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We examined the potentially mediating effects of negative affectivity (NA) on the hope–depression relationship among a sample of postpartum women. We also assessed the social support reported by these women and examined the possible mediating effects of NA on the social support–postpartum depression relationship. Correlational analyses of data obtained from women (N = 98) who had given birth in the previous 6 months revealed that NA did not mediate either hope or social support in the prediction of postpartum depression. Hope accounted for a significant degree of variance in postpartum depression. These data suggest that hope has palliative effects among women following childbirth and these effects are not nullified or explained by emotional predispositions.  相似文献   

基于积极心理学,采用问卷调查法,对1098名大学生进行调查,探讨社会支持对社会幸福感的影响,并基于希望进行中介效应检验,借此构建三个变量之间的关系模型,探索促进大学生心理健康发展的内在机制。结果表明:社会支持、希望与社会幸福感之间两两相关显著; 社会支持和希望及其各维度,显著正向影响大学生的社会幸福感; 社会支持通过希望影响大学生社会幸福感水平。研究结果证实了希望在社会支持影响社会幸福感中起部分中介作用的心理机制,为大学生心理健康教育提供了参考建议。  相似文献   

We examined the effects of 2 variables on compliance rates within the foot-in-the-door procedure. Participants who agreed to a small request were presented with a larger request either immediately after the first request or 2 days later. The second request was presented either by the same person or by a different requester. Compared to a control group receiving only the large request, participants were more likely to agree to the second request in all experimental conditions except one. When the same requester presented the second request without delay, participants were less likely than the control group to agree to the target request. This latter condition represents a situation in which typical foot-in-the-door procedures can backfire on the requester.  相似文献   

This study aims to examine whether hope levels are predicted by social anxiety and social support and to investigate if the relationship between social anxiety and children’s hope levels is mediated and moderated by the social support of children. The Social Anxiety Scale for Children, Children’s Hope Scale, and Social Support Appraisals Scale for Children were administrated to a sample of 289 children (148 males and 141 females) enrolled in public school. To determine the relationships between variables, a Pearson correlation coefficient was utilized. Regression-based mediation and moderation analyses assessed whether social support mediates and moderates the relationship between social anxiety and children’s hope levels. Social anxiety and social support both correlated significantly with children’s hope levels; social anxiety had a negative correlation with children’s hope levels, while social support was positively correlated. Regression-based mediation and moderation analyses showed that social support mediates and moderates the relationship between social anxiety and children’s hope levels. The results of the present study emphasized the effects of social support on children; it had a positive effect on hope levels and a negative effect on social anxiety. Based on these results, it is recommended that the social support of children is increased via psycho-education programs for parents, caregivers, and teachers. It is further recommended that social-support-seeking behavior programs are developed in educational and mental health settings.  相似文献   

为了考察大学生自我概念清晰性对社交焦虑的影响,以及拒绝敏感性和无法忍受不确定性的中介作用,采用自我概念清晰性问卷、拒绝敏感性问卷、无法忍受不确定性量表和社交回避及苦恼量表对890名在校大学生进行问卷调查。结果表明:大学生的自我概念清晰性既可以直接负向预测社交焦虑,也可以通过拒绝敏感性、无法忍受不确定性以及二者的链式中介影响社交焦虑,但链式中介作用较弱。因此,大学生的自我概念清晰性是通过降低其拒绝敏感性和无法忍受不确定性,进而缓解大学生的社交焦虑。  相似文献   

本研究检验了情绪的效价和唤醒对记忆提取阶段熟悉性过程和回想过程的影响及其心理机制。结果发现,编码阶段无分心任务时,积极图片的高、低自信再认准确率均高于消极图片,而唤醒对于高自信再认准确率的影响只限于消极图片;在编码阶段设置分心任务时,发现积极和消极的高唤醒图片的高自信再认准确率显著高于低唤醒图片。这些结果说明情绪的效价影响了熟悉性和回想两类记忆过程,而唤醒只影响回想过程,效价效应是编码阶段被试调用认知资源对积极图片进行精细加工的结果,而唤醒对回想过程的影响是自动编码高唤醒刺激细节的结果。  相似文献   

The perceptual distortion of height was examined in a group of American male and female college student volunteers (n = 139). A message which announced either good or bad news was delivered by a familiar or unfamiliar person who was either male or female. After hearing the message, the students were asked to estimate the height of the communicator. Additionally, the variables of self-esteem and independence of judgment were measured. Results indicated that familiarity with the message source (p <.0025) as well as sex of the communicator (p <.024) were predictors of the perceptual distortion of height, but message valence was not. Neither self-esteem nor independence of judgment was functionally related to the proclivity to distort the heights of the communicators.  相似文献   

