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This article providas career counselors with an overview of career-related issues relevant to students with disabilities in postsecondary educational settings. Topics addressed include the impact of disability on career development, the impact of disability on postsecondary educational participation, and access and accommodation issues. The authors argue for an expanded role for career counselors who work with college students with disabilities. It is concluded that career counselors can play an important role in facilitating college students with disabilities in their adaptation to the college environment, their acquisition of appropriate accommodations, and their transition to employment.  相似文献   

This study utilized performance-based and self-report measures to examine differences in executive functions in college students with and without histories of childhood maltreatment. On the performance-based measures of executive function, all scores fell within the normal range for age. However, participants in the childhood maltreatment group reported more problems with metacognition than those without history of maltreatment. Severity of childhood maltreatment was associated with poorer cognitive inhibition/switching and phonetic fluency. Although significant group differences were found on a laboratory-based task of executive function, performance across the other tasks was generally similar. However, those with a history of maltreatment reported more problems with metacognition, suggesting a potential avenue for brief interventions focused on improving metacognitive skills important for success in the college environment. Implications and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Although women with disabilities are at increased risk for intimate partner violence (IPV), little is known about how this phenomenon impacts transitional-aged young women with disabilities who are still trying to master the developmental challenges of adolescence. This study explores risk factors for and prevalence of IPV by drawing on a population-based sample of women ages 18–21 with (N = 1,616,207) and without (N = 7,554,064) self-reported disabilities. Findings suggest that risk factors for IPV were more prevalent among sample members, as was past year experience of IPV. This study has implications for school social workers and disability service providers who interact with this population.  相似文献   

基于职业成功的胜任力模型,探讨无边界职业生涯取向与青年员工职业成功的关系。采用两阶段(two-wave)问卷调查法,以385名35岁以下的年轻员工为样本进行研究。结果表明,无边界思维模式与青年员工的主观职业成功、客观职业成功均显著地正相关,职业胜任力在其中起完全中介作用;组织流动性偏好与青年员工的主观职业成功、客观职业成功均显著地负相关,职业胜任力在其中起中介作用。研究证实了无边界职业生涯取向对青年员工职业成功的“双刃剑”效应,为青年员工的职业生涯管理提供了重要启示。  相似文献   


Recent research indicates that some dimensions of perfectionism are positively related to athlete burnout, whereas others are negatively related to athlete burnout. The divergent relationship between these dimensions of perfectionism and athlete burnout may be explained by different coping tendencies. The present investigation examined whether different coping tendencies mediate the relationship between self-oriented and socially prescribed perfectionism and burnout. Two-hundred and six junior elite athletes (M age=15.15 years, SD=1.88 years, range=11–22 years) completed measures of self-oriented and socially prescribed perfectionism, coping tendencies, and athlete burnout. Structural equation modeling indicated that the relationship between dimensions of perfectionism and athlete burnout was mediated by different coping tendencies. Higher levels of socially prescribed perfectionism was related to higher levels of avoidant coping which, in turn, was related to higher levels of athlete burnout. In contrast, higher levels of self-oriented perfectionism was related to higher levels of problem-focused coping and lower levels of avoidant coping which, in turn, was related to lower levels of athlete burnout. The findings suggest that different coping tendencies may underpin the divergent relationship between self-oriented and socially prescribed dimensions of perfectionism and athlete burnout.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between career maturity and Holland's (1985a) constructs of congruence, consistency, and differentiation among individuals with and without learning disabilities. In addition, it examined whether a relationship exists between Holland's (1985a) Investigative personality type and career maturity in individuals with and without learning disabilities. Results yielded no statistically significant associations between career maturity and any of the 3 constructs for either group of individuals. Similarly, no relationship was found between Investigative personality types and career maturity. Last, the 2 groups studied did not differ on the 3 constructs.  相似文献   

ObjectiveThere is limited understanding of how sport motivation is associated with deliberate practice in youth team sport athletes. Therefore, the aim of this study was to examine prospective associations between intrinsic motivation and individual deliberate practice in specializing team sport athletes.DesignLongitudinal.MethodEstonian adolescent team sport athletes (N = 163; Mage – 13.6 years at the beginning of study) completed the Sport Motivation Scale and training diary across a 12-month period.ResultsBoth individual deliberate practice and intrinsic motivation increased over the 1-year period. Greater baseline intrinsic motivation predicted subsequent individual deliberate practice and greater initial individual deliberate practice predicted greater subsequent intrinsic motivation. The bidirectional relationship between athletes intrinsic motivation and individual deliberate practice were replicated across both time lags.ConclusionThe findings have significant implications for the importance placed on intrinsic motivation as a means of increasing of individual deliberate practice as well being an important outcome variable in specializing team sport athletes.  相似文献   

