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主体交互解释是主观解释的发展,它比主观解释具有更为明显的客观性。本文探讨了主体交互概率的测度,主体交互概率形成的条件,主体交互解释与人造客体概率解释一道构造的从主观向完全客观延伸的谱系,以及主体交互解释的恰当性问题。通过探讨这个新近兴起的理论,为人们在确定基本概率时提供了普遍的适用性并使人们避免了主观的随意性。  相似文献   

解释、解释的客观性与文化传统的重塑   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一个显而易见的事实是,文化传统的演变和发展离不开对经典的解释和阐扬,然而,当我们考察文化传统的继承时,我们不可能达到完全的客观性而忽略我们自己的感受,这就是为什么我们在对待文化传统整体时继承这一层面的传统因素,而否弃另一层面的传统因素。20世纪90年代以来,国内学术界、思想界、文化界不约而同地出现了一种值得注意的新动向,就其共同的基本立场和价值取向而言,就是力主“回归”传统、“回归”历史,试图从文化传统解释中寻找文化未来发展和重塑的方案。此中,则关涉到一个重要的问题:解释在何种程度上能达到客观性。经典解释学的讨…  相似文献   

H. Gomperz 《Erkenntnis》1937,7(1):225-232

The author looks into the issue of interpretation and traces its evolution both from mere opinion, and from the point of view of the historical development of hermeneutics. In supervision interpretive dissonance may occur at several levels starting with the patient himself as well as his “gatekeepers,” and going up to the supervisor. The relationship between interpretation and supervision is examined in this context, taking into consideration the subjective and intersubjective levels of scientific inquiry. Supervision enhances the complexity of interpretation by introducing yet a third subjectivity that questions the supervisee's interpretation. This has advantages and shortcomings, as supervisors are not always aware that it is ultimately in the supervisee-patient situation where hypotheses are tested and confirmed. Theory alone cannot supersede the intersubjective situation. It is pointed out that psychoanalytic curricula should be reexamined in order to include semiotic science and its application to interpretation and supervision.  相似文献   

This article examines the relativistic view according to which the interpretation of texts is a matter of opinion and one interpretation is as good as any other. It clarifies the question by establishing precise understandings of texts and interpretations and by introducing various distinctions between different kinds of interpretations based on their function. It argues that not all kinds of interpretations are relativistic, although all interpretations are relative, and that even those interpretations that are relativistic are not so in the same ways.  相似文献   

The paper examines the relation between interpretation and the objects of interpretation, principally, but not exclusively, in the realm of art. Several theses are defended: that interpretation cannot proceed without prior determination of the kind of thing being interpreted; that the mode of interpretation is determined by the nature of its object; that interpretation, of a meaning-determining rather than generic kind, focuses at the level of works , not descending to a bedrock of "mere objects"; that because works and their appropriate mode of interpretation are constituted by convention-bound practices, it follows that no clear line can be drawn between properties "in" a work and those "imputed to" it through interpretive procedures endorsed by the practice. The debate over constructivism or "imputationalism"– between Margolis and Krausz, on the one hand, and Stecker and Levinson, on the other – is engaged with an attempt to show a core of truth in each of the conflicting theories, once the right distinction between object, work, and interpretation is in place.  相似文献   

通过对经典的不断诠释来传承与拓展一种思想传统 ,是中国文化尤其是儒学的一大特色。在当代学术的背景下 ,聚集中国经典的“解释经验” ,可以从一个更切近的角度 ,捉摸传统的思想脉络 ,并为发展具有中国特色的解释学寻求基础。为此 ,台湾“东亚近世儒学中的经典诠释传统”研究计划 ,同广州中山大学中国哲学研究所 ,于 2 0 0 1年底在广州中山大学举行第七次“东亚近世儒学中的经典诠释传统”研讨会 ,交流相关的研究成果。会议由台湾大学历史系黄俊杰教授、中山大学哲学系冯达文、陈少明教授主持。台港粤三地共有 2 2位学者在会上发表论文。会…  相似文献   

This is an analysis of the Rorschachs of two subjects, a boy and a girl, from the longitudinal research programs of the Institute of Human Development, University of California, Berkeley. Rorschachs had been obtained from these subjects prior to their becoming seriously ill, one with a kidney condition, the other with leukemia. On the basis of the thematic content of the Rorschachs, it was postulated that Rorschach responses may, like dreams, be considered endoscopic in that they may reveal the actual functioning or disfunctioning of the organism, particularly at the onset of somatic illness. Data, from anthropological, mythological, and literary sources, as well as research on the body image concept, were utilized to amplify the hypothesis and to suggest directions for further research.  相似文献   

In a recent article, T. V. Akhutina and L. S. Tsvetkova (1983, Brain and Cognition 2, 129-134) presented an analysis of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery. Along with their generally positive review, they raised questions regarding the importance of the qualitative aspects of patients' performance in the interpretation of the battery. We agree with the authors that any interpretation of the battery which does not consider qualitative performance can limit the power and applicability of the battery. The procedures of item analysis and qualitative analysis are discussed as essential to a comprehensive interpretation of the battery. Also discussed are comments on additional scaling for the battery and the development of a standardized qualitative scoring system.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Personology is the science of persons. In this article we show that the concept of person presupposes the continuity of experience and that the storylike structure of lives makes narrative the most promising methodology. Researchers use first-person narratives as source material and third-person narratives in describing and interpreting lives because the temporal nature of experience makes it difficult for human beings not to attribute order, direction, and purpose to experience. It is because lives are structured through experience in a storylike manner that their study takes the narrative form. Psychologists' attempts to understand the person are traced from James and Freud, through Murray and Erikson, to Tompkins, McAdams, and Hermans and Kempen. We outline each psychologist's concept of person and show how their case studies illustrate their use of narrative methodology.  相似文献   


The paper is concerned with the interpretation of steady-state photoconductivity results on undoped a-Si at temperatures of 50K and below which lead to an essentially constant value of the (photogeneration efficiency x mobility x lifetime) product νμτ?10?11 cm2 V?1. Measurements on p+-i-n+ junctions and Cr-i-n+ barriers were carried out to determine the above parameters separately: (i) steadystate reverse saturation currents gave a generation efficiency of ν? 5×10-2 below 50K, suggesting that geminate recombination limits the generation process. (ii) the electron drift mobility μe through the tail states and the charge extracted from the absorption region of the incident light were investigated by transient experiments, these showed that μeτa is limited to about 3×10?10cm2V?1 at low T. The independent results account for the observed νμτ values and suggest that, contrary to the interpretation of Hoheisel, Carius and Fuhs (1984), the main contribution to the low-temperature photoconductivity arises from transport in tail states.  相似文献   

心学释义--道教哲学之于陆王心学的一种考察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过心学的历史形成过程的考察,认为心学概念最早是由道教提出的,然而心学的基本理论框架出现在禅学中,之后才有了陆王心学的发扬光大.但是,心学对心、性、理关系的论述,同初唐成玄英的重玄学基本一致,这说明,中国哲学在由对客体的考察为重点转向对以主体的考察为重点的过程中,道教哲学在不同的历史时期,如重玄学之于禅学,白玉蟾之于王阳明,都起到了先导性的作用.本文立足于现代哲学对主客体关系的认识,分析了儒释道心学各自的基本内涵及历史局限性,认为中国古典哲学从南北朝至明的发展,是主体性观念日益突出的过程.道教哲学与现代哲学,在基本内涵上,具有较儒佛更大的相通性.  相似文献   

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