The relative effectiveness of incentive and minimal justification techniques in promoting electrical energy conservation among 90 homeowners was investigated. Subjects in the Questionnaire condition were asked to complete a short energy conservation survey. Those in the Commitment condition were asked to curtail their consumption of electricity by 15%. In the Questionnaire + Commitment condition, subjects received both requests. These three groups were compared to an Incentive condition, where individuals were offered a highly attractive monetary incentive for conserving electricity, a Questionnaire + Commitment + Incentive condition, and a Control condition. The groups did not differ in electricity consumption during baseline, initial request, or follow-up periods. However, during the conservation period, homeowners in the Commitment and the combined treatment groups conserved more electricity and contained more conservers than either of the remaining groups. These outcomes were discussed in terms of the comparative effectiveness of minimal justification and incentive strategies for inducing behavioral change.  相似文献   

采用纵向的研究设计,对上海市两所公办幼儿园192名学前儿童进行为期一年半的追踪调查,探讨了家庭功能与学前儿童行为问题之间的关系以及依恋回避和社交焦虑的中介作用。结果发现:(1)家庭功能、依恋回避、社交焦虑和儿童行为问题之间存在两两相关;(2)家庭功能能够显著负向预测儿童行为问题;(3)依恋回避和社交焦虑分别在家庭功能和行为问题之间起独立中介作用;(4)依恋回避和社交焦虑在家庭功能和行为问题之间起序列中介作用。研究结果进一步揭示了家庭功能对学前儿童行为问题影响的内在机制。  相似文献   

采用纵向的研究设计,对上海市两所公办幼儿园192名学前儿童进行为期一年半的追踪调查,探讨了家庭功能与学前儿童行为问题之间的关系以及依恋回避和社交焦虑的中介作用。结果发现:(1)家庭功能、依恋回避、社交焦虑和儿童行为问题之间存在两两相关;(2)家庭功能能够显著负向预测儿童行为问题;(3)依恋回避和社交焦虑分别在家庭功能和行为问题之间起独立中介作用;(4)依恋回避和社交焦虑在家庭功能和行为问题之间起序列中介作用。研究结果进一步揭示了家庭功能对学前儿童行为问题影响的内在机制。  相似文献   

This study explored the mediating role of stereotypes and evaluations in the relationships between intergroup conflict, social contact, and behavioral intentions to engage in intergroup contact. The hypotheses, derived from realistic group conflict theory and intergroup contact theory, were tested on samples of Arab and Jewish high school students in the context of an ethno‐racial intergroup conflict. As hypothesized, the less participants perceived a conflict between the groups, and the greater their past contact with out‐group members, the more they were willing to engage in intergroup contact. Moreover, stereotypes and evaluations mediated these effects in the Jewish sample. The implications of these findings for the study of the mechanisms underlying prejudice are discussed.  相似文献   

运用问卷法,对北京612名中小学生及其父母分别进行了儿童孤独退缩行为、自我概念及父母情感关爱行为测试,运用LISEREL软件对数据的分析结果表明:父母情感关爱行为通过儿童自我概念的完全中介作用,对儿童的孤独退缩行为起到明显的抑制作用;在父母情感关爱行为和儿童学业成就之间,儿童的学业自我概念也起到了明显的完全中介效果.从而支持了儿童自我概念在父母情感关爱与儿童发展间的完全中介地位.  相似文献   

Spiritual bypass is a defensive psychological posture that prevents people from feeling the pain of difficult emotions or experiences through 2 primary pathways: (a) Psychological Avoidance and (b) Spiritualizing. The authors collected a sample (783 participants) from the general population and tested a parallel mediation model in which 2 factors of spiritual bypass mediated the effect of spirituality on depression, anxiety, and stress. The results demonstrated that Psychological Avoidance and Spiritualizing partially mediated the effect of spirituality on depression and anxiety, whereas they completely mediated the effect of spirituality on stress. The findings are presented in the context of the study's limitations, and implications for clinical practice and research are provided.  相似文献   

