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Employee self-concept is a critical self-regulatory variable in organizational settings. In this paper, we discuss the relevance of self-concept for organizational commitment, and propose that self-concept levels moderate relationships between commitment and its antecedents. Using an experimental design in which we primed the working self-concept of employed participants, we found support for our hypotheses. Specifically, relationships between affective commitment and its antecedents (organizational support, procedural justice, and company and supervisor satisfaction) were more pronounced for employees with salient collective self-concepts. Alternatively, relationships between continuance commitment and its antecedents (outcome and supervisor satisfaction) were stronger for employees with salient individual self-concepts. We discuss the implications of our findings and suggest directions for future research.  相似文献   

高校教师组织承诺与工作绩效的关系研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文主要探讨高校教师组织承诺与工作绩效之间的关系,通过回归分析得出以下结论:(1)对人际促进而言,5个变量能联合预测工作绩效中人际促进的18%的变异量(R2=0.180).其中规范承诺的贡献率较大,机会承诺的贡献率最小.(2)对任务绩效而言,5个变量能联合预测工作绩效中任务绩效的16.7%的变异量(R2=0.167),其中,规范承诺的贡献率最大,其次为理想承诺.(3)对工作奉献而言,5个变量能联合预测工作绩效中工作奉献的17.2%的变异量(R2=0.172)其中,感情承诺的贡献率最大,其次分别为规范承诺、理想承诺.  相似文献   


Much of the debate about managing work-force diversity concerns the rationale for the procedures used and the outcomes produced by programs perceived to be unfair. The authors explored the role of organizational justice in diversity initiatives; they examined which of 6 diversity arguments (T. H. Cox & S. Blake, 1991) were most often used by U.S. firms and accepted by employees. They also surveyed U.S. workers about diversity issues at work; the problem-solving diversity argument was related to higher employee job involvement and organizational commitment, even though the respondents ranked the resource-acquisition argument as the most acceptable. The authors also found that many organizational-justice issues still need to be resolved, even in those organizations with diversity-management programs.  相似文献   

The Survey of Organizational Research Climate (SORC) is a validated tool to facilitate promotion of research integrity and research best practices. This work uses the SORC to assess shared and individual perceptions of the research climate in universities and academic departments and relate these perceptions to desirable and undesirable research practices. An anonymous web- and mail-based survey was administered to randomly selected biomedical and social science faculty and postdoctoral fellows in the United States. Respondents reported their perceptions of the research climates at their universities and primary departments, and the frequency with which they engaged in desirable and undesirable research practices. More positive individual perceptions of the research climate in one’s university or department were associated with higher likelihoods of desirable, and lower likelihoods of undesirable, research practices. Shared perceptions of the research climate tended to be similarly predictive of both desirable and undesirable research practices as individuals’ deviations from these shared perceptions. Study results supported the central prediction that more positive SORC-measured perceptions of the research climate were associated with more positive reports of research practices. There were differences with respect to whether shared or individual climate perceptions were related to desirable or undesirable practices but the general pattern of results provide empirical evidence that the SORC is predictive of self-reported research behavior.  相似文献   

高校教师组织支持感与组织承诺关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以263名高校教师为被试,探讨了高校教师组织支持感与组织承诺的关系。结果表明:高校教师组织支持感与组织承诺及其各维度呈显著的正相关;高校教师组织支持感对组织承诺及其各维度均产生正向的预测作用。  相似文献   

This paper presents a taxonomy of organizational characteristics that was developed as part of a large scale job analysis project conducted for the Department of Labor (DOL). Based on research and theory related to organizations, a hierarchical taxonomy of organizational characteristics was developed with six construct domains at the highest level: organizational structure, leadership, human resources (HR) systems and practices, goals, and organizational values. The taxonomy has been empirically tested using data from over 300 organizations, and a summary of these results is presented. This taxonomy is then used to organize and review research on the relationships between organizational variables and innovation. Implications of the taxonomy for understanding relationships between organizational size, industry type, “high-performance” practices, and innovation are discussed.  相似文献   

