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Positive psychological principles have become increasingly prevalent in the workplace in recent years. However, the field still lacks a comprehensive and practice-based overview of this important trend. The present article focuses on reviewing recent research in positive psychology as it relates to the workplace, including research regarding constructs such as resilience, appreciative inquiry, empowerment, gratitude, psychological capital, work engagement, supervisor and organizational support, positive teamwork and co-worker relations, and positive leadership. For each, we synthesize research examining the nature of the construct itself, its nomological network, individual- and organizational-level outcomes, and how organizations can enhance each within their employees for increased organizational success and enhanced employee experience. Finally, we discuss gaps in the relevant literature and make specific recommendations regarding how to ameliorate such oversights in order to enhance the rigor of positive workplace research as well as the frequency and efficacy of relevant organizational interventions.  相似文献   

The positive psychology movement seems to have stimulated new research and applications well beyond the discipline of traditional psychology. Among the various areas of inquiry, research and scholarship about positive organizations have received considerable attention from both researchers and practitioners. The current review examined the scholarly literature published between 2001 and 2009 on positive organizational psychology to provide a detailed picture of the current state of the field. This review sought to discover the overall growth rate, trends, and prevalent topics in the literature. It also aspired to provide an understanding of the empirical evidence for each topic through in-depth reviews. The findings suggest that there is a growing body of scholarly literature and an emerging empirical evidence base on topics related to positive organizations. Strengths, limitations, and implications of building a practical knowledge base for making significant improvements in the quality of working life and organizational effectiveness are discussed.  相似文献   

Job burnout: new directions in research and intervention   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Job burnout is a prolonged response to chronic emotional and interpersonal stressors on the job and is defined here by the three dimensions of exhaustion, cynicism, and sense of inefficacy. Its presence as a social problem in many human services professions was the impetus for the research that is now taking place in many countries. That research has established the complexity of the problem and has examined the individual stress experience within a larger social and organizational context of people's response to their work. The framework, which focuses attention on the interpersonal dynamics between the worker and other people in the workplace, has yielded new insights into the sources of stress, but effective interventions have yet to be developed and evaluated.  相似文献   

工作投入研究的现状   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
工作投入指的是一种与工作相关的积极、完满的情绪与认知状态,具有持久性和弥散性的特点。工作投入对个体的工作绩效和某些工作态度及行为变量,以及顾客满意度、生产力、利润率和单位总体绩效等组织结果变量均具有一定的影响。工作投入的影响因素包括个体特征因素、与工作相关的因素以及与家庭相关的因素等3个方面。文章在对工作投入的相关研究进行全面述评的基础上,指出未来的研究有必要进一步加强对工作投入的干预机制等五方面问题的探讨  相似文献   

工作需求控制支持(The job demand-control-support, JDCS)模型在工作压力研究领域是一个影响广泛的组织压力模型, 根据对于JDCS模型近30年的实证研究进行了综合和分析, 并从模型的适用性研究状况、模型的相关研究变量的探索、模型的发展三个方面进行了总结, 发现目前的JDCS模型的相关实证反映出其具有很好的解释力和适用性, 但是模型本身及根据模型开发的JCQ量表都需要后续研究的不断完善和发展。  相似文献   

This narrative review considers the positive side of the work-family interface. It surveyed a range of relevant literature (1960–2012) using search terms on the positive work-family interface. From the literature it is evident that various concepts (e.g., work-family enhancement, work-family positive spillover, work-family facilitation and work-family enrichment) are used to conceptualise the positive side of the work-family interface. Further research is needed to explore the positive side of the work-family interface. Findings showed that only a few studies on the positive work-family interface phenomenon have been reported from the South African population, but there is still a huge gap in the South African literature regarding the positive work-family interface.  相似文献   