Income inequality is commonly posited to elevate concerns about social status that undermine psychological health, but the empirical evidence is inconsistent. Here we propose that these inconsistencies conceal opposing processes: Income inequality prompts perceived competitiveness, which can both negatively predict psychological health via avoidance motivation and positively predict psychological health via approach motivation. First, we conducted a two-year longitudinal study (1,700+ participants from 500+ county identifiers) and provided support for our opposing processes model. Second, we conducted three pre-preregistered studies using an experimental-causal-chain design. We sequentially showed that induced income inequality increased perceived competitiveness (Study 2a; 444 participants), induced perceived competitiveness increased avoidance and approach motivation (Study 2b; 1,018 participants), and induced avoidance/approach motivation decreased/increased psychological health (Study 2c; 562 participants). These findings suggest that scholars should shift from studying the main effects of income inequality on psychological health to studying the psychological processes involved in the inequality-health relation.  相似文献   

The goal of the study was to examine the dimensionality of the Career Decision Self-Efficacy Scale Short Form (CDSES-SF, Betz et al. 1996). Integrating several previous findings from different cultures, we found that the bifactor structure of the CDSES-SF on a Hungarian sample of 649 respondents showed the best model fit. This structure includes a general CDSE factor covering 15 items and the original five specific factors (self-appraisal, occupational information, goal selection, planning, and problem solving) covering three items each. This short form of CDSES shows an acceptable model fit and appropriate reliability in terms of the Cronbach’s alpha and omega values. Regarding career decision self-efficacy, a large proportion of variance was explained by the general factor and to a smaller extent by the specific factors. These results can be considered as a first step in resolving the paradox of the dimensionality of CDSES-SF.  相似文献   

The authors differentiate two types of traumatic experience: trauma with agency and trauma without agency. The types are different despite the fact that the symptoms of both look similar enough to fall within the diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The differentiating factor is the sufferer's sense of agency during the circumstances surrounding the trauma. What is traumatizing is that the individual acted in some way that, however adaptive in the moment of threat and crisis, was ultimately loathed simultaneously or subsequently by the person's larger self and seen by this larger self as defining of character. Traumatized clients with a sense of agency require treatment that comes from being cared for and loved despite this hated facet of self.  相似文献   

青少年早期职业不确定性及其影响因素   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文首先总结了国外有关青少年早期职业不确定性的研究进展,包括职业不确定性的认知和情感成分、早期职业不确定性与有效求职行为之间的联系;其次,进一步分析了影响青少年早期职业不确定性的各种主要因素,如个性差异、职业兴趣、人口学变量、早期工作经验和家庭环境;最后,对未来有关早期职业不确定性的研究方向提出展望。  相似文献   

This article summarizes the responses of 131 adult women to a questionnaire survey of their experiences and activities in homemaking, parenting, volunteer work, recreation, formal and nonformal education, and paid work. The results show that reentry women have had a wide variety of life experiences through which they have developed job-related skills. The findings also show the importance of counselor assistance in identifying nontraditional skills and in exploring how the interpersonal and managerial skills learned in unpaid work can aid women's career advancement.  相似文献   

Grounded in self-determination theory (E. L. Deci & R. M. Ryan, 2000), the purpose of this study was to examine the relationship of dimensions of coaching behavior to intrinsic need satisfaction and indices of psychological and physical well-being among male adolescent athletes. Participants were 265 British soccer and cricket players (M age = 16.44). Structural equation modeling analysis, using maximum likelihood robust method, showed athletes' perceptions of autonomy support, mastery focus, and social support from the coach to predict their satisfaction of the needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness, respectively. The satisfaction of the need for competence emerged as the most important predictor of psychological and physical well-being. The findings suggest that particular aspects of the social environment may be salient for fostering particular psychological needs. The results also underline the importance of perceived competence for the psychological and physical welfare of adolescents in team sports.  相似文献   

