goal-directed grasping task renders the mediation of aperture trajectories via relative visual information. To address that issue, participants grasped differently sized target objects (i.e., grasping condition) and also grasped to a location that was dissociated from the target object (i.e., pantomime-grasping condition). Just noticeable difference (JND) values associated with the early through late stages of aperture shaping were computed to examine the extent to which motor output adhered to, or violated, the psychophysical principles of Weber's law. As expected, JNDs during the late stages of the grasping condition violated Weber's law: a result evincing the use of absolute visual information. In contrast, JNDs for the pantomime-grasping condition produced a continuous adherence to Weber's law. Such a result indicates that dissociating a stimulus from a response is a perception-based task and results in aperture shaping via relative visual information.  相似文献   

知觉与行为的分离是指人的视觉对物体的知觉与对行为的控制属于两个不同的系统。最早人们从临床病例中发现存在知觉与行为的分离,以后Aglioti等利用铁钦纳错觉实验证实正常人中也存在这一分离现象。一些研究者将两者的分离看作是两个不同视觉皮层通路(腹侧知觉系统和背侧视觉运动系统)的结果。围绕这一分离现象的实验和假说引发了不少的争论。该文回顾了十年来利用错觉实验所做的众多验证性研究,分析了支持和否定分离现象存在的各类证据,对一些重要结果和观点进行了总结,并由此提出了自己的看法。  相似文献   

It has been proposed that the perception of very short duration is governed by sensory mechanisms, whereas the perception of longer duration depends on cognitive capacities. Four duration discrimination tasks (modalities: visual, auditory; base duration: 100 ms, 1000 ms) were used to study the relation between time perception, age, sex, and cognitive abilities (alertness, visual and verbal working memory, general fluid reasoning) in 100 subjects aged between 21 and 84 years. Temporal acuity was higher (Weber fractions are lower) for longer stimuli and for the auditory modality. Age was related to the visual 100 ms condition only, with lower temporal acuity in elder participants. Alertness was significantly related to auditory and visual Weber fractions for shorter stimuli only. Additionally, visual working memory was a significant predictor for shorter visual stimuli. These results indicate that alertness, but also working memory, are associated with temporal discrimination of very brief duration.  相似文献   

Temporal and spatial coupling of point of gaze (PG) and movements of the finger, elbow, and shoulder during a speeded aiming task were examined. Ten participants completed 40-cm aiming movements with the right arm, in a situation that allowed free movement of the eyes, head, arm, and trunk. On the majority of trials, a large initial saccade undershot the target slightly, and 1 or more smaller corrective saccades brought the eyes to the target position. The finger, elbow, and shoulder exhibited a similar pattern of undershooting their final positions, followed by small corrective movements. Eye movements usually preceded limb movements, and the eyes always arrived at the target well in advance of the finger. There was a clear temporal coupling between primary saccade completion and peak acceleration of the finger, elbow, and shoulder. The initiation of limb-segment movement usually occurred in a proximal-to-distal pattern. Increased variability in elbow and shoulder position as the movement progressed may have served to reduce variability in finger position. The spatial-temporal coupling of PG with the 3 limb segments was optimal for the pick up of visual information about the position of the finger and the target late in the movement.  相似文献   

本研究考察了道路交通标志中路名信息对称结构效应的眼动模式。实验采用眼动跟踪技术和视觉搜索范式,共有16名被试参加。实验结果表明:(1)在对称结构路名信息的视觉搜索中,被试的反应正确率明显优于非对称结构条件下的正确率;(2)对称结构条件下,被试的注视点和回扫次数明显较少,凝视时间明显较短;(3)在以道路交通标志为视觉搜索材料时,搜索区有无路名目标对视觉搜索绩效没有影响。可以认为:在道路交通标志中存在对称结构效应;眼动模式的差异是引起对称结构效应的认知机制。  相似文献   

采用眼动追踪技术,通过笔画数多少构成高低不同的视觉复杂性,操纵文本的字间距,来考察视觉复杂性和字间距对汉语发展性阅读障碍儿童的视觉拥挤效应的影响。结果发现,阅读障碍儿童阅读低视觉复杂性文本时,随着字间距的不断增加,字间距增加到一定程度时(+6 pt)阅读时间最长、总注视次数最多,随后在本实验字间距最大条件下(+12 pt)阅读时间变短、总注视次数变少,正常儿童不存在这种现象。结果表明,文本阅读中,字间距和视觉复杂性对阅读障碍儿童的视觉拥挤效应起到调节作用,低视觉复杂性文本可以降低阅读障碍儿童的视觉拥挤效应,阅读障碍儿童的视觉拥挤效应强度和字间距大小的数量关系呈非线性。  相似文献   


We examined the information-processing functions (response-time × load) of younger and older adults for two verbal and one visuo-spatial task; each task was implemented in a baseline and a high-complexity condition. Heightened complexity transformed the baseline functions in either an additive or a multiplicative fashion. The processing efficiency of older adults was defined as the old-young ratio of the slopes of the load functions. Three levels of efficiency could be distinguished. The first level, with an age-related slowing factor of about 1.2, consisted of low-complexity verbal processing and additive-complexity verbal processing. The second level, associated with a slowing factor of about 1.6, consisted of a mixture of verbal-high-multiplicative-complexity processing and visuo-spatial-low-complexity processing. The third level, with a slowing factor of about 4, consisted of visuo-spatial processing of high multiplicative complexity. The results go against any common factor theory of aging. Instead, they suggest that a shift from a higher to a lower mode of efficiency is triggered by a greater degree of working memory involvement.  相似文献   

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