深谋远虑:前瞻行为研究的回顾与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
前瞻行为是一个自我发起、未来导向以及试图改变现状的积极行为,能够为个人与组织带来正面的影响.本文旨于回顾前瞻行为的本质、前导因素、动机历程以及结果效应,也特别回顾笔者近期针对前瞻行为所进行的研究.首先,关于前瞻一词可以从不同的角度进行理解,包括个别差异观点、行为观点与历程观点.由于过去文献多从行为观点进行研究,本文的回顾亦以行为观点为主轴.其次,本文逐一回顾目前文献所提出的三个关于促进前瞻行为的动机历程:能力、缘由与情绪.再者,笔者讨论各种能够促发前瞻行为的前导因素,包括个人因素、环境因素,以及两者间的交互作用如何影响前瞻行为的展现.笔者也基于过去的研究发现,总结前瞻行为所能导致的结果,包括工作态度与绩效.最后,在近期研究的介绍中,笔者介绍了三个根据个别差异的观点所进行的研究.此研究路线旨在了解人格特质对前瞻行为的影响,并且勾勒情境所扮演的调节效应.全文最终总结前瞻行为的研究现状,以及提出未来可能探索的研究方向.  相似文献   

Affective priming is a technique used in experimental psychology to investigate the organization of emotional schemata not fully available to conscious awareness. The presentation of stimuli (the prime) with strong positive emotional valence alters the accessibility of positive stimuli within the individual's emotionally encoded cognitive system. By altering the valence of internal stimuli, it offers a method for influencing families, caregivers, and teachers serving as mediators in child behavior therapy. The need for priming is greatest where adults involved in therapy as agents of child behavior change have such negative feelings toward the targeted client, or to the therapeutic context, that acceptance and engagement with therapy are compromised. Examples of how positive affective priming might be used clinically are provided.  相似文献   

Although previous research has been focused on the relationship among personality, empowerment, and outcomes, little is known about the incremental effect of empowerment on positive work outcomes. This article aims at exploring the relation between personality factors (i.e., extraversion and conscientiousness) and positive work outcomes (i.e., work engagement, affective organizational commitment, and organizational citizenship behavior), and at determining the incremental effect of psychological empowerment on these outcomes. A convenience sample from three organizations has been used for data collection (N = 258; 52% women, mean age 38.55 years, SD = 10.21). Hierarchical multiple regressions indicate that personality and psychological empowerment explain a significant amount of the variance in the positive organizational outcomes, and that psychological empowerment has a significant incremental value over demographics and personality for the studied outcomes.  相似文献   

采用问卷调查法,检验教师组织公平感与组织公民行为之间关系以及教师工作倦怠在二者之间的作用。通过对来自重庆和湖南郴州共32所中小学1325名教师的调查数据进行层次回归分析、中介效应检验和优势分析,结果显示:学校组织程序公平是教师组织公民行为的显著正向预测变量;教师工作倦怠是教师组织公民行为的显著负向预测变量;教师工作倦怠在教师组织公平感与其组织公民行为关系之间有显著的中介作用,其中热情枯竭和成就丧失的中介效应更为显著。  相似文献   

Much research has now documented the substantial influence of safety climate on a range of important outcomes in safety critical organizations, but there has been scant attention to the question of what factors might be responsible for positive or negative safety climate. The present paper draws from positive organizational behavior theory to test workplace and individual factors that may affect safety climate. Specifically, we explore the potential influence of authentic leadership style and psychological capital on safety climate and risk outcomes. Across two samples of offshore oil-workers and seafarers working on oil platform supply ships, structural equation modeling yielded results that support a model in which authentic leadership exerts a direct effect on safety climate, as well as an indirect effect via psychological capital. This study shows the importance of leadership qualities as well as psychological factors in shaping a positive work safety climate and lowering the risk of accidents.  相似文献   

李明  荣莹  李锐 《心理科学》2019,(3):715-721
变革担当是指员工自愿付出建设性努力来发起组织功能性变革,以便在自己的岗位、部门或组织情境中更加有效地开展工作。文章介绍了变革担当的概念、测量以及前因后效。其中前因包括个体因素(如前瞻性人格、组织支持感、积极情绪等)和情境因素(如工作自主性、管理开放性、创新氛围等)两大类,后效主要有工作绩效评价、工作态度和变革型领导知觉等。未来的研究需要进一步完善测量工具、考察组织外部因素的影响、检验影响后效的其他调节因素以及探讨领导者的变革担当行为。  相似文献   