通过对启动任务范式的改进,运用3个实验全面考察了复合社会范畴本身的熟悉性和兼容性对复合社会范畴刻板印象中抽象表征和样例表征策略运用的影响。实验1分别以熟悉的、不熟悉且在刻板印象上不兼容的复合范畴为研究对象,研究发现对熟悉的复合范畴采用抽象表征,而对不熟悉且在刻板印象上不兼容的复合范畴的表征采用样例表征;实验2以熟悉且在刻板印象上不兼容的复合范畴为研究对象,研究发现对于熟悉但构成范畴不兼容的复合范畴的表征也采用样例表征;实验3采用相同的实验范式,在描述和定义两种启动任务中设置子范畴间兼容的刻板特质词和不兼容的刻板特质词,选择与实验2相同的复合范畴"男中学教师"为目标群体,更加严密地证实和整合了实验1与实验2的研究结论。3个实验的结果说明复合范畴刻板印象的表征关键取决于兼容性,一旦复合社会范畴的构成范畴在刻板印象上不兼容,那么对于这一复合社会范畴刻板印象的表征采用样例表征。当构成复合范畴的两个子范畴之间兼容时,熟悉性成为刻板印象运用抽象表征还是样例表征的影响因素,无论是对内群体的刻板印象还是外群体的刻板印象,对熟悉的刻板特质词的表征运用抽象表征。  相似文献   

研究选择90名3-5岁幼儿为被试,采用熟悉和不熟悉两种材料来测验幼儿在外表一事实区分任务和错误信念任务上的表现.结果表明幼儿的心理理论水平随年龄增长在3-5岁之间存在明显的发展变化.材料熟悉度和任务类型对幼儿心理理论水平的发展有影响.这些结果说明表征不可通达假设的观点似乎要优于表征缺失理论.  相似文献   

该研究考察了非英语专业具有不同英语语言水平学习者在不同难度条件下两种文化特征熟悉度对阅读理解的影响。研究发现:(1)语言水平高,或对材料背景熟悉的学习者可通过调用熟悉的文化背景知识帮助阅读理解,其得分均高于低水平,或对材料不熟悉的学习者;(2)在熟悉的文化背景条件下,当材料难度与学习者语言水平基本一致时,语言水平低的学习者也可较好地运用熟悉的文化背景知识帮助阅读理解。实验结果表明:文化特征的内容熟悉度和英语语言水平(或文章难度)对阅读理解起着重要作用,语言水平越高,作用越大。  相似文献   

为探讨评价恐惧在自尊与社交焦虑间的作用,本研究采用正向评价恐惧量表、负向评价恐惧量表、自尊量表、社交互动焦虑量表,以大学生作为研究对象进行问卷调查,得到655份有效问卷。研究结果表明:(1)正向评价恐惧量表在本研究大学生样本中具有良好的信、效度。(2)正向评价恐惧、负向评价恐惧在自尊与社交焦虑间起着部分中介作用,中介效应值为47.17%,即自尊一方面直接影响社交焦虑,另一方面通过负向评价恐惧、正向评价恐惧影响社交焦虑。  相似文献   

An instrument, the Grasha-Riechmann Student Learning Style Scales (GRSLSS), was developed to assess six student learning styles. These styles are Independent, Dependent, Avoidant, Participant, Collaborative, and Competitive. A “rational approach” was used to develop the GRSLSS and evaluate its construct validity. The process included professional and student inputs in special procedures for selecting scale items and designing criterion items. The utility of this approach is considered and problems critiqued. The rational approach yielded relatively high temporal reliability coefficients (range across scales r = .76 to r = .83; N = 269) and numerous meaningful correlations between criterion items and scale scores.  相似文献   

We present a novel way of accounting for similarity judgments. Our approach posits that similarity stems from three main sources—familiarity, priming, and inherent perceptual likeness. Here, we explore each of these constructs and demonstrate their individual and combined effectiveness in explaining similarity judgments. Using these three measures, our account of similarity explains ratings of simple, color‐based perceptual stimuli that display asymmetry effects, as well as more complicated perceptual stimuli with structural properties; more traditional approaches to similarity solve one or the other and have difficulty accounting for both. Overall, our work demonstrates the importance of each of these components of similarity in explaining similarity judgments, both individually and together, and suggests important implications for other similarity approaches.  相似文献   

In recent years, conceptualizations of the human crowding phenomena have developed from simple deterministic ones to those that emphasize the interaction of environmental, social, and personal variables. Furthermore, the influences of many variables suspected to mediate the density response relationship have been empirically tested in a variety of settings. It must be recognized, however, that the results of these tests may be setting specific and may not generalize to other setting types. The present study examines the influence of the social relationship between occupants, perceived similarity, formal group structure, and previous residential experience on the association between household density and attitudinal, behavioral, and health measures of well-being. The results of a survey analysis suggest that household density does have effects on satisfaction and behavior; however, no health effects were found. Furthermore, these reactions to density are exacerbated when the social relationship between occupants is close and when individuals have a history of high density living conditions. Although some results seem counterintuitive, they can be explained by adopting a dynamic casual model of crowding.  相似文献   

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