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The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between learned resourcefulness and two common addictive behaviors, namely, drinking and smoking. Male and female college students (N = 175) completed the Self-Control Schedule (SCS), the Quantity-Frequency-Variability questionnaire, and a smoking history form. Learned resourcefulness was related to self-reported patterns of alcohol consumption; specifically, heavy drinking subjects were lower in learned resourcefulness than were light and moderate drinkers who, in turn, were lower in learned resourcefulness than were infrequent drinkers and abstainers. Learned resourcefulness was only modestly related to smoking, with students who had never smoked evidencing somewhat higher learned resourcefulness than ex-smokers and current smokers. Overall, these data provide correlational support for the notion that learned resourcefulness may protect young adults against substance abuse.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships among types of loneliness and learned resourcefulness, self-esteem, and gender among a sample of college students. The Revised University of California, Los Angeles, Loneliness Scale (R-UCLA), Rosenbaum's Self-Control Schedule, a measure of learned resourcefulness, and Rosenberg's Self-Esteem Scale were administered to 625 college students. Previous factor analyses of the R-UCLA revealed that it measures 2 distinct types of loneliness: intimate loneliness and social loneliness. Results of multiple regression analyses revealed that self-esteem and gender significantly predicted the experience of global loneliness (as measured by the full-scale R-UCLA), intimate loneliness, and social loneliness. Learned resourcefulness significantly predicted social loneliness only. Implications for college student counseling and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Poverty and low socioeconomic status create tremendous amounts of physical and psychosocial stress that compromise health and well-being. This paper explores how the stressors created, exacerbated, and maintained by living in poverty lead to compromised mental health, and at the same time present significant challenges to participating in and benefitting from traditional psychotherapy. This paper summarizes the strong research evidence supporting the causal role of poverty-related stress in contributing to mental (and physical) health problems, discusses the physiology that underlies this process and how it affects clients’ ability to make use of psychotherapy, and presents recommendations for incorporating a multi-faceted approach to coping in clinical work with low-income clients and families. Addressing the pernicious effects of economic stress with a multi-step approach to effective coping can serve to prepare low-income clients to better engage in and get the most out of psychotherapy.  相似文献   

Self-regulatory skills models are important explanatory constructs for many societal applications. However, little research exists on the relative influence of different self-regulatory skills models for specific applications, with all relevant constructs considered simultaneously. This study evaluated the contributions of the self-regulatory models of learned resourcefulness and self-management to the outcome variable of affective symptomatology. Specifically, structural equation modeling was used to test whether learned resourcefulness accounts for additional variance in affective symptomatology when taking self-management into consideration. Results indicated that both learned resourcefulness and self-management accounted for a large proportion of variance in affective symptomatology, and the model in which the path between learned resourcefulness and affective symptomatology was constrained to zero provided the best fit of the data, tentatively suggesting that learned resourcefulness did not seem to add much value in terms of predicting affective symptomatology when in the presence of self-management. Implications for self-regulatory skills theory and models are discussed.  相似文献   

Gianakos  Irene 《Sex roles》2000,42(11-12):1059-1079
Sex Roles - The influence of gender roles on coping with workplace stressors was examined among 176 adult undergraduate students (130 females, 46 males) who were concurrently employed while...  相似文献   

The current study examined the psychometric properties of the Anorexia and Bulimia Problem Inventory (ABPI; Eason, 1983) in women with and without diagnosed eating disorders. The ABPI was initially constructed in accordance with the Behavior-Analytic model of instrument development (Goldfried & D'Zurilla, 1969). In this investigation, the ABPI was refined to consist of 38 audiotaped problematic situations, including those related to eating and weight, academic, family, and interpersonal relationship issues, and scoring criteria to rate the effectiveness of responses. Convergent and discriminant validity were established between ABPI-R scores and the Eating Disorder Inventory (EDI; Garner, Olmsted, & Polivy, 1983) scales. As evidence of disciminative validity women with eating disorders received less ratings indicating less effective problem-solving on the ABPI-R scales than women without eating disorders. A significant increase in effective coping as measured by the ABPI-R was found for women following an 8-week outpatient eating disorders treatment program. Potential uses of this measure in research and clinical practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Teachers Coping with the Stress of Classroom Discipline   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Of all of the activities that comprise the role of a teacher, classroom discipline is one of the most significant. In selecting an approach to classroom discipline, some teachers experience, and have to deal with, tensions arising from their desire to use educationally justifiable models while still quickly gaining and maintaining order in the classroom. This paper examines teachers' estimations of the stress that arises when they are unable to discipline students as they would ideally prefer. More importantly, the way teachers cope with any stress which does arise is documented using the Coping Scale for Adults. The results indicate that teachers who report more stress are those most interested in empowering their students in the decision making process. Associated with increased concern is a greater use of Worry, Self-Blame, Tension Reduction, Wishful Thinking and Keep to Self. The most concerned teachers also express a greater tendency to get sick as a result of the stress. These data suggest the need for professional development curricula for teachers to assist them in effectively sharing power with students and in reflecting upon a range of more productive coping strategies.  相似文献   