李明  荣莹  李锐 《心理科学》2005,(3):715-721
变革担当是指员工自愿付出建设性努力来发起组织功能性变革,以便在自己的岗位、部门或组织情境中更加有效地开展工作。文章介绍了变革担当的概念、测量以及前因后效。其中前因包括个体因素(如前瞻性人格、组织支持感、积极情绪等)和情境因素(如工作自主性、管理开放性、创新氛围等)两大类,后效主要有工作绩效评价、工作态度和变革型领导知觉等。未来的研究需要进一步完善测量工具、考察组织外部因素的影响、检验影响后效的其他调节因素以及探讨领导者的变革担当行为。  相似文献   

3个实验探讨情感强度不同正性生活事件对个体情感和行为反应的影响。发现:(1)面对复合正性生活事件(1高正+1低正),个体会感觉比面对1个单独的高正性情感强度事件的正性感受更低,出现平均效应,2个正性生活事件不如1个好;进一步研究发现:(2)当复合正性生活事件为异类时,出现平均效应;当事件为同类时,出现累加效应;(3)当复合正性生活事件有明显的时间特点时,个体加工符合峰-终定律的解释。  相似文献   

组织政治知觉对组织认同的影响及工作投入的中介作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以300余名中国大陆制造业企业的员工为被试,运用问卷调查方法和分层回归分析对组织政治知觉、组织认同和工作投入的关系进行了探讨。结果发现:(1)组织政治知觉对工作投入和组织认同有直接的消极影响;(2)组织政治知觉通过组织认同的中介对工作投入有间接的消极影响;(3)在组织政治知觉的三个子维度中,只有薪酬与晋升子维度对工作投入和组织认同具有显著影响。  相似文献   

Positive Psychotherapy is a form of short-term psychotherapy based on an in-depth psychological approach, resulting from cross-cultural psychotherapy. After a brief introduction to some central elements of the theory of Positive Psychotherapy (PPT), the first results of the effectiveness study will be discussed in this paper. an assessment of alterations in symptoms, as well as changes in the way subjects feel and behave, which occurred in the period of time between the beginning and after the end of therapy will be presented here. In a longitudinal study, patients treated with PPT showed a distinct reduction of symptoms as well as improvement with regard to the way the subjects experience and behave compared to the control group, where no significant changes were observed. an additional cross-section comparison between the post-measures of the prospective assessment of PPT patients and retrospective assessments of PPT patients was carried out. No significant differences between the assessments made directly after finishing PPT and the assessments made within three different time spans after finishing PPT (a) 3-10 months; b) 10 months-4 years; c) 4-5 years) were found. This finding is viewed as an indication of the lasting stability of the therapeutic effects of PPT, which can still be detected up to five years after finishing PPT.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate Type A behavior as well as perceived work situation, and associations with burnout and work engagement. The associations in focus were investigated through hierarchical regressions in a sample (N= 329) of Swedish Information Communication Technology consultants. The findings indicated that both work situation and Type A behavior was correlated with work engagement and burnout; however, no interactions between Type A behavior and work situation were elicited. The main conclusion was that the achievement striving aspect of Type A behavior appears as "non-toxic" and is related only to work engagement. However, the irritability/impatience aspect appears to be responsible for burnout complaints among Type A individuals, possibly through negative effects of the mood itself than through perceived stress at work.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to empirically test the suggestion that experiential avoidance in an emotion regulation context is best understood as an emotion regulatory function of topographically distinct strategies. To do this we examined whether a measure of experiential avoidance could statistically account for the effects of emotion regulation strategies intervening at different points of the emotion-generative process as conceptualized by Gross' (1998) process model of emotion regulation. The strategies under examination were behavioral avoidance, cognitive reappraisal, and response suppression. The specific hypotheses to be tested were (1) that behavioral avoidance, cognitive reappraisal, and response suppression would statistically mediate the differences in measures of psychological well-being between a clinical and nonclinical sample, but that (2) these indirect effects would be reduced to nonsignificant levels when controlling for differences in experiential avoidance. The results provide clear support for the first hypothesis with regard to all the studied strategies. In contrast to the second hypothesis, the results showed the predicted outcome pattern only for the response-focused strategy “response suppression” and not for cognitive reappraisal or behavioral avoidance. The results are interpreted and discussed in relation to theories on experiential avoidance and emotion regulation.  相似文献   

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