学校组织气氛对教师组织承诺的预测效应   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
问卷调查410名北京市中学教师,探讨了学校组织气氛对教师组织承诺的影响.结果表明:修订的《学校组织气氛问卷》是可靠而有效的适用于中学教师组织气氛相关研究的工具;在持续承诺维度上,本科学历的教师显著高于硕士学历的教师,高级职称的教师非常显著地高于中教二级的教师;所教学生人数的多少与情感承诺、规范承诺有显著的正相关;在控制了人口统计学变量之后,分层回归和优势分析发现:支持行为、同事行为和疏远行为对预测情感承诺做出了新的贡献,支持行为的贡献更大;支持行为和亲密行为对预测规范承诺做出了新贡献,支持行为的贡献更大;亲密行为能预测持续承诺.  相似文献   

该文以314名企业员工为被试,运用问卷调查法和调节层级回归分析的统计方法,考察了工作不安全感在组织政治知觉与组织承诺之间的调节作用。结果表明:组织政治知觉对情感承诺和规范承诺都具有显著的负向预测作用,但数量性工作不安全感正向调节着组织政治知觉对情感承诺和规范承诺的消极影响,而质量性工作不安全感则负向调节着组织政治知觉对情感承诺的消极影响。  相似文献   

This study examined whether organizational culture moderates relationships between transformational leadership (TFL) and employee self‐rated creative performance (CP). A convenience sample of 147 working professionals from 109 Fortune 500 organizations participated in the study by completing measures of their organizations’ cultures, their managers’ leadership styles, and their own CP, as well as relevant control measures. Adhocracy culture type moderated the relationship between levels of TFL and CP. Consequently, market culture type was a non‐significant moderator for predicting TFL–CP relationships. Both adhocracy and market culture types were non‐significant mediators of TFL on CP. The theoretical model in this study provides an important extension of TFL and organizational culture theories and a greater understanding of how adhocracy culture interacts with TFL to influence employee CP. This study also provides researchers and practitioners with a better comprehension of how to achieve higher levels of CP given the interaction between TFL and adhocracy culture.  相似文献   

自我意识情绪理解会影响儿童的社会行为与社会适应。运用自我意识情绪理解情境故事、亲社会行为问卷和社会计量方法,对314名1~6年级小学儿童进行施测,探讨了小学儿童自我意识情绪理解的发展特点及其与亲社会行为、同伴接纳的关系。研究发现:(1)小学儿童自我意识情绪理解水平随着年级的升高而提高,1~3年级提高的较快,3年级以后提高速度变缓。(2)小学儿童的自我意识情绪理解水平与亲社会行为、同伴接纳显著呈正相关,并且自豪的理解和亲社会行为对同伴接纳有显著的预测力,羞愧的理解对亲社会行为有显著的预测力。  相似文献   

从组织承诺到组织忠诚:华人组织忠诚的概念内涵与结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
回顾、分析西方组织忠诚研究——从组织承诺到组织公民行为的研究发展过程,显示西方组织忠诚概念深受西方文化思想的影响.尽管西方从组织承诺又发展出组织公民行为的研究,但研究长期切割了组织忠诚的态度和行为两个层面.忠诚在中国有悠久的历史文化传统,近期研究发现华人组织忠诚有着独特的文化内涵成分,然而当前研究仍存在不足.因此,进一步深化华人组织忠诚研究不仅必要,对于构建适应华人文化的组织行为理论也有着重要的价值.  相似文献   

《Military psychology》2013,25(3):227-249
This study examines differences in job satisfaction between military and ex-military personnel and examines the contribution of demographic, dispositional, and organizational variables to those differences. Analysis of data from 571 current New Zealand Army personnel and 171 ex-Army personnel found that Army personnel rated significantly lower than the latter on overall job satisfaction and on 7 of 15 job satisfaction facets. For both groups, high leader support, low job conflict and pressure, and high challenge, autonomy, and job importance were related to high levels of job satisfaction. For Army personnel, low levels of negative affect (a propensity to have a negative outlook on life in general), shorter tenure, and low centralization and formalization also contributed to higher levels of job satisfaction. For ex-Army personnel, income contributed to higher levels of job satisfaction. There were a number of significant differences, however, between Army and ex-Army groups on job satisfaction predictors. These results suggest that differences in job satisfaction between the two groups may be due to (a) different variables that contribute to job satisfaction for each group and (b) different demographic and organizational variables between the groups. Despite a number of limitations, the findings highlight potential future directions for the investigation of interventions in the work environment to provide enhanced psychological rewards for military personnel.  相似文献   