People who are high in self-compassion treat themselves with kindness and concern when they experience negative events. The present article examines the construct of self-compassion from the standpoint of research on coping in an effort to understand the ways in which people who are high in self-compassion cope with stressful events. Self-compassionate people tend to rely heavily on positive cognitive restructuring and less so on avoidance and escape but do not appear to differ from less self-compassionate people in the degree to which they cope through problem-solving or distraction. Existing evidence does not show clear differences in the degree to which people who are low versus high in self-compassion seek support as a coping strategy, but more research is needed.  相似文献   

传统儒家应对观包含了压力源、应对资源和应对方式三个部分。首先,儒家认为压力的来源就是道德方面的缺陷;而儒家的应对资源是以道德修养为基础的理想人格;儒家对压力的认知和应对也充满了道德因素。纵观儒家压力应对的全过程,儒家既注重个人内在的道德修养,又注重道德修养的外在表现。传统儒家应对观不仅具有理论意义,而且还具有指导实践的现实意义,既可以提高个体的自我效能感,还能提高个人完成目标、克服困难的动机,也给予个体更多的自我调节的方法。  相似文献   

Coping reactions to stressful events are important links between difficult experiences and the emergence of psychopathology. In this study we compared youths?? negative coping with stress in general to their negative coping with violence in particular, and utilized a person-centered analytic approach to examine how patterns of coping relate to various mental health outcomes. We utilized survey interview measures to collect data from a sample of 131 youth (ages 11?C14, 100?% ethnic minority) residing in an economically distressed metropolitan area of the northeast. We observed significant relations between youths?? tendencies to cope with stress and violence via externalized-internalized strategies (e.g., yelling to let off steam, crying) and their mental health symptoms. However, we generally did not observe relations between engagement in distancing coping strategies (e.g., making believe nothing happened) and any problematic outcomes. Negative coping does not appear be a monolithic construct uniformly associated with negative outcomes for youth. Distancing coping might represent an especially useful short-term coping response for youth living in socioeconomically distressed conditions from the standpoint of inhibiting symptom development.  相似文献   

In this article, various feminist theories are used to critique selected psychological theories of coping with stress, a reformulated coping theory is outlined, and recommendations for future research are made. To date, theories of coping often portray women as less able copers than the samples of men with whom they are compared. A reformulated theory, based on different women's experiences, explicitly examines the role of social forces (sexism, racism) and access to power as variables in the coping process rather than solely focusing on the individual. Selected examples of research that contribute to such a revision are given. Revised theories and methodologies will encourage the more accurate appraisal of women's coping abilities and generate information vital to the creation of more inclusive and representative theories of coping.  相似文献   

The current study examined how specific coping strategies mediate the relationship between Conscientiousness (C) and positive affect (PA) in a large, multiethnic sample. Using an internet-based daily diary approach, 366 participants (37.6% Caucasian, 30.6% Asian American, 20.7% Hispanic, 9.1% African American) completed measures that assessed daily stressors, coping strategies used to deal with those stressors, and PA over the course of five days. In addition, participants completed a measure of the Five-Factor Model of Personality. Problem-Focused coping partially mediated the relationship between C and PA. Individuals higher in C used more problem-focused coping, which, in turn, was associated with higher PA. The findings of the current study suggest C serves as a protective factor from stress through its influence on coping strategy selection. Other possible mediators in the C-PA relationship are discussed.  相似文献   