通过对51名5.5岁幼儿掌控动机的问卷评估、入学准备能力的情境测验以及气质的教师评定,考察了幼儿多领域掌控动机与入学准备各领域能力之间的关系及气质在两者关系中的调节作用。结果发现,对于专注倾向(高专注性-低活动性和情绪性)幼儿,物体掌控动机正向预测了精细动作技能和学习方式,大动作掌控动机正向预测了感觉运动技能;对于反应倾向(高反应性-低抑制性)幼儿,同伴社会掌控动机正向预测了精细动作技能;而对于抑制倾向(低反应性-高抑制性)幼儿,同伴社会掌控动机则负向预测了精细动作技能、感觉运动技能和学习方式。  相似文献   

吴伟炯  刘毅  路红  谢雪贤 《心理学报》2012,44(10):1349-1370
职业幸福感是国内外学者和管理实践者关注的重要问题, 本文综合资源保存理论、工作要求-资源模型和本土心理资本理论, 构建并检验了本土心理资本对职业幸福感的影响模型。研究一通过访谈、问卷调查等方法研制了信效度较好的问卷, 1566名教师的调查结果表明, 本土心理资本包含事务型心理资本(希望、乐观和坚韧)与人际型心理资本(自谦、感恩、利他、情商/情绪智力和信心/自我效能)。研究二使用2280名教师的有效数据, 通过控制了其他变量影响后进行结构方程建模及交叉验证分析, 结果表明:(1)职业幸福感(工作投入、工作倦怠、离职意愿和工作满意度)的积极情感体验(工作投入)与认知评价(工作满意度)存在增益螺旋过程; (2)心理资本通过能量补充和动机激发双过程促进职业幸福感; (3)人际型心理资本通过一级、二级能量补充与动机激发过程影响职业幸福感; 事务型心理资本也通过一级、二级动机激发过程影响职业幸福感, 但是只通过二级能量补充过程影响职业幸福感。在中国文化背景下, 人际型心理资本对职业幸福感的作用更大。  相似文献   

We used global ratings to compare the family (parent[s]-child) interactions of 51 clinic-referred children with ADHD and 32 non problem children. Children and parent(s) were videotaped while engaging in problem solving and game playing activities. Independent coders, blind to children's diagnostic status, rated the interactions using measures designed to assess interaction competence and quality. Significant group differences emerged between the ADHD and control groups during problem solving on the interaction quality measures of Warmth, Engagement and Communication. Comparisons of the interactions of families of children with ADHD, with (ADHD W) and without (ADHD W/O) comorbid disruptive behavior disorders, were non significant, although increased symptomology was associated with reduced Warmth and Engagement during problem solving. Irrespective of group membership family interactions were more positive during game playing versus problem solving.  相似文献   

Governments of contemporary welfare states call upon citizens to care for people with psychiatric or intellectual disabilities. This is deemed sensible and morally just. However, social–psychological theory suggests that stereotyping may stand in the way of engaging into contact. Sociological theory suggests that the giving of help is based on either balanced or generalized reciprocity. Balanced reciprocity depends on one's ability to ‘pay back’, which people with disabilities may have trouble doing. Generalized reciprocity depends on close social bonds, while people with disabilities often have fewer social bonds than other citizens. The current study aimed to find out whether citizens—despite socio‐psychological and sociological theories expecting otherwise—enter into supporting relationships with people with intellectual or psychiatric disabilities. Although we found socio‐psychological and sociological theory to be largely correct, we also found people to be more creative than theory assumes. A smile can be experienced as a return gift, thus including people with intellectual disabilities in the web of balanced reciprocity. Some people create new social bonds to include people with disabilities: they feel close to them because they had a job in the healthcare sector or because they had a family member with a disability. In disadvantaged neighbourhoods, recognition of each other's problems can create feelings of similarity and concomitant reciprocity. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

运用情境实验法,考察了71名3岁儿童掌控动机的基本特点及行为评价对其影响。结果发现:3岁儿童:(1)对新奇玩具具有强烈的掌控动机;(2)丰富的视听反馈会更加激发其探索与操控;(3)当成人对其探索行为有积极评价时,儿童获得更多愉悦感;(4)掌控成败体验出现;(5)积极评价可增强掌控成功时的兴趣感,缓解失败后的不良情绪;(6)多数(94.42%)儿童愿意尝试挑战,并能坚持较长时间以期成功,但坚持性存在个体差异。  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of career counseling on a juvenile offender population (N = 22). Results indicated the intervention produced significantly higher levels of career maturity and self‐efficacy for the treatment group compared with a control group.  相似文献   

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