In the workplace, emotional dissonance is the conflict between experienced emotions and emotions expressed to conform to display rules. This study is an empirical examination of the impact of emotional dissonance on organizational criteria and its moderation by self-monitoring and social support. Emotional dissonance was theorized to stimulate turnover intentions, either solely through job dissatisfaction or through both job dissatisfaction and reduced organizational commitment. Job dissatisfaction was found to be the sole mediator. Emotional dissonance resulted in job dissatisfaction, which, in turn, stimulated withdrawal intentions. Self-monitoring and social support exerted moderator effects, albeit in opposing directions. Emotional dissonance aroused feelings of job dissatisfaction and reduced organizational commitment among high self-monitors. In contrast, social support lessened the negative impact of emotional dissonance on organizational commitment.  相似文献   

The current study incorporates predictions from socioemotional selectivity theory to evaluate the role of future time perspective in moderating the effects of work–family and family–work conflict on continuance and affective commitment. Results derived from a sample of managers (n = 251) supported the hypothesized relationships. Specifically, when work interfered with family, employees who had a more shallow future time perspective experienced lower continuance commitment. Further, those with a deep future time perspective experienced lower affective commitment than did employees with a more shallow future time perspective in situations in which family interfered with work.  相似文献   

以提升组织即兴效能为出发点,构建了企业社会责任、员工满意度与组织即兴效能三者关系的理论模型;在此基础上,通过对三者各自维度的划分,借助结构方程统计分析方法,重点讨论了企业社会责任表现与员工满意度对组织即兴效能的影响机理。  相似文献   

文化人类学最具“反思”精神,20世纪人类学的总特征是“我”和“他者”之间观察关系的改造.中医药文化的现代研究应当引入文化人类学中的“文化自觉”概念,应当在对中医历史传统回溯的基础上,建立现代文化的自我理解和自我价值认同.而文化人类学中“他者”对中医药文化研究提供的是另一种自我观察的方法,包括人的他者、文化的他者和历史的他者.现代中医文化研究可以运用文化人类学中的自我和他者的理念和方法,思考中医学现代性中的定位和发展.  相似文献   

This study examines the interaction between cultural religious norms and governmental restrictiveness as country-level moderators of the relationship between individual religiousness and well-being, including both happiness and physical health. Data come from five waves of World Values survey data from 221 separate surveys conducted in 88 countries, with data from 317,109 individuals. Three dimensions of individual religiousness were assessed, along with corresponding country-level norms aggregated from these measures. Three-way cross-level interactions were tested to examine whether the extent of government restriction modified the relationship between national religious norms and the individual-level association between religious factors and well-being outcomes. Results supported the hypothesis that self-reported religion is most strongly related to greater happiness and better self-reported health in societies where it is freely and widely practiced. In contrast, religiousness may be harmful when it is relatively deviant, and restrictions of freedom may serve to further exacerbate this effect. These results suggest that the positive association between religion and well-being is not universal, but depends upon the right to express religion freely and the opportunity to practice with like-minded others.  相似文献   

本文分析三种类型歧视所造成的患者及其家属的痛耻感,论述我们应当如何利用适当的文化应对策略来消除歧视、减少病耻感,从而有效地克服病耻感对于患者及其家属的负面影响。文化差异与病耻感的形成直接相关,文化作为一个重要变量,影响着精神卫生问题以及相应的服务政策,深入研究和认识儒家文化的核心价值有助于减少对于精神病患者的歧视,帮助他们克服病耻感。中国道家文化推崇道法自然,无为而治,可以发展出有效的心理疗法,对于精神疾病是一剂对症的良药。  相似文献   

This study, involving 139 employees from a variety of industries, organizations, and positions in Singapore, measured the effects of mood on the intentions of employees to contribute actions that are organizationally desirable but are not part of their formal job requirements (organizational citizenship behavior). After effects of established patterns of historical organizational citizenship behavior, demographic characteristics, and employee positive and negative affectivity had been controlled, stepwise regression analysis revealed that the amount of positive affect currently experienced by an employee significantly influenced the employee's intention to perform specific acts of organizational citizenship.  相似文献   

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