压力是影响肿瘤发生、发展的心理因素之一.面对压力,人们可以产生积极的应对反应,也可以产生消极的应对反应.压力应对是个体面对外部环境挑战时作出的适应性反应.近期有关研究表明,压力通过神经系统启动瀑布式级联反应,神经内分泌介质修饰肿瘤微环境以及压力相关的心理因素触发一系列的信息处理通路,影响肿瘤的发生、发展和预后.理解压力应对在肿瘤演进中的作用和机制,有利于设计合理的干预措施治疗肿瘤.  相似文献   

Stress, Positive Emotion, and Coping   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
There is growing interest in positive aspects of the stress process, including positive outcomes of stress and antecedents that dispose individuals to appraise stressful situations more as a challenge than as a threat. Less attention has been given to the adaptational significance of positive emotions during stress or to the coping processes that sustain positive emotions. We review evidence for the occurrence of positive emotions under conditions of stress, discuss the functional role that positive emotions play under such conditions, and present three types of coping that are associated with positive emotion during chronic stress. These findings point to new research questions about the role of positive emotions during stress and the nature of the coping processes that generate these positive emotions.  相似文献   

压力和应对的研究是跨文化心理学研究的一个重要组成部分,其研究对于理解东西方的文化差异有着重要意义.文章从文化视野中的压力和应对的理论模型及集体主义和个体主义这对文化模式出发,探讨了在环境系统、个体系统、暂时条件、认知评价和应对技能等方面存在的文化差异,最后指出压力和应对的跨文化研究应注意的问题.  相似文献   

青少年主观幸福感、心理健康及其与应对方式的关系   总被引:28,自引:2,他引:28       下载免费PDF全文
通过对广州地区1431名中学生进行问卷调查,考察青少年主观幸福感、心理健康状况及其与应对方式的关系.结果发现,(1)当前青少年学生的主观幸福感、心理健康状况总体上处于中等水平;(2)随着年级的升高,主观幸福感逐渐降低,成绩差的学生体验到的消极情感显著高于成绩中等和较好的学生;(3)男生的心理健康状况在整体上优于女生,年级和成绩也对心理健康有一定影响;(4)积极的应对方式有利于青少年主观幸福感和良好心理健康的发展,而消极的应对方式、尤其是消极情绪关注的应对方式不利于青少年的主观幸福感和心理健康.  相似文献   

In this study we tested a stress and coping model of confronting sexism. One hundred fourteen university women completed measures of optimism, cognitive appraisals about the prospects of confronting discrimination (expectations of the costs and benefits of confrontation as well as confrontation-related anxiety), and reported on the extent to which they behaved confrontationally in two recent encounters with sexism. Structural equation modeling analyses revealed that an optimistic outlook on life was associated with more benign appraisals of the consequences of confronting discrimination, which in turn was associated with greater reports of confrontational responses to prejudice. This study suggests that silence in the face of prejudice does not necessarily or generally represent contentment with the status quo and emphasizes the importance of understanding how appraisals of the costs and benefits of confronting discrimination relate to this process.  相似文献   

Using data from interviews with professional women on their work-related stress and coping processes, the author identified those who were good and poor at coping.  相似文献   

Recent research has examined the positive relationship between religious faith and both physical and mental health. The current study investigated the association between strength of religious faith and the ability to cope with daily stress over a 7-day period. The participants consisted of 68 students and 64 faculty or staff from a Catholic, liberal arts university. Measures included the Santa Clara Strength of Religious Faith Questionnaire, the Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability Scale, the Symptom Check List-90-Revised, the Weinberger Low Self Esteem Scale, and a 10-point daily stress, coping, and strength of faith scale. Results suggest that religious faith was not associated with coping with daily stress.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the dimensions of leisure that were important to people coping with work-related stress. Data were provided by 695 principals and deputy principals from secondary schools throughout New Zealand who were experiencing major legislative and organizational change in the education sector. The results produced a robust, replicable, and reliable two-factor structure using FACTOREP, a factor replication procedure. It appears that leisure is best measured in terms of active-challenge and passive-recuperative dimensions when considered in relation to coping with work-related stress. The results show that for the present occupational group, the passive nature of leisure is more important for coping with work stress. These results have implications for those involved in workplace health promotion where the emphasis thus far has been on physical activity and fitness. The results also confirm the importance of determining the most appropriate number of factors to rotate.  相似文献   

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